#daniels gargantuan forehead
hideousvampire · 2 months
guys pls remember NOT to karate your kids
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this is if johnny lawrence was cursed to only be able to say things me and my brother have said but he also has no idea what hes about to say
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he meant to say "good job larusso im in love with you!!!!" but thats ok everyone makes mistakes i guess
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Another drabble that ended up having nothing to do with the word prompt but the point is to write and I did xD
Another jump around in time with teenage Daniel, who is sick and being stubborn about it
Daniel was sick.
His stomach ached, his head ached, his mouth felt all fuzzy, tears kept prickling at his eyes, not even from the pain just from how off he felt. He was hot, but also  so cold that he was wearing his thickest pajamas with his wooliest socks and a beanie pulled down over his ears and eyes, sandwiched under three blankets for good measure.
Man, he really wanted a sandwich right now, a toasted cheese and ham sandwich with a gargantuan bowl of soup. Of course eating would require sitting up and he really wasn't sure he could do that just now.
He wasn't sure he could keep anything down right now either.
He wished his mom was here. 
Being sick was never fun but being sick when you were by yourself was the worst. 
But he'd be sick three times over before he pulled her away from her trip with Rose. She went out for herself so rarely and she'd been really looking forward to it. It was just rotten luck Daniel had gotten this stupid bug two days after she'd left. He didn't want her to turn right around and  come back to take care of him and he knew she would too.
At least his mom had always been a bigger texter than caller, that way she couldn't hear his coughs when she sent him pictures and updates of all the places she and Rose were seeing. She looked so happy too.
No Daniel wanted her to have this, and he was sixteen, almost seventeen after all. He could handle a stupid bug for a few days. It was summer break and he didn't have anywhere else to be or anything else to do. He could just rest and relax and let his mom do the same.
Well, he could try to rest anyway. He hadn't had much luck so far.
Normally he didn't have any trouble slipping into the Dreaming. In fact sometimes it was too easy, he'd gotten in trouble more then once for falling asleep in class. But for the last day, try as he might, he just couldn't seem to fall into anything more than a light doze that always broke too soon.
He really really wanted to sleep. Not just for the aid it would give to his body's recovery but because in the Dreaming he would be able to escape from the pain for at least a few hours. 
And he missed his friends there, and Dream.
He really wished Dream were here too.
Daniel peeked out from under his beanie, and could just make out a pair of pale hands touching the edge of his bed. In a moment the hands were slipping the beanie off of his head and carding through his sweat matted hair as Dream's dark blue eyes of the Waking World looked down on him with concern.
"Daniel Hall, you are ill, why did you not summon me earlier?"
"Didn't want to worry you" Daniel murmured, closing his eyes and focusing on how good Dream's cool hand felt against his forehead. 
"I was worried already when you did not appear in the Dreaming last night. I was worried you had indulged in too much caffeine once again."
Daniel's attempt at a laugh turned into a hacking cough, which only deepened Dream's look of concern.
"You should not be alone while you are ill. Your mother I know is with Rose Walker, but is there no one here to care for you?" 
"Ah Dream I'm a teenager now not a kid, I can ha--" another cough cut him off, and the pink that rose to Daniel's cheeks had nothing to do with his fever--"Handle it" he finished lamely. 
Dream raised an eyebrow.
"Please, I'm fine. I just want to sleep." Daniel said, almost a plea, he was so tired, so ready to forget about being ill for at least a while. "Can't you just put me to sleep please? I'll be loads better after that I know I will." 
  Dream said nothing for a moment. Finally he started to move as though to pick Daniel up, saying;
"You shouldn't be alone. I can send your mind into the Dreaming but your Waking body needs tending as well to ensure you don't worsen. I could take you with me through the Dreaming out into Hob's--"
"Oh gosh please don't," Daniel cut him off with a groan, "I don't think I could make it across to the kitchen right now, let alone the Atlantic, not unless you want me to throw up across half a dozen dreams and your cape."
"...That would not be preferable, no." Dream admitted. 
"But still, I cannot in good conscience leave you here alone" 
"I don't want to inconvenience you," Daniel began, his face flushing again from the thought of pulling Dream away from his responsibilities. "You have your work and--"
Dream looked down at him then, and there was a look in his eyes that Daniel had never seen before. 
"Daniel, of the many things you have and have yet to inherit from me, please do not inherit my… stubbornness." 
Dream's voice was low, even more so than usual as he spoke, and Daniel felt a shiver run through him that had nothing to do with his illness.
"It is no shame to ask for aid when you need it, do not let yourself suffer unnecessarily out of a sense of duty. If you would not leave another in your state, do not leave yourself in it either." 
Daniel ducked his head to hide the tears that were prickling at his eyes again. He knew Dream was right, and honestly--he really was so glad Dream was here. But still…
"Please don't call Mom though, ok?"
Dream sighed, sitting down beside Daniel and carding through his hair again. "I will not alert her unless you begin to worsen." 
