#i thought merch would be extremely marked up but it was just as much as it would have costed on the web store. so cool
become-a-robot · 2 years
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Felt like sharing my Gloria Felt costume I wore at the Leesburg show + the fact I had to put it in a carry on bag, so every time I reached in for something, I had a pair of stowaway eyes looking at me
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naughtygirl286 · 11 days
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So here it is all the Deadpool & Wolverine In Theater merch we picked up before going to see the movie as I mentioned in the preview post at the first of August which you can see here I picked up everything opening night and was hoping to see the movie and post everything before we left on vacation but sadly that didn't happen thanks to a situation we had to deal with before going away which kinda sucked. So we didn't get to see the movie until we were actually away. So…all this was left sitting on the kitchen counter for a month until we got home. There is alot of stuff so we are going to start with the cups I think being there is plenty of them.
here first is the standard cup its the usual plastic cup but this is one of the bigger ones its like 44oz which is like over a Liter. it has a split face image on one side is Wolverine and the other Deadpool and under neath is the movies title. on the back is Deadpool's sword locked into wolverines claws Also it is again one of those shiny super smooth cups that has that photo finish on it. They had a few different toppers including a more funny Deadpool one similar to what came with Deadpool two cup but I thought it would be better to get the wolverine one.
Next they had a couple of Premium cups one for Deadpool and one for Wolverine They are alike a hard molded plastic that feels kinda rubbery. The detail on them is extremely nice the Deadpool cup is textured to I believe simulate the texture of his suit.
As for the Wolverine one it is similar to the Deadpool one. It is also hard molded plastic and has that kinda rubbery feel to it. His texture is a bit different and is more of a textured spandexy feel to it which I think goes back to the line in the first X-Men movie where Cyclops mentions "Yellow spandex" These didn't have toppers being they are more like a "character cup" type of thing and they both have the name of their character on the back of the cup with the movies title. They don't have a size marked on the bottom of them but they are about the size of the usual regular cups we get which is about 320z (which is like 946ml or so?)
Next is what we have been calling "Drink Buddies" they they of course had one for both Deadpool and Wolverine we first seen cups like these at Scream 6 but these ones are different then that. They are a kinda soft plastic body and on the front they have like these like cut out textured rubbery pieces it gives them an almost 3D look to them These ones are about the same size as the Scream one. He is not really big he is like 6 and a half inches tall and 5 inches wide. it doesn’t say how much can fit in him. They have the movie title on the back of them and they both came with this floppy rubbery Silicone straw the two of them have different expression Wolverine has a serious scowl where Deadpool has more of a cheeky smirk Wolverine
Now as for buckets we did have a few choices The first one is the standard metal popcorn bucket. its just a smooth mettle bucket its not stamped or embossed. and much like the standard cup its split between the two characters with a split face image on one side is Wolverine and the other Deadpool with the movies title underneath. Now on the Wolverine side you have him pictured in a fight ready battle stance and on the Deadpool side you have him pictured being very flamboyant doing what looks like some type of Ballet move.
As for the premium buckets we didn't get the crazy "designed by Deadpool" bucket here we got 2 different ones first up was the Wolverine cowl bucket its a really cool recreation of the mask that he finally wears in the movie the detail is really good and the plastic is of course textured to recreate the texture of the suit in the movie.
and secondly we we got the popcorn bucket that looks like the character of "Headpool" the zombified flying head of the Deadpool Corps the detail on this bucket is kind of insane It comes with a stand you have to put him on and the jaw is of course moveable the torn mask of course is textured to recreate the texture of the suit. the ripped pieces that hang down are rubbery and ads to the craziness of this bucket.
so there you have it all the Deadpool & Wolverine In Theater merch we picked up.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
All is Fair in Dice and War
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***Soooo, @bagelsinatoaster I love this request. However, you didn't specify which board game and as I am a huge nerd I decided to take some creative liberties and combine this with another idea I've been meaning to write which is: MC introducing the demon bros to Dungeons and Dragons. I certainly had fun with this and I hope you like it!*** Summary: Leviathan's world is flipped upside down when MC tells him there is a game that basically allows him to be the Lord of Shadows in real life!! He demands that his brothers join him as MC introduces them all to the chaotic shit show that is Dungeons & Dragons. For once, it was a peaceful day in the House of Lamentation. Lucifer was lounging in the living room with a cursed record playing softly in the background. For once, Satan had willingly joined him and was sitting by the fireplace, thumbing through a book on the human world. Belphie had been passed out on the couch when he arrived and was still laying there with an impressive puddle of drool collecting near his mouth. Even Asmodeus and Beel had joined in, with Asmodeus gently humming to himself as he painted his nails and Beelzebub happily munching on a snack as he enjoyed the sight of his family getting along. Yes. It was perfectly quiet and peaceful, and Lucifer didn't even have any traces of his regular migraine. But of course, nothing good lasts forever. Everyone jumped as the door slammed open and a wide-eyed Leviathan dragged you into the room. The two you very closely followed by Mammon loudly complaining. "Oi! You're gonna hurt them! Cut it out, Levi!" Lucifer sighed and closed his eyes, momentarily mourning the peace that he had just barely begun to enjoy, and closed his book. "Leviathan, let MC go. What are you freaking out about this time?" Lucifer regretted asking the moment the words left his mouth. Levi looked at it with the expression he only ever got when his limited edition Ruri-Chan merch arrived; his eyes were wide and glittering with excitement while his face bore a grin so large that Lucifer was surprised it didn't rip his skin. The third-born was practically vibrating as he let go of your wrist and pushed you forward. "Tell them! Tell them about the game!"
You laughed at Levi's excitement and casually rubbed your wrist. "I was just telling Leviathan about a game that we play in the human world called Dungeons and Dragons-" "You get to make a fantasy world that everyone plays in, and everyone makes characters. You can be a wizard and cast spells against a huge monster! Or a war hero fighter that has been betrayed by his brother! Or a noble knight who is looking for his lost kingdom! And the best part is that it's real!" Levi interrupted, nearly jumping in place as stars danced in his eyes. You put your hands out towards him to try and calm him a bit. "Well, not entirely real. It is played in person, but it's a role play tabletop game, meaning it mostly relies on the players' imagination. That is unless you have thousands of dollars to spend on 3D maps and figurines of your characters." Levi's eyes grew even wider, if possible, as he started shaking his hands up and down. "I CAN HAVE A FIGURINE OF A CHARACTER THAT I MADE?! GAAAAAAAAAHH!" A pillow flew across the room and hit Levi square in the face as a now awake Belphegor glared at him. "Will. You. Shut. Up?" the Avatar of Sloth hissed as a dark dangerous aura grew around him. Beel gently patted his twin's head in hopes of calming him. Leviathan pouted as he noticed no one else seemed to be getting excited about it. "C-Come on guys! This isn't even a video game! It's a thing that we can all do together and personalize it to be something that everyone will like. It'll be fun! Right MC?" You nodded as you gently tossed Belphie's pillow back over to him. "Yeah. I love D&D. I played it all the time in the human world. There's action, suspense, and even romance if you really wanted it," a couple of the brothers perked up at that. "I could put together a one-shot for you guys to try it out if you'd like? I'll help you make your characters, and we can all get together for an evening and play it sometime in a couple weeks." The room went quiet as everyone thought it over. Most of them had no interest in the game itself, but if it was organized by you... "I'm in," Beel decided with a nod. "I think it will be fun. All of us trying something new; it could be neat." Satan casually flipped a page in his book, "The creative aspect of it is definitely appealing. We'd be the masters of our own fate, and that most certainly piques my interest." Asmodeus smirked as he put the cap on his nail polish. "And you said it could be whatever we want? My, one might say that this game could help our wildest fantasies come true~" he made sure to wink at you as he giggled. Belphie, who had only just got back his pillow, scrunched up his face in disgust and launched it at Asmo. "Don't make this weird Asmo," he looked over at you and shrugged, "So long as you do all the work in putting together the character thing, sure. Why not?" Mammon looked over at you from the corner of his eye. "Ya mean to tell me, that you can make it so I'm some awesome, rich, and powerful prince?" Asmo scoffed as he pushed the pillow off his lap. "Please Mammon, even the world of make-believe has its limitations." Mammon blushed as he growled at his brother. You just chuckled and teasingly elbowed his side. "Don't listen to him, Mammon. There is a set amount of how much money you start out with depending on your class and background, but I'm sure we can find something that will make you happy." The second-born blushed even more as he grumbled quietly under his breath. Lucifer tilted his head in thought. "I suppose that if everyone else is playing, naturally I must as well," he stood and began to make his way to his office. "I look forward to seeing what you come up with MC." The next two weeks were spent planning and carefully figuring out the details of the one-shot and the characters that everyone was going to play. Levi was, of course, the first one who came to you to build his character. The two of you spent hours going through the Player's Handbook and sourcebooks to find the perfect build to recreate the Lord of Shadows. In the end, you put
together a human fighter that you gave a couple magic items to make Levi's vision really come to life. It seemed basic, but for the Lord of Shadows, it was perfect. The moment the two of you finished, Levi dove to his computer and ordered a custom-made mini that looked exactly like his character. Satan was genuinely interested in the game, especially after he learned about all the lore and rules behind the different classes and races. You had just been chilling in your room one day when the door burst open. Satan stood there with wide eyes holding a copy of Volo's Guide to Monsters. "MC, why didn't you tell me there are cat people?!" You chuckled, knowing exactly where this was going. "They're called tabaxi, but yeah, they're basically cat people. Would you like to play as one?" He scoffed and snapped the book shut. "Is that even a question? Of course, I'm playing as one." After some discussion and bouncing back and forth between classes a couple of times, Satan settled on a tabaxi druid; that way he not only looked like a cat, but he could speak to them as well. After a few days of you spending time with his brothers focusing on getting their characters ready, Mammon came to you wanting the coolest, most epic character ever. At first, it was clear that he wasn't fully invested in the process, but as he saw the customizable options and all the cool stuff that his character could have, you got his attention. You ended up designing a golden teifling rogue (you tried to tell Mammon that teifling usually wasn't yellow, but he gave you such a sad look that you couldn't say no) that was decked out with piercings and gems all over its horns and tail. He tried to act like he wasn't that excited about it, but one day during class you caught him doodling what looked like a stick figure version of the character on his sheet with a big smile on his face. Asmodeus came in shortly after Mammon finished,
insisting on having the most charming and beautiful character there was. You tapped your chin at the request. "I mean, stereotypically bards are extremely charming and...well seductive...almost too seductive. But that's only thei-" Asmo had hearts in his eyes before you could even finish. "That's what I want to be!" You sighed and made a mental note not to include any dragons in the session as you marked Asmo down to be an elven bard and helped him create his character sheet. You hadn't heard anything from Lucifer for nearly that entire first week, until one day as you were lounging in the living room, he walked in holding a stack of resource books. "Ah, MC. I've been looking for you. I wanted to inform you that I will be playing a half-elf multiclassing as a paladin and hex-blade warlock." You blinked at him as he put all the books down in front of you. "O-Oh. Would you like help putting together your character sheet?" He just grinned and began to make his way out of the room once more. "I've already done it. I must admit that this was quite a bit more interesting than I thought it would be," and with that he was gone, leaving you to try and figure out what had just happened. With only a few days left until the one-shot, you had to go find the twins and get them to make their characters. Beel apologized like crazy for you having to track him in down in order to get his character made. The poor guy was in the middle of peak Fangol season and had completely forgotten. Once the two of you sat down in the kitchen with an empty character sheet in one hand and snacks in the other, Beel gave you his full attention. He put a lot of thought in his character and wanted to make it really good since he appreciated that you were doing something that they could all do as a family. He bashfully decided to play a halfling. Not only did the little creatures share his love for food, but he thought it would be neat to try being small for once. His class was also a surprise. After carefully flipping through all of the class options, he had eventually settled on a cleric. "They're the healers, right? This way I can help the others if someone gets hurt." You gave him a huge hug then and there. Belphegore, on the other hand, was not so easy to work with. "Belphie, come on. Just flip through the book and choose something!" He groaned into his pillow and rolled onto his side to glare at you. "I told you I would play if you did all the work for me. Me flipping through a book is work. It's not happening." After an entire hour of trying to get him to cooperate, you gave up. In retaliation you made his character a goblin barbarian, just to drive in the fact of how much of a brat he was acting like.
