#damon werth x pregnant reader
iguana-eyanna · 10 months
NCIS: Damon Pt. 1
So I've been watching NCIS since summer and fell in love with a lot of supporting characters. Here are some blurbs I had in mind. <3
Damon Werth:
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"Damon needs you, more than ever." Gibbs said as you stared at Damon through the one-way mirror glass.
"Special Agent Gibbs, I'm not sure. We broke up before his deployment." You said, tugging your cardigan closer.
You and Damon were high school sweethearts. He had dreams of serving his country, but his immune system got in the way of being medically cleared. In just an instant, he became one of the strongest and fastest soldiers in his unit. You couldn't believe how he progressed through training, but you kept it to yourself.
Things didn't go as planned the month before he deployed. He decided to break things off between both of you. You didn't understand, since both of you were thinking of marriage. Even if it wasn't easy, you had to move on for the sake of your unborn baby.
You found out just days after the breakup and Damon was already deployed. Up till now, two injured NCIS agents came to your doorstep asking you about your ex and that's how you ended up here.
"I never seen him so afraid." You whispered. Damon could only be described as a deranged beast, frightened of his surroundings as he tried to break free from his restraints.
"Somebody drugged him with enhancements. We're trying to figure out who did it." Gibbs said.
Your hand landed on your growing bump, feeling protective.
"You're the only one who can get through to him. You were listed as his emergency contact for a reason. If anything happens, I'll be outside the door in an instant." Gibbs reassured you.
You look at the agent and back to Damon, determined to get the love of your life back.
"I'm ready."
You were escorted out then arrived at the door where Damon was in. Your heart felt like it was going to leap out of your chest, but you nodded to Special Agent Gibbs to open the door.
Once he did, Damon's head whipped towards who came in and saw you. He didn't say anything, but his eyes explained it all. Gibbs closed the door gently behind you and you slowly made your way to sit down.
You tried to formulate words, but they couldn't come out.
"Please tell me you're real."
"Wh-What?" You replied.
Damon gulped as he felt his throat dry, but he continued.
"Tell me that you're actually here, and I'm not hallucinating."
You thought for a moment, and you looked up at him.
"When you finally got enlisted, you wanted to take me out to this fancy restaurant. After that, we strolled through the park and you bought me a yellow rose from a stand. Then you said..."
"... I'd buy all the flowers in the world if it meant to see you smile again."
Damon's voice became soft and saw how his muscles relaxed. You raised your hand on the table, trying to reach him but he flinched back.
"I don't - I don't want to hurt you." He said, his voice straining.
"You won’t, Damon."
He scoffs as he sits back.
"Really? Who do you think hurt those agents that brought you in?"
You pause, but you held your ground.
"You were scared, you didn't know what was real and what wasn't."
"Don't make excuses for me, I hurt people. It's not safe for you or your baby to be here."
You could feel your eyes water as he also looked like he was close to tears.
"Damon, it's our baby."
He was speechless. All this time, he thought you already found someone and made a family together.
"How long have you've -"
"6 months. I found out after we broke up."
And that's when his shoulders began to violently shake. He began to sob and tried to face away from you, ashamed.
"I should have- stayed. I should have never - left you." He hiccuped, as his eyes began to grow red.
You got up from your seat and stood by Damon, enveloping your arms around him. He sank into your embrace as his sobs began to grow louder. You silently cried as well, as you held him closer, missing his touch.
"Dammy, they're trying to help you. You need to tell them who did this to you."
"I-I can't. It's complicated."
You let go, feeling a burning sensation in your chest.
"Damon, that agent told me you could overdose! You would rather die than live long enough to see your daughter born?"
His eyes soften as more tears threaten to pour down his face.
A daughter... he always wanted a girl.
He wanted to tell you the truth so bad. But if he admitted that he'd administered the enhancements to himself, he would have been dishonorably discharged. He fought so hard for his future in the Marines, that's all he ever wanted to be: a soldier.
But all he could do was look up at you with saddened eyes.
"I'm sorry." Damon whispered.
You stood still as your tears felt like they were burning.
"You're not the man I fell in love with, Damon. I hope this is worth it." You said, storming off as you opened the door. He called your name, then began to yell after the door was closed. He tried breaking off his restraints but there was no use. You close your eyes as you lean behind the door, sobbing. Agent Gibbs was there in front of you with sympathetic eyes and you hugged him, needing some comfort that you hadn't had in a long time.
Damon could hear your sobs outside the door, only wanting to hold you in his arms and place a loving hand on your bump where your little girl was safe.
But he knew he had to keep this secret to protect you two.
Even if it would kill him.
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iguana-eyanna · 4 months
NCIS: Damon Pt. 2
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It's been two weeks since he's been in the hospital. He still couldn't fathom that he wasn't in the Navy anymore, and it hurt a part of him that couldn't be healed.
But what hurt most was that he may have lost you again.
