#dana makes things
inkberrry · 5 months
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Friend requested an apron for her toddler out of the dragon fabric I made one for my toddler in, though without the ruffles and with a pocket. I used some red and orange fabric for the bib part this time that reminds me of flames 🔥
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probablyhuntersmom · 7 months
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"It's been a year, I feel so heavy... Mama, will this feeling ever stop?"
“Mijo. It hurts. But you have so many people who love you. We can help you carry that feeling and one day it might not feel as heavy.”
(Dialogue by @childlikegoblinqueen, with some smol additions by me)
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actual-changeling · 22 days
the monday time loop was perfect and incredibly painful but imagine the same thing for the pusher episode.
they always end up in that hospital room. modell always has a gun and forces them to play his twisted version of russian roulette. the first chamber is always empty—and this is where the record stops and the needle scratches.
sometimes, mulder dies but he isn't supposed to, that bullet is not meant for him, and back to the start we go.
most of the time, he points the gun at scully, pulls the trigger, and watches her blood spill across the floor. she doesn't see the fire alarm, she reaches for his gun, she doesn't step back fast enough—a myriad of variables resulting in her death.
over and over. mulder has to watch her die over and over.
it's not a slow, creeping death like the one they have to face in the bank. this one is violent and quick, it's a trigger pulled against every single thought and instinct in mulder's body.
it's guilt. over and over and over. the needle keeps skipping, the song refuses to continue until they finally get it right. her lips move seemingly on their own accord, forming the same handful of words as she stares down the barrel of a gun.
look in the mirror. look in the mirror. look in the mirror.
until the bullet is in the third chamber, she sees the fire alarm and activates it in time. until mulder points the gun away from her and at modell instead.
the bullet is meant for him, and they are meant to stand and watch him waste away with their hands intertwined.
still, when they leave the hospital (alive, together) the guilt lingers in mulder's heart, and an odd phantom pain is lodged in scully's throat. she distantly remembers sprays of red and her knees buckling, a nightmare haunting her into the daylight, and her voice getting lost in her last breaths.
look in the mirror.
mulder doesn't ask, neither of them tells, but they go home together that night; his, hers, it doesn't matter as long as she can fit herself against his chest. as long as he can wrap her in an embrace and they can listen to their hearts beating beating beating past midnight and into the twilight.
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Just when I thought I was done with TOH... the pilot and Hunter's original design draws me back in
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I love this alot, mostly because it destroys the argument anti lunter weirdos made about Hunter being a last minute add in. Which was like, never actually true because SAI implied foreshadowed alot of... interesting stuff... the whole Lunter kiss. Hunter was also in alot of early production stuff as well... like someone on the production team literally said Dana had him in mind since early Bible days LMAO (ricky cometa over on instagram)
The other thing I like is that this confirms Hunter being related to Belos wasn't a last minute add in either.
NGL I'm frothing at the mouth over the implication William was put into an eternal sleep by Obron/Belos because he fell in love with a witch... Like Williams whole thing with being a witch-hunter who lost his memories is the perfect set-up for that kind of reveal...
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I love that Huntlow wasn’t technically confirmed. I love that we got some interactions that could be interpreted as romantic, but aren’t explicitly that. It’s like the reverse of blink-and-you-miss-it gay rep. If this was any other show Huntlow would have been explicitly canon and Lumity would be relegated to ambiguously romantic shoulder-touching in the background. We’re relegating the straight ship to fan works this time. Love to see it.
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scullee · 6 months
i love msr fics where they end up going to the team building conference thing and win and all but i want one where they suck ass at it and end up goofing around way too much to even qualify for a top spot
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 2 months
the X-Files is fascinating because whatever truth is out there whatever alien higher intelligences, mythological creatures, legends and spooky stories are true the scariest threat remains....the US government
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alexa-crowe · 2 years
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bakedbakermom · 5 months
dana scully x jagged little pill
empty bottles x "not the doctor" (track 11/12)
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"Mind the empty bottle with the holes along the bottom" (a lyric that took me 25 years to understand)
So many of Scully's love interests are empty bottles: men looking to her to fill their needs, to perform a role, while doing nothing to fix those things in themselves they're asking her to tend to. To Padgett she is character to be controlled and adored, so long as she never steps outside the narrative he has written in his own head about her. To Ed Jerse she is someone to hold him together when the rest of his life is falling apart. To Daniel she is a memory, a dream, an ideal that can never be met because ultimately the past can never be recreated and she will again never be the same person she was back then. To Jack she is a way to bring back the thrill of his youth, the fresh young cadet on the brink of adventure while he is mostly resigned to teaching the next generation.
Rather than see her as a whole, complete, and complex person, they reduce her to these archetypes in order to make themselves feel less empty. No wonder Mulder - who worships her in all her varied shades, and in fact begs to be let in to those parts of her that she has learned to hide and suppress - is a breath of fresh air.
(Not pictured: Sheriff Hartwell, as funny as it would have been to include him for the line "I don't want to be your food or the light from the fridge on your face at midnight," because he was really only ever a joke between them. LMK if you'd like a bonus gif of that lol.)