Finally, the day came for you all to play the one-shot, and much like you expected, it was complete and utter chaos. You had tried to maintain some structure and keep everyone on track, but it was hopeless. Levi and Satan were taking the game seriously and, Diavolo bless them, were the only reason their party was making any progress. Mammon was trying to pick-pocket every non-player character that they met while Asmo distracted them by flirting. This worked great for them until Mammon got caught and would've died from the resulting injuries if it wasn't for Beel. Speaking of Beel, the poor fella was trying his best to do well in the game but kept getting confused by all the rules and different stats and modifiers. Belphegor spent most of his time, trying to explain it to his twin, but in the end, Beel accidentally ate his dice and Belphie passed out on his shoulder. And then there was Lucifer. He had been mostly quiet the entire game. Surprisingly, he let Levi and Satan take the charge in any investigations and puzzle-based interactions, but he did so with a smirk. You had a funny feeling in your stomach that he was up to something, and you were right. It was the final boss. Satan and Levi were on the edge of their seats, having worked so hard to get the party to this point. You smiled, knowing that one of the best parts of D&D was finally taking down the big bad. In this case, you had prepared a beholder for them to fight. It would be no easy task. The fight should have required them to work together in an epic battle of wits, magic and melee attacks. Only, when everyone rolled initiative, Lucifer went first. The eldest smiled as his eyes sparked menacingly. "For my bonus action, I'd like to use my hex blade's curse on it, which allows me to add my plus four proficiency bonus to all damage, and makes any rolls of nineteen or twenty critical hits. I will then use my long sword with divine smite at third level to attack him and attack him again using my extra attack," barely giving you time to process what he said, Lucifer rolled his dice twice. "And that would be a nineteen and a natural twenty, meaning they're both criticals due to the curse. That should hit, yes?" "Wha-" You could only watch as Lucifer, now with twice the amount of damage due to his critical rolls pulled out a disgusting number of dice and rolled them all. And of course, with his luck, they all rolled high. "So that's 90 points of damage plus the extra damage from the curse and the bonus from my duelist ability per attack, brings this 102 points," he smugly perched his chin on top of his hands as the table gaped at him. You gulped and looked down at the beholder's character sheet, "Y-You just took o-over half of his hit points in one round..." His grin widened at the information, "What, like it's hard?" You never got the chance to finish the game, as Satan burst into his demon form and pounced on Lucifer, the eldest laughing like a mad man, while Levi tore up his character sheet in a fit of jealous rage. Levi never asked to play with everyone again after that. ***This was just so self-indulgent and I just- I loved it. It combined two of my favourite things and I have never been happier. This was more crack than fluff, but either way, it was fun and I hope you nerds out there enjoyed it 🥰 Thanks again for the request @bagelsinatoaster!*** Taglist: @mimik248 @roseytoesy @ester-is-here
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zhaleys · 2 years
ACME Wildfire Tour (Constellations pt. 1) live show report
Hey guys, I was lucky enough to see Acme again after 2 years at their Constellations showcase in LA so I wanted to do a little report about it since it feels like forever since I went to a jrock concert TT A TT. It was a great time and I got a lot of cool stuff, so keep reading under the cut if you want to know more~
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I was supposed to go with a few friends to this live but most of them ended up cancelling a few weeks before so I went alone. I was a little bit worried but I have traveled to that area on my own before so I knew how to get around. I arrived in Union at 5am the day of the show ;;;;;A;;;;;. I barely got any sleep but luckily was able to nap after checking into my room for the weekend. I woke up and grabbed some food/snack/shopped in Little Tokyo (Chinchikurin is so good btw I really recommend it!)
I had never been to the venue before and looking at the pictures from Maps I was a little weirded out since it looks like some warehouse in the middle of Skid Row. Once I was close I saw the line and instantly knew where to go. I walked right into the VIP line by pure chance! but then realized I had to check in at the front so they could mark my name from VIP list. It seems it was just the right time since everyone else decided to come afterwards and the lines kept stretching around the block.
After half an hour or so they started letting VIP line go in EXTREMELY FAST?! Yeah, they barely even checked our bags which was suspicious but I guess they just didn’t want to waste time or they would be behind schedule? Since it was a lineup of artists & not just ACME, there was multiple VIP lines for the other fans and the ACME line was a little confusing to get into, but i made it in by asking some people around. I keep forgetting just how TINY they look in person. They had the black suits with the crystals and glitter all over and I immediately spotted Chisa wearing red heels (you can peep in the picture). The line was not as big since I realized later most people came for Demondice (which I had no idea who they were until that night).
The photo op went by pretty quick and when it was my turn I said thank you for coming in japanese and they responded to me in english “Hiiii“ and “Thank you” It’s cute to see that theyre practicing their English for NA fans. I wish I could’ve talked to them more, but they were already signaling me to pose and I got my pictures taken. I didn’t know I could ask for individual photos until other people went after me and they got solos with Chisa, Hal etc. I was so shook LOL, but I didn’t want to make demands if I didn’t think they would be comfortable with it (that’s also why i kept my mask on too). At the other show I saw them at I also saw people getting solos but I thought that was part of their VIP pack or that it was mentioned to them. I might try that next time xDD. I also feel a little sad since I wanted to give Chisa a drawing but wasn’t able to complete it before the concert ;; so I think I will probably send it to him on twitter later. (follow here if you’d like) This is now the second time I miss out on that LOL.
During VIP line I also talked to some people and made a few friends just geeking about them. Regretting not getting their info later TT A TT. Christina and Oscar if you’re looking at this let me know! We were wondering when we would get our VIP gift as well since we waited at merch line after getting out photos. I decided to ditch it after a while so I could get to the front of the stage before GA got let in. It was a good call since the show started not much later. The first performer was Shihori which I barely knew but I vibed to their songs. There was mic issues at the start of most sets, but the crowd was still hyping them up until everything was fine.
Next came ACME’s set and I was already super pumped and little warmed up from the last set. I could tell after a few songs that most of the crowd wasn’t their fans, but a good chunk of us were towards the front and kamite end because you could see the synchronized headbangs and furi. I’m still trying to find the set list for their show since I forget the order of most songs but the ones that were most memorable were Houkago no Shiiku, Enchanted, Zesshououka, and the final song with Shihori as special guest. I even brought my fan so I could furi to Zesshououka while most people just used their hands. I caught Chisa smiling during that one since we were doing everything in sync. It’s honestly one of the most fun songs to hear live. I took a few short videos and photos but for most of the night I barely reached for my phone since I wanted to enjoy the show. I don’t know if I was enjoying myself too much but it felt like such a short set and the fact that there was 5 other people still left to perform meant that they each got less than an hour probably.
At any rate I still stayed at the front of the stage until the end of Teddyloid’s set since he was the only other artist that I knew from the line up (and he was #5 on the lineup TT A TT) He played Fly Away and Anarchy which were the most fun for me, but still wished he had done the theme for Scanty and Kneesocks ;’(. Either way, after his set I was feeling way too dehydated so I abandoned my spot and got water from the bar then also picked up my VIP signed poster and magnet at the merch table. It suddenly felt like it got way more crowded after Demondice came out because I was being pressed against the bar and my head was ringing super loud even with ear plugs on. The whole day had caught up to me by then. I just heard the Demondice set from the back since I was too short to catch a glimpse of anything. After she was done people just LEFT the venue within two minutes. At least 1/4 of the crowd stayed after since there was a  closing DJ and/or they wanted to buy merch. I caught one of my other VIP line buddies Candace and talked a bit before finally getting some rides back. It all ended around 2am like we had imagined. I kept looking at my photos with ACME on the way back like an idiot hehe. Luckily I got more sleep that night but the headache didn’t go away until almost 2 days later.
Overall had an amazing time and I was glad that I got to be in the front row for them for a second time. Hopefully this will bring in some new fans for them in the future since I want to keep catching their NA tours whenever I can. I still think about how I missed the one in 2021 but alas. I’m a little more prepared now x). I will try to come back and update this with the set list if I can find it anywhere.
Thank you ACME!
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emeraldstarlight · 3 years
some thoughts on the horse movie
-Evil Rarity my beloved!!!
-Would die for Sunny Starscout
-Very cute very sweet good animation good characters I liked it
-Good songs!! I'll never get any of them out of my head
-Sunny and Izzy are extremely gay for each other right, like we all agree that the scene in the lighthouse with them was Sunny's gay awakening. They're girlfriends, love that for them
-I adore all the characters, they're all great in their own way and I can't wait to get to know them more in the series!!
-"Phyllis" just call her Cloverleaf why the human names
-HOW did the ponies get so racist over time, I hope the series expands on what happened in between Twilight's rule because someone messed up bad.
-Aren't cutie marks...magic? If magic is gone shouldn't everyone be blank flanks. It's a nitpick but yeah
-Do not like how the animals/pets look. Who is responsible for overbreeding dogs and rabbits until they turned into...that...I just wanna talk
-The only thing I dislike about the new pony designs is that the cutie marks are so tiny and barely noticeable, and also only on one side for some reason
-When are we getting Sprout bobbleheads, that's the only merch I really want, come on hasbro
-CUTE MOVIE cannot stress this enough
-Magnet hooves are good actually
-Why don't the ponies remember the past? That's a lot of history just gone. Was the racism/brainwashing and fascism powerful enough to effect everyone that much or were some magical shenanigans involved
-What happened to kirins/changelings/dragons/griffins etc. where are they. What happened to the crystal empire. Where is Discord. I KNOW it's a new gen and wants to be accessible to a new audience but....the whole point of the last couple seasons of fim, all the hard work the mane 6 did, it was all for nothing? Again I LIKED the movie and the series might address this and it doesn't ruin it for me. But I still hope there's some explanation
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psychewithwings · 4 years
Pregnant s/o hcs: Mirio, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Tamaki
SFW, just super fluffy 
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If you don’t think this man is tearing up when you tell him... uhhh you’d be wrong
He is crying over you and so happy, will kneel and just kiss your tummy 
And when you’re in bed that night going to sleep, every few minutes he will nuzzle in closer and whisper, “hey guess what? We’re gonna have a baby” 
Anytime he says he loves you now he says it to your tummy too 
“I love you Y/n, I love that you are mine and I love that you’re going to be the mother of my child” *bends down* “And I love you too baby” 
He will have a really hard time waiting until the second trimester to tell anyone but once he is able, everyone will know, and he’s going to have a party in your honor. 
He will treat you like a queen, back rubs and foot rubs...
I feel like when you first tell him you’re pregnant he will come home a few days later with a box... when you open it, it’s a maternity dress, and its actually really pretty, with lace and silk, and nice and stretchy... 
“I know you don’t need it now, but I saw it when I was out and thought it would look perfect on you...”
He will compliment you every second of every day, will trace your stretch marks and tell you they make you beautiful because it’s all part of you becoming a mother, it’s a natural tattoo, a reminder of how you’re growing a life inside you
He will want to throw a gender reveal party 
And no, it can’t be as simple as balloons popping out of a box, he’s gotta have something extravagant to celebrate like fireworks, monster trucks, or a paid actor dressed as a baby
You’re having his baby! This is a pinnacle moment in his life and he is not about to have some basic ass party
Mirio is definitely the kind of guy who thinks you can’t have sex because it could hurt the baby, you will have to make a very embarrassing call to your doctor about that... 
He is looking forward to owning dad sandals (who are we kidding he prolly already does)
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This man will shit himself, make sure he is sitting down
“Bakugo... I’m pregnant”
“I’m having a baby! You’re gonna be a dad”
He’s really happy and excited, he has no doubt you’ll be an amazing mom but he’s kinda worried about him being a dad... 
Am I fit to raise a kid? Will I be a good dad?
He will probably start working more and almost go on over drive... He will start coming home later, picking up earlier shifts... And when you ask him, “Katsuki, are you not happy about the baby?”  He will kinda break down and tell you “No of course I’m fucking happy about the baby, I just want the world to be safe for our kid... and I only have 8 months till then and-” He drops to his knees in front of you and he’s tearing up. You’ll get onto your knees too and just hug him, “Katsuki, you can’t fix the world before we have our baby,” you’ll look at him lovingly as he realizes how absurd he was being. “But we can prepare to be the best parents we can be...” “Prepare? We’re already gonna be the best parents.”
Okay, Bakugo hypes up the baby too, like...
“Katsuki, come here! The baby is kicking!” *he puts his hand on your tummy* “Baby’s so strong, just like us,” *grabs you and kisses you* “I knew we made a fucking perfect kid”
He will try kill anyone who oversteps the boundary with the bump (like touching the bump without asking)
“OI EXTRA, you wanna take your fucking hands off my woman and my kid or do  I have to do that for you...” 
Bakugo would be very unnecessarily competitive in birthing class
Will wake you up in the middle of the night at least once, he’s just laying on his back staring wide eyed at the ceiling... “What if I explode the baby?”
You’ll roll over and look at him annoyed, “you won't explode the baby,” 
He will settle again once you give him cuddles 
You cannot tell me that he would not be your biggest cheerleader when you’re actually giving birth, “PUSH, FUCKING PUSH DUMB ASS!” 
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This man freaks out for a sec... cuz daddy issues. But he has a strong resolve so he will come out of it quickly and decide how to 
“Shoto, you aren’t anything like Endeavor, you’re going to be an amazing dad”
He will be extremely happy, but his excitement will be softer
Everyday after you tell him he says you’re glowing
He will want to cook you special things because it’s healthy for the baby, or so his mother told him
Speaking of his mother, she taught him how to knit when he went to visit her in the hospital so you’ll find him knitting little hats and bootie and jackets for the baby
He will nest just as much, if not more than you do
You’ll find him awake at 3AM trying to put together some bullshit ikea thing for the baby with the tiny allen wrench they give you for free. “Shoto, come back to bed... we can do that in the morning” “But the baby needs somewhere to sleep,” “Yes, and I’m not due for another two months”
Shoto is already so soft but I think he would be softer
Like when you fall asleep on the couch, he gets home and just cuddles up to you and asks your bump how it’s day was. He will talk to the bump until you wake up and then he just pepper your face with kisses.  
He is the only one of all these men who doesn’t shit himself and die when watching the birthing tape. I think he would be calm and say something like “a woman’s body is made to carry and deliver a child, there’s nothing to be frightened of.”
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When you tell him, he’s gonna cry
He will want to call his mom right away  
Midoriya is the kinda guy to have a box of his things from when he was a kid stored away to give to his child (it’s all All Might merch but, ya know)
He definitely panics and worries if he is going to be a good father but he takes all that anxiety and just turns it into energy to care for you with
He is already signing you up for birthing classes 
This man would take you to all your doctors visits, acupuncture appointments, prenatal massages, and even a strange healing session done in the back room of a health good shop (don’t worry, he checked google reviews, 346 people, and 5 stars) (You weren't sure about it at first, but you felt very at peace afterwards, def worth the 5 star review)
He just really wants you to be happy and healthy
It would be understatement to say he treats you like a queen... he treats you like a goddess, and he tells you everyday how grateful he is that you’re his love and giving him a baby. Especially when you feel insecure about how your body is changing
He will want to make the nursery Hero themed... with an All Might wall decal... you’ll eventually opt for something a little less... exuberant like jungle animals or something. But the compromise is the All Might mobil that spins and says “I am here” while playing twinkle twinkle little star.
He will read to the bump, and sing to it because he wants the baby to know his voice
Will make a ‘goodnight’ song with you for the baby to sing to it every night 
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Tenya is so excited and immediately starts thinking of things he needs to do for you and baby
The day after he will come home with a bag from the store full of prenatal vitamins and herbal teas that are safe to drink 
“My love! I have brought you Evening Primrose supplements, it’s supposed to help with your delivery.” 
