#dana barrett rp blog
bassclefdana · 9 months
Happy new year to all of you wonderful people who follow me!!
I hope that 2024 brings you clarity, times of contemplation, and situations where you can persevere and spread your wings, showing what you are truly capable of.
Oscar and I spent new years with the boys at the firehouse, it was really cute with the makeshift decorations hanging from the walls.
Anyways, I think the two of us need some well earned rest.
Dana ♡
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bassclefdana · 2 years
Dana? It’s Ray. I’ve meant to check in more regularly, everything’s been so crazy lately....how’s Sardy doing? Is she settling in well? Eating alright? Does she need more toys or food? I can give you recommendations—
Ray!! It’s so good to hear from you after so long, Sardy and I miss you very much. ♡
The little lady has accommodated quite well to my place, and likes to curl up next to Oscar when we have tummy time.
Also she’s always well fed, I get her the fancy feasts tins and i’m always punctual about feeding her!
I do hope you’re able to come home soon, mainly so we can just catch up on things. It feels as though there’s a small void in your absence.
Thank you for reaching out Ray ♡
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bassclefdana · 2 years
I don’t know how I’m just finding this out now, but my apartment has a rooftop garden. It’s a garden where anyone in the building can plant and take whatever they want!!
There appears to be a lot of vegetables and herbs growing, I might just try and grow some lima beans myself.
Faith in humanity restored. ♡
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bassclefdana · 2 years
I wonder how Ray’s doing, Sardy has been here for a while, and although she feels at home with me, I know she misses Ray.
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bassclefdana · 2 years
Happy Halloween my dearest followers, may you have a spooky day and stay safe!!
Dana ♡
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bassclefdana · 2 years
I’m leaving the door unlocked for you so no need to knock when you get here. ♡
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bassclefdana · 2 years
Honestly, restoring this mosaic seems easier than a painting, due to the pattern and not having to focus on different sections and hoping when you step back, it all comes together.
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bassclefdana · 2 years
My memories from the night of Peter’s birthday are coming back to me….I can’t help but notice the rush of warmth that spreads across my cheeks, the way my legs just want to buckle from the thought of—
Maybe I should leave that part out. ;)
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bassclefdana · 2 years
How sweet, he left a note behind
and Advil.
Hm, I should get home to Oscar and Maria now.
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bassclefdana · 2 years
I can barely recall what led up to these sheets being the only thing covering me, before my head starts throbbing from this unbearable hangover headache.
I am definitely paying Maria handsomely for babysitting Oscar at such odd hours.
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bassclefdana · 2 years
Well, it looks like Peter and I went through the entire bottle of wine….
wait where’s my dress—
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bassclefdana · 2 years
Oscar has decided to throw his cheerios at my face….
That’s not how cheerios are supposed to be eaten, young man.
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bassclefdana · 2 years
If you still have your shiny dress, you should give it to Egon.
Oh hell no, we’re not going through this again.
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bassclefdana · 2 years
Ms. Barrett, I am so so so so sorry. I love you but orders are orders
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[Dana’s body tenses up before falling, face slamming into the hardwood floor]
((bestie i think you broke her nose))
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bassclefdana · 2 years
How to dress a flesh wound….
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bassclefdana · 2 years
[Dana returns with her cello case, she sets up her instrument and sits with it on a bench, staying in rest position.]
Gozer, I’m back with my cello! Are you ready to listen?
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