#danna paola personal
smuganya · 1 year
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DANNA PAOLA via Instagram Stories
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yours-stevie · 10 months
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Stunning 💎
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marichanmari · 1 year
o b s e s s e d
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narcobarbies · 10 months
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DANNA PAOLA At the ''Person Of The Year'' event by the Latin Grammy
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f0point5 · 7 months
face claim ideas could be danna paola, camila morrone, or kaia gerber
Kaia Gerber was very seriously considered, but there’s a very specific reason I went for the person I did and I’m so excited for everyone to seeeeeeee
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100hearteyes · 1 year
I watched Élite seasons 1 through 5 (I'm sooo late, I know) and boy do I have thoughts. Be warned: this is a really really long post.
First off: I loved the first three seasons. They're quite good for what they set out to do and they wrap up the overarching story in an overall satisfying manner. I was surprised by how invested I got in the two main straight couples and really liked the main queer one. The show itself and the mysteries were always gripping (it made me want to watch 'just one more' over and over again), and the storytelling and plot were honestly pretty neatly constructed, especially considering the kind of show we're talking about. Loved the additions in seasons 2 and 3, and who they decided to get rid of after 1. Lu (so problematic during her worst times but it was aldo so so pleasant to watch her grow up and become a better person), Nadia, Carla, Guzmán, Rebeka, and Omar are clear standouts for me (Danna, Mina, Claudia are quite possibly the three best actors of the first story).
Which brings me to seasons 4 and 5 (haven't watched 6 and don't know if I want to, which is telling when just a few seconds ago I was telling you I couldn't put down the first three seasons), where the exact fucking opposite happened.
-- brief intermission: Lu and Nadia's friendship is the very best thing about seasons 1 to 3; Danna Paola acted the hell out of every single line and scene she was given; Mina, Georgina, Ester, and Claudia were outstanding too --
Most characters had a clear pathway of development and their stories closed out on a firm note of either growth or regression (or something a bit more complex than that), instead of flip-flopping back and forth between points A, B, and C for three seasons.
-- brief intermission 2: it's important to keep in mind that season 4 had some positives (one very big one); season 5 is the really bad one --
Let me preface this by stating the obvious. High school/college shows that are directly bound to their HS/C setting have an evident handicap: they can't really ever leave that setting (which with enough skill you can turn into a strength imho). This gives you three options.
A - Keep your characters at the eternal age of 15/16/17/18, which ruins the characters and storytelling, because 1) it becomes absolutely nonsensical, and 2) it forces you to do that same flip-flopping where characters keep growing and regressing and growing and regressing ad eternum (see: Marvel's Iron Man);
B - Renew the cast every so often, which gives you the chance to tell new stories and refresh your show with each new cycle, therefore lending it a longevity that won't tire your viewers out, because it's basically like you're making a whole new show every three or for years. You have to do it well, though, so viewers don't feel like they're watching the same story over and over just with different faces.
C - A mix of options A and B. You renew the cast but keep some characters to give it a sense of continuity. This is what Élite does: some characters spill over from seasons 3 to 4, and then (I googled) some introduced in the second three-season arc stay for the handoff to season 7. And, sure, it makes sense continuity and familiarity wise, but it also demands careful writing so that the storylines of the characters that are going to stay over for the next overall arc don't feel closed and so that those characters have clear room to grow. So do you know who definitely should NOT be the ones you choose to keep, *most especially* in a high school setting? Your main characters aka the ones whose full story you just told. They're ready to graduate, my buddies. Let them!
And this is where the issues start (but definitely do not end) for Élite. The characters that stay over for season 4 - SPOILER - are (iirc) Samuel and Guzmán, the ~main characters~, plus Ander, Omar, Cayetana, and last but not least my baby Rebeka. The show comes up with mildly logical ploys and explanations for those six to remain, but right off the bat, it's way too many. Six characters??? That's OVER HALF of the main cast of seasons 2 and 3.
