#dare i say it is a hobby. anyway when i have access to my laptop again. deep dive into ‘fetid stone’
catilinas · 2 years
i love to go to the museum and immediately gravitate towards the most fucked up rock possible
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More Information📃
Before I actually get started with this blog I’m going to address what type  of content I’ll be posting on this blog (though I don't have many followers yet lol)
Long post ahead
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Usually I’ll write scenarios because I’ve came up with this insanely good plot or a picture or something inspired me to write a story about whatever.
Though, you can request anything you’d want me to write, but don’t expect good action stories because I’m typically not good at those.
Jimin watches the pale boy sitting behind the piano gracefully moving his hands to hit every key with each finger, never missing a note.
He couldn’t take his eyes off him, not the piano, but him, Min Yoongi. There was something about the blonde haired older that makes Jimin’s heart flutter even if he never had the courage to talk to him in person.
He’s mesmerized from his beauty which is admired from a mile away and as always it was at the concerts that Yoongi mostly held in his hometown.
His concerts never last long enough as Jimin wish they could continue on forever.
Yoongi’s fingers smoothly strikes the last chord of the song, sitting still as he lets the chord echo through the auditorium.
Jimin watches as the blonde haired boy bows in front of the cheering audience and walks off stage for the next act to perform.
Of course, Jimin wasn’t going to stay to listen to them though.
He walks outside in the freezing cold where the rain continusly pours like hell from the sky.
Jimin places his cold hands in his nearly worn out gray jacket with his head down to block the rain from hitting his face, but it didn’t really matter he was soon to be soaked since he had to walk home without an umbrella.
Upon walking with he his head down, he bumped into a figure and he immediately began to apologize when he looked up to see his idol, Min Yoongi, bending down right in front of him…but the thing is he was too star struck to realize that he accidentally knocked Yoongi’s sheet music down onto the wet concrete.
“Great. What fuckery is this !” Yoongi yells at Jimin, picking up his music before they could become unreadable from the heavy downpour of the rain.
“O-Oh, Yoongi, I’m sorry!” Jimin bows, picking up the remains of soggy music sheets.
Jimin starts to feel quite upset when Yoongi pushes him away.
“Move.” This wasn’t how he planned to meet THE Min Yoongi at least not as how he meet him in his dreams.
“You’ve done enough.. by ruining things.” Jimin’s heart sank in his chest when Yoongi walks away not daring to look Jimin in his eyes and take back what he said. Though for some reason Yoongi really wanted to turn around to apologize for being rude but his conscious reminded him that the historical music in his hand is now ruined.
Now you have at least a good feeling of how my writing is...
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Fake Posts/Accounts/Messages
I have an iPod and on that iPod I have installed an app that allows you to make a fake Instagram, iMessage’s, Snapchat’s, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Tumblr’s, Vines, YouTube Channels, and all that good stuff. As you can see in my edit up there in the little photo header, I made a quick little scenario where you and Jungkook had an argument and you broke up. Although I couldn't put the entire argument I used the end where Jungkook is officially d-o-n-e done with you lol.
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GIF Reactions, Smut Reactions, Whatever Reactions lol. Whatever you want to request is fine to me. Instead of doing an example reaction of a whole group I am going to do a example reaction for EXO-K’s leader, Suho.
EXO Reaction- When They Do Aegyo
Kim Jun Myeon/Suho
*cringingly forms a heart that makes you laugh*
“Am I cute?”
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Anything you want to confess without everyone or anyone that follows you on your profile knowing? Simply just click on “ask me anything”... can’t find it?
On mobile
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Type in minsugaprincess.tumblr.com (or click) into your address bar. My profile should come up. Click 2% in the little milk carton and then bam type in your question and click ask anonymously if you want.
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If you want to get shipped with your favorite group just ask and make sure to state the following information...
Which group/groups you want to be shipped with
Things about you
Selca Ships
As for Selca ships only thing you have to do is state
Which group/groups you want to be shipped with
A Selfie of your beautiful face
Girls and boys allowed so all you fan boys out there don't be shy!
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Same goes for Most to Least Likely. Just ask and I’ll give you my opinion
EX:  MTL to get a tattoo in GOT7
Mark to me seems like the type that’ll look really hot in a tattoo plus he seems rebel enough to get one. Plus wasn't there like a little rumor around saying that he has a tattoo on his leg. Pretty sure it was real.
Jinyoung probably doesn't want to go through the pain if he did get a tattoo I don't even know why. It really doesn't suit him though he just seems like the innocent type... why am I lying when I ship Jinson and I know the devilish things they do.
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Ask Box/Chats
Confess anything, talk about anything, and just be you. The Ask box will be considered like a community chat so don't be shy. No one will judge you unless you’re into Necrophilia. If you are... you are one hell of a sick minded person.
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YouTube Video Requests
So far I have two videos on my channel one of them being a fake sub that I uploaded last year and ended with like three thousands views. At that time my laptop caught a virus and like some months later I got a new one but if you’d like to request anything for me to upload don't hesitate to ask.
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Fanfiction Requests
I love writing so if there’s any type of genre or book you want me to write, make sure to request anything you’ll love to read. As said before, I suck at writing action so don’t expect much. Lol. Since I don't have many followers, I'm going to start working on a 5 chapter book that will definitely (hopefully) get you comfortable with how I write. I'm planning on each chapter will be about 2000+ words long and more than likely I'm going to start writing it about my UB lol. 
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Smut One Shots/ Reactions
I had to keep this edit a bit you know not as much 18+ since Tumblr is a B*tch.
I won’t say that I'm good at smut but I lack in some areas, but same with this as well...just request what you want me to write and I’ll always be up for it as long as its not weird.
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Little Space Things DD/lg
This blog wont just be all about Kpop its going to vary from different topics and basically anything to keep my followers amused. I'm going to usually post cute things or about my everyday life of being a little and what not, but for all you littles out there that's lonely and wants a Mommy I am here! Plus I would really love it if you call me Princess but K is ok too.😇.
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I don't know if you noticed but I really love to edit photos and what not so if you’re planning to write a book and you need someone to edit a book cover don’t be shy to ask me because I will love to help.
I have plenty of time on my hands since its summer break and I don't have to go to school till August so I can do a lot with this blog.
Also its best to access my blog via a mobile device because on pc the theme doesn't quite work well but its pretty and there are quick links that you can click on that’ll automatically send you to some of the other sources that I use.
Anyways that's it,  Bye👋✌
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