#dapper oc: trigun
T.rigun s/i origin, part 1
I decided to try doing something while telling her backstory, it's gonna be like part summary and part narrative.
Not sure if I'm gonna do this for all of it.
Anyway, tell me what y'all think !
On the same ship that Vash and Nai were raised on, there was another plant specialist, a scientist who had a constant craving to learn more about them. Before Vash and Nai were born, after Tesla was destroyed by experiments, he had discovered another plant was pregnant. He hid this from everyone else and faked that there was an issue with it, getting permission to take it into his personal care to take care of. He isolated that plant within his lab and during gestation faked reports about something being wrong. It gave birth, and the independent plant was a boy. He allowed the plant to be put back in its proper home, but kept the baby a secret. He hid him in his personal lab and office.
He hadn't agreed with how they experimented on Tesla. Not that they experimented on her, just how they did it. They were much too rough, he thought, they destroyed her before they could truly learn from her. He would keep the boy as his own private experiment and learn as much as he pleased.
His experiments were cruel, but always performed carefully.
He was livid that the plant pregnant with the twins was found by someone else before him.
But later, he found another before anyone else, and again he hid it. The young male plant had never left the lab, and was fascinated by seeing another plant for the first time, though this one wasn't the same as home. The independent plant born then was a girl.
Both were kept hidden, and she became an experiment with the boy.
The boy instantly felt protective of the girl. He couldn't keep her safe from the researcher but he could do whatever possible to shield her. The girl learned she could rely on the boy, and they were soon inseparable.
As they matured, the experiments became more complex. The researcher previously worried using too much power could draw attention to his lab from someone like Rem, but he invented a method similar to harvesting energy from the plants, he would use one of them as an energy source for experimenting on the other, forced to watch their closest companion tortured as a result of themself.
The boy felt like his ears were being brutally stabbed by the girl's screams, helpless within the glass tank he floated within, hands pressed to the glass watching her finally stop. The experiment finished and the restraints released her from the wall. When she fell to the floor, she trembled, but he could see she was unable to move. The experiments had gone further this time, and she was paralyzed where she lay right now. The hissing of the tank unlocking barely filtered in for the boy, but it did register just enough for him to know he was freed from it. The researcher dragged him out, and immediately he ran to the girl's side, grabbing her. "Hey ! Are you alright? Come on now !"
She couldn't respond, trembling in his grasp.
"Stop that." The researcher said. "It's perfectly alright; I'm not going to damage either of you two. No need for a display."
Fury simmered then surged within the boy, and he began to tremble from it. "You monster." He growled.
He scoffed. "That's funny; I'm no monster. Remember, I'm the human in this lab."
The boy's fury became uncontrollable, and he released the girl, spinning around and leaping at the researcher. His hands were clawed as he attempted to put them on the researcher, no plan only the rage of a hurt boy pushing him forward. The researcher grabbed his wrists, their struggle short as the researcher was much stronger than the small plant.
The researcher dragged the boy to a side room, just a small closest, and shoved him within. He locked it, as the boy pounded his fists in anger trying to get out.
"Unruly thing; looks like you need to be put aside until you calm. Can't have you ruining any of my experiments in this state." He turns away, already musing. "Interesting to observe; I should note this."
The researcher moves the girl to a table, until she could move. The whole time, the boy raged in captivity. That door stayed closed for six days. As an independent plant, the boy has no need for food or water, therefore no need to open the door until he is ready to be released from behind it. The entire time, he howled and hit. His anger, his hatred, his vitroul, he vowed all of it would be heard if he had to scream them a million times.
The researcher simply ignored him.
Finally, it was enough for her. The girl had been scared to say anything, but she hated being listening to him bellow. The girl missed the boy.
The girl approached the door and sat in front of it, gazing at it as if trying to see the boy across it. "He says he won't let you out until you're calm."
The boy simply seethes.
"Please." The girl says. "I can't stand this, I miss you."
