#dante has a theory as to how Pandæmonium died
durativo · 5 years
Tell us the story of how the cambion got decapitated OR you have to steal Yamato, slather her with butter and then trek it cross country and then bury her without using your speed to elude Vergil if he comes after you
Let’s Play a truth or dare: Send a Question AND a dare. My muse HAS to choose between them.
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“So my choice is tell the story… or die by my own painful self inflicted machinations? Well that’s fair.”
It’s about time he told this story anyway.
“He was fifteen years older than me. Human years, at least. He told me he was pretty old in demon years though; he was in the underworld for a long fuckass time back ‘before Sparda and Mundus had their little beef’, as he put it. His name was Pandæmonium. In his words ‘yeah, I’m pretty sure my parents hate me too’. He had really long hair. Down to his ass. He kinda looked like a rockstar. His hair was white like ours, but he had some stray streaks of magenta in it. He wore a long black coat with magenta highlights and it went down to his shoes. It was really cool. Devil Sword Pandæmonium was this big smooth magenta thing. It looked so much better than Force Edge or Devil Sword Sparda. Good god, it was awesome.”
“Anyway, he told me to call him Pan. He said that name was perfect for him. Pandæmonium. Because Pan meant all, and that was also his preference.Pandæmonium the pansexual. His words, not mine. He was such a weirdo… also Pan had a fuckton of money. He did all sorts of odd jobs. He told me good on me when I told him I had my own business. He told me there was no shame in being a jack of all trades, handy man to babysitter to gigolo. Money is money. The only thing I think he loved more than fucking was fighting.”
“… I gotta admit, I don’t really know what happened to him. But I was… not really proud of myself in that time of my life and I… I was all alone for a while. I mean, I knew Lady and all but… another cambion, and one who was so confident in himself, and he knew demon friends and human friends, he was bridging that world between us. He was teaching demons how to interact with humans… he was also teaching them how to fuck, but that’s relations in the end, right? Still a way for them to get to know each other… and I…” He scratched the back of his head after some mild hesitation. “Fuck, I dunno, he was so confident in himself and his abilities, he could kick my ass in no time at all and I… I guess had… hope? That there was something to keep living for…”
“He never told me it was stupid… my dreams and stuff. He confided in me when I told him he was giving me a will to live. He told me it was good to hear, but he wanted me to find my own reason. People, even cambions… they can’t support another fully, letting one just be carried and the other forced to burden the weight. We can lean on each other, but we have to stand on our own at some point. We uh… we had a really strange relationship, yeah? He was kinda… uh…” His face actually flushed a tinge red, even though he didn’t turn red telling the tale of that sevensome. “He was kinda… like a sugar daddy.”
Of course, he meant more than that, for the years that they actually spent time together, but that was the best way to put it. When he had to move, he told me. “This is where we part ways.” He said he had a nice time with me. I was gutted. I just… I felt all alone again. Even fucking people still felt miserable when he wasn’t there.”
“I didn’t know what happened to Pan. All I learned was he went to Vie de Marli. And then… maybe two years later, I went to Vie de Marli. And I found him. I found Pan… well… I found his skull… look, I don’t really know how I knew, but I knew it was his. They also had his Devil Sword… but only the tip of it. I don’t know where the handle and the rest of the blade is… but I stole it. I stole it all. I buried him… not far from Modeus and Baul. I just felt like if I was there… maybe I would’ve been able to save him. I don’t know what happened to his body, I’m going to guess it got experimented on, but whatever was left of his spine was clearly snapped off– he had cuts on his skull too, cuts I know weren’t from scars. Damn bastard went down fighting the hardest anyone ever fought, and I know it. Enough for a cambion’s skull to be cracked and not healed over.”
“Anyway, Vie de Marli was… already a bad place. I didn’t need it piling that shit on top of me but… I tried to look on the bright side. At least I knew what happened. At least he came with me, and at least he got to be buried and not trapped in a glass box like a museum exhibit or some toy. The tip of the Devil Sword Pandæmonium I keep around. Like a good luck charm. He said if I could ever kick his ass I could have it. I didn’t kick his ass, but I brought him home, so… I guess that’s good enough for a piece. Yeah?”
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