I think he has name ideas picked out already and is very excited to show them to you. They are all related to the Iida family.
He would ask his brother for advice and would be so excited to tell him when it’s time. 
Don’t even worry about pregnancy brain. Iida’s got you, he will help you remember everything you need to know and he will be patient with your cloudy thoughts. 
Iida is so matter of fact tho, I can see it coming off as insensitive, especially when you’re dealing with mood swings.
“Darling, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you it’s just that those chips make your stomach hurt and I was only trying to-” “YOU JUST DONT WANT ME TO BE HAPPYYYY!!!!!!” “My darling, I want all the happiness in the world for you, you are the mother of my child, I- please don’t cry” 
He really loves you a lot and he will learn to be a little gentler with you during this phase of the pregnancy
Braxton hicks contractions (the little fake contractions you get during the third trimester, closer to the due date) will send him into panic mode. 
But he is also so organized that he is R E A D Y 
You clutch your stomach and inhale sharply and sit down, he’s already running to get the hospital bag and getting the keys for the car. 
(The hospital bag includes, diapers, baby clothes, blankets, stress balls for you to squeeze during contractions and a birth mix which includes mostly Baroque composers but theres a few taylor swift and harry styles songs because he thinks it would be cool if the baby was born to Adore You, because Iida adores you and that baby so much)
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He is terrified
But ultimately knowing that he has a child on the way actually does wonders for his confidence because he wants his child to have a good example and he doesn’t want the child to inherit his crippling shyness
He really is there for you and much like Shoto, shows it in a soft way
Tamaki is so food oriented already that he is especially considerate of your cravings and would probably try them, no matter how weird they are
Pregnancy makes you super hungry but thats okay because Tamaki is a brilliant cook
Tamaki is also very sensitive to the knowledge that it will change after the baby is born and that he has you all to himself for just a little while longer
He is going to take you on special weekend trips, like a sleepy beach town to just relax and eat good food
He will also take you on extra dates because he just wants to soak up your time together as a couple
He is very aware of how much work you’re doing constantly to carry his child and he will want to spoil you 
“Y-you’re just so beautiful, a-and you chose me, and now you’re carrying my child...I just... I love you so much and thank you for letting me be yours b-because you make me so happy.” 
He will freak out when he sees the birthing tape
“I-I am so sorry, I can’t believe I’ve put you through this... you’re- you-  This is all my fault...” *panic panic panic*
But when you’re actually in labour he is very supportive, he will just apologize while you’re screaming in agony and wish there was something else he could do other than bring you ice chips...
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zodiac-monkey · 3 years
HELLOOOOOO!!! ;;W;; some time ago i received a PRECIOUS TREASURE BOX from @furubazine!!!!!
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it’s PINK and has beautiful pictures on the cover inside of cute little riceball shapes!!!! 🍙🍙🍙🍙 it has a gentle, thankful feeling to look at, like looking into a window on all the seasons and the warm scenes of friendship and family--the words printed on simple, solid white feel so solemn and grateful all at once T--T i can’t stress enough that the presentation of this zine is GORGEOUS, everything is so carefully and beautifully packaged that i really feel like every item is a precious treasure that is looked after with loving care..!! \;;A;;/
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SADLY THERE WAS TAPE ON THIS PART OF THE BOX and even though i was trying to handle it very carefully i am terribly clumsy and bad with boxes and accidentally injured this poor box!!! ;;A;; I AM SORRY!!!!! I WILL APOLOGIZE TO THIS BOX!!!!!! I WILL APOLOGIZE TO THE WORLD!!!!!!! m(__  __)m
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look at this gorgeous collection of treasures!!! ;;w;; i feel like there should be sparkles flowing out as i open this, everything is so carefully and charmingly arranged and feels so cozy together!!! TwT
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they sent me this beautiful thank-you note with a tiny adorable furuba trio on it!!! the lettering is so gorgeous and fancyyyy!! \;;A;;/ thank YOU for letting me be a part of this incredibly special and heartfelt project!!! >////< i really really enjoyed working on it, everyone was so nice and relaxed and supportive of each other--it’s an absolute joy and honor!!!!! T////T
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THEY EVEN WROTE ME A LITTLE SPECIAL NOTE IN THEIR OWN HANDWRITING!!!!! \;;A;;/ IM CRYING WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS OMG???? they are the ones who are kind people!!!! T////T thank YOU so much for your hard work putting together so many beautiful treasure boxes for all of us!! ;;A;; they said nice things about my picture that’s sooo sweet im so happy they thought it was pretty!!!! >////<
also they even told me not to be embarrassed about what i love!!! /)/////(\ wahhhhh!!!! it even has a little heart too!! i suppose this is because i said something in the discord server about feeling embarrassed for drawing cross-dressing all the time ;;A;; this is so extremely thoughtful and considerate of them to remember!!!! thank you so much for such kindness please take all of these hearts too!!!! />/////</💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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the zine itself is gorgeous!! the cover art by lluluchwan feels so peaceful and warm--i love how the light falls on them through the sunlit flowers, so restful and bright, and tohru’s smile fills my heart with warmth and gratitude!! ;;w;;
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the merch comes in these precious little cherry blossom pouches and the postcards even come in a package with a window to see how beautiful they are!! it’s like a little sleeping bag just their size!! ;;w;;
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i LOVE this foil postcard by @magesup​ it’s SO gorgeous?? everyone crossing the bridge together with the blooming cherry blossoms is so precious, like everyone is moving together towards happiness!! ;;w;;
akito is leading the march and kyo and tohru at the back look so happy together, momiji’s energy is so precious (even if kisa seems a little shy or surprised by it), ayame being extra and hatori putting up with it as usual, shigure probably making some joke to kureno and kagura full of energy as usual, rin is leaning over the bridge away from the others--she and hiro look a little aloof about everyone’s commotion--but yuki looks so lively and engaged talking with haru, and even ritsu seems calm and at peace! (RITSUUUUU!!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY TO SEE RITCHAN HERE!!! \;;U;;/)
everyone is so beautiful and their personalities really shine!!! AND LOOK HOW THE BRIDGE IS SHINING GOLD!!!! i had no idea it would be like that, it’s so beautiful!!!! \TwT/
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OMG LOOK HOW THE FOIL PICTURE FRAMES SHINE!!!! \;;O;;/ i LOVE how this work by AmySunHee showcases so many of the characters and moments of the series, with tohru clasping her hands in front of them all like every one is precious to her!! the gold really makes it feel like each one is a treasure!! ;;O;;
BABY TOHRU WITH HER PARENTS MY HEART!!!! T---T EVEN THE LITTLE GRANDPA AT TOHRU’S ELBOW and even akito is close to tohru, she cares no matter what ;A; momiji looks so peaceful playing his violin, the little flowers!! kagura glomping kyo, his expression is CLASSIC, haru and rin together look picture perfect sitting back to back, and kisa and hiro match perfectly in their outfits!! hana and uo and the student council, the mabudachi trio and mine showing off ayame--even the yuki fanclub is there AND OMG THAT PHOTO OF KYO AND YUKI HATORI TOOK,, THEY JUST HAD TO FRAME THAT.. he even got their question marks in the photo sfhsgdhg AND RITSU IS THERE IM SO HAPPY in classic form i love the expression!! the ornate detailing on all the frames is gorgeous!!! T////T i love the exquisite patterns so carefully carved into them!!
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THE CHARMS HAVE LITTLE CAT RINGS HOW CUTE IS THAT?!!! >/////< each charm is like looking in on a little scene, i love them!! the kyo and yuki buttons by lulu are just gorgeously soft and precious, and i love the motion in the petals and leaves in the buttons by hackwolfin, i can feel the different moods and seasons in each one, from cheerful to melancholy ;;A;; AND kyo sleeping with tiny riceball and rat yuki on the enamel pin--AGAIN HOW CUTE IS THIS!!! T////T HOW CAN ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING BE SO PRECIOUS!!!! \;;A;;/
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EVERYTHING IS SO SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL IM CRYING???!!! the die-cut stickers by samairu are so gorgeously detailed and smooth, i love how close and cozy the characters look framed in the circle windows, and the rich colors really make me feel the bright spring day and deep autumn night!
the school defense force stickers by sleepy-crayonn are so expressive, i love how each character portrait shows their personalities matched with a season, and the hilarious mini reaction images?! XD the little festival stickers by dewream are sooo precious everyone is so soft and cute and tiny!!! >////< (TRUE TO HIS NATURE KYO CAUGHT A FISH) tohru is so happy and i love how gracefully yuki holds that fan!!
this postcard by @lumiiki​ is just SHEER JOY AND BRIGHTNESS everyone so happy together on a sunny day, the boys looking on contentedly at tohru with her arms full of flowers as she just radiates happiness!! i love the detail in her flowers and straw hat, the strong shading makes it feel like the sun is really really bright!! TuT
@vitaminpop​‘s art style is so ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS i treasure these tiny little furuba cards so much???? everyone is SO SOFT i love the light inner outlines and highlights around the edges, tohru here with a big smile and flowers for everyone, yuki with this sweet little smile so tenderly holding the fresh strawberries he put so much work into growing himself, covered in dirt still from tending them but radiating this soft joy from the care he’s poured in T---T kyo so casually eating his food his big unconcerned eyes are so precious, shigure just taking his hat off like he’s come in from the cold, his smile is so soft;;
im blessed with all of these treasures omg!!! \T////T/
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WAHHHH im so honored that my picture was put right next to the page for autumn?? \;;A;;/ thank you so much im sooo happy!! it looks so light and soft next to the soft leaves falling on the title page!! ;;/////;;
(of course looking at it in print im filled with thoughts like “maybe i should have left in more of the white border” and “i seem to have forgotten again that my monitor shows colors as more pink than they really are” BUT DONT WE ALL....)
THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN for letting me be a part of this project, it’s so absolutely beautiful and heartfelt and im so thrilled and honored that i could contribute!!! >/////< thank you soooo much!!!! \;;W;;/
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altr5312916195 · 4 years
Hi I wrote an article on Unus Annus for my school newspaper here's that:
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Team Unus Annus 10 minutes before the final stream. From left to right Mark Fishbach, editor Vincent Van, editor Amy Nelson, Ethan Nestor, editor Evan (no last name given) 
What if you only had one year? Would you use that time wisely, or would you overestimate your time? 
These are the ever looming questions posed by the Youtube channel, Unus Annus, or translated from Latin to English, One Remarkable Year. 
Mark Edward Fishbach, and Ethan Mark Darling-Nestor started the channel Unus Annus one year ago on November 15th, 2019. November, Friday the 13th, 2020, marks Unus Annus’s death. To celebrate the pair are having a long twelve hour livestream. From 12 pm to 12 am PST. In CST, Arlington’s time zone the stream will span from 2 pm to 2 am.
The pair created this self destructing channel to press the idea that time is limited, and death is inevitable. “We live our lives taking each second for granted.” “But what would you do if you knew how much time you had left?” Where the opening words of Unus Annus’s first video, posted at 12 am PST. This video set up the theme for  the year to come. Through the year Ethan, and Mark challenged themselves to go further beyond what they thought they could do. “We took each day on as a new adventure, an opportunity to learn, to grow, to step out of our comfort zones. Whether it was being pepper sprayed, or making breakfast with the unlikeliest of tools, this defined Unus Annus.” Ethan wrote in his letter to the channel. But by the end of the year it seemed to grow more cryptic, and emotional.
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Ethan and Mark in The Truth of Unus Annus 13 days before the end of Unus Annus 
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Unus and Annus in The Truth of Unus Annus 13 days before the end of Unus Annus 
At face value Unus Annus was a simple channel, where two idiots tried to live life to the fullest. Now it seemed Unus and Annus were separate characters from Ethan, and Mark respectively, and as the clock ticked on Unus and Annus took over more, and more.
 On October 31st, 2020, Unus and Annus took over the channel a mere 13 days before the end. “Time’s up, it’s been quite a year hasn’t it? Now it’s over. A year is many things, but it’s not forever. There are no second chances, no do overs. You had your one year. Now it’s over. It’s finally time to accept the truth.” Unus and Annus explained to Ethan, and Mark over their walkie talkies. Though Unus and Annus appeared to the viewers before, in the first video, Unus Annus. Again in This Is The End, and once more in This Is Goodbye, posted with 100 days of Unus Annus left. “The end isn’t something you need to fear anymore.  You don’t need us to hold your hand anymore. You’re so much stronger than you know. You have so much potential. You have drive, you have passion, you have creativity. We’re happy to have walked this journey together with you. We’ll always be with you, in your memories. And we’ll have watched over you until the bitter end. “
This is Goodbye was a simple reminder that time was running out, and we had to use it wisely. 
And boy did people use it. The Unus Annus fandom is a bustling community full of creativity. Whether in art, songs, stories, or theories the community had no end to their potential just as Unus had told us in This Is Goodbye. In the final stretch we got to experience many fun things, one of the most notable being Camp Unus Annus. A week full of videos of Mark and Ethan having fun in the woods building tents, playing team building games, learning about the dangers of nature, running from bears, and hunting for the ever illusive HeeHoo. The viewers took the idea of Camp Unus Annus very quickly. Everyone made their own character that would go to the camp, found a camp buddy as to not break the buddy system, determined what cabin they’d be in, and of course sold out the merchandise for camp. 
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Camp Unus Annus Councilors from left to right Evan, Ethan, Mark, Amy, Bear
Unus Annus has proven to bring people together in a wonderful way. For myself I’ve made many friends in my one year. I’ve written a story for everyone at camp that was extremely well received. Unus Annus has become a big part of many people’s daily lives in just a year! One Example is a student of Arlington high school, removedforstudent'sprivacy. I sat down with removedforstudent'sprivacy to ask her about her experience with Unus Annus 
Eclipse: Why do you think Unus Annus was made? 
