maewestside · 7 years
THE SHELF-LIFE OF ANCHORHACK$: A Deeper Look at the Resumes of Scamalot... by heidi siegmund cuda, aka @maewestside
In trying to ascertain why gungy grifter$ cling so close to the Real Fake President that it’s unseamly and unmanly, I finally zeroed in on the malignant trumpery afoot: many of the Diarrhea Tweeta’s cozyboy$ have one thing in common: they’re anchorhack$… former, current and some so vainglorious they’ll say anything for Vichy MSM FaceTime. 
Among the “Conservative Talk Show Hosts” of the inner circle jerks of Scamalot:
Mike “Devotional Gaze” Pence
The VP became uber churchy after two failed political runs, one featuring an ad campaign that revealed himself to be a bigot, and it wasn’t until he picked up a radio microphone and became the calm voice of bigotry and misogyny that a career was born. Freepress sources in Indiana tell me the churchy bit became amplified after an evangelical$ bailout over a bunk family oil deal (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2006/10/1/252402/-). Until being selected to run as VP of Scamalot, Pence was on his way out as Indianans had had enough of hi$ churchy routine. Jane Mayer of the New Yorker likens his “devotional gaze” directed at the Real Fake President as a look usually reserved for first ladies.
Sam “Weird Science” Clovis
Another wannabe politician who failed in his run for Iowa State Treasurer in 2014, Clovis had built a loopy fringe following through his conservative radio talkshow, “Impact With Sam Clovis,” where he espoused the usual info$lime found in bigoted pockets of AM radio. Clovis, not only hosted a radio show, he also blogged racist bull jive about President Barack Obama, and although he claims to be an academic, his writings reveal a tosser who calls climate change junk science and opines that legalizing same sex marriages could lead to nefarious chicanery. Now that it’s been outed Clovis talked to the Feebs about his role in RussiaGate, he withdrew his nomination for a position a grifter like he had no business being considered for in the first place: the Department of Agriculture’s chief scientist. To be sure, an anchor fomenter denier is some kinda weird science. Add sketchy to the resume and pffft.
Anthony “Ten Day$ of Infamy” Scaramucci
Aside from sperience at Goldman Sachs and “private wealth management,” Scaramucci joined Fox Business Network as a correspondent in 2014. He was fired ten days after his announcement as White House Communications Director. During his brief Scamalot stint, Scaramucci joined such White House talking heads as former Fox & Friends host, Heather Nauert, who currently serves as a spokesanchor for the State Department, and Lara Trump, who debuted her impression of a Fox propagandist for the Real Fake President’s Propaganda TV #sad.
Steve “Blackbart” Bannon
Anyone who knew Andrew Breitbart says he’d be puking in his grave. Once Bannon, the creeper of #glitteringsteel lulz and Cambridge Analytica, took Mercer’s cash, it was on. After Mercer’s original pick for president, Ted Cruz, flopped, he assigned Creeper Bannon to MeinTrumpf and we all know how well that worked out as the global dom nature of glory hunters blasé blasé. But all you have to do to feel their erstwhile brolove is have a listen to Breitbart Radio to see how flattery directed at MeinTrumpf will get even fringe grifter$ a gig in Scamalot. Below, WaPo’s foxy David Fahrenthold gives a blow by blow of the blowhards hit parade:
Sean “Shammity” Hannity
Although Shammity doesn’t hold an official position in Scamalot, the veteran Anchor Hack serves as Chief Apologist. In that position, Shammity not only is fending off pervy accusations of his own, but British government regulators just ruled his infoshow breached impartiality rules. In addition, his creepy coverage of the Roy Moore creeper-circus resulted in Keurig Coffee pulling ads off the Shammity Show today. Although I’m no fan of throwaway living, and prefer a French press with no filter or single use components, I do applaud businesses withdrawing support of veteran dooshe$ who assisted in turning our fathers into bigots (latest count: five advertisers have bailed). 
Remember when the boycotts aimed at his fellow anchor pervs started? Ya, turns out the shelf life on Anchor Hack$ finally expired in 2016 but America’s just batting cleanup.
Keep yacking boyz. You’re burying yourselves.
Author/columnist Heidi Siegmund Cuda is a free press activist, screenwriter and film director. Her short film, “Rigged: A Tail of Corruption,” made its big screen debut at the Orcas Island Film Festival in Oct. 
You can see “Rigged” at riggedfilm.us
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