ruairimcallisterx · 3 years
Ruairi had been dreading Valentine's Day since his unfortunate break up with the man he truly expected to be with for the rest of his life. That didn't really pan out. For weeks, Ruairi had been moping around his apartment with overgrown plant life and just existing. Luckily, he got ahold of his emotions and had managed to stop that part of his heartbreak. Sure, Ruairi was still hurting. But, he was trying to get better.
Sitting in the room he was assigned, the Singles Awareness Room,(lovely), Ruairi waved slightly as someone entered the room then presented the area, "Hey. Welcome. Make yourself at home." He smiled softly, "I got some movie on...we can change it t'ough if you want."
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cantfightmoonlight · 3 years
​⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅
Where: Honesty is the Best Policy Room
What: Won’t You Be Mine? Event
“So apparently we’re unable to lie in here, huh?” Liv mused, her finger mindlessly trailing along the rim of her glass as she tilted up a curious brow at the room surrounding themselves. “So, be honest, how cute do I look in this top?” She asked, scrunching up her nose playfully at the other as if to let them know she was only teasing. 
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kenxmatsui · 3 years
for: OPEN ( @darkesthourstarters​ ) when: after final release location: rosefell castle
Reunions and sentiments. He’d scoff at the silliness of it had it not been for the shit storm they had to face. It was beyond sick, this battle. The reasoning still hadn't made sense to Ken but who had time to think on such things when the doors finally opened and reinforcement stepped in. A little too late, but at least there was only one death. 
Blinking to adjust to the light outside, Ken, using his final dregs of strength, carried a bloodied and badly injured Ruairi out and placed him gently on the stretcher and hoped the man would be alright. Swatting away the medics that began checking him, Ken staggered out of their reach with a scowl. Idiots. There were others that needed help more. He'd been fine. He was fine. He crashed into a tree and fell down. Laughter broke through in bubbles of relief, of disbelief, of finally being released from what honestly was a nightmare scene. But as a shadow moved around him, Ken shot up immediately, senses on alert as if it wasn’t over, only to fall back down at a similar speed a second later clutching his side, “Fuckk.”
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itsalinakhan · 3 years
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Where: Made With Love Room
What: Won’t You Be Mine? Event
Perfectly manicured nails wrapped their way around the stem of the martini glass. Not bothering to pay the bartender any mind, the one and only, Alina Khan plucked the olive out of the glass and slide it off the tooth pick with the edge of her fangs. Only then did she bother to glance over at the hand resting casually on the bar beside her and, without a second thought, she took the tooth pick resting between the tip of her thumb and forefinger straight down into the unattended hand. She only pricked them, but it was enough to draw the slightest bit of blood. The red stained tip of the slender piece of wood returning to that of her lips as she licked the edge clean. “Hm. O negative. Not bad, but could be better,” She noted, dropping the pick back into her glass, before looking over at the person eyeing her with that of an eased shrug. “What? It was missing something. Isn’t that the point of cocktail making class?”
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seraphmargot · 3 years
OPEN TO: All @darkesthourstarters​ EVENT: Anything But Clothes Party LOCATION: ABC Room
Margot sighed as she adjusted the yellow velvet drapes she’d tied to her body with curtain cords. She wasn’t sure how well the curtains would hold up, but with the amount of times she crossed the cords around her waist and chest and back again, she had a feeling it would be more or less secure. At least she felt better that she hadn’t gone with her initial caution tape idea, considering half of the people here also thought of it. She had a feeling her outfit was at least more secure... and warm. She tried not to snicker when someone’s tape slipped a little farther than they might consider safe. “Here I thought my college days were behind me, but I can just sense someone is seconds away from doing a keg stand.”
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josephgraves · 3 years
Where: Speed to my Heart Open to: All
This was so incredibly out of Joseph’s wheelhouse. He had felt complete awe stepping into the mansion and it was a feeling that had never gone away. Not to help how underdressed he felt. Everybody was walking around looking absolutely stunning, and he was pretty sure he had shaving cream on the sleeve of his shirt that he couldn’t get at.
