deep-nerd · 5 years
NAH NAH UR GOOD! I can totally like sit down and infodump! 
im gonna put this under a read more
also TLDR: Leelas is a punk ass bitch who i love 
To start im gonna begin with the world. You got Genesis (Heaven basically but not the Christian Heaven.) and Cesstation (Hell.) and then Gaia (Earth) 
My universe does have like biblical themes but i take the God and worshiping aspect out of it. Genesis and Cesstation are other dimensions with creatures that fit the descriptions of what humans call angels and demons. which they are right! They are Angels and Demons lmao. 
I have Genesis more fleshed out than Cesstation unfortunately. But anyhow! Genesis has a ruling class, basically the same status of what the people of Gaia refer to as God, a monarchy. They call the rulers Archangels! 
Now here is where Leelas and Jackson comes in. 
Leelas and Jackson are the sons of Gabriel Gustav and his wife (who i have not designed yet.. or named.) Gabriel was the current Archangel, raising Leelas, his first born child, to be the next archangel. Jackson had no problems with this, meaning they can dick around as much as they want! They were the clown of Genesis, always getting into trouble, getting Leelas into trouble, getting out of trouble with more shit, trying to get Leelas to also dick around and play, and they acted like this for y e a r s. 
And people loved them. Jackson would stroll into town, flirt with e v e r y o n e, steal some bread, nap, and get scolded by Gabriel... who only sighed and then laughed. Now even though Jackson was very uh lazy?? is that the right word? he was still very talented and well respected.
Leelas was a very tight screw since the responsibility of being the heir fell onto his shoulders, always studying, training, until Jackson would come in to the room and chuck a wet sponge at the back of his head. Like Jackson, the people also enjoyed having him around since he could be very philosophical. Jackson did comment that Leelas overthinks a lot. 
One day, Jackson threw another wet sponge at Leelas and convinced him to go to Gaia. A treat yourself day. 
So they went to Gaia. And ran into a woman named Anna. Only because Jackson noticed Leelas staring at her like a love struck idiot and they shoved him into her. 
He yelled, she yelled, Jackson laughed. Then got yelled at. 
however Leelas and Anna did keep in touch, eventually started dating, and three years later got married. 
Jackson Gustav, ultimate matchmaker. 
But Leelas brought Anna to Genesis and she met Gabriel. Who was like oh good one of my sons finally found someone. And they lived happily ever after.
But Anna got very sick one day and Leelas tried everything in his power to try and cureher, but death wants Anna and he is gonna have her. She died and Leelas was devastated but Jackson was better athiding his grief, since they also really liked Anna and thought of her as a very close friend, and tried to coax Leelas out of his depression
Leelas thought that it wasn't fair that fate decided to makehim fall in love with someone so frail and then pull her from him so soon so he basically said Fuck Fate and started looking thelibrary for dark arts and necromancy
which Genesis didnt have so he had to go to Cesstation tofind what he needed
Demons are willing to do necromancy but its like.. aterrible act leaving the deceased in a purgatory like state of agony since youare defying the will of Death
There is another world which is basically where the souls of the deceased go. The people of Genesis and Cesstation  refer to death as His Will. and with necromancy?
you are basically ripping their soul from Death's world byforce and the soul will feel that pain forever until the spell is removed and Leelas was willing to ignore the demon's warnings torevive Anna in order to see her again and he completed the act, blind to the fact that Anna wasdeformed, in agony, and screaming
Jackson was the one who found Leelas on Gaia after thespell, seeing the books and Anna
lets just say Jackson was traumatized
Gabriel appeared, pushing aside his panicking son and killedAnna and made Leelas fall on the spot. 
Thats where the color scheme comes into play. All angels have some form of gold markings. either on their face, hands, or both. Purple means you fell, your markings turn from gold to purple. its like a punishment for doing something forbidden. 
Leelas went from gold to dark purple and falling feelssomeone sucked the life out of you so thats fun
back on Genesis, Gabriel announced that Leelas has fallen,named stripped to Stewarlight, and cursed until he is forgiven. And thatJackson will be the new Archangel
Leelas basically has to work off his sin
Jackson, now in line to be archangel is at an impasse
He truly believed that Leelas was the one to succeedGabriel and now he thinks he won't be good enough since all they did was dick around a flirt. thats a lot of sudden responsibility. 
