sequentialartist · 9 years
Shoot for the Moon (closed)
Erika needed someone she could confine in. She didn’t want to trouble Graham with this, but she also just wanted to check in with Maki, she hadn’t really seen or heard from them since their first meeting. And that was a shame because he was a very pleasant person to be around.
Sadly she had no clue where she should start looking for him. She just didn’t get out much past her normal routine areas and the wandering around aimlessly wasn’t really going to help anyone, especially not if she ended up zoning out well she did. So she looked the only places she thought she had a high chance of finding him, the sleeping quarters.
According to the tablet it was rather early in the morning, so he might still be sleeping or at least staying in one of the rooms. So she went out to try and find him.
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shsl-tcglutton · 9 years
Closed Starter
(This is a closed starter for Seiichi.)
Kenji had asked to speak to Seiichi after the trial, and would’ve gone to Fumika’s old room. Unfortunately, Erika had already taken it, leaving him without a place to meet the entomologist. He still wanted to talk to him though, so he waited in the hall, lighting a cigarette and leaning against the wall. 
Seiichi reminded him a lot of Hiyori. He thought about his sister for a few moments. Hopefully, she was safe back at home with Blythe. The two of them had him worried sick all week, and he wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d cracked before Fumika did, just to ensure everyone’s safety. Looking at Seiichi, he did seem emotional, but also determined. He admired that. Hiyori’s determination was what had gotten her  into Hope’s Peak, wasn’t it?
But Seiichi had been called away to deal with moving Eiji’s body. Still really shitty what happened. So he simply waited in the hall for the boy to come back, so he could meet with him. He just wanted to see if he’d be open to forming a makeshift alliance.
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yuiayano-blog · 9 years
motive and meanies (open starter)
Honestly, she could’ve probably gotten used to being down in this place. Nobody seemed like they were gonna kill anyone, they had books to read, and some of the people here seemed friendly! Well, that was how she was thinking before she heard static and then the unidentifiable voice once again, which definitely couldn’t be good, considering what came out of it the first time they heard it.
She quickly made her way over to the hospital, and sure enough, there were the tablets. The maps were kinda neat to look at, she could see everyones names, and sure enough, you could tell the time as well! Maybe the voice was nice this time.
No. No it wasn’t, she questioned herself as to why she would even think about that. Kill the people she really cared about? It couldn’t be real, she frantically searched for the live feed on the tablet, and sure enough, it worked. It was just her family, the family that she cared about, but not as much as she could. Lukewarm. Tears would be shed, but she would get over it sooner than later.
She snapped out of it as soon as the voice spoke her name. Plenty of times actually, which was enough to get completely rid of the smile that usually covered her face. Her eyes were wide open and so was her mouth, too shocked to cry or laugh or get mad or really anything. She just... Stood there in fear.
“No...” She spoke softly. “No, no, that’s not what I meant and you know it, you, you, you MEANIE!” Looking like a complete lunatic, she shouted at the speakers, struggling to find the right words. Her fist was raised up at the ceiling, but soon fell slowly down to her side again. Yui turned to her left, just looking for the nearest person. “Nobody is getting killed, right? This is all a really elaborate prank, right??”
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akiyotoyoda-blog · 9 years
Mess Hall (Open)
Akiyo had retrieved his tablet from the hospital as soon as he heard the announcement. He wasn’t too worried about his family, so he decided to check the other features of the electronic ID first. Maps... basic information on his classmates... the time. Akiyo made a mental note to himself to study up on the roster-like tab to memorize the bare minimum facts about his peers. It seemed to list their names, measurements, and their talent. If he could become familiar with this information, things would be easier, right?
After looking over all the other features, Akiyo finally switched his tablet to the feed tab. He spent only a couple seconds staring down at the screen before switching it off and sliding it into his pocket. He took a deep breath and let out a deep sigh as he rolled his eyes. It’s not enough for him to be here, huh? Whoever is behind all of this... is really a sick fuck...
Akiyo straightened out the bottom of his sweater and began sauntering out of the hospital on route to the mess hall. He didn’t want to spend much time dwelling on this motive. He’d rather go find a cutie to flirt with. Where else is better than the mess hall to find some guys to chat with? Growing boys need their energy, especially in a place like this- a place where it’s kill or be killed.
