expungedagalungagoo · 3 months
gigantic dump of stuff i drew whilst at camp
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xqhankx · 8 months
.° •୨୧.°•.
Dzisiaj nawet okej
wyszło mi 1600 i iles tam, dalam daobie limit 1600 i juz muwię jaki mam plan.
Do czwartku mam 1600kca
potem od piątku do wtorku mam 1400kca
od środy do soboty mam 1200 a od niedzieli 1000
Tak będę schodzic by unormować muj organizm do coraz mniejszej ilosci kca, chodź chciało by się odrazu, ale wolę zeby trwało dwa tygodnie i zatrzymało binge, niz binge co drugi dzień.
Chudej nocy motylki<333
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feryagame · 4 years
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🥂🎂 Happy birthday May your day be bright, full of color! May God bless this very special date. Congratulations my loves! May it be a birthday filled with peace, love and joy. I always carry you in my heart because you are very important to me. I wish all the happiness in the world on this very important day, I love you so much, always contain with me. 💝💝💝 I Love You so much ❤❤❤ #happySugaDay #HappyHaknyeonDay #HappyHyunjunHurDay . . . #BTS #BtsSuga #Army #ArmyBrazil #TheBoyz #TheBoyzHaknyeon #TheB #TheBBrazil #Daobi #DaobiBrazil #HyunjunHurForever #HyunjunHurLove https://www.instagram.com/p/CML5cn-BAtY/?igshid=1pgdpw2a8xbwh
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shukuchiisms · 5 years
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glitteratti · 6 years
@ all naruto stans its 2019 and im going to need to BEG you all to be normal.
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animalsofmagic · 5 years
A Fox’s Beginning.
So I decided to make a short story of a headcannon I’ve had for a while, I used it to kind of give Inari a little backstory and tried to kind of link it with Da-Ji’s story.
“Ahhh…. My sweet little girl, you’ve done such a wonderful job here! Now let me see your face.” A woman said to her daughter, crouching down to examine the little girl, who was giggling and more than happy to be praised for what she had done. The small girl was not like those of her age, or even like a normal human, she had 8 bushy tails and fox ears atop her head. “Oh dear…. It seems one of your kills isn’t quite dead, be a good girl and finish the job. Just like Mommy showed you~” the mother chuckled as the two stood in the centre of a small village, utterly surrounded by corpses of those who lived in it. However, one ‘corpse’ was not completely there and needed a little extra help with getting there.
The little girl giggled happily as she nodded to her mother, before skipping over to the ‘corpse’ that was attempting to claw their way away. “Oh Lady!  Momma told me to make sure you were dead, I don’t want to make Momma sad so please die!” the girl giggled as she stood over the crawling ‘corpse’. In the blink of an eye the ‘corpse’, was just that, with the quick and effortless swipe of sharp nails the corpse fell still. “I did it Momma! Just like you told me, but I’m hungry can you feed me?” she whimpered with a small pout, while she gave a small head tilt. With the flick of Mothers hand, the souls of all those around them swirled before the little girl began to open her mouth wide and soul after soul ended up with in her.
Several minutes passed until the girl was satisfied and full, “Thank you Momma!” she exclaimed as she ran to her, in the centre of the village with moonlight beaming down onto the two. The moonlight easily lighting them up, exposing the Mother and Daughter before the moonlight was drowned out by that of a different light, one much angrier and furious, the light of flame…….lots of flames.
The mother’s eyes widened as she realised what was approaching and surrounding them, quickly picking the girl up, narrowly getting the girl out of the way of a flaming arrow. “THERE THEY ARE! GET THOSE VILE BEASTS! THAT FOX MUST DIE AND SO MUST HER VILE SPAWN!” A Man shouted, rallying those who followed him. The Mother quickly running with her daughter in her arms, “We must go, Inari! I cannot let them get us!” she said panicked as she darted into and through the forest beside the village, not looking back as she knew the angry crowd was following.
She ran, and ran, and ran. But the crowd would not falter, beginning to grow tired she hastily began to look for a means of escape for them both. Seeing a small, yet very hidden space within the roots of a tree she quickly used the small distance she’d managed to put between her and the crowd to put Inari within it. The girl whimpered as her mother forced her to stay silent and in the confined space, “Remain here my sweet Inari, you must live! Do not let them find you! I shall see you again, I’m sure of it!” she panted in a panic, kissing the girls head, before running off abandoning the small girl to the wild and nature, just as she had to another child of hers.
Doing as her mother had told her, she stayed silent, hidden and still. Hoping the ‘bad people’ would not find her within the roots, however when they ran past her she couldn’t help but let out a very quiet whimper. Luckily none had the hearing required to hear it amongst the shouting and sound of running.