Leelas, feeling bitter about Anna and his fall, takesadvantage of Jackson's turmoil and says that jackson has to be perfect, better. Leelas thinks that Anna being dead forever was Gabriel'sfault since he killed her, and Jackson's because they didn't understand whyLeelas wanted to bring her back and they didnt stop their father from killing her. If Jackson loved her too, wouldn’t he want to bring her back as well?
enter years of emotional manipulation
Gabriel passed his title to Jackson, who was now moreserious and cold
i like to think that Gabriel was not aware of what Leelaswas doing? or i just havent thought that far yet or he thought that Jackson, suddenly giving up theiraloofness, was taking his inheritance seriously
Gabriel eventually did die, leaving Leelas' curse up toJackson who decided to not remove it thinking Leelas did not earn the right to have it removed. 
enraged, Leelas manipulated Jackson to go to Earth as a kindof 'prove your perfection to me' thing
enter Ignizen Vasseur thats another long story.
basically, ignizen was the one who told jackson that hesuffered through years of abuse due to something that was not his fault
and jackson just. kinda broke?
broke down in a sense
because for years he thought that he could have preventedLeelas from doing that, prevented Anna's death by trying harder and not beingstupid, got gabriel's attention sooner, thought Jackson was not good enough andwas an after thought since Leelas fell
so thats where this image comes into play.
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sapphic-shivers · 5 years
Hello! On the writer application form it says to provide links to examples of our work but I've never put my writing online sadly- is it possible to attach a word document or something?
Hi! I added a file upload option on the writer’s form. Now can either submit links or attach a document!
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misty-reeyus · 6 years
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“Once your sword is drawn, never waver. Control your feelings to control the tide of battle.” Right?
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infiniterhapsody · 7 years
I'm so happy youre making your amazing edits again! :D
omg thank you!
(they are all the same style though cause im hella lazy :/)
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blackveilblasphemy · 3 years
I was tagged by @burning-river-ghost
Post: your lock screen, the last song you listened to, and the last saved image on your phone
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my lock screen is star platinum from jojo's bizarre adventure
the song i was listening to was 秣马 (mo ma) by ayanga
my last image was a picture of my dog bucha
i'm going to tag some people, but no pressure! and if i don't tag you but you want to do it, feel free to anyway! :)
@therealmelindamayhem @bvb4teja @gizaoyas @upperranktwo @itadora @itadorii-yuuji @pock-galliard @thepotatobvbqueen @punkh4zrd @phantomtomorrow @bvb-loving-girl @former-emo-mess @six-of-brides @red--thedragon @sassyfandomwriter @sassytidalwavedestiel @pachimew @one-with-alpenglow @danganronpusassholefactory @useless-bi-otch @cenedrariva @bthump @calystarose @veliseraptor @single-log-bridge-until-its-dark @shirowm @krispycreamsicle @snake-and-mouse @vmae @sebbiebarneslikeplvms @silver-haired-dreams @eveningalchemist @preferredbird @mermaider00 @transgrumpyboy @olivelo @kyojuuros @a-cursed-walnut @magpiesandnightingales @stupidratboii @caffeinenby @caffeinecurse @mystiqdreamer @kawaiidoppio @bi-vamp @lordsky4ever @drheartstealer @a-force-dyad-in-space @punsbulletsandpointythings
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shimanamii · 3 years
tagged by @random-french-girl ! thanks rfg 🥺
post one pic from your camera roll that sums up your personality without explaining it
tag 5 ppl
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tagging: @danganronpusassholefactory​ @the-descolada @lightsaroundyourvanity @pugoata @patchodraws
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twistedmiffy · 4 years
4 recent albums tagged by @grimesapologist!!