Removedforstudent'sprivacy: I think it’s a social experiment  to see how the internet has conditioned us to seeing things as permanent. 
E: What is Unus Annus to you? 
J: I think it’s two idiot friends putting their most random video ideas together to create what Unus Annus is. 
E: What was your favorite video? 
J: Probably all of Camp Unus Annus, and the escape room, but my birthday video was Being Brutally Honest With Each Other and that was sweet. I loved seeing them (Mark and Ethan) communicate and just be thankful for having their year together
E: How has the Unus Annus experience changed you? 
J: 2020 as a whole changed me, and it was the perfect year for the channel. Though by the channel’s end I realized the meaning of life, and in fact I was wasting my own time watching the channel. 
The night Unus Annus ended I spent it with my friend, Removedforstudent'sprivacy. It was a chaotic night for us both, but I was able to ask him some things in between watching the clock count down, and crying.
Eclipse: Why do you think Unus Annus was made? 
Removedforstudent'sprivacy: I think it was to showcase the inevitability of death like they said it was. 
E: What was Unus Annus to you?
T: To me Unus Annus was another lifeline. If something was going wrong and I needed to ground myself the videos were there for me. 
E: How has the channel changed your outlook on life? 
T:It just made me happier. I’m more interested in being alive now, Unus Annus made me think life was worth more than was I initially thought. 
E: Are you ready for the end? 
T: I believed I was ready for the end, but then I watched it happen. Like everyone else, I was in denial that there was no way they’d delete the channel, then they did. Some piece of me left with it, but now it’s time to get over it. 
E: Did you use your year wisely? 
T: No. I feel like I could’ve done better for myself. I could’ve bettered myself mentally, emotionally, and intellectually but even with the time limit I just didn’t. 
And as the end drew closer I asked myself these questions. To me Unus Annus was a comfort channel. Over the year I grew more attached to Mark, and Ethan even though I’d been watching them both for years before. 
Now in a way, I understand how precious time is for all of us. Ethan, and Mark gave an entire year away to us, and now they’re both jumping back into work on their own channels without much of a break. Even as the channel came to an end I was never ready, days after I’m still mourning. I don’t believe I used my time wisely either. There’s some Unus Annus videos I haven’t even seen. I still have an unfinished story people are waiting on. The clock’s run out, and there’s still things I need to do. 
We live our lives taking each second for granted, but the end isn’t something you need to fear anymore. We did this year to the fullest. I was happy to walk onto the set today, we did our best, and everyone took it to heart. That’s all I wanted. See you on the other side. Memento Mori, Unus Annus.  We’ll always have the memories, and the merch of course. - Mark Edward Fishbach. 
Mark Fishbach, Amy Nelson (Mark’s significant other) and Ethan Nestor deleting the channel on stream
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yourpinkoverlord · 3 years
Kotobukiya is asking for people to weigh in what the next MLP character they should turn into a Bishoujo figure should be.
Assuming they’re actually listening and going by most commonly said or something, here’s my prediction on who they’ll make based on the responses and some other factors.
Ones I’m pretty sure they will make at some point:
—Starlight Glimmer, 100%. On all sites I’ve seen discussing it (and especially Twitter) Starlight was requested the most. Plus she’s basically a main character from season 6 onward, it seems obvious.
—Trixie. She was brought up quite a bit + if they make Starlight, making Trixie to match her is an obvious next step (“You want to complete the pair, don’t you? So you need to spend more money, riiiiight?”)
—Princess Cadance. Not only was she brought up a lot but she feels like an obvious choice. They made Celestia, Luna, and Twilight (although not a very princessy version). Just need her to complete the Princess set.
—Derpy Hooves. Highly requested, and she’s basically the fandom mascot. And not only that, but who doesn’t like Derpy?
Ones that were brought up a bit but I’m more unsure about them actually getting made:
—The Dazzlings. While not as much as the first four, they were brought up by folks quite a bit. They’re known for their human designs so just like Sunset they wouldn’t need to design completely new human designs, just make new poses. If they make one they’d almost have to make the other two (and I don’t know how many people would only want one) so it’s an easy 3 to make. Plus, uh, the Bishoujo line has always been a bit horny, even with the MLP line (yeah) and Hasbro might let them get away with slightly more sexualized Dazzling figures considering they’re Sirens and the way they sung and were animated in RR so that might...be more convincing? I only put them under “unsure” because they were brought up a bit less than the others, and, well, they’re not ponies. But they may not care about that and even use their merch pony designs to go with the figure, who knows!
—Queen Chrysalis. At first I was surprised with how often she was brought up, but looking back, I think she’s overall the most popular villain. I’m putting her lower than the Dazzlings since she doesn’t already have an animated human design (she does have an EqG doll tho) so she’d basically be created from scratch, and unlike the Dazzlings she doesn’t have an obvious character to go with her. Except for maybe Cadance. Actually, a matching Cadance and Chrysalis would be pretty cool. Still putting her under “unsure” because she wasn’t said as often as some other characters.
—The Cutie Mark Crusaders. They actually weren’t recommended as often as I thought they would be. I’d assume they’d be slightly cheaper since they would be smaller (unless they made their adult designs or something). They’re still possible because they’ve been secondary characters since season 1 and were still recommended a decent # of times. But judging by other recommendations if they were made it looks like they would be made pretty late. And since I brought it up earlier I wanna say, judging by the other young-looking characters in the Bishoujo line, no, if they were made they probably wouldn’t be sexualized.
—Spike. He was mentioned in recommendations more often than the CMC, so that’s something. There’s just two problems: He’s not a pony and he’s not a girl. Now, the Bishoujo Horror line genderbent male horror characters so him being a boy isn’t necessarily an issue, but I just don’t know for sure if they would do this with the MLP line. And there’s still the issue of him not being a pony. They would have more freedom in designing him since he doesn’t have any official human designs at all (let alone a female one), but at the same time they would have to start from scratch. Plus there’s the question of: would there even be much interest in this figure? People are definitely recommending him but for most it’s more of an afterthought (long lists that include Spike at the very end). And while he’s pretty well-liked now, Spike still has a reputation of being disliked by the fandom as stuff left over from the early days. But still, he’s a main character so not completely off the table.
—Discord. I saw him brought up a little bit. This could be a very metal figure, imagine how cool a (probably genderbent) human Discord could look. But I also saw a lot of people say it would probably look weird. Not a lot of people recommended him, he’s not a girl, he’s not a pony, he’s seems pretty hard to translate into a human design...there are a lot of things holding this possibility back. But he’s still a secondary character with a little bit of interest so he’s still a possibility.
—DJ Pon-3. Wasn’t actually brought up that much but she’s a pretty popular background pony and has even reappeared quite a bit because of it. Plus her design is pretty cool, that’s a plus.
—Octavia. If they make DJ Pon-3 making Octavia to go with her seems like an obvious choice. Usually when DJ/Vinyl was recommended Octavia was recommended along with her. Only problem here is that Octavia doesn’t appear nearly as much as DJ, and doesn’t have as much Hasbro love as DJ.
—Lyra Heartstrings. Was barley recommended, actually. I was surprised. But I guess it makes sense, her design isn’t a unique background pony design. Still, she’s pretty popular and has an EXTREMELY obvious character to go with. Speaking of...
—Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops. Like Lyra, was barely recommended. BUT, if you make Lyra, you gotta make Bon Bon. If you make Bon Bon, you gotta make Lyra. Two times the money. Has a spy backstory to work off of for the design. Pretty popular.
Annnnd those are my predictions. It looks like the MLP line is making bank for Kotobukiya, I mean why else would they keep expanding it? I love that they are but my wallet is crying.
Who do you think is most likely to be added? And who do you WANT to be added?
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the-final-sif · 5 years
I wish you would write a fic... "Class 1-A knew Izuku had obsessive and somewhat stalkerish tendencies (see his room covered in AM merch). What they didn't expect was the even more extreme behaviour he had when it came to Katsuki. Notebooks, pictures, clothing, newspaper clippings, merch from Katsuki's modeling days, everything. Katsuki had expressed his distaste of Izuku following him around, saying he's always right there. But they failed to take into account how he can't express properly."
Okay, so this is only 50% what you asked for, but fuck it, my brain took this places. Todobaku / one-sided bakudeku w/references to stalking/obsession below.
Izuku was nice. That was a given. He was a sweet kid, he was always apologizing, always trying to help other people. But even Shouto could admit that Izuku could be a bit overbearing at times.
Still, he’d never understood why Katsuki took such issue with the other boy. Izuku was so nice to him, so positive, so sweet. He cared so much about Katsuki, and all Katsuki seemed to do was get mad at him for it. Shouto assumed Katsuki was just an asshole and moved on, and then-
And then he started spending more time with Izuku.
It was little things at first. Izuku’s All-Might collection was a bit weird, but Shouto was hardly one to talk about weird. When Shouto first looked over Izuku’s photos he’d brought with him from home, he might’ve noted in his head that Katsuki was in all of them, but that wasn’t that weird. The only thing that struck him as a bit odd at the time was that Izuku had one photo on his desk that was only of Katsuki, a photo of him when was maybe 6 or so, fast asleep. The photo was cute though, so Shouto didn’t think that much of it.
Remedial courses came and went, and Shouto found himself growing closer to Katsuki. Really, the other wasn’t so bad. It was a bit odd, but Shouto found he was nicer when Izuku wasn’t around. Calmer. More willing to go along with things. Odd.
One day he asked the blond outright what his problem with Izuku was. Katsuki growled a response at him, a bit of a rant, but one particular part of it all caught Shouto’s attention.
“Fucking stalker-”
Hm. At the time, Shouto didn’t give the insult that much weight, but it still stuck in the back of his mind.
Izuku asked about Katsuki sometimes, after they’d finished their extra courses for the day. He always asked how Shouto’s day had been first, polite as ever. But sometimes he’d asked after how Katsuki did. There was a interested light to his eyes when he did so, even if he kept his posture causal while he worked on homework. Shouto got more hesitant to answer the question. It was all harmless information, but some part of it felt weird. So he let his answers get shorter, less descriptive. Izuku would press for more sometimes, but he always backed off when Shouto rebuffed him a second time, and then everything went back to normal.
The notebooks took him longer to discover.
He’d been looking for Izuku’s notes from math class. His friend had given him permission and told him where to look in the room, but Shouto had gotten a bit turned around. The bin under Izuku’s bed had seemed like any other.
Only it wasn’t.
It had what looked like… fashion magazines? Mostly kid’s fashion. Again, not that weird. There were newspapers too though. And the notebooks. Each one carefully labeled with “Kacchan” and a number on the spine. The handwriting got better the higher up in the numbers.
Shouto knew he shouldn’t look any further, it was a violation of his friend’s trust, but- But he was pretty sure the existence of these was a violation of something else of Katsuki’s. So he picked one up and peeked inside, just enough to confirm what he’d suspected was inside. All of it was notes on Katsuki, sketches, incidents, thoughts. All in Izuku’s handwriting. Shouto took a second to look through a few of the magazines, at the marked pages. Photos of Katsuki. He must’ved modeled when he was younger. The newspaper articles were all about him too.
He didn’t know what to do about any of this, so Shouto tucked all of it back into the bin and put the bin back under the bed, just as he’d found it. It didn’t take long for him to find the math notes after that, but Shouto didn’t feel like studying now.
As hard as he tried to pretend he hadn’t seen anything, it was hard not to. He found himself paying more attention to Katsuki and Izuku’s interactions. How often Izuku stepped closer when Katsuki told him to back off. Before he���d considered it a kind move on Izuku’s part, trying to reach out anyways, despite Katsuki’s hostile personality. Now… Now-
“Izuku, Katsuki already said he didn’t want to partner with you on the project.”
Oh. All eyes in the room were on him now, shocked by his statement. It was something small, a class project that Izuku had wanted to partner up with Katsuki for. Katsuki said no, and Izuku kept pushing, and everyone rolled their eyes, knowing Katsuki would give in soon enough. That’s just what the two of them did. The same old song and dance. 
Shouto couldn’t stand aside though, not when he saw how Katsuki’s shoulders hunched in defensively. Not when he saw how Izuku’s eyes had that edge to them. Analytical, and dangerous.
He’d had lectures on stalkers when he was younger. His father had wanted him to be prepared for that aspect of being a hero.
“They always seem nice. If they weren’t good at coming across as nice, then they’d never get close enough to stalk someone in the first place.“
Those words rung in his ears and drove him forwards, speaking up for the very first time.
Green eyes were wide, shocked and betrayed. Red eyes were wide too, but it was hard to read what emotion was in them. Everyone was watching him, even Aizawa-sensei was no longer feigning sleep. Right. He needed to say something else now, to redirect the situation.
“Why don’t you partner with Tsu-chan? She doesn’t have anyone yet, and I heard her discussing a similar idea to yours.”
That seemed to restart the room, Tsuyu agreed easily enough and came up to sweep Izuku to the side. Kirishima was more than happy to partner with Katsuki instead. The class moved on, dismissing it as Shouto being tired of listening to the two of them argue.
Aizawa-sensei was still watching him, but Shouto pretended he didn’t notice.
After class, Shouto took an extra minute to gather up his stuff. The rest of the class had already left, everyone but one person, who Shouto didn’t even notice until he looked up and saw the blond looking at him, same odd expression in his eyes. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Katsuki jerked his gaze away, grabbing his bag and heading for the door. He paused just before he reached it.
The word was quiet, gruff, but sincere.
Katsuki had never thanked him for anything before.
“He should’ve listened when you said no.”
That got him another one of those looks. Which he didn’t understand, but which he thought wasn’t exactly a bad thing. Katsuki’s voice was even quieter when he replied, and dare Shouto say it, vulnerable?
“He never does.”
And then Katsuki was pushing out door. Gone, leaving Shouto to his thoughts.
Shouto started spending more time with Katsuki after that. A little less time with Izuku, it was a gradual shift. He found himself stepping between the two of them more and more often. Partnering himself with Katsuki when he could, to stop Izuku from doing it first. Always being the first to back Katsuki up when he said no. Always being the first to listen and respect that no.