The petite model waltzed into the mess hall and simply scanned the room for any guy who piqued his interest. Tall, strong, handsome... ah! He can’t wait to become acquainted with all these guys- he doesn’t really know any of them from school, honestly, which is a shame!
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tamikomikami · 9 years
down the rabbit hole | mikami | prologue | open
Mikami was scared out of her mind, to say the very least.
She’d spent a while pacing back and forth, muttering shakily to herself and scribbling in a small pocket-size notebook. She didn’t seem to care much if anyone saw her, but she was violently defensive of the contents of the notebook. If anyone had dared to come close to her in that time, she would have quite literally flipped out.
Her luck had turned rotten. Trapped in a warehouse, and told to commit murder if she wanted to escape. Well, never mind the fact that she could barely go a day without seeing the sun, she hated blood. She was adamantly opposed to the idea of killing someone. So that meant she was either doomed to stay there forever, or she would be killed...
She needed a plan. Defensive strategy. She first needed to explore everywhere she had access to. 
The warehouse was fairly large, so that was going to take up a lot of her time. She stuck her notebook in the pocket of her bright teal trench coat, adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose, and set off determinedly to a stack of boxes near the wall.
She was in the process of rummaging through piles of blue clothing when she heard footsteps echoing in the large room, getting closer to her position. Immediately, she wheeled around and threw her hands up. Mikami’s eyes screwed shut and she whimpered pathetically. 
Tumblr media
“Iyaa, oh please don’t hurt me...!”
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Eyes Wide Open (Open/ DanganSummer/ Prologue)
Stiffness... Cold... Light... Was Eiji dead? Did he just die from some freak accident and wasn't aware of it? Nah. Eiji began to slowly open his eyes to see a light above him. Okay, good he wasn't dead... Eiji slowly came up from from the cold concrete and began feeling a pain shoot down his back. Not the best of places to sleep...
Eiji got up, stretched and began to walk around a bit. Where was he and who were these people exactly? some of them looked familiar, but his vision was a little too foggy to see any familiar face. Suddenly, static came over the intercoms speakers in the rooms. what exactly is going on? A voice came on the speaker greeting all the students.
Eiji stood there facing one of the speakers. He listening and keeping his focus to whoever was on the other side explain what was going on. He could feel the mass confusion among the others. What did the voice mean by covering our tra-...
Killing... A sick and twisted game of killing... Eiji's heart began to race at a rapid pace. He could feel a panic attack beginning to set in, so he placed his hand on his chest. He began to take controlled breaths to help calm himself down. This was not the time, nor the place to begin panicing. The voice continued to explain the rest of the "killing game".Afterwards the speaker went to static, then nothing, leaving only the sound of a low rumble and sobs among the people in the room.
Eiji began to walk around to get the stiffness out of his body. He began to recognize some of the faces in the room. While staring at some who he for sure knew, he ran into some and fell back onto the ground.
"Oh god! I am so sorry for that! I just... I wasn't paying attention!" Eiji said while rubbing his eyes and brushing off his clothes.
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sequentialartist · 9 years
Ghosts of the Past (open)
After the unpleasantness of dealing with a corpse, Erika had decided her best course of action was a shower and then settling into a room. One could only go so long tucked away in a corner of the mess hall. She thought about where she would stay during the shower but in the end she had stopped thinking entirely. It was foggy when she exited the shower, which was normal steam would do that, but even foggier outside. That on the other hand was not normal.
Deciding it was just something she needed to accept, like much of the weirdness of the entire situation, she headed to the mess hall. She had a table and supplies to move. It wasn’t exactly hard for her to drag the table from the mess hall to the sleeping quarters. The hardest part had really been getting the table through the doors. Once it was inside she took a peak into each of the rooms. There were a lot of rooms that had more then one bed, and she didn’t want that. She needed a private area.
Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye she looked  in the direction of three doors that seemed rather close together. It was strange but something felt... right about the middle door. Grabbing the table and dragging it over she placed it in front of the door and herself, blocking the entrance from anyone but her. Seems like she didn’t know this used to be someone else’s room.
