icarus-torkai · 2 years
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rainubrew · 7 years
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venvanitas · 4 years
Mmmm yes hello everyone, forget Ven and Van, my new favourite character is this nameless keyblade wielder who somehow has an actual story in the khux plot, became a dandelion and ended up in back cover.
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The man, the myth, the legend. We’ve been calling him the anti sora.
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my-witchy-journal · 5 years
🌱✨🌷Magical Associations of Natural Items🌷✨🌱
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Regently I have been reading ‘The Green Witch’  by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock and I have found a really good and detailed list in it about all kind of herb, flowers, plants,trees and spices’s nature and I thought it may be useful for other ones too. 
I tried to categorize all the information, but as you can see there are ones which could be placed in more than one category. So I put these in just one category. 
Allspice: prosperity, luck, healing, purification, protection, money
Cinnamon: healing, love, lust, success, purification, protection, money, psychic awareness
Clove: protection, mental abilities, attraction, purification, comfort
Coriander: healing, love, lust
Cumin: protection, antitheft, love, fidelity
Dill: protection, love, attraction, money, strength, luck, eases sleep, mental abilities, weight loss
Fennel: courage, strength, cleansing
Garlic: healing, house blessing, protection, lust, antitheft
Ginger: healing, love, money, energy
Majoram: protection, love, happiness, health, money, marriage, comfort
Nutmeg: clairvoyance, health, luck, fidelity
Oregano: peace
Parsley: healing, lust, fertility, love, passion, protection, hex breaker, prosperity, purification, eases grief
Pepper: protection, purification
Rosemary: cleansing, protection, healing, longevity, improves memory and concentration
Tarragon: cleansing, regeneration, transformation
Thyme: purification, psychic cleansing, divination, healing, enhances memory, eases sleep, courage
Vanilla: love, prosperity, lust, energy, mental abilities, creativity
Anise: psychic abilities, lust, luck, purification, love
Basil: love, trust, abundance, prosperity, courage, discipline, protection, marriage, purification, luck, mental abilities
Bay: protection, purification, endurance, fidelity, psychic powers, divination, wisdom, strength
Catnip: cats, love, beauty, happiness, tranquility, luck
Chamomile: purification, healing, soothes anxiety, gently heals bad luck, soothes children
Mint: purification, preserves health, clarity of mind, protects travelers, attracts money, health, love, success
Sage: healing, longevity, good health, psychic awareness, protection
Verbena: purification, protection, blessings, communication with nature spirits
Yarrow: marriage, courage, love and friendship, psychic abilities, hex breaking 
 Apple: love, healing, peace
Lemon: purification, love, protection, happiness
Lime: love, purification, luck, sleep
Orange: love, joy, purification, prosperity
Angelica:  protection, hex breaker, healing, psychic abilities, house blessing, purification
Bayberry: abundance, prosperity
Chickweed: animals, love, fidelity, healing, weight loss
Cinquefoil (five-finder): eloquence, cunning, money, protection, sleep, prophetic dreams, purification, love
Clover:  lust, hex breaking, prosperity, purification, love, luck, protection, success, fidelity, comfort
Comfrey: healing, prosperity, protection, travel
Daisy: nature spirits, love, children
Dangelion: longevity, enhances psychic ability, intuition, spiritual and emotional cleanser
Echinacea: healing
Elderflower: protection from lightning, beauty, divination, prosperity, purification, house blessing, healing, sleep
Eucalyptus: protection, healing
Eyebright: truth, pierces through illusion, certainty, psychic ability
Feverfew: love, fidelity, protection, healing
Gardenia: love, attraction, peace, meditation
Geranium: love, healing, protection, fertility
Hawthorn: protection, fertility, happines
Heather: protection, rain, luck
Heliotrope: clairvoyance, psychic abilities, health, money
Hibiscus: love, lust, divination, harmony, peace
Honeysuckle: abundance, luck, prosperity, eases sorrow, enhances psychic abilities (do not use the berries; they are poisonous)
Hops: healing, sleep
Hyacinth: love, comfort, protection
Hyssop: purification, protection
Jasmine: love, attraction, prosperity, tranquility
Juniper: cleansing, purification, protection against accidents, protection against illness, love, antitheft, fertility, psychic abilities
Lavender:  healing, love, happiness, heals grief and guilt, sleep, tranquility, protection, purification, peace, house blessing, wisdom, children, marriage
Licorice: love, lust, protection, fidelity
Lilac: protection, beauty, love, psychic abilities, purification, prosperity
Lily: protection, love antidote, truth
Lotus: blessing, meditation, protection
Marigold: positive energy, protection, eases legal stress, increases psychic awareness, peace
Meadowsweet: peace, love, happiness, psychic awareness
Mistletoe: healing, protection, love, fertility, sleep, luck
Mugwort: divination, protection, healing, strength, lust, psychic power, fertility, protects travelers
Nettle: cleansing, protects from danger, protects health