Green eyes went from shocked to harboring an anger in them that almost scared him. Almost.
It wasn’t something he did with the intention of growing closer to Katsuki. But it was an interesting side effect. The more he got to know the other. The more he helped the other push back on Izuku, the more relaxed around him the other became.
Katsuki started cooking around other people more, and without Shouto asking, he’d often find that Katsuki had made extra for him, sometimes for him and the rest of the so called ‘bakusquad’, but almost always for him.
When there were weekends he didn’t want to go home, because he just couldn’t take the emotional mess that was his house, he found an invitation from Katsuki waiting on his phone. Extra training together. Not optional. His family always accepted the excuse, and Shouto did always train during those weekends, but it was a relaxed sort of training. Shouto would even call it hanging out, if it was with anyone else.
Green eyes started watching Shouto more often. He could feel them on him when he sat next to Katsuki in the common room, having lured him out there with Kirishima for a group movie night, and somehow ended up pressed right beside the other boy. Shouto ignored them as best he could. Until he wasn’t given a choice.
“I’m worried about you Shouto, you’ve been spending an awful lot of time with Kacchan, and you almost seem like you’re avoiding me. Did he- did he say something about me?” Izuku’s eyes were watery. A few months ago, Shouto would’ve dropped everything to comfort him, to promise that he would never speak to Katuski again if it would make Izuku happy.
Today, he held his ground. They were out in the hallway, Shouto had just been coming over to study with Izuku, the first time in a long while.
“No, we’ve just been getting along better since our remedial courses. You were right, he’s really not so bad once you get to know him. I actually like spending time with him, more than I thought I would. It’s nothing to worry about.”
He didn’t miss the flash through those green eyes. Jealousy? Maybe.
“Oh, you like him.”
What was that supposed to mean. Shouto’s brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of it, but Izuku spoke up again, before he could question the other.
“I mean, you’ve got a crush on him. You want to date him.”
Shouto opened his mouth to deny it, and then snapped it closed again. Fuck. Did... did he have a crush on Katsuki? He couldn’t deny the idea of dating the other was appealing. But that wasn’t why he was spending time with Katsuki.
“Oh, Shouto.” Izuku’s voice was soft, filled with pity. The other teenager took a step forward, offering him a sad, sad smile. “It’s okay. It happens. But Kacchan doesn’t like you like that. And, it’d probably be such a bad idea anyways. I mean- I know about how things are with your father. You’d know better than to choice someone that reminded you of him.”
Jealousy hadn’t been quite the right word for the look in Izuku’s eyes. It was possessiveness. Shouto knew that look all too well. He wondered why it took him this long to see it. He took a step back.
“You’re right. I do.”
And with that, he turned his back on Izuku, making his way up the stairs to his friend’s room.
Katsuki answered when he knocked on the door, annoyance quickly fading when he saw who was standing there.
“What is it?”
With an awkward grin, Shouto gestured to his English textbook.
“Any chance you could help me with the essay due Monday? I can’t get my verb tenses right.”
Red eyes rolled, but he was let in without much more than some grouchy muttering, and when Katsuki sat on the bed, Shouto didn’t miss how he sat down right next to Shouto, shoulder’s brushing and legs touching.
He worked up the courage to ask Katsuki about the bin one night, when the two of them were walking back from a workout.
“Do you know he has, I mean, about the notebooks?”
Katsuki sighed. It was long suffered, and his eyes looked so tired.
They didn’t need to say anymore. Shouto got it now.
Shouto couldn’t recall quite how it happened, but the two of them had been studying together, and somehow he found his lips an inch from Katsuki’s. Eyes locked, legs crossed over each other’s. It’d be so easy. A part of his mind screamed that he should just go for it, but green eyes flashed in his mind, and he hesitated.
“May I?” He asked, his voice breathy and low.
“Fuck yes.” Came the response, and Shouto surged forward to seal the deal.
That night they talked. They kept it a secret for about a week, while they figured things out. Izuku knew. Shouto didn’t know how, but he could feel the heat of those green eyes well before Katsuki gruffly let his squad in on his new boyfriend.
Shouto didn’t care though. He didn’t care about the envy in those green eyes, or about the trouble he knew was going to come. What he cared about was Kirishima’s bright congratulations, followed by the rest of Katsuki’s friend’s support. The little smile Katsuki got, even though he tried to hide it. The blush on his boyfriend’s cheek’s as Shouto reached over to gently brush his hand, asking  silently for permission that was granted when Katsuki’s hand turned to wrap around him. That was all that mattered to him.
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kickasskody · 3 years
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                          DAKOTA ‘ kody ’ PIERCE, a character study.  “just because i cannot see it, doesn’t mean i cannot believe it.” -- jack skellington
Character’s full name: dakota pierce Reason for name and/or meaning of name: kody’s parents met and fell in love in north dakota, and decided to name their son after the great state 💖 Character’s nickname: kody Reason for nickname: in middle school, kody didn’t think the name dakota was cool. but the name kody, the most generic white boy name ever , was definitely cool Birth date: december 13th, 2002. baby sagittarius 
Physical appearance Faceclaim: austin abrams Gender: cis male Height: 5″8 #shortking Build: scrawny boy body. looks like he couldn’t lift more than 30 pounds... PSYCH!!! he’s a vampire so he can actually lift several hundred pounds 🤪🤪🤪 Eye color: blue with little dark green specks Glasses or contacts?: not with that snazzy 4k vampire sight !! Distinguishing marks/scars: funny little frecklescape on his back that looks like this emoji 😦 Hair color: dirty blonde Type of hair: type 1, aka straight hair Hairstyle: gets up out of bed, looks in mirror. maybe tussles it a little bit. thats it Physical disabilities: none Mental disabilities: adhd Clothing style: sweaters sweaters sweaters. striped sweaters ( because the best time to wear one is all the time ), disney sweaters, sweaters with dogs on them. white collared shirts to go underneath most of them. denim jackets, a couple of them tattering with holes in the elbows. black skinny jeans -- like he owns four pairs of the same black skinny jeans. someone tell him that skinny jeans aren’t in style anymore. uses the same jansport backpack he’s had since the eighth grade with a sewn in epcot center patch on the front pocket. dirty checkered vans. falling apart high-top converse. it’s not that he’s poor and can’t afford new things, he just prefers all his old stuff.  Make up: has never worn any but wouldn’t be opposed to trying some !!
Personality Good personality traits: good at secret keeping, friendly and uplifting, loyal, thoughtful, great memory, cautious, playful. chaotic good energy  🥰 Bad personality traits: gullible, slightly obnoxious, constantly confused, easily distracted Mood character is most often in: cheery, happy as f, practically bouncing off the walls Sense of humor: goddamn hilarious!!! at least he thinks so lol Articulation: loud and occasionally stuttery. repeating himself pretty often. the type to get lost in the middle of conversation and have to take a second to mentally loop back and remember what exactly they were talking about. uses the word ‘ like ‘ way too much. talks with his hands a whole lot. constantly talking like he’s a kooky disney character on a mission. Character’s greatest joy in life: riding a mf’in roller coaster Character’s greatest fear: disneyworld getting blown up / physically hurting someone  Character is most at ease when: he’s curled up with his friends watching a disney movie Most ill at ease when: he’s laying in bed at night, pretending he’s sleeping since he can’t Enraged when: thinking about how there are vampires in bridgemead -- that they could turn other people, kill other people, or worse... harm his friends.  Depressed or sad when: drinking from a blood bag. watching disney pixar’s coco. thinkin’ about a disneyworld churro and how he’ll never be able to enjoy the taste of one again. Priorities: at the moment? trying not to hurt anybody.  Life philosophy: “Keep Moving Forward!” -- walt disney said that Greatest strength: his optimism / ability to take something sad or bad and turn it around! Greatest vulnerability or weakness: giving just about anyone the benefit of the doubt. 
Goals Drives and motivations: getting enough money to be able to travel the world and visit every disney park on the planet.  Immediate goals: graduating high school / helping the scooby gang solve mysteries Long term goals: roller coaster designer / engineer. create a haunted house / rollercoaster hybrid ride
Childhood Hometown: orlando, florida Type of childhood: the kind where he’s an only child, where his middle class parents live to please and spoil him, take him to whatever amusement park he wanted to go to and buy him all the best merch. the smile on his face was worth more than anything they ever could’ve purchased for themselves. kody probably would’ve had siblings, but his parents had complications getting pregnant again, and thus they lived to make sure he had the best life possible.  Pets: a cat named toulouse ( shoutout aristocats ), but he passed when kody was fifteen Most important childhood memory: waiting in line for five hours to ride harry potter and the forbidden journey at universal studios orlando. blew his little kid mind. Dream job: imagineer!! Religion: non-practicing christians. church on easter and christmas ONLY!
Present Current location: bridgemead, massachusetts Currently living with: his parents 💖 Pets: none Religion: agnostic Sexuality: currently questioning his sexuality. growing up he always felt attracted to both boys and girls, but has never been able to articulate it. he’s only ever expressed interest in women, but he has a fat crush on chris evans as captin america Politics: would be socialist if he cared enough to think about politics Occupation/education: bridgemead high school super senior Mode of transportation: his parents dark blue prius!! but only thursday - sunday
Family Parent one: marcus pierce -- drug store manager Relationship with them: kody and his dad are best buds! if it weren’t for his fathers love for rollercoasters, kody doesn’t know what his life would be like today. they used to play rollercoaster tycoon growing up and kody still cherishes those memories today. Parent two: tina pierce -- bridgemead city manager Relationship with them: kody and his mother have a very loving relationship. however, kody’s adoration for his mother dwindled when it was her job that forced them to move to bridgemead. he thinks of it as her fault that he doesn’t get to go to disneyworld anymore, and there’s a bitter part of him that thinks that if she hadn’t made them leave, he never would’ve become a vampire. he knows its wrong to attribute her to his curse, but sometimes when he’s really sad he cant help it.  Siblings: none Other important family members: his widowed aunt shirley who lives twenty minutes from disneyworld and occasionally would join them on their weekend visits to the parks. he misses her greatly 😩😩
Favorites Color: that bright electric blue color on the cinderella castle at disneyworld  Music: electronic Food: a disneyworld churro.  Film: the incredibles / scooby doo 2002 Drink: pink lemonadde mixed with sprite Form of entertainment: disney+ subscription. if that’s all he had, he’d be content. Most prized possession: a magic kingdom two day passport ticket from the 1980′s
Habits Hobbies: playing rollercoaster tycoon / designing rollercoasters on his computer. obsessively watching ghost club paranormal on youtube. bothering aj with the latest thing on his mind that she definitely doesn’t need to know about Plays a musical instrument?: nope. wishes he could though!  Plays a sport?: nope, but would be great at track now that he’s a vampire! How he would spend a rainy day: playing kingdom hearts II in his pajamas. Spending habits: great at hoarding all of his allowance! since he’s not spending it on food, he’s an excellent saver. pre-vampirism kody was not as cautious with his spending.  Smoking/drinking/drugs?: no way 🙅🏼 has yet to even try alcohol Extremely skilled at: cheering up his friends! finding the good in others and convincing them to see it too 🤗 Extremely unskilled at: stopping himself from crying when he’s sad / when he’s in the middle of crying. putting together pieces of their investigations. sure, he can find things -- but what the hell is he supposed to do with them once he’s got it?!?! Nervous tics: anxious picking at his cuticles. messing with his hair. aggressive foot tapping. scrolling through his phone without actually looking at anything.  Usual body posture: that boy has been working on rollercoaster code on his computer for YEARS. his body posture is absolutely RUINED! Mannerisms: constantly talking with his hands. bouncin’ around like tigger when something exciting happens. abbreviating things that don’t need to be abbreviated. the loudest in the room at all times.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Logical or emotional? Leader or follower? Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Animal lover? HELL YEAH.
Self-perception How do they feels about themselves?: before the year 2020, kody actually quite liked himself! he realized that he was goofy and sometimes not everyones cup of tea, but for the most part, he knew he was a good guy who was a little obnoxious! now, he has mixed feelings about himself. vampirism has elevated a lot of his emotions and more often than not now, he dislikes himself for what he’s become, or what he could become if things turn bloody.  One word the character would use to describe themselves: spunky What does the character consider their best trait?: his compassion What does the character consider their worst trait?: his gullibility  What does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: his fluffy hair !! What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic?: that he��s a short king. stream short kings anthem by tiny meat gang How does the character think others perceive them?: he’s pretty sure most people think that he’s wildly annoying, but that doesn’t stop him from being fully himself most of the time!  What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: his vampirism!! get this shit out of him just make him a normal aging boy again!!
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: kody is a big ole’ ball of love, and thus so, he tries to share that with everyone. strangers are treated with compassion, acquaintances are treated as old friends, and friends are treated like family. unless kody already knows someone to be a bad person, or is wary of them, he’s genuinely one of the nicest people one could ever meet. Opinion of the Scooby Gang: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others?: it depends on the topic, but for the most part, yes. when it comes to most scooby gang related endeavors, kody will share his thoughts -- if it’s something related to movies or tv, he’ll be talking your ear off for hours. if it’s something that could result in it hurting someone else, he’ll be quiet, and if his vampirism was ever to come into question, he’d be absolutely be suppressing it.  Most important person in character’s life: oh god, not to pick scooby gang favorites, but probably aj. she’s the closest thing he has to a sister, and he doesn’t know what he would do without their banter, and her support. Best friend/s: aj darke, dylan frye, & arabella byrne Dating experience: absolutely none. kissed 2 girls in the span of 2 years over 3 years ago. Romancing: kody wouldn’t know the first thing about trying to get someone to date him. all he knows is the stuff he’s seen on tv, watched in movies, or experienced around him ( such as his parents successful marriage, or his friends dating people ), but if it were to come down to him, he’d be extremely awkward. picture tom holland’s spiderman trying to talk to zendaya’s mj in far from home -- because that’s extremely accurate. kody isn’t trying to date anyone right now for a couple of reasons: one being that he’s too nervous, and not exactly looking for love, but if it were to happen... he wouldn’t run from it necessarily. but two being that his vampirism creates a bit of a problem for him, and he’s not sure if he should subject anyone to the curse he’s stuck with.