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shsl-tcglutton · 9 years
Can I Axe You Something? (Closed Starter)
(This is a closed starter for Yui)
Kenji drummed on his elbows, a look of irritation on his face as that voice went on and on. They were getting their electronic IDs, that was good. It would help them identify each other a bit better. And the map was definitely a plus. The third function, however, was a lot less pleasant. 
He was definitely worried about his aunt and uncle, but more importantly, Hiyori was there. He gritted his teeth. What the hell? How did they get this video anyways? Questions were rushing through Kenji’s head. Why if something happened to her, he just knew he’d kill someone. But... she was fine for now. Kenji had to remember how to keep his head. 
Then, the voice went on. He heard it mention the axe next to the Electro IDs, and brought up Yui’s question. So, this girl was asking about weapons? Why the hell did she need to know about them? He clenched his fists, putting them to his side. It was her fault that they had a weapon provided to them now, and that put them in danger. He didn’t know if she had asked in hopes of getting one, or it was just an innocent question. He looked at the roster on his electro ID, determining who Yui was. Upon finding her, he walked up to her, intentionally stepping straight into her field of vision. "Nice fucking work. Are you trying to get us all killed? Did you just go and ask for a weapon?” Kenji was fuming, and scowled at her, before taking a deep breath. He glared daggers at her, waiting for her response to the questions.
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Ugh (Open Starter - DanganSummer)
He was not happy when he woke up. Not a tiny bit happy, and that anyone with both eyes could see it clearly in the bomb manufacturer’s eyes. The tall male was still a bit confused, so he stayed sitting on the floor muttering all kinds of profanities in english.
Sebastian got up just shortly after the announcement, placing his naturally messy hair in its usual place, with a bang of it lightly falling on his red eye. He always did that as a child, but on that time it was a bigger bang that completely hid the ‘wrong’ eye. Now, it’s all a matter of style, since it doesn’t actually hide it.
A small smile crossed his face with the game explanation, and his mood seemed to bright up after that. What the fuck. After scanning quickly the other students around him, even recognizing a familiar face, the gray-haired boy turned away from the group, starting to mindlessly play with a golden ring. /Tsc, just because I have no bombs with me…/ As soon as he heard someone approaching, without even bothering to look up, Sebastian spoke up in his usual soft yet full of arrogance tone. “What? Already choosing your victim? Isn’t it a bit early for that?”
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swimwiththesharks · 9 years
here it goes again // dangansummer // open
Upon waking up, Crystal tried to move a hand to her forehead. She’s got such a terrible headache but aside from that she couldn’t exactly move. She pushes herself to sit up and finally rests her head in her hands. After a moment she looks around, then listens as the voice speaks. What the fuck...She recognizes some of these people, but can’t say that she exactly knows their names. After the voice cuts off, she pushes herself to stand up.
Clearing her throat, she approached one of the students, in most cases she would be worried about bothering them but no one here seems to be in the middle of anything besides being confused. What do you really say in this sort of situation, though? “Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to know what’s going on, would you?”
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akiyotoyoda-blog · 9 years
Free Him ( Open )
As soon as the speakers shut off, Akiyo just remained seated on the floor and stared up at the cluster of video cameras right above the speaker. Where in the world is he? Akiyo slowly glanced around the room and noticed all the other people standing around in confusion. How many is there? About twenty or so? This is so... messed up.
Akiyo carefully stretched his legs out and climbed onto his feet. His body is aching. The petite model brushed himself off and ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to get it out of his face. All he can remember is being grabbed from behind, something shoved over his head to blind him. Then, he blacked out. Now, he’s... here. Wherever here is. Akiyo felt a little uncomfortable not being able to recall anything about what happened between getting kidnapped and waking up a few minutes ago. Akiyo felt a shiver go down his spine as he thought back on the speech. So.. is this all.. real? He doesn’t want to believe that this is real.. but.. it seems way too elaborate to be a prank, especially with all these other people involved in the same situation as him.