It was perhaps the sorrow the boy heard in the girl's voice that pierced into him and broke the storm. It was just a small sliver of blue sky, but he could see her. He felt like an idiot for abandoning her; like he'd locked her away behind his anger. 
It was hours later that the researcher believed he wouldn't try to attack him again. He opened the door, the tension crackling between their locked eyes as the boy stepped back out into the lab. 
As soon as the boy stepped out, he felt arms at his waist as the girl hugged him. He held her to him in return and promised something. He promised to never let go of her forever no matter what.
The researcher would occasionally comment on his anger that the twins had been found before he could get them.
"What does that women think she's doing, treating those plants like children." The researcher grumbled, hunched above his keyboard.
"What's a children?" The girl asked, sitting on a table next to the desk and kicking her legs.
"Children," He replied, not bothering to look at her. "Are not what you are. They are human. And thinking plants could be children at any point is just ridiculous."
"Ah." She said, looking at her feet.
"The fact that she gave them names alone is absurd; you have no use for it."
"What's a name?"
"Something you call another thing."
"Do you have a name?"
"I do."
"What is it?"
"Greer Langston. You have no business using it."
"How do get a name?"
He looked at her, almost bored. "A name is something only those who are a loved earn.
"What's love?"
He straightens, turning and walking away from the plants. "A special feeling I'm sure you won't get to feel."
Later, the two plants sat together, the room dark save a few ceiling lights casting small circles on the floor; one of which they sat in.
"I wonder what love is like." The girl says, knees drawn into her chest and finger tracing lines only she sees on the floor.
The boy shrugs. "Said it was something special, but what's it matter here?"
"Well I like how it sounds and apparently it also can earn you a name and I think that sounds good. We've never had names. Aren't you curious?"
The boy hums. "I guess. I'm not sure we need that, though; I'm happy just being with you."
The girl continues looking at the floor. Her brows furrow. Quickly, her face lightens; an idea had come to her. "Hey ! He said it's a special feeling ! You make me feel special, that must mean I love you !"
The boy looks surprised. "You do? Well, thank you."
"Do you love me?"
The boy thinks. "You make me feel special, I love you too."
The girl excitedly claps her hands. "That's good ! This is what love is, feeling special ! I like it ! Hey, does this mean we earn names?"
"I guess it does, huh. Um, where do they come from?"
That makes the girl's face scrunch as she thinks, again. "I hadn't asked, you're right. Um, I'm not sure. Does somebody give them out?"
"We could name each other."
The girl grins widely. "That's a good idea ! I want to name you first. Can I name you first?"
The girl searches within her mind for several minutes, trying to think of a good name for the boy. She's not entirely sure how names work, but she knows she should consider this properly to choose the best fit. At first, she can't settle on any of them. Then, she thinks of something; the researcher was listening to something he calls music, a beautiful song that also made her feel special, and he had called the words of it something special. "Your name is gonna be Lyric !"
"Lyric." The boy repeats slowly to himself; it sounds like he's testing how it feels in his mouth. "I like it."
The girl looks ecstatic that he approves. "Good !" She sits forward, legs criss cross applesauce and hands in the middle. "Its from that song he was listening to. The lyrics made me happy. Now me next !"
Lyric knows what song she means. He starts thinking. He also knows to consider this thoroughly; she needs a name as perfect as she is. What could be, though? The song plays in his head, and he thinks of what those lyrics meant. It was a song of a beautiful woman, and the way the singer describes her left him in awe as he pictured her and his own comparison. The song had been called something. "You're Gillian."
"It's good ! I love that !" She laughs happily. "We have names !"
Lyric smiles too. "Yeah, we do. It's nice. I think we shouldn't use them in front of him; he obviously disagrees with us being given them."
"Hm, alright, Lyric." She grins, emphasizing his name.
His grin widens. "Then we agree. Gillian." 
The two plants start laughing, trying to keep quiet as they lean towards each other.
The researcher never went a day without studying the two of them. Sweat and blood soaked those tables and clouded the air they breathed. At night, the two plants stayed close, they called each other by their name, and soothed their pain.