Joseph rolled up his sleeves, hoping to look a bit better than what he had. He’d gotten a drink from the bar and settled into his seat, preparing for the first individual to sit down.
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elenasinclair · 3 years
“I don’t need to go over the gist of this do I?” Gesturing to the back drop as she held up the camera. “I’m going to be honest I have about no background in photography, but here we are.” She admitted, letting her hands drop to her side. “You can do whatever pose you want and there’s props and costumes over there.” Pointing towards the room next door. “It’s completely private.” She informed them. “So what month are you hoping to get for this? I know the two big ones are probably July and December. Those are the ones that people normally try to get right? It’s like the big Playboy months and that I think?” She continued to ramble on as she tried to set up the tripod.
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faequeenx · 3 years
“Alright, give it to me straight...” Amara seats herself next to Devin not a minute after she comes into eyesight. She holds a drink out for her friend and trust that it goes without saying, it’s not magically spiked. “How bad of an idea was it to include anger as one of the magic shots?” She wonders as she gazes out at the people. “I mean, so far so good but... Thinking about it now, I’m just a little bit concerned that a more... Unhinged type of person, drinks one, you know? I was just so caught up in getting everything prepped here that I actually didn’t give it much thought.” 
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ainsleyatwood · 3 years
“So how the fuck do we break into this bitch?” Ainsley asked aimlessly as she tossed a rock at the window and it bounced off the spell and back in front of her at her feet. “I’ve got a red head in there that needs saving.” She informed the person next to her. “While I’m sure the people in there with her are great and all, personally my survival skills are better than theirs.” She didn’t doubt that Margot wasn’t competent enough to keep herself alive, it was just the matter of giving her extra help. “So want to help me plan how to break in or are you out?”
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lance-a-lark · 3 years
When: Event Day 1
Where: SAD Room
Closed Starter: @ruairimcallisterx
Lark had been wandering the event like a zombie. He barely wanted to be here, which resulted in him not fully paying attention to the room lineups and their hosts. All he saw was the singles awareness day room (the SAD room) and thought to himself that this was the only place he belonged at this godforsaken retreat. But upon walking in he spotted him and instantly knew he shouldn’t be here. Still somehow, of course, he couldn’t bring himself to turn around. There was something unbearably wrong about this whole scene. Being here together, but not together. Wanting so desperately to run to him and embrace him like they had simply lost track of one another in a crowd as opposed to the tragic reality of the situation. Instead Lark stood frozen by the doorway hopelessly conflicted. This still felt like the place he belonged, more so with Ruairi here, but he wasn’t welcome. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, “I didn’t realize-- I mean-- I forgot you were running this room.” He looked down at his stupid fucking sweatshirt, instantly got embarrassed and crossed his arms over his chest in an attempt to cover the text that read ‘I am sad’. What right did he have to be sad in front of Ruairi? What right did he have to be this much of a mess? “I’ll find somewhere else to go. I know I’m probably the last person you want to see here.”
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ah-inxpark · 3 years
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Park Ah-In’s Valentine event outfit 2022
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beasramos · 3 years
OPEN TO: All @darkesthourstarters​​​ EVENT: Let Fate Pick Your Date LOCATION: Key To My Heart Room
Her heartbeat was loud in her ears as the people around her excitedly pushed their keys into locks, laughing and complaining as their locks unlatched or stayed closed. A trickle of regret slid down her spine as she contemplated hiding her key under a table and slipping out of the room before she remembered that doing so would leave someone with their lock unlatched and dejected. Right, well, it’s not like she was making a commitment, she told herself. All she would be committing to would be a nice dinner, where she might at least have nice company for an hour or two, which would be nice. This weekend had left her feeling a little emptier than usual. The crowd around her started thinning, couples wandering off to their assigned dates when she finally gathered the courage to tap one of the remaining people on the shoulder. “Uhm, hello,” she said holding up her key, “Do you happen to have a lock?”
