#danny fetlock
ask-iamnotanalicorn · 6 years
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I am justified in calling this related to the blog because there was a DP sticker on Salespitch’s computer in that one strip. But really I just wanted to draw some of the Danny Phantom cast as ponies REALLY BADLY. XD So here you have it, Danny Phantom/Danny Fetlock (see what I did there). Click below for my ramblings on this picture! I am definitely NOT the first person to do this particular ponification, but after looking around online, I think I may be the first to make both Danny’s normal and ghost forms earth ponies. My logic for this is that Danny Phantom is unusual specifically BECAUSE he looks like a normal kid but has ghostly powers. Plus ectoplasm isn’t unicorn magic so why WOULDN’T he still shoot it out of his hooves? And as cool as alicorn Danny would be, doesn’t really make sense for him to become an alicorn just because he got ghost powers; that would make the majority of ghosts alicorns, too. Vlad would totally be a Sombra-esque unicorn ghost, though (probably with alicorn envy). I’ve also seen versions where his fur itself is colored after his suit, but I like the idea of ponies still using hazmat suits. I made his ghost appearance still skin-toned because any other color made him look like one of the multicolored villain ghosts from the show, or even his own Ultimate Enemy form. Plus I wanted to make his normal pony form blue anyway, so the color inversion works. :Dd Tucker is also an earth pony because it just felt right - earth ponies feel synonymous with‘normal’, which is mostly the show’s fault for not better emphasizing their powers of strength/endurance and ability to infuse life (i.e. growth magic). He almost got to be a unicorn due to his techie powers, but I didn’t want there to be two unicorns and one earth pony on the team because I have illogical hangups about party balance. And Sam is definitely a unicorn because she is smart and rich, which reminds me of the unicorn stereotypes in the show. Plus I couldn’t make her a pegasus because, as my friend stated emphatically, “Don’t you dare take that adorable Sam-flying-with-Danny scene away from us.” Also Sam got the Specter Deflector. She wears that a lot in the third season, actually, and it looks cool. Still haven’t quite figured out her cutie mark but I’ve seen a few online I really liked, such as a rose. Honestly, I could see this becoming canon in my pony AU. We already have internet and other technologies. Ghosts are, according to show creator, “monsters from another dimension” rather than actually dead things, and we definitely have THOSE in MLP already. These kids just happen to live in a town where certain ponies (the Fetlocks) have been making advances in multidimensional bridging to study and fight the surreal monsters known collectively as “ghosts”, and they happen to mutate their kid. Also the ponies in this town really like wearing shirts. It’s a fashion thing.
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pantstomatch · 6 years
hey y’all, it’s halloween time and apparently I’ve written some spooky-ish teen wolf stories, so have at it:
Bright Blessed Sky, Dark Sacred Night - Jackson/Stiles
The first thing Stiles says to him, a sluggishly bleeding cut above his left eye, grime caked under his fingernails, a hand gripping a tattered backpack slung over his shoulder, is, "Do you have a car?"
Not: hey, Jackson, what are you doing here?
Not: did you just stab that fucking guy through the face?
Not: was that fucking Danny?
Jackson twists the metal rod out with a sick squelch and says, "No."
or -
The zombie apocalypse road trip au
Everybody Make a Scene - Derek/Stiles
Stiles starts out with three jack-o-lanterns in front of their modest little pack house, but when he sees Derek staple-gunning orange lights around the entire front of their porch, he comes home with a six foot dinosaur skeleton with glowing red eyes.
No one actually hangs Halloween lights unless they’re going to war.
Stiles and Derek have some kind of unspoken Halloween decorating competition that also involves baked goods and flirting.
We've Got a Mystery to Solve - Derek/Stiles, Scooby Do AU
Officially, Scott and Stiles started off as supernatural debunkers. Shithead eighteen year olds with a couple gopros, a book of magic lore they’d ‘borrowed’ from Scott’s veterinarian ex-boss, and a YouTube channel. They guilted Scott’s dad into buying them a used van, downloaded a map of haunted places, and set off across the country for a gap year that stretched well past what their parents think is acceptable.
And then Scott got bit by a werewolf off highway 95, they accidentally set Kira free from an Arizona desert prison, and Lydia Martin, Stiles’ high intensity high school crush, called him up out of nowhere at 3 am one random Tuesday and nearly blew out his eardrums with a banshee scream and a death omen.
The gang drives a van around the country hunting monsters, and Stiles may or may not have a weird crush on a traumatized Derek Hale.
Spark and Burn - Derek/Stiles, Witch Hunters AU
His one leg is numb, but he kicks out with the other, claws at Hale’s arms, all of it so ineffectual that Hale arches an eyebrow at him. “Have you no strength, witch?” he says, oh fuck, oh no, worse than demons or wolves they’re witch hunters.
“I’m—I’m not—”
“What? Not a witch?”  Hale snorts, derisive, and lets up just enough on his throat so Stiles doesn’t pass out.  “I think we have more than enough proof of that.”
Sorry About the Doom - Derek/Stiles
“What is that?”
Stiles sticks his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels. “What’s what?”
Derek gives him an unimpressed look and jerks his chin slightly to the left. “That.”
“Uh.” Stiles glances over his shoulder. “Pretty sure that’s a pony, dude.” A very small brown pony, with one white fetlock and a long, kinky black mane and deep, fathomless eyes, and he’s been following Stiles around since yesterday, so he’s actually pretty glad Derek can see him, too.
Or -
Stiles accidentally acquires miniature farm animals that may or may not be demons.
The Sound As They Broke, It Was Fearsome - Derek/Stiles, Harry Potter AU
Stiles is not intimidated by the gruesome past of the Hales, mainly because most Wizarding families can claim a gruesome past, these days. He is, however, not looking forward to dealing with Peter.
“My nephew is currently not accepting visitors,” Peter says pleasantly enough, although any niceties are kind of lost due to the burn scars covering half his face and the gaping throat wound. Stiles seriously hates ghosts.
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leanpick · 2 years
Railway Stakes hero Western Empire headlines trio of Bob Peters-owned stars to join Danny O’Brien stable
Railway Stakes hero Western Empire headlines trio of Bob Peters-owned stars to join Danny O’Brien stable
Brilliant Railway Stakes winner Western Empire is one of three WA stars set to join the Danny O’Brien stable in Victoria after recovering from back and fetlock injuries.
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