The petite model wrapped his arms around himself in a hug and shivered faintly. He was kind of scared. His heart was beating faster and his hands felt a little clammy, and he was beginning to notice the start of a headache. He glanced around at the other students again and felt his eyes beginning to water. Is this possible? Is it really possible that they’ve all been kidnapped in order to play some kind of.. screwed up murder game?! He never in his wildest dreams thought that he’d ever be the victim of a kidnapping! This sounds like torture!
He just wants to go home! There has got to be a way to escape!
Akiyo stumbled over to the closest student and gripped the fabric of the back of their shirt and looked up at them, teary eyed and trembling subtly.
“ Please, help me look for an escape...”
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yuiayano-blog · 9 years
Excitement ( Open )
It was cold. Whatever she was lying on, it was cold, and she didn't like it the slightest bit. She forced open her eyes, every movement oddly hard to go through with like when you wake up from a long nap and nothing seems real. Nothing did seem real though.
When she had finally convinced her body of moving up into a sitting position, she could hear at least one of the bottles of nail polish falling out of the bandolier - dang it. Still, the bottle falling down wasn't enough to convince her of this being real. A quick look around the room revealed a bunch of different people, not much older than herself. Some faces she recognized, others she didn't. This was... new. Probably new in a good way though! She could meet new people, and get new friends, and--
A somewhat weird voice interrupted her thought process. It made her look up and around, as if trying to figure out where the voice came from, as if it came from one of the many people around her. Once she figured out that it came from the speakers, she just listened quietly. 
The first things the voice said was slightly alarming, not completely, but slightly. It thought some of them were dead? She dismissed it as just being worded weirdly, but unfortunately that wasn't the case, made clear by the next sentences spoken. That was definitely alarming. They had to kill someone?? They haD TO KILL SOMEONE?? No way, this was definitely just a joke. And well, even if it wasn't, she just had to stay on a friendly basis with everyone, just in case anyone got any ideas. 
She quickly picked up the bottle of nail polish, put it back on the bandolier and jumped to her feet. A friendly grin covered her face, and her hands were practically shaking with excitement. Or maybe it was fear. Not good to dwell too much on that.
"Alright!" She half-yelled, just to make extra sure everyone had heard her. "Why don't we start with a name and a talent round? Wait, let me start!" She put her hands on her hips, almost standing victoriously. "My name's Yui Ayano, super high school level nail artist! Who's next?"
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Grounded [ Open ]
Cedric listened thoughtfully to the speech that flowed out from the speakers as he slowly brushed his gaze over all the other students standing around him. He recognized a few of the other students, and a couple of them he’s even hung out with! This was an odd situation. Kidnapped and being told to kill his peers by some... unseen being. 
If the owner of that voice was intending to scare him, that wouldn’t be the case here! It was a good try, but honestly, Cedric didn’t feel too worried. This was probably just an elaborate prank of some kind.. and even if it’s real, well.. it’s not too bad. It actually does sound kind of fun.. he can finally fulfill his childhood dream of being a crime scene investigator. That’s neat, right? Yeah, this isn’t any huge problem. 
Cedric shrugged and extended his arms into the air and leaned back just a little to stretch. His body still felt very stiff and a dull ache was pervading through his body. Whatever happened to him while he was knocked out, he’d prefer for that to not happen again any time soon. That was the part of the situation that worried him the most right now- of course he remembers being grabbed from behind, and something was forced over his face. That had startled him in the moment, he remembers that, but then everything went black and then, he was... here? How did he get here? Did somebody drop him down a flight of stairs during their criminal antics? How nice. 
Cedric cracked his knuckles and then went to stretching and twisting his spine until he cracked it as well. Then, he cracked his neck a couple of times and sighed. At least he feels a little more loose now. 
The sound of crying brought Cedric out of his thoughts. Hmm.. some people here seem to be really upset. I mean, sure, it’s upsetting being here- if he’s stuck here, he’s grounded! Literally! How is he supposed to go flying if he’s trapped here? That was the only thing he was actually bitter about. 
With a small sigh, Cedric decided it would be best to go try to console the students crying. With that, he walked over to the nearest visually upset student and gave them a small wave. 
“...Hey there,” he begins with a sympathetic, but extremely serene expression. 