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lohastings · 3 years
“I mean she’s wearing green, being happy, living her best fucking life and here I am living in a closet.” Logan told him sadly as she laid her head on his legs. “She’s won the break up clearly and I’ve fucking failed it.” She started to cry, wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I’m not this person either! I’m fun! I’m the hot girl that everyone wants and doesn’t get hung up on people and now I’m here in some fucking sad room crying over my ex while we watch these shitty movies.” Logan sighed, threw the box of chocolate at the TV. “This is all fucking lies.” 
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chris-hy-doyle · 3 years
DATE: February 12th, 2022 TIME: 07:46 PM LOCATION: Honesty Room
Today has been rather weird for him. Chris wasn’t entirely sure what he was supposed to do (which, honestly, is a general theme of his life at this point). All these events were related to dating or activities for couples... which, he has no idea where he and Brycen stands on this. Yes, they are still married on paper and have spent time together, but they are stuck in this weird limbo of ‘what are we?’ If he remembered his high school days he would have said this is so high school... And at some point at the evening, he decided it was pointless in standing around and waiting. So Chris just texted Brycen to meet him at the Honesty Room. He was ready to be as direct and honest as possible, but his plan is thrown out of windows when Brycen walks in dressed like that. “Hey, um, wow, you look... amazing.” Chris stammers before zoning out for a moment, and ends up with “...I completely forgot what I was gonna say. How’s-- how’s your evening?”
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darkesthourrpg · 3 years
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For the city that never sleeps, love is in the air and the supernatural community is hardly one to sit on the sidelines. For three days only, the Lost will be hosting their very own Single’s Weekend. With activities being put on by the current couples and the fae court, this can’t miss lock-in at the Lost Headquarters is sure to melt even the coldest of hearts.
In game play time, this event will span from Feb 12-14th. OOC, this is a plot intensive event that kicks off on Saturday Feb 12th. 
The event takes place at the ‘Lost Headquarters’ aka the Rosefell Castle. This event is being put on by the fae in Staten Island and is a lock-in event where all characters will hold up in this magical castle for 3 days partaking in a number of fun larger than life events, before, chaos of course ensues.
The tag for the event being darkestevent6. Everything from pictures, outfits, threads, and etc. should be under this tag. Starters should have both the starter and event tag.
This event is mandatory. We ask that you please make event threads a priority and everything else second and, as always, any big plots should be discussed with the admins before playing them out on the dash. If you have any big plots you want to do let us know.
As for anyone looking to bring in new characters, we will continue to have regular acceptances up until February 18th where we will be temporarily pausing on acceptances as to not have new characters coming in during a ton of plot drops, so if you would like to bring in any new characters, we strongly encourage you to get those apps in before the 18th.
Last but not least, this event is our first event secretly hosted by the fae court meaning that the mirage over Staten Island applies during the event too. Any character (including fae) whom are not current members of the fae court will forget anything in regards to the fae and their magical surroundings the moment they leave Staten Island. Mind you, this is a lock-in event, so during the event no one will be leaving the Rosefell Castle let alone the island. But, after the event is over, any characters not on the court will remember the conversations they had and the rough details of what occurred. But, any mention of fae or the buildings they are in will be seemingly erased from their memory.
Below is a list of the different aspects of the event as well as the many different activities being offered during Singles Weekend that you can write starters/threads about. Also, if you have any suggestions of activities you would like to add to the below list, feel free to reach out-
LOCK-IN (Sleeping Arrangements): 
This is a lock-in, so grab your cutest and coziest pajamas because you are about to get to know the other supernaturals in your community without any unnecessary/outside distractions. All technology & weapons shall be collected at the door to be returned to you at the end of the retreat and as for housing, do not fret. There are five star suites offered to each and every attendee whether you came in a pair or together. Everyone has an individual room of their own where they can curl up and get comfortable. But, if you did happen to come with a partner or met someone you want to get to know on a deeper level, fantasy suites are always available as well as boomboom rooms for all different kinds of affection and desire.
After the Weekend is Over: When the spell wares away, anyone who is not on the fae court will believe they spent the weekend in an auditorium like building in a dorm style residence that was nothing to write home about
For the duration of the weekend, it’s not only a lock-in, but also a massive 3-day long stoplight party where guests wear the the colors of the traffic signal to denote their relationship status- 
Black - Not available/not looking
Red - Stop! In a relationship
Yellow - It’s complicated...