Patchouli: money, fertility, lust, clairvoyance, divination, love, attraction
Poppy: fertility, abundance, sleep, love
Rose: healing, love, conciliation, restoration, self-love, attracts love and good fortune, heals trouble, enhances psychic ability
Rowan: purification, house blessing, protection, healing, psychic abilities, wisdom, strengthens spells
Rue: protection, mental abilities, purification, health, comfort
St. Johnson’s Wort: courage, power of the sun, fertility, purification, healing, positive energy
Valerian: purification, protection, healing, love, sleep, attraction
Violet: tranquility, love, luck, protection, healing
Birch: protection, purification, new beginnings, children
Cedar: healing, purification, protection, prosperity
Cypress: protection, comfort, healing
Elm: love, protection
Maple: sweetness, prosperity, marriage, love, money
Oak: purification, protection, prosperity, health and healing, money, fertility, luck, strength
Pine: prosperity, healing, purification, fertility
Willow: communication, eloquence, protection, healing, love, dreams
Almond: love, money, healing, wisdom
Hazel:  mental abilities, fertility, protection, wisdom, luck
Flax: money, protection, beauty, healing
Walnut:  healing, mental abilities
Ash: protection, strength, healing, prosperity
Benzoin: purification, healing, prosperity
Onion: healing, protection, purification
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callmederok · 5 years
The Witcher, HPHM, Jojo and Love(?)
i’m recently posting tons of stuff related to The Witcher...even if mainly this blog should about HPHM...(i’m addicted to The Witcher...it’s like HP but with adults and nsfw and less scary/morally ambiguous XD...because at least in the witcher are all adults...when they do something evil or morally grey...in HP are all teenagers...kinda more depressing ç_ç)
So...we’re going to sixth year and the maybe-option to have dates with characters, so i’ll write a list of characters and reasons why my MC likes them or in which ways he likes them(spoiler alert, i may made some references to other fandoms)[also:I’ll take no responsibility if my opinions offend you (drink a chamomile]
Rowan: Bromance, kinda like Josuke and Koichi(Josuke is a good fighter and Koichi has a good brain/common-sense) kind of friendship
Ben: Friends but not soo close(atm), kinda “we’re both enjoy the artifact room and depression”
Bill: Nice guy...i’m happy to never see him again(so he can achieve his true destiny: get married to Fleur xD)
Barnaby: Brotp, both likes creatures and beast but David(MC) is basically an hunter/witcher(loves to fight big creatures and beasts) and Barbaby just loves to pet them all
Charlie: [Like Barbaby] + Gingerhead Duo(basically twins) + Keeper and Seeker Duo
Diego: Geralt and Dangelion in the Harry Potter or like Joseph Joestar and Caesar(without Caesar’s death ç_ç SHIZAAAA! i have constant flashback of that moment in Jjba ç_ç), which is awesome, one gets the girls and the other gets a wife.
Jae Kim: We don’t know him enough but kinda feels like Geralt and Zoltan: one of them is in trouble and the other one enjoys watching/partecipating in the problem-solving
and now Girls:
Merula: People who ships this abomination are disgusting...a bully, racist, constantly in a bad mood, with more flaws that virtues, She is not girlfriend material...and i have to say sorry to Yennefer because i was thinking almost the same things about her...but no Yennefer is just too perfect, she is snob(a little) but she shows a soft-side that is...WOW...meanwhile Merula: tries to kill us twice, is racist and bully to Ben, tries to steal stuff to our friends, she throws tantrums when she doesn’t get what she wants...her only virtue is the alternative-style(she looks good but in a unusual way)...i hope for some decent redemption arc...but she will never be more than a rival with teasing and joking to each other...never girlfriend material, not for my standards nor for David's
Penny: Kinda gives me the feel that she is like Holly Joestar and Papa Kujo(Jotaro’s father), or like Geralt and Triss, she is nice, happy, always ready to share a laugh, but she has something from Yennefer. Even with a couple of bad moments, to me, she and David/MC are perfect together. 
Tonks: They may be a nice pairing, but David seek for someone more to relax with...at the moment Tonks is too chaotic for even the idea of dating, that aside the jokinly flirt to each other...also i headcanon that she knows about Penny and MC’s crush for each other and she is just there enjoying the views. (also i love Remadora, because fuck Wolfstar and not because i’m straight and demi-sexual but because to me Wolfstar is veeery overrated) kinda feel like Spiderman and Deadpool when they joke with each other
Tulips: Not much about her, i would want to learn more about her personality, jokes and pranks aside...so i don’t have really an opinion about her
Lizard/Liz: Same like Tulip(i want to learn more about her before expressing a full opinion),She is vegetarian(uncompatible with my MC’s culture based on hunting and eating meat in a demi-religious way) also she is too much interested in creatures to me she is Ace but Romantic...she just prefers to focus on other things...also GROSS!(because in one of my headcanons she’ll be MC’s step-sister, but i can confirm it because i don’t know enough about her family...)