Extra Physicality: if necessary, could probably lift a car and throw it down the street. as of right now, doesn’t know how strong he really is / is more concerned about hurting his friends with this supposed strength than he is finding out how many hundreds of pounds he could lift. kody in a fight? probably losing within the first five seconds, unless bloods drawn and the instinct to pounce takes over. Species: vampire How do they feel about it?: hates it. would do anything to reverse it. wishes he had just stayed a little longer at karma cafe that night. or had never gone at all. How do they look in their supernatural form?: pretty much the same, however when he’s hungry and near blood, his eyes go all dark and bloodshot, and the veins around his eyes start to pulse ( basically just like vampire diaries ), but kody is unaware of this since he’s never seen it happen to himself or another vampire
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Reader x Poly vmin soulmate AU
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Your dream was finally coming true. You had moved to South Korea and were finally able to snag concert tickets to their show. It was a battle trying to get tickets, but you were victorious and even if they weren’t floor seats you didn’t care. You were finally getting to see BTS and you were so excited. On the day of the concert the hours seemed to be dragging on forever. You were ready before noon and were currently jumping up and down in excitement trying to shake off your nerves. You made sure your army bomb had fresh batteries and that it was paired to your phone, that you had more than enough money for merch, and that you were dressed comfortably because you were going to the standing for at least 3 hours. 
The closer the you got to the venue your soul mark began to tingle. You became excited at the possibility that your soulmate was somewhere at this concert. Maybe you would run into whoever it was. Now you had a whole new anxiety for coming to this concert tonight. The fact that your soulmate was also potentially an army made you happy. You would have something in common to talk about and they would understand your devotion and love for this group. You walked around the venue to the merch booth and different activities they had lined up, hoping maybe your soul mark would react to someone but it never did. It never even crossed your mind that it was a possibility one of the members was your soulmate. 
When it came time for them to finally come out on stage you were yelling your head off, too distracted by everything to notice your soul mark was starting to glow, that it was tingling a lot more than it was before. You were singing along loudly to the songs, dancing along, making friends with the army around you. It was everything to you getting to see them live for the first time. It was every bit as heart warming and meaningful of an experience as you were expecting. You even cried at the end of the night when they gave their ending ments, always speaking their heart out to army and making sure they knew how much they were loved and appreciated. After the concert was over you waited at the pickup location for those going home by cab or uber. However it never came. You held out hope that maybe someone was just stuck in all the traffic, however when you were the only ones left it became clear that wasn’t the case. 
You were sat on the curb, staring at your army bomb and twirling it around, making the lights change colors. You were already sad because you didn’t run into your soulmate, then this added to the mix you couldn’t help when your lower lip jutted out in a pout and a few tears began to leak from your eyes. You were wiping your tears away when you began to feel your soul mark more strongly now. It was glowing bright blue now and your head whipped around, looking for your soulmate. You stand up peering around but you see no one save for a black van driving through the park lot. The car suddenly slams on the breaks and turns around, heading for you. The burn is getting stronger and your mark is glowing brighter. Whoever is in this car has to be your soulmate. The van stops a short distance away from you, and when the door finally opens you feel like you are going pass out. 
Jimin and Taehyung come stepping out of the van. You notice they have the same marks as you, that are also glowing. When your eyes finally meet both of the glowing and tingling stops, the ink on your soul mark now changing to a golden color, signifying you had finally met your soul mate, or mates in this case. Both of their marks have also changed to gold. Your head shoots up suddenly and you see them both absolutely beaming at you. 
“Hi soulmate. It’s nice to finally meet you.” You are shocked, your mouth hanging open and no sounds coming out. Jimin continues speaking to you in a calming voice. “Hey, you okay? We saw you sitting on the sidewalk and our marks started glowing so we just knew it was you. Taehyung and I have been waiting for you for a long time now. We both discovered pretty quickly we had the same mark, but our color didn’t change to gold so we knew we hadn’t met the final piece of our puzzle yet.” You still are in shock. Someone having more than 1 soulmate wasn’t unheard of, just extremely rare. And the fact that your soulmates were members of BTS? You thought for sure you had gone crazy. 
“Am I insane? Like did I finally lose it?”
“Nope! You’re our soulmate!” Taehyung exclaims happily. “What’s your name?”
“It’s y/n.”
“Well y/n you look like you could use a ride home. Do you want us to take you? Or we were going to go out to eat! You can come with us. And then we can talk more and get to know each other.” You stare at Taehyung incredulously.
“Or.. if it’s too soon for that we can just drop you off at home or at least call for a cab for you? Whatever you want to do just let me know okay y/n?” Jimin places a hand on your shoulder and smiles at you tenderly. 
“Um. dinner sounds good. But, can we maybe get it to go and eat it at your hotel or something? I don’t really think I am ready to meet your entire crew plus the other members yet.”
“Of course! We can do that. We’ll pick up some takeout on the way home and eat it at the hotel. Sound good?” You nod your head. Jimin and Taehyung both hold a hand in yours, leading you into the van. you sit sandwiched between them, in the very back. The other members are looking at your curiously, but Taehyung tells them you’re too nervous and overwhelmed by all of this right now and to just pretend you aren’t there. Once you are sitting between them you thank them both. They ask you basic questions on the way, how old you are, where you’re from, how long you’ve been living in South Korea. Part of you still didn't believe that any of this was real and you were just making it all up in your head. You suddenly realize how tired you are however and before you know it your head has lulled over and is now resting on Jimin’s shoulder. He smiles at you and places a kiss to the top of your head and Taehyung does the same. 
You don't wake up until after they have gotten the food and you are back at the hotel. You apologize for falling asleep on them but they wave away your apology. Once you are back in the room with them, you two continue your conversation where it left off. They ask you questions about anything and everything, wanting to get to know the person who was their soul mate. 
“So you guys are okay with this? I mean.. Taehyung you declared Jimin your soulmate a long time ago and I don’t want to be intruding on you two..”
“Hush! You aren’t intruding. Jiminie and I always talked about how we felt like a piece of us was still missing. So when we discovered there was someone else out there for us it made us so happy and excited to finally meet that person. And the fact that you are a fan of us is just amazing!”
“I’m actually kind of relieved because I don’t know how I was going to explain to my future soulmate that my heart already belonged to 7 other men.” They both burst into laughter at that comment, Jimin falling over onto the bed as he lets out his adorable laughter. 
“Well, I mean your heart really only belongs to two right?” Taehyung is pouting at you and your heart melts at the sight. 
“Yes.. my heart belongs to the both of you. So no need to worry about that.” You run your fingers through his hair and that seems to placate him. 
“This isn’t weird for you at all right? Like I know we just met you and everything but.. we were kind of hoping you would stick around?”
“What do you mean, Jimin?”
“I mean, okay we’re on tour right now and we’re about to embark on the North American leg but now that we have met you and you are in our lives, we don't want to have to go months without seeing you while we finish our world tour.”
“So.. are you saying you want me to come with you?”
“Jimin, I understand how you feel but y/n might have a job, a life, family, friends. We can’t just expect all of that to be dropped for us.”
“Actually, all my family and friends are back where I am from. And I am going to online school right now so I could come with you guys. If you want me to.”
“Are you kidding? Of course!” They both shout at the same time. 
“But,  I know you aren’t leaving for a few more days and I’d just like some time to process everything, talk to my family and friends. I know they can’t meet you but they will probably at least want to face time or Skype with you or something so they know I’m in good hands.”
“Of course y/n. Whatever you want. We just want you to be comfortable and happy with us.” 
“I don’t think there is ever going to be a time where I am not happy to be honest. I still can’t believe this actually happened.” 
“Us either. But we’re so happy and grateful for you coming into our lives when you did. The timing couldn’t have been anymore perfect.” You offer them both a smile before getting up and hugging Jimin and then Taehyung. 
“I should probably get going now.”
“Nonsense. It’s 2 am you shouldn’t be out this late at night. We can rent you a hotel room and you can stay here tonight.” 
“Are you-”
“Stop asking if we’re sure jagi! You’re a part of our family now and we will take care of you.” 
“..Okay fine. I give. But just so you know I’ll always be here for you guys too okay? If you need someone to talk to make you laugh, anything you just say the word.” They nod in agreement before Taehyung calls their manager and asks him to get another room for you. You say your goodnights to them, earning yourself a kiss on each one of your cheeks before you head in for the night. 
You get ready for bed and not even 10 minutes after you hear a knock on your door. You open it to find Jimin, hair a mess and eyes a little tired.
“Can I sleep with you? My chest started hurting being away from you for too long.” 
“Sure, Jimin.” You step aside and let him in. You both lay down on the bed before you hear another knock on the door. You and Jimin give each other a knowing look before bursting into giggles and opening the door. 
“Hi Taehyung.”
“Can I sleep with you jagi. I don’t like being away from you for too long.” 
“You and Jimin both apparently. Come on in and join the party.” Taehyung walks into the room and sees Jimin already laying there and he chuckles to himself. You settle into the middle of the bed, sandwiched between your two soulmates. 
“Are we all ready for bed now?
“Yes. This is perfect. Goodnight you guys.”
“Night, Tae, Goodnight Jimin.”
“Goodnight y/n. Goodnight Tae, sweet dreams.”
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
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CyberConnect2 has launched its 25th anniversary website, and company president and CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama has released a video kicking off the anniversary year with four topics as its “first round of announcements,” including the opening of the CyberConnect 2 official web store.
The Fukuoka, Japan-based developer was established on February 16, 1996, and opened additional studios in Tokyo and Montreal in 2010 and 2016, respectively. The developer is most known for the .hack and Naruto: Ultimate Ninja franchises, but was also behind games such as Little Tail Bronx, Asura’s Wrath, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, and the upcoming Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Hinokami Keppuutan.
Watch the video featuring Hiroshi Matsuyama below. A transcript follows.
“Hello, everyone! I’m the representative director of CyberConnect2, Hiroshi Matsuyama! Today, February 16, marks our 25th Anniversary! Of course, this is our hard work of the past 25 years. I would like to thank everyone we’ve worked with in the industry, and above all, thanks to the many games we’ve worked on and the fans who loved them. Thank you very much!
“Seriously, though! 25 years! 25 years ago, I was just a young 25-year-old myself. We started with just 10 people, all around the same age. And now, we have 3 studios, in Fukuoka, Tokyo, and Montreal. Including new hires, we have a total of 280 staff members now. We’re doing various kinds of work on a large scale. Truly, every day is a happy day.
“So, we’d like to do various things to convey our gratitude for our 25th Anniversary. Throughout the year of our 25th Anniversary, we’d like to release various information and, of course, games as well. But also manga and other things besides that. We hope you can enjoy and celebrate this 25th Anniversary milestone together with us! We will relay our feelings of gratitude to everyone and also have info broadcasts,
“For everyone watching this video today, I’d like to announce four major topics.”
Topic 1: Illustrations and Congratulatory Messages
“First, Topic 1: On our special CyberConnect2 25th Anniversary website, we’d like to display your illustrations and congratulatory messages. Of course, this includes fans, but also members in the industry: manga artists, animators, and other game creators like us. There’s quite a lot of people who draw. It doesn’t matter if it’s black and white or color, and if you can’t draw, you can write a message. We’ll take it and put it all together, and put it on the site, but this leads into the next topic.”
Topic 2: New Song by LieN
“Topic 2! CyberConnect2 has been producing this for more than 10 years: The music unit LieN. All releases have been through Bandai Namco Entertainment. This is the unit that’s done the main themes from things like the .hack series. But this time, I’m thinking of making a new song this year to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of CyberConnect2. When it’s completed, using the submitted messages and illustrations I mentioned in Topic 1, we’d like to use those and edit them into a sort of music video to share with you. Although these first two topics are a bit connected, we’d be very grateful if you could send us a message or illustration.
“There’s one more thing I’d like to say regarding LieN. The situation with the pandemic is still ongoing, but we are currently in the process of making the necessary arrangements to at least have a LieN concert online. We’ll announce more about this when the time comes, so please look forward to it!”
Topic 3: CyberConnect2 Official Web Store
“About Topic 3, CyberConnect2 has just opened its official web store. This store offers merch and books not only for Japan– but also internationally! We’ve made this site so that international fans can also make orders. Much like this video is in Japanese with English subtitles. Everyone who purchases CyberConnect2 merch from the site, we’d like to give you a special postcard that will change every month during the Anniversary year. Starting this month, we’d like to include a set of three postcards with orders. Numbers may run out, so they’ll be on a first come, first served basis, but items are well-priced and we’ll continue to produce them throughout year. On top of this bargain, we’ll include postcards commemorating the 25th Anniversary, do, if you’d like, it’d be great if you could purchase from our web store. There’s a lot on the site, so please have a look!”
Topic 4: Congratulation Gifts
“And lastly, Topic 4! This is usually an inside topic among companies, but five years ago, when CyberConnect2 had its 20th Anniversary—I’m in the Tokyo studio now, but the Tokyo, Fukuoka, and the Montreal studio hadn’t been made yet, we just had the two studios in Fukuoka and Tokyo—but together I’m very grateful, but we received MANY floral arrangements, mostly orchids, so thank you very much for sending them. We’re still caring for many plants here and in the Fukuoka studio, but actually, I’d like you to imagine.
“It’s thanks to everyone that we’ve made it to our 25th Anniversary. We’ve been working for many people up until now. So, we receive many flowers from all those people. In fact, we receive something everyday. Not just today, February 16, but the next, and the next, and the next day for about a week or more, we receive around 100 arrangements. If that happens, um… we appreciate the sentiment, but our office staff receives flowers all day, from morning to night. When the bell rings, they answer and the florist is like, ‘Where should I put them?’ Our entrance isn’t that big, so it quickly fills the halls and even in the development room. It’s like whole place turns into a flower shop, and our office staff is literally covered in pollen. But they give off such a lovely fragrance, it’s almost like really nice perfume filling the halls, but it’s a difficult environment to work in, right? I’ll talk more about this next, but this time we’d like to decline floral arrangements. We’d really appreciate it if you could refrain from sending flowers.