Several days past, before Inari dared move even slightly. Her body was weak, so very weak, but in staying there she had developed skills without realising. She no longer needed normal food and instead she needed another source of food, her tails had become larger and another was beginning to grow, her hearing and eye sight had improved dramatically. Wandering aimlessly, she searched for her mother, hoping she would find her or even a small trace of her, but the girl found nothing. She was alone, scared and so very far out of her depth in the forest.
Just when she was about to give up searching, a small fox found the child, it was unlike any fox she’d seen before, and its personality was far different as it did not fear her like other foxes. Given how strange this was she curiously allowed the fox to come up to her as she crouched down to it, “Hello Foxy…….” She whimpered as tears ran down her face, gently reaching to stroke the fox. Pleasantly surprised it allowed her, before sitting down before her and began to curiously examine her.
When she herself examined the fox, she noticed a small ghostlike appendage coming from the Fox’s tail. Slowly reaching towards the fox’s ghost appendage, “I wouldn’t do that little one.” A voice told her as the fox, nudged her arm away. The little girl blinking in shock as she looked down at the fox, so very confused by what had happened, “Who said that?!” she asked panicked as she then began to look around, trying to work out who had spoken to her.
“It seems your much like me little one.” The voice said again, this time with a much more feminine tone, “Why are you out her all alone?” the voice questioned. However, this question brought Inari to tears, “Me and Momma were out together, when some nasty people showed up and attacked me and Momma! Momma ran and hid me so I would be safe, but now I don’t know where Momma is and I’m all alone……” the girl whimpered as she broke down, suddenly hugging the fox as if to try and comfort herself with the fluffy fur of the fox.
This sudden intense contact caused the fox to suddenly disappear and cause Inari to fall onto her front, while something inside her began to feel warm and she no longer felt alone. “It’s alright my sweet little sister, our mother might be gone for now and you may be without her. But your sister is now with you, I Daoby shall be with you forever you will not fear anyone anymore.” The voice said, now identifying who it was, however this left Inari truly confused, “Sister? Where are you?” Inari questioned panicked as she felt a small tug within her own soul, “In here with you, now grow strong for me and Mother and Survive! You are not meant to die, you are not meant to stay in this forest. Grow and become what I could not become.” Daoby whispered softly, allowing Inari to feel warmth and affection, while something was happening within Inari’s small body.
Inari wanted to talk more with her sister, she wanted to ask her so many things and do things with her. But the more she attempted to talk with her sister, the less she would reply, until finally she got no reply and Inari found herself unable to remain awake any longer. Collapsing on the forest floor, her tails covering her body, while she remained unconscious.
Inari did not wake for days, but that did not stop her small mind racing with new knowledge. After several weeks she finally awoke, though something was clear different with her. She now had nine very large and bushy tails, similar to the fox which was her sisters’ tail, additionally she was clothed in a beautiful red silk Kimono. Slowly getting to her feet, she also noticed she was taller and felt much much stronger, “Sister?” she called out, again getting no response instead she felt a headache and suddenly began to see thing which were not visible previously. Spirits surrounded her, all attempting to comfort the child, “W………Where did you all come from?” she questioned, gazing at them all and no longer feeling fear just as her sister had told her she would. “We have been with you since you met the fox, but now child head north and you will find a house. You must feed there should you wish to survive, devour the soul of the one who lives there, and it will teach you something very important.” A motherlike spirit told her, before Inari nodded and headed in the direction she had been told to go.
Just as the Spirit told her, she indeed found a house in the middle of the forest, it was large and very old. Silently and cautiously she approached the house, taking note that she could hear someone’s heart beating and she could see their outline through the wall. Her eyes had changed dramatically, and she couldn’t control the sight they gave at all, it had seemed to change without her realising, but she was glad it had as it allowed her to sneak inside and behind them. Using her nails she ripped the neck of the person open, blood splattering everywhere as they attempted to prevent the blood from spilling forth. While Inari couldn’t help but lick her hand clean, finding she rather enjoyed the taste and feeling of killing. This action had also caused her eyes to return to normal, but she felt a strange sensation making her hand reach out towards the now dying person and slowly plunge into the large cut she had made in their throat. Her hand and arm slowly becoming covered in blood, before she felt something that was slowly beating, taking hold of it she pulled hard and pulled it free of the body. It had been their heart, however along side it was a blue glowing orb.