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sequentialartist · 9 years
Summertime Sadness (Closed)
After exiting the strange trial room, Erika had hoped she would be able to just find the table she had been using and get back to work on comic pages. After all that’s what she had done before someone had been murdered and evidently during the investigation. It was strange she didn’t remember even hearing an announcement for the dead body. Had she passed out at that time? She couldn’t remember everything was too fuzzy.
The speakers cracked to life and she was pulled out of her thoughts. A special mission, what was the- OH. OOOOH OH NO, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. She felt sick, she didn’t want to see a dead body ever again, none the less touch or move one. No why, why why why, why did he pick her? Disgusted she slowly headed towards the showers. Sadly no matter how much she hated it, she would have to deal with the body like she was asked. After all whoever it was had just proved they had no trouble killing them.
She stood in front of the showers, she would wait for this... Seiichi person. She didn’t want to go in there alone, and she certainly didn’t want to just drag this body around without a plan to stop them from getting blood all over themselves. She had no plans on ruining this sweater, it was a precious gift.
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shsl-bunbunfun · 9 years
Bad Beginnings (Open Starter)
Fumika felt the cold ground underneath her as she awoke, still groggy from having been passed out for so long. What was going on? Her vision was still a blur, and it sure was taking its time in coming back. Slowly, but surely, she found herself able to see once again.
She pushed herself up off the ground weakly, looking around. It was quickly apparent that she wasn’t alone in there... that there were several other people there too. Her eye darted around the room, taking in everyone she saw. They were all quite different. Some boys, some girls, she didn’t have time to analyze them all before the voice turned on, and began reading them the terms of their predicament. Would they be able to leave this place? It seemed not. 
Hope’s Peak students? So they must’ve all been Super High School Levels... unless some of the reserve course students were brought along, that is. That wasn’t the important part of the announcement though. After the general introduction was over, the voice’s message got a bit more menacing, as it outlined the purpose of their imprisonment. So they win by killing, and not being caught? And winning means... escape? Fumika looked around again, eyeing the other students with a hint of fear in her eye. 
Murder? What if someone tried to kill her? She was small... she wouldn’t be able to fight back against anyone! Would any of them try to kill? No one’s going to kill just because some stupid voice said they could! They didn’t even know if they were trapped yet.  There’s no way a bunch of kids would kill, for a reward they didn’t know about, from a voice they didn’t know.  There’s no way a bunch of kids would kill anyways.
Well, you never know. 
Fumika bit her lip. Any one of these people could kill. But... she was being hasty, wasn’t she? She cursed herself. What an idiot... thinking about all this stuff before she even left the place they woke up! She sighed, and pulled her cloak around her and set out through the warehouse doors, hoping to sneak away. She had no particular need to talk to anyone, nor a desire to. She just prayed that no one bothered her.
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shsl-tcglutton · 9 years
Bringing Back Bad Habits (Open Starter)
Kenji’s head was ringing as he felt the cold ground. What was going on? He stayed on the ground, waiting for his vision to return to him. It sure was taking his damn time, wasn’t it? When he found himself capable of seeing again, he opened his eyes, slowly pushing himself up off the ground. What was going on? 
He looked around, examining the other students. They were presumably other Hope’s Peaks Students, it seemed. He recognized some of them, after staring at them for awhile. They were his classmates, weren’t they? He looked around more, until he heard it. A voice projected itself from somewhere, and he tensed. Where was it coming from? 
He squinted at no one in particular, listening to what the voice said. Kill each other? What? What sort of sick fuck came up with that? He looked around him. They wanted Kenji, or someone else to go and kill one of their fellow students. That’s certainly what it seemed like. He sighed. This was such a horrifying prospect, and... God! Why’d it happen to him? He tensed up more, and looked around. Killing each other... such a terrible thing. He clenched his fist, and looked down at his feet. 
“What the fuck!?”
He was fairly loud, and looked around. He sighed again. Honestly what the fuck? He sighed. He really needed to calm down. Calmly, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a box of cigarettes, and lit one using his lighter. Smoking tended to calm him, and now that Blythe wasn’t here to try and stop them, he was free to do it, wasn’t he? It was a habit he wanted to stop, but unfortunately, he always found it too difficult.
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