“Instead, we set up our wishlist for this purpose. As game developers, we at CyberConnect2 continue to do our best more than ever before. On top of that, we always budget our capital investments every year. If we could add a little something, like upgrading tools just enough so things don’t change much, or things to make everyday work easier. When we only thought about how to make the time spent in the office a little more comfortable for the staff. Everybody thought really hard, and we ended up making a long list. Listed items are seriously all over the place, some small things that people are particular about, or just worth 500 yen. We’ve placed some hefty items on the list as well, like some ten thousand yen monitors and such. Of course, we’d appreciate anything.
“So, if you think, ‘Oh, it’s CyberConnect2’s 25th Anniversary. Go send ’em some flowers!’ Maybe people are instructed by their bosses to do this, but we thank all who are watching this video and hope you can share it, too! ‘Actually, CyberConnect2 said they’d prefer this over flowers.’ Actually, there’s many things cheaper than flowers. I’m very sorry for the hassle, but it’s not problem if you randomly pick something form the list. If you’d like, it would really help us if you send gifts this way. We’ll be opening the wishlist to the public, so even fans can use it. Please feel free to send something that’s on the list for cheap. Anything like that would make the staff happy. Of course, there is no obligation, so please have a look if you’d like. We’d be extremely grateful if you could support us in this manner.”
“So, in this video today, we discussed these four topics. We’re developing the special Anniversary site little by little for this year. We’re preparing quite a lot for it, so we’ll make more announcements at the proper time. This CyberConnect2 25th Anniversary is really all thanks to you. So, we hope you’ll have a fun time along with us and hopefully we can connect even a little online during this pandemic. I hope this will be a special year, and watch out for additional announcements. We’ll be releasing more information in the future.
“As that first step, I wanted to talk about these four topics. Once again, I’d like to start this special year here! This is the official start of CyberConnect2’s 25th Anniversary Year! This is all thanks to you! We will continue to do our best to create various works with our whole being! Thank you very much for your support.
“This was CyberConnect2’s Hiroshi Matsuyama!”
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My in-depth analysis of why I left the Kpop fandom.
Please be aware, this may touch on sensitive topics.
As most of my  followers may know, I have been in the Kpop fandom for many years (Since 2006 to be exact) which means I have seen a lot, A LOT, of shit. I have had nearly my entire life controlled by Kpop and by about 2010 I completely moved away from more normal music.
Since I started secondary school I was bullied for my taste in music, I never thought anything of it because as I still believe, music is music and nothing is wrong with safe creative influence and inspiration. But the thing was, this music, this fandom had me so deluded and so removed from myself that I didn't see it was destroying me, inside and out.
After I was in the fandom for around 4 years, I was getting more and more obsessed with kpop, keeping track of the idols, watching their MV's obsessively, hoarding albums and putting up high defences for when someone made fun of them. Up until 2019 when I dropped the fandom completely, I managed to spend over £4000 on Kpop merch, be it albums, clothing, food, concerts. It was bad and a huge waste of money.
The Kpop fandom is a toxic place to be with people constantly pushing you to like certain groups, with battles around which fandom is better, which group is better between fans. Fans will discriminate against you for the way you look, the way you dress. If you don’t meet their standards they will find a way to push you away. They are all entitled and many think that stalking and giving idols zero personal space is perfectly acceptable.
Kpop music has no real meaning to it and is completely lacking when it comes down to personal messages (Bar the ones that have been self-written by the idols themselves) Kpop is just as bland and emotionless as the people that listen to it as the fans attach meanings to the songs where there are none. They don’t see that all of the music is extremely generic about money, women, men, being in a relationship and looking perfect. It is extremely sexist, concreted in gender binaries that make quite literally no sense and don’t have any soul behind them.
I guarantee that many if not all the idols that don’t write their own material, hate their songs with a passion but have to put up a plastic perfect mask to hide it. There have been so many horrible things that happen inside the genre that fans just ignore. Pretend don’t happen and it is horrible.
Because of Kpop I ended up becoming disgusted with myself, Kpop made me see flaws that weren't there, it made me want to look "Just like my idols". The impossibly thin, obviously unhealthy idols, and I did, gaining body dysmorphia and an eating disorder to boot. It led to me becoming extremely unhealthy, I would barely eat and listen too much at the insults thrown my way which did nothing but make me more self-conscious.
The constant struggle between wanting to look pretty and not wanting to kill myself was extremely difficult to deal with. Kpop made me shy, it made me reserved and not want to talk. It made me aim for dreams in the wrong way. I wanted to become a translator since I was very small so that I could help governments converse with each other and maybe help countries understand each other. That dream was changed with a want to become a translator to "Translate for my oppas" and become a concert translator or a TV show translator. I want to do seamstress work on the side, originally I wanted to do it to make costumes for Broadway productions, maybe cosplay for characters as well. That dream too, was ruined by Kpop. Making me want to do seamstress work to make stage outfits for my "Oppas and Eonnies." 
All of my dreams have been ruined by Kpop, my body too. To this day I still get confused about why I am doing certain things or why I am eating this or that because it will make me fat.
Because of the constant barrage of hate coming from my own brain, my own friends (Who consequently ended up liking Kpop), from my own family and people who I thought was close to me. I ended up thinking that the only way to escape from all of the hate was to kill myself. I became suicidal, I hated myself, I have scarred my leg so badly that I am scared to wear shorts. I constantly wore long sleeves to cover the marks on my arms, I turned in on myself and became scared to talk to people incase they bullied me or shouted at me. I grew more dependant on Kpop and I'm not proud to admit it but I ended up fetishizing Asian people, it was not a good time in my life, I felt like I could change my life, marry someone who could give me child on the inside of Kpop, it was disgusting but at the time, I didn't see it.
I had no one to openly talk to about what I was going through, nowhere to go but down at the time. I ended up doing performing arts at college, hoping that I could be recruited by an agency and meet my idols, be my idols, I thought I could get somewhere with performance. It helped, but not in the way I would have expected. I became more confident and even though I was still being bullied for my likes, bullied for things that happened in school, I continued. I kept at performance. started liking more Japanese Pop/Rock, I listened to my struggling brain instead of my aching obsessed heart and it led me to become friends with C.
She is into Kpop like me, she understood what I wanted, she understood the Asian fever, we became close friends, close friends very quickly. She lived near to me at the time and would invite me over for Kpop sessions, to have fun making Korean food, singing along to Kpop songs, to learn Korean together. At the time, I thought it was brilliant to have someone like me around but low and behold, I didn't see what she was doing to me in the meantime. I didn't know that she was controlling me.
She kept me interested with stories of becoming a teacher, this would have been the perfect way into Korea. It made so much sense, if I became a teacher I could get into Korea and live in the same place as them. Now and then I would get a small spark of realisation that C was not listening, that she didn't care about anyone but herself but I still ignored it. After I finished my Dance BTEC I decided to work for a while, gain money before looking more into becoming a teacher.
Something that you should know about me is that I am a very dependant person. Due to years of being bullied and shouted at, being constantly told I'm wrong and stupid, I rely on other people to know when I have done good, to know when I can celebrate without it coming off as me getting excited over something insignificant. I rely a lot on other people for my happiness. Emotion isn't my strong-suit so I have to surround myself with happy people who can help me see that I am a good person, who can help me with how to display emotion in a normal way.
C did not seem to realise this throughout our whole friendship and would never try to help when my emotional state started dropping, she wouldn't help me understand what the correct amount of emotion is, what grade is good and what isn't. We started a higher education course together, C basically clinging to me but my dependant ass didn't notice and clung back since she was the only other person who liked Kpop that I knew. During the course I had time to think about what I actually wanted to do. Being part of the English literature course made me remember my dream of translation, in the psychology course I learned more about myself, about how my anxiety works, how my manic depression effects my state of mind. I learned about so many different and interesting things that my brain started to click, I started to realise that I didn't like Kpop, I was obsessed with it.
I was obsessed and infatuated, Kpop was my unhealthy coping method which I didn't see. Kpop was the thing that was hurting me the most. At this time, I was still unable to let go. I still couldn't stop myself. When we applied to Universities somewhere in the back of my head my brain was telling me to apply for another course, and I did. whilst C applied for teaching courses and Korean I applied for nearly entirely teaching and Korean courses but snuck in an application for Japanese and International Business.
I felt like I had to sneak at that point because of her becoming overbearing and controlling, making me feel like the only place I could be was right behind her, following her the whole time.
In some fucked twist of fate me and her got into the same university, her on a Korean and tesol course and me on Japanese and Int Business. The small light in the back of my head was still telling me that it was still twisted, that I should not be how I am. That obsessing over Kpop isn't right but I still didn't listen, thinking that Kpop was the right place to be.
I should have seen what she was doing to me when she came to my Bass Practice at one point and heard me play only to weeks later suggest I don’t bring my Bass to Uni as it would “Distract me” yet she brought her PlayStation. She also tried to deter me away from normal music both at the time and during my time around her at University.
Now, I would never try to fully get rid of that time in my life, I would much rather just ignore it as I made many great friends through Kpop (C not being one of them) and I had a lot of fun at the concerts I went to.
Funnily enough, it was religion that actually jogged me out of this freakstorm called Kpop. I always understood the idea of a higher power, of something more than chemicals but less than a "god" It ended up with me finding Satanism (Laveyan) I realised that Religion is only as powerful as you make it. Obsessions, whilst good, are bad in large quantities, you must indulge yourself but too much indulgence leads to greed which is exactly what happened to me. I got too greedy and neglected the rest of my life.
It started small, I would listen to more heavy metal (thinks like Rammstein and Slipknot) and would practice bass more, listen to Kpop less and work on my course and my grades. Of course this slightly strained my friendship with C, I still listened to Kpop, went to the events at the uni, had a fun time at most of them. It wasn't until mid-year that I started seeing the error of my ways.
We went to another Kpop club night that was part of the uni. Because I was getting more used to normal music I could see people staring more, glancing at us with disgust because we knew older songs, because I wouldn't dance for certain groups. It was a small wakeup call, the feeling of being judged and bullied yet again by people nearing on 3 years younger than me was just a pain.
C had pointed a guy out to us during first year, his name is David, he is Korean and was a little bit of an ass (which was understandable due to the amount of Koreaboos he has had to deal with) I did think he was cute, he was a nice guy, liked music I liked but I was not attracted to him (Like I would have been when I was under that disgusting influence) so I just wanted to be his friend.
It started kicking off one night when C got upset over a what David thought was a joke, they both argued and shouted, I ended up as a go between, figuring out what happened, defending C and stopping David from hurting anyone. C took this as me taking David's side, proceeded to not listen to me, make me upset and with my horrible control over emotions, I started having a panic attack whilst shouting at her. She hugged me during my panic attack (A big no no because she was restraining me and giving me physical contact which I hate. Which she should have known being friends with me for 6 years) that made me pass-out, hit my head and get sent to the hospital with a concussion.
I had to pretend it wasn't her fault even though it killed me to do so. During my night in the hospital she managed to make it about her which really upset me. I ended up hanging around with my classmate/friend M after that. M was nice, she listened to me, her and E helped me realise that Kpop isn't all it's set up to be.
After that it went down hill with argues popping up a lot and for me, no escape since we lived together. I started getting disgusted by the Kpop nights with how obsessive and OTT the Kpop fans were, how horrible they were too. It all snapped one day when I just got my results back for an essay which I got a 1st in, I was over the moon but yet again, didn't know if it was good or not. When I showed people for confirmation that I could be happy I was met with jealous but very happy responses apart from C. The one person who was basically my jailer, who told me when it was okay to be happy or not, she responded with "Oh that's alright then I guess." and brushed it off like it was nothing.
It was then that it hit me she has been manipulating me for years, not giving me any real emotions to show. We were friends for 6 years and at that moment, all of the times she brushed me off or never let me talk, talked over me to speak about herself, it all came back. I was so disgusted and upset that I just stopped talking to her, I was too angry to talk to her and was worried that I may hurt her if I do talk.
She took offence to my silence and called me names, tried to force me to talk to her (Which is also bad because I do not react well to forced confrontation and most of the time lash out both physically and verbally) so I kept ignoring her to the point I felt too threatened to leave my room. It was horrible. I wasn't until she sent me a message telling me to act like an adult that I flipped.
No one, and I mean no one, calls me childish and gets away with it. That is the number 1 way to piss me off and get me to immediately cut ties.
I put in an application to move with the Uni due to being under threat and feeling unsafe. They moved me the next day. Whilst She was still in the flat, she didn't even notice me moving out. I was so disgusted with that.
After that, I met my new flatmates, none of them liked Kpop, they introduced me to nice music, better music which actually made me feel good, not infatuated. Happy. I could talk to them more about normal things. because of the lack of the obsession, my grades went up, I started making friends easier, my confidence went up.
After getting back into normal music, i started to realise how low-quality Kpop actually is. How disgustingly gendered it is and how sexist it is. Kpop ruined me but normal music made me realise who I am and how to become that person I always wished I was.
The only music I strictly don't listen to now is Rap, Kpop and Top-Chart Pop music.
Currently, I am a university student working towards my dream of becoming a government translator. I have prospects to work in Japan after I graduate and I am absolutely ecstatic about that. I cut out so many bad friends and managed to make myself feel more human again just by getting rid of a single music taste from my life.
(If you’re going to spam me with hate and try to whine about how “Not all Kpop fans are like that” or “Kpop isn’t bad, you’re just stupid” and shit like that then you are just proving my point. If you come at me with a valid argument and actual valid points, I will explain my opinions and my side of the argument.)
Don’t be an asshole because I will just be an asshole back.