Curiously examining the orb she noticed how similar it was to that her mother had fed her on that night she’d been abandoned. Knowing that what her mother had fed her was rather tasty she put it into her mouth and swallowed. She writhed as knowledge flooded into her mind telling her things she wished she didn’t know and how to manipulate people, a thing called ‘magic’, people’s essence and how to torture, but it also caused her already large tails to grow larger still. Once everything stopped, she panted heavily and looked towards the heart, which had managed to remain in her hand. Then biting down on it, she received a taste to which she’d never experienced ever before, and she couldn’t describe how much she enjoyed it. After finishing eating the heart, she turned to see a mirror on the wall, seeing her own face was covered in blood and she had many marks on her face she felt a wave of anger wash over her, “They will pay for making Momma leave me! I will have all of them!” she muttered to herself, a sinister glint in her eye as she made herself a promise. Inari stretched her fingers, using the knowledge she’d acquired to cast some magic, destroying a door and wall. This made her smirk, before heading out in search of those who had caused her such heart arche, “I’ll find them all and I will grow stronger!” she muttered again. The path she would walk would be one of blood and death, but one she would enjoy all the way.
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feryagame · 3 years
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🎉🎂🥂 Happy birthday May today be full of happy memories of the past and great hopes for the future, may a beautiful cycle begin in your life because you only deserve what makes you good. 💝❤ I love you so much, always count on me! 🎉 Congratulations #HappyQDay . . . #TheBoyz #TheBoyzQ #TheB #TheBBrasil #Daobi #DaobiBrasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CV4XDchr5ax/?utm_medium=tumblr
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feryagame · 3 years
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🥂🎂 Happy birthday to you! People so special and dear, I wish you a wonderful day and a life full of absolute happiness! 💝❤ I love you very very very much❤ #HappySangyeonDay #HaoppyTopDay . . . #TheBoyz #TheBoyzSangyeon #TheB #TheBBrasil #Daobi #DaobiBrasil #BigBang #BigBangTop #Vip #VipBrasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CV1z9Bzrv6y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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feryagame · 3 years
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🎉💘 Happy Birthday Today is not just any day, it's a very special day. You are completing another year of life and I am very happy to celebrate this date with you. 🙌🏽 God bless you and may many, many years come. 👏🏼 Congratulations 💝 I love you ❤❤❤ #HappyYeonjunDay #HappyHyunjaeDay #HappySungchanDay . . . #TXT #TxtYeonjun #MOA #MoaBrasil #TheBoyz #TheBoyzHyunjae #TheB #TheBBrasil #Daobi #DaobiBrasil #NCT #NctSungchan #NCTzen #NCTzenBrasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CTv_GBErW7R/?utm_medium=tumblr
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feryagame · 3 years
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🎉🎂🥂 Happy Birthday Today is the day to celebrate your lives and my wish is that they will be very blessed because you are special. ❤❤❤ I love you all with all my heart. Congratulations on your day! #HappySCoupsDay #HappyXiaoJunDay #HappyYounghoonDay . . . #Seventeen #SeventeenSCoups #Carat #CaratBrazil #WayV #NCT #NctXiaoJun #NCTzen #NCTzenBrazil #Wayvzen #WayVzenBrazil #TheBoyz #TheBoyzYounghoon #TheB #TheBBrazil #Daobi #DaobiBrazil https://www.instagram.com/p/CSTQajrLYoe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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feryagame · 3 years
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🥂🎂 Happy birthday Today the day was born more beautiful because he is all of you! Congratulations on your birthday, I wish you the most beautiful things the world has to offer. You are good people, who transmit tranquility and joy to those around you. I hope that your new year will provide achievements and learning. Always count on me for whatever you need. ❤❤ I love you all ❤❤❤ Ps: Romin forgive me for being late. #HappyNewDay #HappyDaesungDay #HappyAllenDay #HappyChihunDay #HappyRominDay . . . #TheBoyz #TheBoyzNew #TheB #TheBBrazil #Daobi #DaobiBrazil #BigBang #BigBangDaesung #Vip #VipBrazil #Cravity #CravityAllen #Luvity #LuvityBrazil #To1 #To1Chihun #ToGether #ToGetherBrazil #ELast #ELastRomin #Elring #ElringBrazil https://www.instagram.com/p/COHTxCQhArF/?igshid=1c577u41dlpc0
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feryagame · 4 years
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🥂🎂 Happy birthday Today is your birthday, a special date that cheers the hearts of those who love you. Therefore, I come here to wish you much peace, love, health, success, prosperity and happiness. May your steps always be guided by God and never miss that smile on your face. 🎉 Congratulations I love you so much ❤❤ #HappyJuyeonDay #HappyHyungwonDay . . . #TheBoyz #TheBoyzJuyeon TheB TheBBrazil #Daobi #DaobiBrazil #MonstaX #MonstaXHyungwon #Monbebe #MonbebeBrazil https://www.instagram.com/p/CKCr0UQBQFj/?igshid=z8694c5p16nt
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feryagame · 4 years
