#daph is in a pop punk band
risingsh0t · 1 year
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risingsh0t · 1 year
HI ALYSSA ! i hope ur doing well ! i was thinking 💭🎶💯💘🎂 + my dears logan and daphne !
MWAH thank you leg!! i hope you're doing well too 💞 these were great ones for them!
💭 what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
LOGAN: MBTI: INTJ, enneagram: type 5 the investigator, temperament: choleric
DAPH: MBTI: ENFP, enneagram: type 7 the enthusiast, temperament: sanguine
🎶 What type of music does your oc like? Do they listen to music often?
LOGAN: pre-outbreak he listened to music a lot more often than he does now. but he has a preference for classic rock, folk, jazz, and some country. 
DAPH: meanwhile daphne listens to TOO much music lmao. pop punk of course, but also within that same vein punk rock and indie rock. she also likes new wave, disco, techno. she has a kpop playlist and a couple favorite musicals. 
💯 share three random facts about your oc that others may not know 
he was actually a pretty big reader in high school, he read all the assigned books and was always annoyingly prepared for discussion.
his first crush was kimberly hart, the pink power ranger 👀
he got one of his ears pierced when he was 16 but stopped wearing an earring after he graduated. 
when she was a kid she wanted to grow up to either be a zoologist or veterinarian. it was a short lived phase and now she usually tells people she wanted to be a musician her whole life.
although she begrudgingly took ballet for her mother, her favorite show that she danced in was coppelia. 
she’s ambidextrous. 
💘 what and/or who does your oc consider most important to them?
LOGAN: olga and his dog lilith. that’s it. 😂
DAPH: definitely her best friends, aka her band. seven is still up there but she’d never admit it. her music, but also music & the arts in general are important to her. 
🎂 when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
LOGAN: July 20, 1989 (he’s 49 in 2038). sun: cancer / moon: aquarius / rising: virgo. some traits I found that fit him are: reserved, observant, intense, and protective. rising planets are mercury & chiron. ruling number is 2 (the traits i found for this one don’t fit him AT ALL lol). And his tarot card is judgement! 
DAPH: June 17, 1996. she’s 26, almost 27, at the time of BOTB. sun: gemini / moon: cancer / rising: sagittarius. some traits that fit her: outgoing, playful, supportive, and optimistic. rising planet is jupiter, ruling number is 8. her tarot is the chariot.
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