Damon's been thinking a lot since he saw you. He wished he wouldn't have broken things off with you in the first place. He loved you with every bone in his body, but he was too scared to bring you into his messy life. But the damage was already done, and he regretted not being there for you and his baby girl.
So when Gibbs came to his hospital room and gave him a medal and a slip of paper that had your new address, he took it as a sign to make things right.
With the spare change he had, he took a cab and arrived at your doorstep in a small apartment. Damon took a breath and hesitated to knock at your door. And he stood there for what felt like a millennium until he heard his name.
He turned around and saw you holding bags of groceries, looking beautiful as ever. He saw how your bump grew bigger the last time he saw you, and how tensed you must have been standing there.
"Could I help you with your bags?" Damon asked.
He could have said something along the lines of "I still love you" or "I'll be a better man and father for your baby" but he needed to earn your respect first.
"Y-yeah." You said with a bit of hesitance.
He came down the steps to help you as you unlocked the door. Inside, he found more spacious than it was outside. You had a big living room that connected to your kitchen and had a great view of the city. He placed the groceries on your counter as started to place the food in the fridge.
"You um - have a nice place." Damon said.
"Thanks, I saw it in an ad and thought moving closer to my job was the best decision. I got promoted and my hours changed."
"Congrats! That's... amazing." He said, taking a seat by the counter.
You paused where you stood in front of your fridge and turned toward him.
"I heard what happened about your discharged, I'm sorry." You said.
"No, don't be. This- this was my fault. All I wanted was to serve and I lost sight of what mattered most."
You nod in a small manner, using your hands to lean by the marbled countertop.
"What matters the most to you now?"
He hesitates and he looks up to you with teary eyes.
"Trying to be a better man for you."
Your heart began to ache. One part of you just wanted to envelop your arms around him like before, wanting to take back the words you said to him the last time you saw each other. But the other was hurting too much, always feeling you were second place in his life.
You walked ever so carefully to him, placing one hand on top of his.
"I know you're trying to make amends Damon, but I don't think we can be what we were, just not yet."
He nodded his head, understanding that the way you two left things had left scars that hadn't healed. But you held his hand firmer to break out from his thoughts.
"But I do want you here, in our baby's life. She has the right to know who her father is, if you're ready."
A flicker of hope shone through his eyes and gave you a smile that he hadn't seen in a while.
"I'll be here any time you need me."
Since then, Damon has chosen to live near a motel. He wanted to give you space but still guaranteed to be by your side through the end of your pregnancy. He helped you buy some clothes for the baby as well as help you with the nursery. It was your favorite day to be with him as you started to fool around with the paint, purposely painting each other's clothes.
You haven't laughed in a while, and it felt like your heart was being repaired, piece by piece. You offered Damon to stay the night and he looked a bit reluctant, but he knew you wouldn't take no for an answer. So, he slept on the couch that night.
Since your pregnancy, you haven't had a peaceful sleep. So when you heard noises from the living room, you had to investigate.
Your feet slowly padded your hallway and you walked through the dark room.
You saw him tossing and turning, murmuring. Slowly, you go up to him, softly shaking his shoulder.
"Damon, wake up."
Suddenly, he abruptly wakes up with a cold sweat. He looks at you with wild eyes, like the ones you saw when he was in the interrogation room.
You reach out to touch his face, but he flinches away, his jaw clenched. But you stood your ground.
"Look at me. Please." You begged, whispering.
He hesitantly looks up, fearful. His body screamed at him to run away, to not hurt you, but his heart stood its place, knowing he would never do something like that.
All you could see was his eyes softening, then became glossy as a tear fell.
He began to sob, and he landed his face in your chest. It caught you by surprise, but you held him closely to you, trying to calm him down by combing his hair that was growing and kissed his forehead. You two both stayed in that position until you brought him to your room where you both sat at the end of your bed as you listened to him attentively.
He talked about saving his friends lives in the line of duty, yet feeling like a failure to himself and his country.
"I couldn't recognize myself, I thought I became this monster. All my life, I was too weak to do anything. I almost didn't qualify to serve due to my health records. That's why I started taking enhancements."
Your mouth rounded in a small 'o' as you never new that part of his life before the army.
You intertwine your hands in his and look at his eyes that faced so many wars.
"You fought so much in your life, Damon. I know it seems like you given up but you didn't. You saved so many lives. I know I can't give you much-"
Damon whips his head towards you, hurt.
"What do you mean? You given me the world." His hand softly goes to your growing belly and looks at you with those loving eyes that you once remembered.
You held on to each other, feeling his heart beat slow down as you two laid back in your mattress where you two fell asleep.
When you woke up, you see him snuggled by your belly as you comb his hair that grew much longer through your fingers. He smiles then flutters his eyes open, adoring you again with his gaze.
Both of you know the risks of dating each other again, as no one wanted to break the other's heart.
But you had to at least try. Cause Damon would be damned if he repeated the same mistakes again.
He could promise you that, but for the time being... He was happy where he was now, entangled in bed with the woman who had his whole heart and more.
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