While it made sense to have Rebeka and Caye – additions in season 2 and whose stories you could feel hadn't reached their conclusion –, Samu, Guzmán, Ander, and Omar's character arcs were done. They had grown all they had to grow. What does that mean for the story? It means that we had to watch the slow and steady (not literal) assassination of all four characters. It was so painful to watch as the showrunners undid all the growth SGOA had done over the past three seasons and destroyed their characters for the sake of keeping them on the show. The way Guzmán and Samu went back to being assholes to each other made absolutely no fucking sense. And it was honestly fucking annoying seeing that after they became friends so organically in the first arc. That was a friendship you rooted for ffs. As for Omar and Ander, while it made sense on paper for them to still be in high school due to what happened in season 3, the writers could have easily written them off, because their arc WAS over. We'd done the closet. We'd done the back and forth. We'd done the cheating. We'd done the breaking up and making up and all 72 lines of Katy Perry's Hot N Cold. We'd done Omar's story with Nadia, the parents, and Lu (BEST friendship btw), and Ander's with Polo, Guzmán, and his mom. And then the writers decided to put them in a narrative vacuum with a third, endlessly annoying dude and redo all the gay drama parts but ten times worse 🙃
And that's just season 4, because Guzmán and Ander leave at the end of that and then in season 5 the writers decide to fuck up Omar and Samu's friendship too. Fuck you for putting my son Omar through the ringer tbh.
This is coming out way longer than I anticipated (as usual). ANYWAY, quality goes way down in seasons 4 and especially 5. The mysteries are boring and predictable, and – this is important – sex takes on that GOT quality of mattering for nothing other than to goad people to watch. With each season, sex becomes more and more graphic and less and less meaningful for plot and characterization. It's just softcore porn. There's a beautiful sex scene in S4 (I'm biased tho ngl lol) but everything in S5 is Not It.
Rebeka and Caye are two of the best three/four things of seasons 4 and 5. Nevertheless, they ruined Omar, Ander, Samu, and Guzmán, like I said, and the additions to the cast are no better.
Patrick, Ari, and Benjamín (introduced in S4) are frankly bad characters; Philippe (S4) is a missed opportunity; Isadora (S5) is just there to suffer (1 - I say this despite Isa being a good character with lots of potential and Valentina Zenere doing excellent work with her; 2 - I suspect she will have a bigger role in S6, which would be good); and Cruz (1 - I've never met Portuguese person called Cruz (mas também nunca tinha visto ninguém chamado Carloto, por isso o que sei eu lol), 2 - Carloto Cotta's acting is Not Good At All) and Iván (both S5) serve possibly the worst plotline of all five seasons. The only super welcome addition is... Mencía ❤️ even so, her turnaround in season 5 is soooo poorly done and with it the show ruined the best thing about season 4, because if one thing's for sure with Élite is that no one can ever have a happy ending. The writers made that crystal clear when they brought Guzmán, Omar, and Ander back for the second overall arc of the show.
That brings me to the two good things about season 4, all of which season 5 destroyed. Caye is given room to grow into her better self after her fuck-ups in the first arc and she shines in season 4. Then in 5 they decide she should actually be in love with her abuser 👍
Rebe and Menci *whimsical sigh*. I fell in love with them. Their push and pull was the heart of s4, which firmly paved the way for reconciliation in 5. It happened. And then it didn't. Then it happened again. And then it didn't. Again. It's so fucking frustrating, because they built one of the best love stories in the show – by far the best of the second arc – and poofed it away like it meant nothing. Fuck it hurt. Honestly for me Rebe/Menci is up there with Nadia/Guzmán, Samu/Carla, and Omar/Ander seasons 1-3. The epic love story the show had been unable to repeat with anyone else. It also gave Rebe her due spotlight and agency and the sensational Claudia Salas a chance to shine. Her chemistry with Mencía/Martina Cariddi was off the fucking charts. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say they had the most explosive chemistry of all of Élite along with Carla/Samuel. And if they were going to destroy it, I'd rather they would have done it in season 4 when Rebeka made a choice that she herself said meant losing Mencía forever than what they did in 5. Because FUUUUCCKKK they really made me believe that reconciliation was possible in s5.
Rebeka was wonderful throughout all five seasons and my only criticism is that I would have given her even more screen time while she was on the show. I miss her already 🥲
This takes me to *drumroll* Mencía. Gosh I love my baby Menci, who has the nicest, most radiant smile. They had her make some stupid choices in season 4 but I guess they had to feed the Armando storyline for all eight episodes. Also, it allowed for some badass Rebe scenes as well as some great hurt/comfort. Season 5 is a garbage fire and she gets dragged along. Mencía is a /wonderful/ character throughout though, it's just a shame that the writers continually chose to cause her pain and to put her between a rock and a hard place.
