#dan miller absolutely KILLED it on guitar
become-a-robot · 2 years
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Felt like sharing my Gloria Felt costume I wore at the Leesburg show + the fact I had to put it in a carry on bag, so every time I reached in for something, I had a pair of stowaway eyes looking at me
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But yeah, more words about how mcFreakin good the tmbg show was now that I slightly alive. It was also my first TMBG show and my first time seeing live music in more than a year. More under the break, as this got exceptionally out of hand! I just have a lot of feelings about it! 
So the whole show was just bonkers good. Very very good. And fun!! Flans got his guitar stuck in his jacket, Danny did jumping jacks. I was standing right under they keyboard and i think John L tried to steal my soul with his large and spooky eyes. I also watched him try to like. . .eat the microphone. 
They opened with Let’s Get This Over With. The buddy that went with me hoped that would be the opener because it is just fun as hell to do.I’m not gonna do a full set list run down because uh. My memory is Bad. But some highlights were deffo ones the audience all knew- Mesopotamians, Shoehorn With Teeth (in which Marty played a clerk bell), New York City. The very rectangular venue was just filled with people singing and being happy together. The horn stuff happening throughout the night was just some top tier shit. Curt Ramm was astounding, quite frankly. The dude who did the trombone on Racist Friend was also there!! 
Quick note on Marty Beller: how are you a thing? How do drums work? All I know is that Marty hits things very well and is very in charge. There was a whole bit about doing a fade out for Hey, Mr DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal (which went on longer than the song, as Flans pointed out). And John L called it Mary Beller’s Law- no fade outs unless you discuss the fade out. 
Both Johns told bad jokes. Flans made fun of the shitty shitty WNY weather (it was snowing, in April. This is normal here.) and just how hype the crowd was for Dan Miller- a Rochester native. The strap for the contra alto was not on stage for a hot minute so John had to go find it and Flans told a very bad joke about pizza. A few songs later Flans has to mess with something and John was like “I’ll tell the same joke John did, what has 8 legs and kills it’s girlfriend?” And a thousand people were silent. And then pretty quiet but silent for the punchline- Squid Vicious.
The Quiet Storm stuff was Fantastic! I would absolutely go to a show that was just those kinds of arrangements. During that they played Older. The tickets were a birthday gift for my buddy so I was pretty please this was on the set list. At one point in the second set the PA just stopped and we had to take a minute collectively. But it was fixed fairly quickly!  They also did The Greatest- for the first time live!! 
They did play my very favorite song of theirs- Let Me Tell You About My Operation. I’m still very thrilled about that one.
Encores were great!! The Johns came out alone to do How Can I Sing Like a Girl (another personal favorite). And for second encore they did Birdhouse. Everyone lost their collective shit because John L specifically said that they weren’t gonna play that one. I lost my shit because Danny and I made eye contact and he smiled with his whole face- it warmed my already very toasty heart. For third encore They did Particle Man and my buddy punched me because that is one of his favorites. Part of it became Chandelier by Sia and that was just a joy, honestly. And then the second to last thing they did was introduce the band. Which maybe should have happened earlier but we all knew why we were there- because Dan Miller is from Rochester. They finished out with Dr. Worm if I remember the order of everything correctly.  But it is extremely possible that I have remembered nothing accurately. 
I tried to stick around after encores, I was able to chill a little, but I did not snag a set list. But the people next to me did! They told me they had been to 5 shows and Danny recognized them and chatted with them briefly! Honestly, Danny seems like such a sweet dude, even if he looks very angry when he isn’t smiling. I did end up getting a Flans pick! They were handing them out with the I Like Fun records, and boy howdy my inner hipster wanted a record very very badly. 
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