"Excellent output, continue." The researcher took notes on Lyric and the streams of water he pulled from thin air. They wove around him, the fantastical dance they performed around him offset by the glare he had.
Lyric sat, glowering as the researcher brought Gill before a box of sand. With a gesture, he ordered her to step to the box, and as she stared at it the sand began to change. It darkened, and sand became soil, and soil became flowers. Energy could be drawn from them the same fashion, but Lyric was labeled a water generating plant and Gill a flora plant. Their strengths scrutinized thoroughly.
The two of them loved each other as the only friend they've had
"What did you call him?"
The researcher rounded on Gill, the girl cowering under his inquisitive eyes.
"I, nothing in particular, no." She'd known she'd made a mistake the same second she'd reached out her hand and shouted his name, but she couldn't help it, not when she was watching him be held to the table and those tools nearing him, the fear within his face.
"You called him a name. Lyric? Did you actually give him a name? Fascinating." He grabs her head with one hand, fingers curling painfully. "But useless. Perhaps I've been giving you both too much unsupervised free time; you've obviously been developing some unproductive tendencies." The look within his gaze feels dangerous, cold, and calculating. "It's almost as if you believe yourself to both be human. Absurd."
Lyric struggled to lift himself off the table. "Let her go, now !"
She whimpers in his hold. The researcher does release her, with a shove back. "You two need to understand this; you are plants. You are a human invention, a marvel of our discovery. You benefit us, but are here for us and our use, however we see fit. You feel no emotion, you merely simulate those who created you. I am using you to your full potential, and you are wasting precious energy when you go off and play pretend like children." He turns without another glance at Gill. "Now, I'm doing important experimentation; no further outbursts, you both."
Lyric grew angrier with each day and each experiment from the researcher; each scar on their bodies pushed him further along a path no one saw emerging from the trees behind his eyes.
The researcher never held any warmth; his eyes viewing series of calculations in every line in everything. The glow of screens washed his face in a ghastly harsh light. The two plants sat not far from the researcher, silent as he never approved of their distracting him. 
"Results have stagnated. Need to find ways to push the independents further."
""Push them further"? Are we not already pushed enough?" Lyric quietly grumbles.
"Be quiet, I'm analyzing. You are not to disturb me." The researcher says, voice entirely flat.
"What are we, experiments or nuisances?" His words are louder, more pointed.
"Often enough, both." He responds, typing on his keyboard.
Lyric scoffs. "That's ironic."
The researcher stops typing. "What was that?"
"Lyric, stop this." Gill whispers.
"I see only one annoyance in this space, and it's the monstrous human before us." He spits, voice dark.
He turns to them. "Hear this, plant; I am not to be disrespected by such a creature as you."
"I wasn't aware there was any other creature here intelligent enough to feel disrespect."
The researcher stood, and Lyric got to his feet.
"I have been far too kind." The researcher drawled lowly.
"Kindness, when did you learn that interesting new word?"
The researcher ground his jaw. Then, a noise came from his pocket of his coat. His communicator.
His eye contact never left Lyric, bringing the device to his head. "What?" Anger showed confusion breaking out. "Clarify, what issue?"
The person speaking to him responded. When they finished, an alarm blared, the voice announcing a problem with the ships, lights startling red.
The hand holding the communicator clenched. "The ship is crashing."
He ended the call, shoving the communicator roughly back into his pocket. He immediately walked towards the lab door. "I need to visit the gravity plants, they need to be activated right away. My research. My research is secure. Yes, it's safe. My flash drive." He looks back. 
Lyric steps forward, the red lights burn across his irises. "That's enough."
Rivers of water bubble and gurgle in existence. They twist in the air, appearing red as fresh blood, and strike forward towards the researcher.
He shouted, lifted off of his feet by the streams. Lyric's face was set, and he brought him to the tank the researcher to the tank he used to steal their own energy.