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tagging hmmm @3meat @oldtymememry @danganronpusassholefactory
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queer-quester · 5 years
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tagged by @thervnkings to create a self portrait using @ummmmandy‘s gorgeous portrait maker site. I am always, always here for exercises in narcissism so thank you
im gonna go ahead and tag @danganronpusassholefactory @carrotsnhorses @official-swordswoman to partake if they so wish
(if you want to check out thervnkings’ portrait)
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cuirider · 7 years
Tagged by @masterjikkuri (thx :”))
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
2ND RULE: bold the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory  - I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend™ - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
I am tagging familiar people from my recent notes (don’t hate me y’all, feel free to ignore xD) @lordofspiritsandbazongas @misty-reeyus @aceyuurikatsuki @algandarsplaguepositive @ren-amamiyass @danganronpusassholefactory @roku-zen @augustgreatsword
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universally-skullie · 7 years
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An Allura for @danganronpusassholefactory because I owe her 75p
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jinconicc · 8 years
oh funk lads, it's a MUSIC TAG
thanks to @agonyisthetruth for tagging me i put my music on shuffle and wrote down the first ten songs to play~ 1. The man who sold the world // midge ure
2. OFFmix // GIRakaCHEEZER
3. Blue // cowboy bebop OST
4. Road taken (Roar) cover // Shady Cicada
5. Aqua’s song (Brave ver) // Fates OST
6. Flos // Blazblue OST
7. Another Medium // Toby Fox
8. Moonsetter // Toby Fox
9. Dress down // Kaoru Akimoto
10. Take a walk // passion pit
Yes it’s almost all game OSTs ok this is the life i live. Ok i tag @crowprinxe @dippereyes @fuchsia-vision @danganronpusassholefactory @kisa13 @fuzzywuzzybuckybear @sourpatchdweebs @nyo-iggybrows @666homi @mediati0nal-field
And @existential-dreaming
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deep-nerd · 6 years
danganronpusassholefactory replied to your post: can my tablet stop LAGGING
I pray for your laptop to stop lagging soon cos I would love to see Aavaros in your art style
my tablet is being homophobic >:(
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I was tagged by: @ravennfoxxy
birthday: April 24th gender: Female relationship status: Single zodiac sign: Taurus siblings: One older brother favorite colour: I like them all! pets: Saddly none at the moment wake up and sleep time: Around 9am and idk somewhere between 8pm and 5am love or lust: love coke or pepsi: No day or night: Day text or call: text met a celebrity: No smile or eyes: Both, but if had to choose probably eyes light or dark hair: Both shorter or taller: Taller  intelligence or attraction: Both last song I listened to: Oh Death is being sung in this movie I’m watching. Does that count?
Tagging: @danganronpusassholefactory, @romanianplum, @pinkhobofish, @goddamn-arms-race, @20-million-bees, @tempestofawesome, @jamest-kirk
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misty-reeyus · 7 years
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At the end...
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shimanamii · 4 years
~currents & lasts~
thanks for the tag, @hearticho :’0 <3
last song: i’m sorry i’m not fully a Cool Mitski Lesbian™ yet 😔 it was “behind these hazel eyes” from kelly clarkson’s formative breakaway album 😔
last movie: the road to el dorado w/ caroline :’) (which she seems to have blocked out of her memory 🤔)
currently reading: circe by madeline miller; a billion fics...in Theory :^)
currently watching: re-watching korra w/ my brother; watching SU and derry girls for the first time w/ caroline; various video game youtube videos of video games i have Not played ever
currently working on: sequel schneekos fic; a Secret fic; a Book™; the spooky desert part of twilight princess
currently playing: my fav childhood game, zelda: twilight princess, just to feel something :^)
tagging @danganronpusassholefactory and uhh i guess anyone who wants to!
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twistedmiffy · 7 years
tagged by @ghosttyp3 thanks for giving me something to do thats not revision
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 people you wanna get to kno better
nicknames: uh?? none im pretty sure
time rn: 12.00
last thing i googled: sleek makeup
fave music artist: hmmm i couldn’t tell u of all time but atm probably grimes
song stuck in my head: so you think you can fuck with me do ya by GIRLI
last movie i watched: shrek 2 with christina
what i’m wearing right now: jeans and a shibe crop top
when i created this blog: late 2012 after i finished reading h*mest*ck
kind of stuff i post: whatever i feel like i guess
do i have any other blogs: saved urls (like 10 maybe?)
why did i choose this url: aliens r good and glitter is good + xeno is a good word
gender: cis girl
hogwart house: against all the odds ravenclaw
pokemon team: luxray shellos/gastrodon roserade infernape (1st starter) gardevoir lapras
fave colours: light blue, red, gold
average hours of sleep: between 7 and 12 it depends
lucky number: 6 - mathematically perfect number
fav characters: jasper su (:/) fareeha and ana amari
dream job: sleeping
how many blankets do i sleep with: just a duvet and a bunch of pillows
uhhh i don’t know 20 people on this website lmao guess ill tag @arkainnihx @queen-quibbler @danganronpusassholefactory and also if u see this and want to do it, then go for it
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