Which brings me to my last but not least talking point: women and queer people get the short end of the stick over and over and over again.
Just to be clear, racial diversity is worse than bad – we have three (?) black people in five seasons, all with minor roles – but this is Spain we're talking about, so unfortunately my expectations on that front were below zero (the same goes for Portuguese content btw). We have Nadia and Omar in the first three seasons. I'm hesitant to include Lu, Iván, Valerio, Isa as Latinos, because I don't know exactly how it works in Spain, but we don't make that distinction in Portugal. First time I heard of Latinos was in a US media context. I don't want to be ignorant/dismissive though so I'm at least making a reference to the four of them.
-- TW sexual assault --
Four women who are victims of sexual violence in the first five seasons (I'm choosing to include Carla's dad pimping her out to Yeray in this too – Yeray was all too happy to go with it until Carla made it clear that she hated it so much she needed drugs to withstand pretending to be in love with him), three of them in seasons 4 and 5. You see what I'm talking about when I mention how bad those two seasons are? As for the queer characters (some overlap): cancer, prostitution, constant cheating, two instances of borderline p*dophilia (as in, a fully grown adult and a teenager), homophobia, family abandonment, transphobia (in season 6, according to a review I read), racism, religious intolerance, sexual assault, drug dealing – seriously, all the kids who dabble in it one time or another for whatever reason (Omar, Rebe, Valerio, Patrick) are queer – etc etc etc.
And while mistakes were learning opportunities in the first overall arc – e.g. Rebe and Valerio's drug dealing in season 3, however brief, and the damage it caused – in seasons 4 and especially 5 they're just something that happens for drama and pain and to push characters back on their growth, not that they will ever learn from them. Remember when we talked about how seasons 1-3 mostly managed to avoid the Tony Stark Syndrome? Well 4 and 5 revel in it. Character development is but a mirage.
I think this is it. Anyway, Rebe x Menci forever, and Lu, Nadia, and Carla are my babies ❤️
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jangyeevns · 2 years
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in reference to this post, i’m gonna have a lax little group set in huntington beach, california and surrounding muses ages 21-45 ( maybe 50.. i’ll tweak soon when i decide ) because older muses deserve a place too !! i’m capping it at ten muns for now and it’ll be moots/friends/vibe check clearance exclusive for maximum comfort for everyone. basic rules and info are as follows:
obviously, no god-modding, ship/face-chasing, bubble roleplaying, ooc drama, generally abusive, insensitive or intolerant behaviour, etc or you’re out ! we’re all adults here, so while i’ll intervene when something is brought to my attention, i should assume we all know how to act for these tough and uncomfortable conversations to be avoided or handled privately and considerately.
age ( outside of established rule in next point ) and race-bending are also BIG no’s so let’s not do that, yeah?
muses, fcs and muns must be 21+ to be considerate of ages of majority in some parts, and the rule for aging a muse will be +/- 4 years per the fc’s current age.
recent community fuckery has me adding this, smh. if shipping/having romantic connections comes about, do consider the ages of both muse and fc and not indulge in massive age gaps or power imbalances; chemistry is so valid, but we also have to bear in mind the implications of a 30+ year old fc being with a 22 year old fc, especially as 21 is the youngest age accepted.
you can apply with 2 muses with one being gender, body or racially diverse since i’m not about to facilitate a white and cis as fuck environment because there’s no reason in 2023 ?? this goes for every second muse you pick up when additional muses are allowed once things kick off.
banned fcs shouldn’t have to be rattled off like crazy since lots of lists exist for people who don’t wish to be used and we know most of the problematic people to be wary of, but for those who are either still used in abundance or conflict with personal comfort ( which muns can add onto once accepted ), they include: the hadids, the jenners, kj apa, cole sprouse, nicola peltz, justin bieber, timothée chalamet, ester exposito, dove cameron, danna paola, legacies cast, angus cloud, any zionist, pro-trump or anti-blm tools, sabrina carpenter, george sear, gavin leatherwood, matt daddario, josefine frida pettersen.
interest checks will be on a weekly basis since we all have work, school and other commitments to prioritize at times and rp is a hobby ! since this won’t be an open group, activity checks and hiatuses won’t be mandatory at the moment.