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crimeronan · 6 months
raine whispers. waow. thinking about them. i owe dana terrace my Life for being like "well, we have a nb character who's a canon love interest for a main protag, checked off that box! we COULD never touch them again just in case people think we're problematic for putting them through conflict...... maybe everything about them should be happy and fluffy......" and then being like "hm. nah. they're going to suffer more than jesus actually."
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inkberrry · 6 months
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Sewing progress this week: took a quilting class today (was the youngest person there by 30 years) and got a bunch done!
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the complimentary needs of mulder, who must protect those he loves, and scully, who must heal those around her, are deeply satisfying to me.
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figureofdismay · 3 days
Detour is actually so so sweet. i feel like it gets heart-break-ified what with Mulder being oblivious to Scully's little wine hangout overture, but instead of it feeling like Scully's One Semi Overt Overture and he Missed It and she decided he's Not Interested, it actually reads to me that Scully is disappointed but also amused and charmed like, "right, I forgot who I was dealing with for a second there, of course he's serious about the cryptids," but in a grudgingly endeared way. That's her Mulder, alright!
And they're so comfortable together! they're tromping around in their anoraks and they're shouting each other's names in the forest, they're relaxed and chatting about cartoons and sleeping bags even when lost in the woods, none of the fear and recrimination like in Darkness Falls, or the quiet dread of Firewalker. Mulder even chats animal tracks with Michelle the beautiful forest ranger and Scully does not bat an eye, does not feel at all threatened for once. And Scully is so much more relaxed in the woods, you can tell she'd much rather be out there alone with Mulder than in a Best Western conference hall playing word games or whatever, where she'd have to keep up her Agent Scully pretenses.
Honestly, Detour is the episode is the episode that makes me think maybe the affair did begin post Momento Mori, or in the wake of her remission, and things had already shifted and somewhat begun to settle in by then. Making the wine and cheese tray not a Momentous first move but a semi established couple casual date offer that Mulder missed because he was in work mode and generally oblivious, which is why it didn't tank the mood between them when he accidentally turned her down. Seriously, Michelle would have been a huge point of contention and Scully would have been very snippy about her if she thought Mulder was ducking her tentative initial romantic move to go chase monsters with the tall, pretty forest ranger lady if she didn't feel like her place and priority with Mulder was already secure and happy.
Of course Diana and season 6 writing generally does contradict this theory, but the X Files's unofficial subtitle is "Continuity, hey who needs it right," so I do think that's strong support for the 'they got together at some point in the Cancer Arc' believers out there 👀
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theprinceandthewitch · 3 months
TOH is so incredibly fanficy, despite being an original show.
I really won't get over how they made Huntlow a thing and wasted a full hourish episode to make it happen.
Frankly, it's nbd for Willow to date someone by the time the story ends. Her dating someone doesn't kneecap her story. But Hunter dating her definitely kneecaps his, because Willow is not relevant to the whole Caleb/Evelyn and Philip drama like Luz is.
It makes no sense, from a narrative standpoint, to have Hunter like Willow. It feels like they really wanted to give Willow a love interest and Hunter was the only option they had to work with.
With Hunter it's like... him getting a witch love interest is something that pretty much needs to happen from a narrative standpoint.... but Willow isn't that LI. The only character who fits Evelyn's themes is Luz. He and Luz are the "Caleb" and "Evelyn" in this story - no other character's fit these roles like they do.
"But TOH is a tragedy -"
"But TOH is a subversion of romantic-"
TBH I really don't want to hear how TOH is a romantic tragedy or a subversion of romantic expectations because... it isn't. I have read romantic tragedies and subversions and this isn't paced like either. They also put a whole ass Lunter kiss in a spoiler episode, so I really don't think they were planning on making TOH a subversion of romantic expectations or writing Luz's and Hunter's romance as a tragic one.
See, this pairing is extremely confusing to me, because if they actually were planning on Hunter and Willow being a thing from the beginning and not Hunter and Luz, then Willow would have been written into all of Luz's and Hunter's episodes - which just so happen to be his important character arc moments [ST, HP and HM].
But... they don't do that, like at all lmao. I'm also not a fan of Hunter's friendship with Willow and Gus, but that's a discussion for another time.
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paulftompkins · 1 year
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One of my all-time favorite podcasts, Off Book, wrapped up their weekly run with episode 300. I was honored to be their first and last guest! Jess McKenna & Zach Reino are brilliant, kind and hilarious people and I learned a lot from trying to keep up with them (honestly I should have learned more but that is on me). With Scott Passarella, Brett Morris and Dana Wickens, they made something so funny and full of joy that managed to be wildly entertaining while being neither saccharine nor cynical. Although I will miss having them to listen to every week, I am excited for whatever they are up to next. I will also miss the ads featuring children who have suffered horrific injuries. Thank you for the laughs and for trusting me so many times (that one is on YOU).
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scullee · 7 months
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having temporarily moved into an unoccupied classroom to review mulder and scullys x-file, skinner didn’t know why mulder kept snickering…
saw this post by @draw-the-squad-like-this and i couldn’t stop myself
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