Badea: We know that she loves art, spell-making and she has a muggle mother interested in tecnology and modern stuff...(she basically on a contest in “who will be MC’s step-sister?” because her mother) so...meh she seems a sweetheart though.
Chiara: The second end-game to me, she knows pain and suffering because she is a werewolf, she is a sweetheart...we don’t know enough stuff about her...but i like her...kinda feel that her and David may be a nice ship(but JaexChiara seems more interesting at the moment), like Geralt and Shani in Heart of Stone DLC.
and that’s the end folks...have a good day
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tiendaeltercerojo · 3 years
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Incienso Tibetano de Dolma (Incienso de Tara, purificador de aire). VALORES www.eltercerojo.cl Nota: Rico aroma, contiene algunos aromatizantes químicos que potencian su olor. Si quieres inciensos libres de químicos consulta otras de las marcas disponibles. ¡No incluye Deidades! El incienso de Dolma (Tara), se elabora en grandes altitudes de los Himalayas y el Tíbet y Nepal, se ha utilizado durante siglos para aliviar el estrés y la tensión. Es eficaz, no tóxico, no adictivo y contiene 31 ingredientes herbales puramente naturales. Está hecho a mano y su preparación sigue los antiguos sistemas médicos tibetanos. Cada paquete tiene aproximadamente 40 varillas de incienso de 23 cms de largo. Contiene: Bambusa sp, Sanjalum Album, Nelumbo Nudifera, Sarsparilla, Bael Dangelion Sage (Salvia Diente de León), Caraway (Comino), Bay Basil (Laurel y Albahaca), Etc. Hecho a mano en Nepal. #dolma #taraverde #tiendaeltercerojo #inciensos #limpiezaenergetica (en El Tercer Ojo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca9_QhMusi6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rosesloveletters · 3 years
Lotus and Dangelion for Pat from the plant F/O asks!!!!! Have a good day dear <333
Hi darling! Thank you so much for asking about my darling Pat Pat<333 Hope you have a lovely day!
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lotus: What does your f/o dream about?
Patrick dreams of a world where his loved ones never leave him, where the desire to "fit in" does not exist and neither do false judgements/accusations or harsh criticisms. Patrick dreams of a world where kindness and love come first, a world where every action we take is driven by love and care for others around us and all the creatures we share the planet with. He dreams of peace and of a quiet hiding place to spend the rest of his days with the one he loves most.
dandelion: How far would your f/o travel? (For anything, including you?)
For someone or something that meant the world to him, Patrick would go to the ends of the Earth. He already traveled to America for his grandpa; there's nowhere he would not follow someone he loves. I won't ever ask him to go far<3
answered from: plant themed self-shipping asks
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cosmemania-blog · 7 years
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💓ตลับละ 650 บาทจ้า💓 #ส่งฟรีKerry #ส่งฟรีEms 🌸Benefit Dandelion 3.5g. ขนาดครึ่งนึงของไซปกติค้า (ไซปกติ 7g.) 🌸ปัดแก้ม Benefit จะออกมากี่รุ่น Dandelion ก็ยังเป็นสีที่ขายดีเสมอค่ะ ด้วยสีชมพูอบอุ่น โทนสุภาพที่สามารถปัดได้ทุกโอกาส เพิ่มความกระจ่างใสให้ใบหน้าโกลว์เปล่งเปลั่ง สุขภาพดี กระจายชิมเมอร์อ่อนๆให้ผิวดูสวยธรรมชาติ นอกจากสีที่ดีแล้ว ยังมีกลิ่นหอมอ่อนๆให้คุณสาวๆรู้สึกสดชื่นในขณะที่แต่งหน้าด้วยค่ะ 🌸บรัชสี Dangelion ได้รับคัดเลือกให้เป็นผลิตภัณฑ์ยอดนิยม Beauty Insider’s Choice การันตีความฮิตได้เลยค่ะ 🌸ใครชอบสีปัดแก้มประมาณนี้ ขอแนะนำให้เก็บไว้ในคอลแลคชั่นได้เลยค่ะ นางอาจกลายเป็นบรัชออน ที่สาวๆหยิบมาใช้บ่อยที่สุดก็ได้นะค้า . #Benefit_cosmemania_shop #Blush_cosmemania_shop #Makeup_cosmemania_shop . 💓Line : @cosmemania_shop (มี@ด้วยจ้า) (ที่ Cosmemania_Shop)
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icarus-torkai · 2 years
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La banda Cloud Castle Lake promete. 'A Wolf Howling' es el single que nos presenta el trio dublinés en su primer EP, 'Dangelion'.