[ faceclaim, age, gender, pronouns ] — i think i just saw FIRST LAST leaving the pier with AESTHETIC ITEM + AESTHETIC ITEM in hand. you haven’t heard of them? they’re a/n OCCUPATION from HOMETOWN, living in NEIGHBOURHOOD and you can always find them at THEIR FAVOURITE SPOT. i don’t know, they seem pretty - NEGATIVE to most, but i thought they were + POSITIVE when i spoke to them; we’ll just have to wait and see what else they have in store for us. [ mun name/alias, age, pronouns, tz ]
feel free to add extras to get a feel for your muse ! it doesn’t impact acceptance if i’m being honest, but i always love a little insight if someone’s even willing to provide it LMAO
[ tingting_lai, 22, cis woman, she/her ] — i think i just saw PHOEBE ZHU leaving the pier with A SCRUNCHIE COORDINATED TO HER OUTFIT + RASPBERRY PEACH ITALIAN SODA in hand. you haven’t heard of them? they’re a STUDENT/RETAIL CLERK from SOUTHPORT, CONNECTICUT, living in GOLDENWEST and you can always find them at THE BEACH. i don’t know, they seem pretty - PERFECTIONISTIC to most, but i thought they were + EBULLIENT when i spoke to them; we’ll just have to wait and see what else they have in store for us. [ jules, 25, she/her, nt ]
tingting_lai, bianca lawson
tbd !
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smuganya · 2 years
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pearlthicf · 1 year
♕ ( muse H / 25 / ciswoman / she, her, hers ) — did you see ESTELLE ROSAS wandering around the island today? they kind of look like DANNA PAOLA from certain angles? i heard around town that the FASHION DESIGNER is PASSIONATE, and CHARISMATIC, but also RECKLESS, and DRAMATIC. people say that they remind them of FUCHSIA PINK, ACRYLIC NAILS, and FABRIC SWATCHES, and SAOKA by ROSALÌA is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town.
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being an only child has it's perks, especially when you're somewhat of a miracle. doted on day in and day out, estelle never had to ask for anything, she simply got.
this, however, started to become an issue when it came to ambition. simply put, she had none. no talent, no big ideas, nothing that could live up to her parents insane expectations of their little star.
until estelle learned of ( muse i )'s designs. in an instant, the girl with the eye for fashion (and not much else), finally had her big idea.
sure, she'd feel guilty from time to time. but it's hard to let guilt distract you when you're drinking champagne on a yacht with the best of the best now isn't it? it felt right. like she belonged. though a shadow always lurks behind her eyes.
her life is comfortable, and as co creative director, she no longer has to turn in designs, simply approve them. everything seems to be falling into place. at least for now.
home is a scary place, a place of watching over her shoulder and vetting every room like she was a fed. (muse i) could be lingering anywhere, and she's not sure she's ready to face them.
(muse d) on the other hand, is one of the only reasons she returns. feeling comfortable and wanted for once in her life is a feeling she's not willing to give up any time soon.
wanted connections
old friend: someone from high school that was super close with estelle but they naturally drifted apart (neutral/friendly)
ex: legit can be as dramatic as you'd like i'm here for anything on this one (any) noah hayes
frenemy/flirty enemy: tbh i'd be happy with either or both of these. i just love angst (neutral/unfriendly)
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carladuquette · 2 years
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Ich habe 1.209 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 59 more posts als 2021!
235 Einträge erstellt (19%)
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Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
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#elite – 252 Einträge
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#danna paola – 60 Einträge
#lu x valerio – 52 Einträge
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Longest Tag: 136 characters
#‘at times you find yourself tending to others more than you do yourself and you often take on more than you can bear of others' sadness’
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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missing them hours
49 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 31. Januar 2022
I’ve been having a lot of THOUGHTS about Lu and Carla’s friendship recently, so bear with me.
(Does anyone still care about the og Elite characters? Probably not. Is that stopping me? Not in the slightest!)
