#dance until tomorrow
daily-teki · 12 days
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Day 160: Happy Birthday to the @dailyshinai blog!! For Shin ai’s birthday we’re getting him adblockers and a vpn to stop Midori being mean to him :>
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moghedien · 6 months
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I really love this version of the song because its so funny and yet so accurate to their characters in how they'd deal with encountering clones like
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Like you have Usagi silently aplauding hers when its beating up her friends and being cute but then she's like "wait I don't wanna deal with this" when it starts coming after her
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And then Ami's like "I can't attack people who look just like us!"
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And then Rei's like "I CAN" and is just waiting for an excuse to attack all her friends' imposters
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And then there's Minako who's like "Ok now that you are all done fighting, the two Sailor Venuses are ready to perform"
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threnodians · 2 months
operation do not cry at my irl bestie’s wedding: FAILED
#kayleigh.txt#if the pets didn’t need to be watched i would’ve been one of the bridesmaids#she gave me the same giftbag she gave them and so we’re wearing the same jewelry but alas#but yeah uh. i cried. a lot. struggled hiding it lmao#my bestie looks so fucking beautiful and perfect and her now husband immediately started crying when he saw her#honestly same lmfaooo#she made direct eye contact with me when the officiant mentioned that this wouldn’t have been possible without their loving friends and fam#which. didn’t help stop my crying lmfaooo#i’m fine this is fine; the only other wedding i’ve been to was my sister’s and i was one of the bridesmaids so 🤷🏼‍♀️#i was not emotional at all during that because idgaf about my sister tbqh#she and i stay civil and tolerate each other for the sake of our father but that is it 🤷🏼‍♀️#good thing i didn’t wear any fucking makeup because it would be ruined 😂#i am going to hang out eat dinner drink wine socialize and dance a bit#hug my bestie and her husband and cry some more probably#and thej hopefully head home before 10pm 😬🤞🏻#the pets need their pm medications and also just like. attention and all that lmao#because i am their petsitter until tomorrow afternoon/evening#also i am chronically ill and mentally ill and tired and in pain from helping set up the venue yesterday#also also i desperately wanna just. vc with friends and play genshin impact/honkai: star rail/fallout 4 🥲👍🏻#my social battery had been drained dry meeting everyone yesterday so today is. difficult
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toasteaa · 3 months
Girl, pause: the scene in my brain got cut off cause I was distracted. Mhmm. The one where we waltz with the fictional man and it matched up with the climax of the song we were listening to, yeah. Mhmm. Yeah, we gotta play the song over, I'm sorry.
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gifti3 · 2 months
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Dress rehearsals are literally my 3 favorite things about dance combined (dressing pretty actually dancing and watching dances) so idk why I complain about them every time I have them
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eurovision-del · 4 months
And as for the other final happening tonight, here’s what I make of the Söngvakeppnin finalists:
Bashar Murad – Wild West
ANITA – Downfall
Sigga Ózk – Into the Atmosphere
Hera Björk – Scared of Heights
VÆB – Movie Scene
Iceland does not like me this year. Four out of five of my personal qualifiers got left in the semis, including my two favourites. I don't think either Blankiflúr or CeaseTone's performances were perfect, but I still think both were decent - I especially liked Blankiflúr's staging and I'm honestly sad she didn't qualify.
With both those two out, Bashar Murad jumps to the top of my ranking, though honestly he just might have made it there anyway! I thought he gave a really good performance, his vocals were good and the choreography was very slick. The overall darker tone of the staging fit the tone of the music really well. I also honestly appreciate him incorporating all the nods to his home country, such as the green/black/red colour scheme, I always enjoy when artists incorporate their heritage. However, given the current context I support it even more so.
Wild West is both my favourite song and had my favourite performance in the semis, so I definitely want it to win tonight. Credit to the other artists, I did enjoy both Anita and Sigga’s performances, both really sold their songs and brought the energy they needed, but in both cases the music isn’t quite doing it for me. I’m glad Iceland held Söngvakeppnin as a contest, and whatever decision they make regarding Eurovision I will support.  
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
OK SO NOT TO BE EVEN MORE DELUSIONAL if Bees don’t happen tomorrow it’s fine literally I’m not even worried bc I know it will this volume BUT LET ME GET UP ON THIS STEPLADDER TO REACH FOR A MINUTE (also for context I am getting the episode numbers from crunch roll I think they might’ve been slightly different originally on YouTube but it’s fine I’m already reaching)
Volume 1 Chapter 6: The Emerald Forest is when Blake and Yang locked eyes and became partners BEFORE they even joined a team. So in a world where team rwby never happened they would still be partners on another team. Also could be argued Blake picked Yang on purpose bc we see her dart by in the foreground. You know. Also side note but Yang asking the Grimm if they’ve seen a girl in a red hood vs Ruby asking Little if they’ve seen a girl with long blonde hair. Sisters, your honor.