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irishtowriteabook · 5 years
-Growing Pains- Part 2
🌸Continuation of the last part which isn’t a necessity to read but I would recommend it! Enjoy!
Dedicated to @caras-fabulous-corner for being absolutely fabulous (I’m sorry I had to) and just a genuinely lovely cutie to talk to! 💕
Bottles upon bottles and packages of packages surrounded Natalie. She sat cross legged on the bed utterly drowning in Pandal, Neurofen, and store own brand painkillers. You name it, she had it in arms reach. Or at the very least was sitting on it.
Natalie skimmed over the labels, heaving sighs as none seemed to be strong enough dosage for neither David or Zane. She genuinely felt like some old timey alchemist from David’s Dungeon & Dragons game. Or Jeff.
Zane’s complaints of his pain fell on mostly deaf ears and so he bit on the various pillows surrounding him. Nice.
Both her and Matt pilfered through the bottles but to little success. It was a pain. Hah! Matt ruffled his hair in annoyance as he side eyed the alarm clock, 12:32pm. Another half an hour, at best, for the chemist to be ready with the proper wisdom teeth removal numbing creams and whatnot.
Carly peeped her head around the doorway a fair few times to check on Zane, now called Toothless, and warned the pair of a hangry and hungover David’s awakening. Way to make it sound like he’s a vampire.
Natalie laughed and tucked her hair behind her ear as Zane beckoned her forward with puckered lips. She leant down on his shoulder, resting a bit of her body weight on the man. Mission narrow avoiding of bloody drool dripping from Zane’s gaping mouth: success.
Matt rolled the most suitable bottle of medication over to him with a “Yoink!” and began crushing it into Zane’s drink. He masked his irritated semi well when Zane played with (read as: yanked roughly) Matt’s locks.
This morning had been up in the air to put it lightly. David half woke up with a bare recollection of last nights events and the severe urge to puke up his soul (mostly) into the toilet bowl. Due to his rare indulgence in the Vodka floats his camera manning skills were not exactly up to par, so to speak. The footage came out blurry for the most part despite the (top of the range) camera focuser. Read as: Unusable vlog material.
Natalie sighed as Zane squeezed her much too tightly. She hated seeing David so stressed and worse yet disappointed in himself. Oh and Zane got his wisdom teeth distracted and was in excruciating pain. That too.
“What’s up?” A rhetoric question sounded as the bedroom door was pushed open. Natalie’s eyes trailed up David’s body to his face. He was still wearing his red striped pyjama bottoms and short sleeved black vest and was still looking as cute as he was last night.
Natalie noticed it. It was lighting but she seen it. David’s grin faltered as he ran his brown eyes over Natalie and Zane’s position but he quickly recuperated.
Wordlessly recording the going’s on Natalie found she greatly missed his usual commentary. It was replaced by a brief question directed towards Zane about his pants, or lack thereof.
Natalie smoothly (hastily and very obviously) evacuated Zane’s hold. He pouted but didn’t try stop her.
“Will I tell Taylor to pick you up some Chipotle Dave?” Natalie questioned to which David shrugged.
“I’ll ask her myself. Your usual Nat?” His eyes were averted from hers the moment he could. Zane’s garbles distracted her.
“Go away Dave, you’re too loud man!” He said with little hesitance in his delirious state. The silence in the room was tangible as David merely shrugged and went to turn on his heel.
Natalie braced herself in the seconds it took to crawl to the edge of the bed and of course shoulder Matt in the process. Her knee landed on something suspiciously squishy. A pillow. Zane could still have kids.
David paused as her small hand wrapped around his wrist, ultimately stopping him.
“No-“ Nat dragged out the o’s. “You can’t leave me here with these guys.” David watched her closely as she sat back on her knees pulling him so that he leaned over her.
“You seemed pretty alright when I got here? I’ve got get to get extra footage anyways.” David, despite his excuse, made absolutely no attempt whatsoever to dislodge himself from her.
“Extra footage is my middle name. Yours is Julian.” Natalie tilted her head to the side, mischievous swimming in her eyes as David pulled a face.
He looked extremely tempted to stay but dramatic laughter arose from the living room, taunting him. Natalie rolled her eyes before kneeling upwards; Her fingertips reached up to gently nudge David’s face towards her. He fumbled over his word choice as he realised there are certain closeness. The brunette bit her lip which may Davids eyes hone in on that one spot. Above her lip. A zit really. Okay no, he’ll admit it, just her pinkish lips.
“I really- I really would love to stay and spoonfeed Zane but-“
“We can get under the covers and edit together. Hm? You never know, maybe there‘s some footage still usable.” His eyebrows the road as he reminisced on his shaky camera skills.
“Besides..I want you here.” Natalie included nervously. David is wide eyes snapped back to hers and that was it.
After much clambering over limbs (instead of walking around the side of the bed like a normal human being), disgruntled complaints from Zane as he chowed down on the metal spoon instead of the cinnamon jelly, the pair finally budged up beside one another on the bed.
The camera whirred and buzzed as the lens centred in on Natalie. She recited and rehashed the days events and some story on Zane’s behaviour that incited laughter from the attentive trio.
Natalie rolled onto her side from her back and turned away from the camera towards David. His double chin protruded in the cutest of ways as he waited.
“You should put like text below when editing- no comic Sans- saying Natalie cam” David’s eyes lit up as that new segment idea came to mental fruition.
Natalie smiled contentedly even though her arm holding up the camera was starting to ache.
“Extra work!” David groaned jokingly to which Natalie mocked. He hadn’t realized just how much he missed this easy flowing banter of theirs.
“It’s easier then freeze frames” They shared knowing smirks. Natalie leaned over David to the point where she could feel his breath as she placed his camera down.
David sensed her sore throat from her storytelling and handed her his water bottle to take a grateful and greatly needed swig from.
“Guys, David is going to get us a puppy!” Natalie directed to the camera on the nightstand.
David nodded his head at the camera but shook his head at Natalie.
“Nope” He popped the P. “Not happening!” Natalie gently smack to hand down over his mouth, successfully cutting him off.
“10,000 likes and he’ll do it” She interceded and Matt and Zane damn near guffawed.
“He’s a YouTuber with 8 million views and 500 K likes on the daily!” Matt chuckles in a know-it-all tone.
David suddenly grabbed Natalies wrists in one hand and acted as a catalyst for her play struggling. She glared at him as he effortlessly slugged down his water bottle contents.
“I’m going to get that puppy.” Natalie replied. Her eyes drifted over his jawline unabashedly.
She leaned over him determinedly and he hitched an eyebrow, looking such a way that made her thoughts wander. She was like a river. Cute boy turned 50 shades of smouldering. Not okay.
“Oh yeah? Good luck.” He grunted, squaring up. Natalie groaned and swatted him with the sleeve of her merch hoodie before flopping down on his chest, defeated.
“Heard that!” David laughed as she cursed him out. His grin was the tell-tale that he wasn’t just this happy over the footage.
Natalie felt him contemplate for a second, as if revving up his bravery engine reserves. The camera lens clicked to focus on his unexpectedly strong arms as they wrapped around Natalie.
“Come here.” he said. Natalie felt herself being hooched up directly onto his chest and his arms encircled around her.
“Does this mean we’re getting a puppy then?” she wondered aloud. Being flush against him she could feel his laughter rumbling in his chest.
“You never give up!” he teased affectionately as he rested his chin on her head. This was major. For him. For her. For them. This newfound old connection! Things had changed between them lately, she knew that. Did he know that too? And this was only the beginning.
“Mark my words!” Natalie mouthed to the camera. David swayed her from side to side as she glowered at the lens. However when she realised she didn’t have to like hide her happiness anymore like usual? She allowed a smile to form. Zane mumbles as David banged into him slightly but otherwise stayed lost in his own world as Matt cleaned out his mouth with salt and water solution.
Natalie reached out and tilted the camera away. As it was shoved aside the entangling of their legs, her short covered tan ones and his pale as a ghost tracksuit bottom covered one, was recorded.
“I am assuming this is the second channel gold then?” she giggled, her lips brushing the skin of his neck as she spoke.
David brushed her back gently, soaking up this rarer-than a-white rhino-moment. He relaxed beneath her fully.
“Main channel.”
Natalie popped up at that from the crook of his neck. She met his eyes before closing hers. With a fellswoop she leaned down and pressed her lips to his cheek. Holding it for few seconds, her hand crept up to tilt the opposite side of his job with the knuckle of her index finger. Not that he’d pull away anyways.
David’s hand paused midair, shocked at her lack of hesitation in front of Matt. Is fingertips barely touched her shoulder because all’s that he could focus on was how near illegally soft her lips were.
Hello there! Hope this met any expectations 💓
Comments and likes really do help any and all authors or creators (artists etc) so please consider that before moving along with your day! Thank you to those who submitted ideas, I’ll be working on them over the weekend and anyone who wants to submit some of their own please go ahead as it’s never too late or too much -Ella ♥️
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omniheim · 5 years
can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen  !
Tumblr media
1. FIRST NAME  :  ashe  .
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  :  i  was  born  with  a  weird  disability  called  septo  -  optic  dysplasia  !    i’m  visually  impaired  with  low  vision  &  no  peripheral  sight  as  well  as  no  sense  of  smell  .
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  :  bc  of  my  bad  vision  i  don’t  rly  pay  much  attention  to  physical  attributes  ,    but  if  i  had  to  choose  :    hairstyle  /  colour  ,    height  ,    and  ...    idk  what  else  SDFGSYUDF  ,    face  shape  maybe  ?
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  :  teriyaki  chicken  donburi  !
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  :  mushrooms  ,    which  sucks  bc  i  used  to  like  em  but  my  ma  gave  me  buttered  mushrooms  once  and  just  the  thought  makes  me  gag  SDYFUGSUYDF  .
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  :  i  guess  some  franchises  that’re  looked  down  upon  ?    like  esp  mlp  ,    i  feel  like  everyone  will  assume  i’m  a  creep  for  watching  it  bc  i’m  a  guy  so  i  don’t  like  to  mention  it  much  but  i  just  think  it’s  cute  and  the  art  style  is  amazing  .
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  ok  so  i  shit  u  not  i  have  a  sleeping  bag  on  top  of  my  bed  .    i  have  a  single  size  bed  and  i  move  around  so  much  in  my  sleep  that  the  sheets  always  ended  up  on  the  floor  so  eventually  i  just  went  fuck  it  and  used  a  sleeping  bag  .    i  plan  on  stopping  when  i  get  a  bigger  sized  bed  bc  the  sheets  will  actually  fuckin  fit  .
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  :  i’d  like  to  say  both  but  i  don’t  think  i  have  the  heart  for  flings  ,    i  would  love  to  be  more  free  with  exploring  tho  bc  my  sexuality  is  still  a  big  question  mark  .
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  :  to  stop  being  so  dependent  on  my  mother  due  to  my  lack  of  eyesight  ,    learning  independence  is  tough  after  being  overprotected  and  i  feel  like  i’m  behind  as  an  adult  as  a  whole  .
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON  :  yes  !    but  i’m  also  very  bad  at  keeping  in  touch  LMAO  .
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  final  fantasy  vii  advent  children  ,    dragon  ball  z  battle  of  gods  ,    disney’s  moana  .
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  i  don’t  rly  read  but  i  wanna  pick  up  the  harry  potter  series  one  day  !
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE  :  an  alpaca  bc  they’re  my  favourite  but  i  also  rly  want  a  dog  !
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  :  cloud  /  zack  is  my  favourite  ship  Ever  even  outside  of  this  blog  ,    but  to  stay  on  the  cloud  train  ... cloud  /  aerith  is  probably  my  second  biggest  ship love  the  idea  of  cloud  /  barret  being  a  very  very  slow  burn  ,    just  two  dads  holdin  hands i  will  admit  cloud  /  reno  also  sounds  fun  to  explore i’m  kh  trash  and  could  literally  ship  him  with  any  of  the  kh  main  groups  adults  if  u  allowed  me  to i  feel  like  this  is  an  extremely  unpopular  opinion  but  i  like  exploring  ideas  of  a  toxic  cloud  /  sephiroth  ship  bc  rly  how  can  i  say  no  to  pure  unfiltered  Pain  with  the  manipulation  and  the    ‘  good  boy  ’    calling  and  the  whole    ‘  on  your  knees  ,    i  want  you  to  beg  for  forgiveness  ’    line  was  Too  Much  Fuel  to  the  problematic  fire  .
15. PIE OR CAKE  :  cake  but  i’m  picky  .
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  can’t  smell  !    but  i  think  i  would  enjoy  citrus  .
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  um  cloud  strife  ?    that  counts  right  ?
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  :  japan  or  america  .
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introvert  due  to  my  own  anxiety  but  i  feel  like  i’m  an  extrovert  at  heart  .
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  :  ooohh  yeah  .
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  :  both  for  different  reasons  .
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  :  what  the  fuck  is  a  video  game    (  yes  .    yes  i  do  .    the  wait  for  animal  crossing  and  7r  is  killing  me  slowly  )
23. DREAM JOB  :  working  for  nintendo  or  square  enix  as  a  character  designer  or  writer  !
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  :  help  my  parents  move  into  homes  of  their  own  then  move  country  and  get  myself  comfortable  ,    likely  blow  a  shit  ton  on  games  and  merch  bc  i’m  terrible  with  money  ,    try  to  set  up  an  online  merch  store  since  i  could  afford  packing  and  shipping  .
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  :  hate  is  a  strong  word  ,    there’s  probably  someone  but  idk  who  off  the  top  of  my  head  .    as  far  as  ffvii  goes  hojo  can  eat  a  dick  .
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  :  outlast  !    i  miss  it  sometimes  everyone  there  was  amazing  ,    one  day  i  might  rp  waylon  again  .    one  day  .
tagged by  :  @ofnibelheim​  &  @stormdive​  !
tagging  :  @giftedlegacy  /  @hivemined  /  @hercbled  /  @lunaendowment​
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