Carla and Lu are kind of opposites in many ways, but here’s one more: Carla’s big issue is that people always want/need sth from her. Polo basically consistently needs her as his pillar of strength while they’re together, then he wants her to come back to him, then he needs her to hide the murder. Samu wants the truth abt Marina, then he wants her to tell the truth in court. Her parents need her to be the girl they can pimp out to save the biz, Yeray wants her to be this vision he’s had of her for years, the ornament to show everyone he’s made it. Everyone always wants sth.
Lu is the exact opposite- her issue is that people don’t want her, or not the full, real her. Guzman doesn’t want her, not really, no matter how hard she works to make him. Her father only wants her as long as she conforms to this picture he has of her: Perfect student, perfect daughter. As soon as she stops conforming, he makes it very clear the family doesn’t want her anymore. Even Valerio pretty much tells her “I saw the person you really are and now I don’t want you anymore.” She gets tossed aside and rejected by everyone who’s important to her.
And the sad part is, they do this to each other, too. First, Lu is pushy to Carla about how she should behave in her relationship. She wants Carla to do what SHE, Lu, thinks is right. Then After Marina, she wants Carla to open up to her, be close with her again, because they supposedly were best friends before this (sth we don’t see much of but are told flat-out).
Carla doesn’t seem to really care much for Lu’s friendship anymore once she gets started with the throuple. And After Marina, she sends the clear message that she doesn’t want Lu in her life. She has to get rid of her because Lu would push until she found out her secret, so of course Carla cannot let her close, but Lu doesn’t know that. She can just tell she’s being rejected, again, this time by her best friend.
Carla always has all these expectations on her and Lu constantly gets the message that she isn’t wanted. That constellation makes it really hard for them to be friends, even without murder and secrets: Purely by virtue of their opposite situations, Carla is bound to be more dismissive w any “demands” she can afford to be, and Lu is bound to be pushy and demanding because she’s learnt that people are bound to reject her and she’s trying to counter it preemptively (subconsciously of course).
And that’s the heartbreaking Ballad of Lu and Carla.
thanks for listening to this first and not making me feel like i was crazy, @asthmaticsarcasticasshole
62 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 9. Juli 2022
The German cabinet has voted to get rid of paragraph 219a of the German penal code, which bans “advertising” for abortions - meaning doctors sharing information for abortion procedures on their websites, for example. This law meant that women trying to find information online about how and where to terminate their pregnancies would often land on extremist websites telling them they’d go to hell if they murder their baby (one such site I found while researching for an article was called babycaust- as in baby and holocaust. Yes, really.)
Now Germany is FINALLY getting rid of this archaic law. Women in need of medical information will find help more easily and doctors can provide this information (about a procedure that is decriminalized in Germany until the 14th week of pregnancy) without fear of getting sued.
There’s still more work to be done, but this is an important step for women’s rights to their own bodies, and for freedom of information. After way too much time, we can say f*ck you and good riddance to 219a!
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image (c) Doctors Without Borders
115 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 9. März 2022
dracula: let’s chat about how many solicitors i should have in england!
my good friend jonathan harker: sure, so-
dracula: you’re not actually leaving next week, you’ll stay with me for a month
jonathan: wha-
dracula: here, tell your friends and your boss, but only write about business or else. and know that i’ll be reading your letters
jonathan: i
dracula: also don’t you EVER fall asleep anywhere in this castle that is not your room, you’d regret it 🙃
dracula: [crawls down the castle wall like a lizard]
jonathan: fml
553 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Mai 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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glennon doyle via twitter on that oscar madness
1.121 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 28. März 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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queencityhq · 2 years
What female faces would you like to see?
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. ✧ . * . ˚ hey anon ! here are some faces we would love to see : courtney eaton , amber midthunder , aisha dee ( a personal fave ) , jennie kim , samantha logan , danielle campbell , im jin-ah , vanessa morgan , natasha liu bordizzo , lyndsy fonseca , kate beckinsale , diane guerrero , amber riley , nathalie emmanuel , lee chaerin , aeri uchinaga , giorgia whigham , abigail cowen , lulu antariksa , natalia dyer , kim jisoo , levy tran , tristan mays , florence pugh , victoria pedretti davika hoorne , shelley hennig , elizabeth olsen , madelyn cline , phoebe tonkin , danna paola , chloe bennet , gemma chan , priscilla quintana , hirai momo , blake lively , halston sage , logan browning , adeline rudolph , park chaeyoung , lisa manobal , olivia wilde , sarah bolger
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narcobarbies · 10 months
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DANNA PAOLA At the ''Person Of The Year'' event by the Latin Grammy
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sttoru · 10 months
I'm glad that you're well!! ♡ I've been okay and doing my best to take care of myself!
