#daniel berrigan burned files not the people named in them
whumpfish · 4 months
Some of you don't know your fucking history and it shows
#google “project 100k” before you go wishing ptsd and suicide on people you've never met#shockingly some people regard (us) military service as the only avenue for a college education#it is set up that way#the military preys on soldiers#it preys on citizens#it preys on the poor#learn fucking nuance#no love#your presently less than friendly historian#also some countries require military service as a condition of having been born within their borders#oh yeah fuck that guy#if he didn't want people to wish ptsd and suicide on him he should have picked a better country to be born in#were it me i would flee#but im also ornery af and have resources#shockingly there are many people without resources#shockingly it is set up that way#shockingly you should get an education before opening your pie hole about ptsd and suicide#shockingly the powers that be want citizens without resources to hate each other for conditions created by said powers#because it means those people will not challenge said powers#grats you fell for it#and before anybody clowns on this fucking post#my heroes are mostly pacifists and antiwar activists#daniel berrigan burned files not the people named in them#eugene debs criticized countries and military-industrial complexes sending the working class to war#not the working class people being sent#also neither of them would have wished fucking PTSD and SUICIDE on people theyd never met#because they were decent fucking people who believed nobody should die pointlessly#if your humanitarianism has no room for anyone who does not have your resources and privileges#hate to tell you break it to you hun but you're no humanitarian#i have goddamn ptsd without benefit of military service and i would not wish this fuckery on my worst enemy
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whumpfish · 4 months
I keep my activism mostly on other blogs so that this one is all whump, writing, and chronic pain/illness focused. I don't have a huge dni at the top of my page because I am trying to keep this blog on topic.
But apparently, it needs to be said: I do not want to interact with people who try to justify genocide/promote that shit. I also do not want to interact with people so rotten that they claim to want entire families to suffer trauma and suicide because they want to be 2cool and the most activistest 4evar and make the pointiest point with zero critical thinking or base knowledge.
I am old for this site. I was born in 1984. So a lot of people in the latter category don't have this memory. I'm trying to be cognizant of that. But I grew up hearing "Gays deserve to get AIDS and die, it's what they get for living that lifestyle."
And y'all might not want to hear this, but "Veterans deserve to get PTSD and commit suicide, it's what they get for living that lifestyle" has the same energy. You still are so zealously ignorant in your ahistorical hate and your dedication to not understanding the underlying issues that you want not just individuals but everyone in their lives to suffer trauma and death.
Combat PTSD does not happen in a vacuum. Suicide does not happen in a vacuum. It leaves scars on entire families for generations that last forever. I cannot believe I have to say this. My entire, very antiwar family has suffered the ripple effects of combat PTSD (my very gentle and antiwar uncle was drafted during Vietnam and has night terrors to this day), and suicide (my oldest uncle had bipolar I like me and died of it before I was born).
Entire gulfs opened between my family and our faith. Between generations. Between individuals. I had a hard time engaging with a lot of my family for a long time because subconsciously they were afraid, because nobody knew how to talk to Sam either once the bipolar hit critical mass and look how that turned out. They didn't even notice it was there, the traumatic response of withdrawal was that automatic. We still don't know how to talk to my uncle about the shit he saw, so we don't. It feels considerate, but also not, because I never liked being apart from my family over silence on anything, and I don't know how he feels because we don't ask, and it's this vicious circle under the surface that never goes away. And he never had a choice, just like me, just like my bipolar uncle I never got to meet.
If you think that draftees, and people who wanted to go to college without the crushing student debt they see their peers suffering, and people who were straight up lied to--because recruiters will say literally anything to get warm bodies in the door, they will lie about access to medicine, they will lie about where you're going, they will lie about what your job will be--and their entire families deserve trauma and death for the actions of governments and military-industrial complexes... fuck you. Just. Fuck you.
Family annihilation as punishment for one person getting crossways of a predatory government was supposed to have ended a couple hundred years ago.
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