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🥂🎂 Happy birthday Special date, the day God chose for you to know this world. Special day because the world had the opportunity to be presented with such a brilliant person. Wonderful moment, because whoever had the privilege of meeting him or being close never forgets him. Today is not special just because it is your birthday, but it is special because each year we can thank God for the opportunity that He has given us to know and live with you. And even from a distance, remember the spectacular person you are. May God bless this day and may present you with what your heart craves, making all your dreams come true. CHEERS 🎉 #HappySangyeonDay ❤❤ I Love You ❤❤ . . . #TheBoyz #TheBoyzSangyeon #TheB #TheBBrazil #Daobi #DaobiBrazil https://www.instagram.com/p/CHJ4KB0hyI4/?igshid=1eesyrg8g0u6z
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feryagame · 4 years
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🥂🎂 You are one of those few people that only a few in life are lucky to meet - a very special person. And today is your day, so it is with great joy that I tell you: Happy Birthday! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 This is a date that deserves a great celebration, because today one of the greatest gifts of God to the World is marked: you. It is a blessing that is part of my life, you can always count on me, for whatever happens. Have a wonderful day, filled with beautiful moments and a lot of joy, and a life illuminated by a lot of love and all the happiness in the world. Congratulations and complete many, many more years! #HappyYeonjunDay #HappyHyunjaeDay I Love You Forever ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ . . . #TXT #TheBoyz #TXTYeonjun #TheBoyzHyunjae #TheB #TheBBrazil #Daobi #DaobiBrazil #Moa #MoaBrazil https://www.instagram.com/p/CFEEOfLhO6f/?igshid=1m7gup36dippq
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feryagame · 4 years
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🥂🎂 Happy Birthday! 🎁👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I wish you much joy, peace, health, love and everything beautiful that exists in this world, because you deserve it. Completing another year of life is wonderful, but it is even more so when the celebration is for a person as dear to everyone as you are. May your day be full of fantastic moments, and your life full of smiles and people who love you. #HappyYounghoonDay I Love You ❤❤❤ . . . #TheBoyz #TheBoyzYounghoon #TheB #TheBBrazil #Daobi #DaobiBrazil https://www.instagram.com/p/CDnVRedhb44/?igshid=tlxrh0q6hqzu
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shukuchiisms · 5 years
Do you weep for the battered, empty heart of the gumiho? You should. Though she has often yearned for love, she has always been denied it...
To know why the fox  was cursed with a murderous fate, we must go back to the first gumiho and her daughter. The fox did not begin by eating the livers of men, As with any tragedy or curse, it came about because she loved...
When the first gumiho came to be, she lived off the gi [spiritual energy/chi/ki/ life force] she had gained over her long life. Though in her later years she grew weary from her travels. She wished to settle in one place, to find a true home, however fate was not in her favor and her precious daughter paid the price...
This is a tale that takes place long after the first gumiho had become nothing but myth,  our tale begins when Daoby neared the age of one thousand years, the Silla Kingdom overthrew much of what used to be Prince Jumong’s Goguryeo. It brought with it the rise of Buddhism...
Nine (gu, 九) was the symbol of the dragon and, therefore, the symbol of the king. It was the symbol of longevity, it symbolized the power of Buddha and Silla.The fox grew eight extra tails.
Nine tails for power.
Nine tails for immortality!
It was then that she met two very different men, One was a sansin, a mountain god, who would visit her every night to profess his love, However, she had given her heart to a mortal man and wished to become human for him.
The sansin claimed to know of a way for her to become fully human, He offered the knowledge to her as proof of his love. He told her to eat a hundred livers of a hundred men, If she did this in a hundred days, then she would get her wish.
The fox did as she was told, devouring the livers of a hundred men. On the hundredth day, she visited the home of the man she loved, he awoke to see her washed in the light of the moon.
He cringed in fear of her. For she wasn’t human, but half woman–half beast. Her nine tails wove around her as symbols of her true form. Her soul was now shrouded in shadows, a sign of the evil deeds she had committed.
He denied her love. fueled with despair she lashed out, killing him in a blind rage, Heartbroken, she went to the sansin.
He gazed upon her with cold eyes. “You shunned my love. Now you are cursed to roam the earth as a yokwe. You feasted on the livers of men and you have lost your soul. The gi from those men will make you live forever as a yokwe, a monster, a beast. No mortal man will ever love you. And all who come after you will be cursed with the same fate!”
So the fox became a woman, and the woman became something else...So she walked the earth alone, not quite human, but not quite beast.
A fox who loved the mortals she mimicked. Until she could not love them anymore...
And she lived forever as a gumiho...
reference: Korean Myths and Folk Legends [Hwang Pae-Gang]
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