Thank you so much, I hope I'll keep on enjoying my course hihi. ^_^ How are your studies going? You seem to be very passionate about it. <3333
Mmm... right now my favourites are: Mago - GFriend; Killing me - Chung Ha; Pity party - Jamie (kpop) and No soy yo - Emilia & Darell; No bailes sola - Danna Paola & Sebastián Yatra; Fresa - Tini & Lalo Ebratt (reggaeton). (°u°)
Heheh, yes, we are ♡, and there's no need to worry about preparing me anything. Just talking to you normally is enough. <3
- ☀️
HEYYY!! glad to hear u’ve been doing well! my studies are also going okayyy, i’m a bit busy here and there but im surviving luckilyyy
ALSO THOSE SONGS ARE SO ICONIIICCCC!! ive listened to almost all except for Fresa and Pity Party 😦 omg ur music taste is so yummmmmm i love no bailes sola the most out of the ones u named aaaahh
BUUUUUT sunshine anon!!! of course i’d like to take this moment to wish you…
thank you so much for your continuous support over the span of i think a year or two (taking in my previous account as well). every time you come into my inbox, it’s like a breath of fresh air 🤍
i love love love hearing from you and about you, i love how you type (sososo cute with the kaomojis) and the way you’re so loving and friendly. i may not know who you are personally, but i just know you’re a great great great individual w a pure heart.
i love you so much and i hope you have many birthdays yet to come & i hope you’re surrounded by nothing but love during your entire lifetime. im giving you a thousand kisses and remember that i appreciate & care for you. if you need ANYTHING, let me know and i’ll gladly help you in any way i can.
again, thank you for being here and thank you for coming back. you’re an amazing person and you’re very dear to me & forever will be!! :3
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ofpancm · 1 year
danna paola . cis woman . she/her ➶ i recognise that face ! that’s estelle dorame, the twenty nine year old stylist from the capitol . they’ve been in the capitol around twenty nine years , long enough to gain a reputation for being so plucky & hedonistic . they’re so lucky getting to live in the tribute center for the duration of the games! ( character isn’t part of the uprising )
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triggers: very brief drug mention.
most would think estelle dorame grew up at the height of privilege, a life lived through rose coloured glasses. she never faltered, never cracked, never complained, simply going through the motions to get where she wanted to be. if there's one thing that defines her it's her ambition. for years she dedicated herself to working her way up from one of the less fortunate families in the capitol, now able to support her weakening father's retirement completely off her own back. no longer would he need to peacekeep in the districts just to keep them alive.
with this new found life of ease, estelle begun to take full advantage. draping herself in luxurious clothing and indulging in whatever the capitol had to offer her. this only became an issue once she begun to depend on certain things to get by, the lows only seeming to get lower and lower as time goes on.
being invited to style tributes for the first time this year, she couldn't help but be giddy. this was the biggest opportunity yet and she would not jeopardize it. with gold as a signature, the representation of district two became a project she took very seriously.
though as more and more strange things happen, the lump in estelle's gut begun to grow. was she missing something? whatever is going on, she wants no part in it. protecting herself and her father is her priority and not much can change that.
wanted connections:
messy ex: someone from the capitol that she dated and it ended badly. ( any gender. )
best friend: could be a capitol local or one of the previous victors. ( f, nb. )
competitor: a stylist that she see's as a threat and vice versa. ( any gender. )
fake relationship: someone that get's close to her for personal gain or rebellion reasons. ( platonic or romantic. any gender. )
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smuganya · 2 years
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DANNA PAOLA behind the scenes of XT4S1S
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vozfmradio · 2 years
#mexico #cdmx #musica #noticias #gente  #radiostreaming #radioonline  #usa #nyc #atlanta #colombia #venezuela #guatemala #instragram #tictoc #fans  #vozfmradio #nj #jerseycity #northber  #DannaPaola
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