'A Wolf Howling' is the very first song from the Irish trio Cloud Castle Lake and it's quite interesting. Check it out.
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kuzurka · 10 years
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tiendaeltercerojo · 4 years
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Incienso Tibetano de Dolma. Incienso de TARA, purificador de aire. Contiene más de 40 varas de 23 cms aprox. Hecho a mano en Nepal. Nota: ¡No incluye deidad de Tara Verde!, sólo incienso. El incienso de Dolma (Tara), se elabora en grandes altitudes de los Himalayas y el Tíbet y Nepal, se ha utilizado durante siglos para aliviar el estrés y la tensión. Es eficaz, no tóxico, no adictivo y contiene 31 ingredientes herbales puramente naturales. Está hecho a mano y su preparación sigue los antiguos sistemas médicos tibetanos. Cada paquete tiene aproximadamente 40 varillas de incienso de 23 cms de largo. Contiene: Bambusa sp, Sanjalum Album, Nelumbo Nudifera, Sarsparilla, Bael Dangelion Sage (Salvia Diente de León), Caraway (Comino), Bay Basil (Laurel y Albahaca), Etc. Hecho a mano en Nepal. Compra en línea: Ver tienda en instagram. www.eltercerojo.cl 🚛 Envíos a todo Chile por starken u Chilexpress 🚚 . Región metropolitana con @packet_go . #incienso #inciensostibetanos #inciensosnaturales #inciensoschile #sandalo #sándalo #inciensosandalo #busquedaespiritual #ommanipadmehum #emprendimientofamiliar #japamachile #cuencostibetanos #sonidoexpansivo #chileholistico #meditacion #japamala #inciensoschile #hechoamano #regaloconsentido #eltercerojo #tiendaoriginal #cuarentenacreativa #meditación #yogachilena #budismochile #Hinduismochile #despertarespiritual #mindfulness #ñuñoa #gratitud 🙏 @ El Tercer Ojo (en El Tercer Ojo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF98GvfHReX/?igshid=yhh7ft1vwam2
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cosmemania-blog · 7 years
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#600บาทเท่านั้นจ้า 🌸Benefit Dandelion Blush 3.5g. #พร้อมแปรงปัด (ขนาดครึ่งของไซต์ปกตินะค้า) 🌸ปัดแก้มชมพูใสสวยแบ๊วธรรมชาติ สีชมพูนวลๆสวยมากกกกกกก❤️❤️❤️❤️ เนื้อบรัชที่มีกลิ่นหอมอ่อนๆคล้ายกลิ่นดอกไม้ด้วยนะค่ะ 🌸นางมาในตลับพกพาน่าใช้ พร้อมแปรงที่สามารถพกพาไปสวยได้ทุกที่นะลู๊ก 🌸บรัช Dangelion ได้รับคัดเลือกให้เป็นผลิตภัณฑ์ยอดนิยม Beauty Insider’s Choice การันตีความฮิตได้เลยนะจ๊ะ นะจ๊ะ . #BenefitCosmetics #Benefit_cosmemania_shop #Blush_cosmemania_shop #Makeup_cosmemania_shop . 💓Line : @cosmemania_shop (มี@ด้วยจ้า) (ที่ Cosmemania_Shop)
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cosmemania-blog · 7 years
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#600บาทเท่านั้นจ้า 🌸Benefit Dandelion Blush 3.5g. #พร้อมแปรงปัด (ขนาดครึ่งของไซต์ปกตินะค้า) 🌸ปัดแก้มชมพูใสสวยแบ๊วธรรมชาติ สีชมพูนวลๆสวยมากกกกกกก❤️❤️❤️❤️ เนื้อบรัชที่มีกลิ่นหอมอ่อนๆคล้ายกลิ่นดอกไม้ด้วยนะค่ะ 🌸นางมาในตลับพกพาน่าใช้ พร้อมแปรงที่สามารถพกพาไปสวยได้ทุกที่นะลู๊ก 🌸บรัช Dangelion ได้รับคัดเลือกให้เป็นผลิตภัณฑ์ยอดนิยม Beauty Insider’s Choice การันตีความฮิตได้เลยนะจ๊ะ นะจ๊ะ . #BenefitCosmetics #Benefit_cosmemania_shop #Blush_cosmemania_shop #Makeup_cosmemania_shop . 💓Line : @cosmemania_shop (มี@ด้วยจ้า) (ที่ Cosmemania_Shop)
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