Daniel opened his mouth to thank him but Dream hushed him, adding "And I will be staying here to insure you do not worsen" 
"But the Dreaming--"
"The Dreaming will not fall apart within the space of three days, which I assume will be sufficient time to monitor the state of your health. And besides, I will need to ensure you get the proper amount of rest to help heal your physical body, and so will be returning with you each time you enter the Dreaming." 
A faint smile graced Dream's lips as he asked "Does that ease your worries?" 
Daniel smiled faintly back, and nodded. 
"Then sleep Daniel Hall, sleep and begin to heal. I will be here when you wake." 
And finally, blissfully, Daniel felt himself being pulled under and into the Dreaming. It happened so fast he barely had time  to whisper a "Thanks Dad" before he was gone, falling into a warm dream, full of sandwiches and free from even the memory of pain.
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junewild · 3 years
tagged by dearest @cithaerons to quote, from memory, some snippets of media or literature that live rent free in my head. whoof buddy we are in for a big storm because there are a lot and they are very angsty
“a mother hen’s devotion to her chicks is evidence that given sufficient billions of years, stardust will turn into kindness.” - daniel geiger
“girl is born as girl. her brother is born as bull. every day the brother wishes himself human and the girl wishes herself beast. not a cow but a bull. something powerful with feet heavy enough to trample gods.” - @beholdingslut
“the soap by the sink is milk and honey scented. it doesn’t make our hands holy. it doesn’t make this apartment jerusalem. ... i think our bodies are meant to hold other bodies.” - @grendelmenz (?)
“the truth is this: my love for you is the only empire i will ever build. when it falls, as all empires do, my career in empire building will be over.” - mindy nettifee
“i just want someone to grab my little face and scream: on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you.” - jenny slate
“the first sign of civilization is a femur that has broken and been healed.” - margaret meade (probably apocryphal but who cares?)
“i love and am loved and i never thought i would let it happen. i am here to tell you that the years you spent wanting were not in vain. you will press your forehead to their forehead in your car when you are ready. you will hold hands while you drive them home. you will watch jeopardy while they lay on your chest. you have no idea the joy that is coming. you have no idea the joy that is coming.” and “if love is anything tangible it is his mouth, his mouth, his holy goddamned mouth. he says my name and the whole sky is talking.” and “it ends or it doesn’t. we do not perish.” AND “i know it’s not right to say things like this, so i’ll only say it once. listen closely. are you listening? bring your ear to my mouth. i would follow you anywhere. i would. god, i would.” - caitlyn siehl / @alonesomes (guess whomst has been influenced)
“why do we breathe air? because we love air? because we don’t want to suffocate. why do we eat? because we don’t want to starve. how do i know i love her? because i can sleep after i talk to her.” - maggie stiefvater
“go ahead. be gouged open by love. gulp that seawater, sink beneath the waves. you’re not a boat, you can go under and come up again, with those great big lungs of yours. and your heart, that gargantuan ark. call it unsinkable, though it is sinkable. embark, embark. there are enough ballrooms in you to dance with everyone you’ve ever loved.” - laura lamb brown-lavoie
“it is in your best interests to find a way to be very tender.” - jenny holzer
“i am alive ; can you not hear the ocean in me ; are you not aware of the war i am fighting ; i am alive ; you cannot take that from me.” - i think this one might also be caitlyn siehl but i can’t find it when i look for it anymore
“we don’t love this world without reason.” - @catadromously (this, along with “stay wolf my love” and “that’s all there is” is one of the only quotes i’ve ever considered getting as a tattoo)
“you painted a naked woman because you liked looking at her, and you put a mirror in her hand and called it vanity, thus condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for your own pleasure.” - john berger
“hail, holy light, offspring of heav’n firstborn. or of eternal, co-eternal beam. may i express thee unblam’d? since god is light, and never but in unapproach’d light. dwelt from eternity, dwelt then in thee, bright effluence of bright essence increate.” - milton
“to seize each moment, to live to the fullest the love between us, to refuse no joy set before us, that each day might be a gold coin to add to the treasure of our love. until i’ve drunk the last drop in the cup and no more days remain to me, as long as life shall last, until i take my last breath of the sweet air.” - wedding vows for hobbits written by lindelea
“i was making dinner and i got a message. go look outside, it said. go look at the sunset. my apartment is small, with four rooms and two windows that don’t see a lot of light so i had no idea. i hurried out. i was running to this sunset, suddenly the only thing that mattered. i hurried past the taller buildings and made it to the park and the sky was bleeding shades of purple and pink. it was beautiful and fleeting, there one minute and gone the next. i almost missed it. i could have kissed it. and i started thinking: how lovely would it be to get a nudge, a tap on the shoulder before your life changes. stop what you’re doing and look around. you’ll want to remember this later. in a minute, you’re going to fall in love.” - kelsey danielle
not quotes, but the confession scene from fleabag and the leslie/ben proposal and wedding scenes from parks and rec live rent free in my mind and i will never stop thinking about them. never.
i tag @grizzlybairparty @sabertoothwalrus @zubeia @eileentide @beholdingslut @crypticspren @goldengirlschildhood and anyone else who’d like to try it!
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