#dan was working on wiqy and the tour and coming back
ahappydnp · 1 year
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yonpote · 1 year
I also wonder if he should have done Dystopia Daily or other content for a while before going on tour to help build up an audience again. Like I hadn't watched him since like 2016 and I saw why I quit youtube going around tumblr and was like "oh wow!" but felt like I had been out of it too long to know what was going on with him so I didn't watch it at first. YouTube finally recommended the parasocial we're in a relationship video to me so I watched it out of curiosity and was like... Dan!!! I forgot how much I love you!!! But it's like, I didn't find out he was even doing a tour until it was too late (not that I would have been able to go, but still!) But like dropping one big video after two or three years and then immediately announcing a big tour seems a bit messy.
I also have a lot of thoughts about how he probably could have built up more audience again by just doing more normal commentary YouTuber stuff but he's kind of an artiste™ who needs to be unique and different so I get it (which I relate to lol, and I do generally like Dystopia Daily).
i think DD is a good way to bridge his need for making everything more theatrical and scripted while also leaning into the Shit A Youtuber Would Do thing. i think stuff like wiqy couldnt be helped bc if it were up to him, that video wouldnt have happened at all and we would have a really cool youtube tv series thing. i think its important to remember, technically, this is all happening out of order and i think a lot of this stuff was like covid fucked, like he said the book was supposed to be the last thing he did, but it ended up being the first thing. that makes me think in order, it was going to be: dan comes back to youtube w the big tv show, then the tour, then the book, and maybe some casual video content in the middle. i think unfortunately he already had all these things set in stone rolling it wasnt necessarily smth he could just restructure without some kinda catastrophe. other ppl have more to say abt like the touring company hes working with idk too much abt that myself but yeah the lack of promo was and continues to be severe. idk man!!!!
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