Volume 2 Chapter 6: Burning the Candle. DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY MORE? Some could say it’s one of the defining moments of early series Blake and Yang, it’s so good you can just say the title and the ones who get it get it. Highlights are the laser pointer which I found personally fun, early volume humor I love you, hugging your sleep deprived stressed girl best friend and then saying you’ll save her a dance. Also shout out to shirtless Ren??? Forgot about that and Nora in the background pretending not to listen to him and Jaune talk lol. Also early volume Renora my BELOVED
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Fall is when the fake out leg break happens with Mercury which isn’t a Bees moment but that later sparks the conversation all the girls have about believing Yang really saw him attack first and Blake bringing up how this reminds her of Adam but deciding to trust in Yang anyway. Volumes four and five don’t have Bee moments tied to their respective chapter sixes.
However the bees are thinking about each other while they are apart, with Blake seeing Yang in Sun’s place when he’s attacked by Ilia plus Sun literally calling out that Yang would want Blake to be with her even when things are bad. And Yang’s “what if I needed her here for me?” when she and Weiss have their little heart to heart in V5.
Volume 6 Chapter 6: Alone in the Woods: a personal favorite of mine in general. They are at the farm, they are above the Apathy, Qrow gets his first big wake up call in terms of his alcoholism and how it affects his family. Yang grabs Blake by the hand to lead her out of the house even though she doesn’t really Need to and Weiss gets to torch the place because she also has a parental figure who struggles with drinking and it affects her. Love this episode a true banger.
Volume 7 Chapter 6: A Night Off: Blake and Yang are going dancing. Neither are very good at it and it’s very cute. Featuring a hand on the shoulder as Blake does her makeup and Yang sitting like a lesbian on the bed behind her and smiling as she does said makeup. Also Blake’s giggle she laughs at whatever Yang does. I love mutually down bad couples. Also Weiss watching half of her team be gay dorks and deciding to go to the movies with Oscar and Jaune bc she refuses to be a third wheel for another second. Highlight for me personally is the beginning when everyone is training I love shots like that I think it’s cute and fun and. I miss when they could act like this before. The Horrors truly set it. Also the beginnings of Ren semblance evolution and the Rosegarden crumb haha. Also Yang chasing after Blake and her shadows as they are fishing was also cute.
Volume 8 Chapter 6 is Cinder’s backstory but V8 does have the bee reunion face cradle and forehead touch as well as Yang’s conversation with Jaune that he mistakenly thinks is about Ruby, as well as Blake’s conversation with Nora about needing to know who you are outside of your relationship and how They don’t have to be all You are.
WHICH BRINGS US NOW TO VOLUME 9 CHAPTER 6. Not every cute or significant Bee moment is tied to chapter six and they have more than one movement to talk and have moments in each volume. I just had a lil breakthrough and wanted to check when they became partners and what chapter burning the candle was and went down a rabbit hole.
Again IF there’s no confession in like 10 hours do Not let the bad faith haters get you down. We are coming off a wild episode and I personally missed my boy Jaune so much and want to know what happened to him. We will see how all that plays out. But the evidence is there and has been for years and has been pointed out in universe so if it doesn’t happen it’s ok to be disappointed but please trust that it Will happen.
But if it DOES? No bigger bottles will be popped. We win either way; it just depends on when. See y’all on the other side!
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theautumnriverleaves · 6 months
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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changingmymajortojoan · 7 months
if I didn’t have a uti I would have gone out tonight life is cruel
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 8 months
at this point im going to bed w/o doing my hw lol </3
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parsleypesto · 1 year
friday nights basically don’t exist where i live it’s fucking lame
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afieldinengland · 2 years
blessed solstice 🌞
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liu-yu-xin · 1 year
Winwin trying to pull the yixing exit from kpop group idol straight into chinese celeb is not gonna work as well because nct isnt nearly as popular as exo he will not get the immediate recognition that yixing got. Most groups are not like exo. Some groups are uniq and u end up selling ur soul to the gay bait cdrama gods to secure a place in chinese entertainment and if that avenue hadnt been banned by china i wouldve said winwin see u gay baiting in a different profession in a year. But also going from idol to bad actor is infinitely easier than kpop idol to cpop idol if he gets lucky with ONE drama then hes in forever. So who knows
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korusalka · 2 years
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