The liquid splashes when the researcher is plunged inside, and water solidifies into ice and seals the lid. The researcher floats inside, pounding full of rage on the glass. Plants can breathe inside of it. But he is human, he often reminded the plants.
Neither of them dared move. Lyric squared his shoulders. "Finally did it."
Words failed. Gill's eyes were wide. "Lyric, what've you done?" 
"I freed us. Quick now, hurry." He rushes to the tables, gathering various pieces into a briefcase he scooped.
"What're you doing? Is that his research?"
"This research was made on the back of our bloodshed. We can't have any of his coworkers finding it." Satisfied, he speed walks back to her and grabs her hand without stopping. He rushes her to the door, swiping the key card he'd grabbed from the researcher's desk, and for the first time they leave the lab. The sound of a fist hitting glass trails faintly behind them as they run far from their broken and hated cage.
Lyric knew the ship was crashing, and that there must be a way off. He had no idea the layout of the ship outside their cell, but the twisting hall led them to what he looked for. Escape ships welcomed the plants. He'd observed the researcher the entire time he'd studied the two independents. He could figure out the controls of shuttles.
Escaping, crashing, the hiss of the sealed opening unveiling their new home.
Stepping out onto the sand, seeing endless sky and stretching horizons, both had never seen outside of the few walls of the lab.
They were guided by Lyric after their crash.
Their ship had crashed further from the others, and they stayed out of sight from any humans. Discovering the toma for the first time had Lyric attempting to act as a shield, unsure if they were a threat. But she seemed to have a natural affinity for other creatures. The toma were calm around her, almost seeming to flock towards her. They brought joy to her, making her giggle as she caressed them. It was Lyric's plan to harness them.
He managed to find something to attach a few toma to their escape ship, and urge the birds to pulls them in the sand, further away from the humans behind them.
Free to enter the endless desert of their own accord.
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foreverambrosia · 5 months
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Please don't leave me with an open wound
Cause I can't stay alive without you oh
I've been trying so hard to live up to your heart
What if you don't need me like I do
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POV you're Lyric and the girl you are obsessed about is kidnapped directly before both your weddings and the second time everybody can see she prefers being kidnapped. Can't relate. Lmao
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For the royalty au with royal knight Vash, should Vash be the captain of the guard or should Lyric? Both options are kinda juicy.
Lyric is captain of the guard and is asked without context who he considers his most skilled fighters. He names Vash, somewhat reluctantly since he's noticed the way his eyes and the princess's eyes linger on each other perhaps, though Vash and Knives only recently came to the palace and they haven't interacted much with the princess. Then they're like "great, sir Vash shall assist you with guarding the princess now." And Lyric is just like "Hold on what?" And he's pissed he accidentally got him assigned to help him. Vash is just like "thanks captain Lyric !" Lmao. Now he has to begrudgingly work with Vash and watch him get closer to the princess and he's SEETHING. He insists he is more than strong enough to protect her on his own.
Vash as captain of the guard only came to the palace a while ago, but he impressed enough people with his skill to become promoted. Lyric resents him, seeing him as an upstart. Lyric was raised in the palace and became a guard early on, promoted to guarding the princess many years ago. He views that as the thing he has that's better than Vash, but then Vash is assigned to guard her as well. Pissed guard 2 electric boogaloo. Vash and Gill are closer in this version already, which Lyric also hates him for; he had purposefully tried to keep them apart. Now he has to watch them get closer while he hates Vash more already.
Another poll. Lmao
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Lyric, Vash, and Gill are all soulmates in a way. This makes sense in my mind.
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Fucking incoherent but many thoughts of Lyric and Gill and Vash and the interactions between Gill and them. It feels strange to see those glimpses of what she was like with Lyric knowing how much he meant to her alongside him mistreating her, but she did genuinely love him and he can obviously notice it. I want to bite stuff and yell about them all
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Lyric plays the cello; he is actually super talented.
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My mind just made an interesting series of thoughts, lmao. Started with, what if Gill references the flower goddess and sun god story in the royalty au by mentioning to Vash the bit about sunflowers being created from love for the sun god by the flower goddess and in that universe sunflowers symbolize love. Then, that would suggest those aus are both in the same world. Then, intriguing, how could that remotely be possible hypothetically? Then, the water god Lyric could’ve found them and taken Gill forcibly turning them both into humans to hide her but Vash followed and now they’ve all become humans. Then, why would Gill and Lyric have their own powers but not Vash? Then, his brother the moon god Nai discovered Vash attempting to turn himself human and tried to force the magic to reverse mid process and warped him, then he also followed Vash and turned human but none of them remember they were gods except maybe Lyric.
This would take the royalty au in a much more complicated direction when I only meant for them to kiss in a palace but, like fuck, it interests me. lmao
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There are similarities in the way Lyric and Vash are with Gill, in that both kinda dote on her and hold her in a sort of heightened view. The important thing is the differences in the core behind those things. Lyric is doting on her because he patronizes her and acts as if she needs his help to have her rely solely on him and he holds her aloft because he sees her as a figure more than a complete person with her own agency and such, Vash wants to dote on her because he loves doing acts of service for her and he knows full well she could do it by herself but he enjoys making her happy and he has doe eyes for her from respect and genuine love for her.
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🌟 + lyric and gill…. but in the royalty au 👁️👁️
Dapper rambles for a half hour about her au
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I hadn't meant to make Lyric and Knives parallel each other as much as I accidentally have. Like I have Lyric saying when Gill confronts him basically "everything I did, I did for you" and I realized rewatching Knives says the same thing to Vash. Like they both take a route of control and possession of the people they care about to feel secure and justify their actions by love, suggesting they're only doing this for someone else. At their center, they're both just scared, kinda, they're both taking out their issues in bat shit crazy methods.
Vash and Gill can bond about that. Obviously there's more to both sides, but the parallel I hadn't intended is interesting, lmao
Also, seperate parallel I hadn't intended. Vash and Gill both have scars as physical manifestations of the cruelty of certain people, but neither stop their belief in humanity itself.
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there’s similarities in the ways Gill and Lyric love, but the important aspects are in their differences too. For both of them, love is devotion. For Lyric, that translates to possession and owning Gill, keeping her to himself, showing his devotion in worship and idolization of her as someone above him. For Gill, that translates to respect, wanting to do whatever it takes to make Vash happy, showing her devotion in care and trust.
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Also in all versions of the royalty aus, Knives and Gill hate each other in the pettiest ways but since they're royalty and or like servants of to the other they have to make jabs to each other in that polite like veiled fully passive aggressive high society flavor lmao
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Gill and Lyric are like super two birds on a wire coded
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I'm excited to write Lyric fighting because I like thinking of how he fights
I have some cool scenes in mind, like when he first actually meets the whole team, his appearance follows rain. Like they're all in a town and it starts raining and they're all just like "what is this?" Because I assume it's like never rained there, and then the rain basically becomes like bullets just piercing everything with the force of it.
Like thinking about those videos with pressurized water used to carve metal and stuff, that's how Lyric fights.
He also uses jagged icicles and creates binds with water.
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Something about Lyric like, is the theme I suppose that like people can become better but the ones they hurt aren't necessarily needed to forgive them for what they did. Like Lyric hurts Gill by erasing her memories for like 100 years and basically trying to keep her from becoming close to anyone besides him; when she regains her memories he is basically forced to see that she's not some idol, that she's strong and has her own thoughts she won't let be controlled again. Then he's locked away for a while and kinda has his own thing of realizing what he's done and the relationship between them he ruined. The team needs his help at some point and it's the first time they see each other since she regained her memories, and he proves that he changed and has become much less of a shit but she's like "that's great, I can tolerate you and I have the love I held for you before, but I cannot forgive you and we're not going to be close like we were before." and like everyone including Lyric is like yeah that makes sense. Their relationship gets better, but yeah there's always some distance and they both become alright with it.
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