Green - Go! Single and ready mingle
Hosted By: Daiyu Decker + Nolan Diaz 
What: Speed Dating
Speed dating gives you a chance to mix and mingle with New York’s most eligible bachelors/bachelorettes. The rules are simple: someone sits across from someone else, they get to know each other until 5 minutes are up, and it’s on to the next contender. This particular night is one, that hopefully, starts with sparks but will end with flames. Bring your a-game and get ready to meet some new faces!
Hosted By: Amara Rivero
What: Open Bar
After the Weekend is Over: Anyone who is not on the fae court will remember being drunk & acting irrationally but not knowing why
It wouldn’t be a party without an open bar. From colorful cocktails to smoothies, juices and tonics provided by Paradise Juice Counter, it is now your chance to pick and choose what emotion you’d like to have a liquid dose of. From giggling with happiness from one shot to a splash of anger in the next, these drinks can make you feel almost any emotion instantaneously. Effects last up to an hour.
THE ABC “Anything But Clothes” ROOM
Hosted By: Kaito St. Claire
What: Anything But Clothes Party
Come on down to the lounge, where the only request is that you wear anything but clothes. be creative, and most importantly, don’t be shy. Bonus points if you manage to keep within the stoplight color scheme. 
Hosted By: Andrei Ender
What: Honesty Room
After the Weekend is Over: Anyone who is not on the fae court will remember being brutally honest for no apparent reason
Fae can’t lie and in this room, neither can you. They say the best relationships are founded on honesty, so what better way to get to know one another than in a room where you have no other choice than to be 100% authentically you?
Hosted By: Athena Decker-Morris + Hollis Rosenberg
What: Let fate pick your date
Welcome to the room of intrigue with key to my heart! Unlock the key to a potential fling with this activity. Each of the participants will be paired by the fae court’s ‘crush committee’. Half will be given a key and the other half, a lock. Once you find your pairing, you and your partner will be given a romantic dinner to get to know each other. Find out if your pair is your type during key to my heart.
Hosted By: Leyla Binici
What: Movie Room
After the Weekend is Over: Anyone who is not on the fae court will think they fell asleep and had a weird dream while chilling out in the movie room
This room is one where you must enter as a pair. Only, Netflix & Chill is about to take on a whole new meaning as the two find yourself surrounded by a mirage of one of your favorite Rom Coms. The two of you are now the leads. What magic might ensue as you act out cinema’s most heart racing moments?
Hosted By: Yindi Perkins
What: Planetarium
After the Weekend is Over: Anyone who is not on the fae court will think they had a mediocre astrology reading 
They say you can see how compatible you and someone else are by reading the stars. So, why not put it to the test? In the highest tower of the castle, there is the Rosefell Planetarium. A room where the stars are formed as a mirage on the ceiling. So curl up in bean bag chairs and blankets and watch as the stars overhead show you if your horoscopes align or not.
Hosted By: Ruairi McAllister 
What: The Anti V-Day Party
Now the weekend isn’t just about searching for love. It’s also about embracing the best parts about being single and having a place to mend one’s broken heart after the end of a relationship. If you came dressed in black, this is the room for you to kick back in relax in. Decked out like any true 90′s teen’s bedroom with posters plastered across the walls, a stack of fun games in the corner like spin the bottle & twister, bunkbeds, plenty of cushions and stuffed animals to cuddle up with, heart shaped piñatas full of candy to break, endless Ben & Jerry’s and boxes of tissues for those of you who are still tearing up from the loss of a past relationship, this Anti V-Day party is place to embrace a time when things might have been easier and have fun without worrying about trying to make a good impression.
What: Couple’s Classes
This wouldn’t be a true retreat without a room where you can learn new skills and what better way to get to know one another than to try something new? From hot yoga to pottery classes to a cooking class taught by New York’s own Lark Crane, it’s time to get messy and make something you can be proud of.
The Most Eligible Calendar/Contest
Hosted By: Elena Sinclair
What: Photo Shoot
It wouldn’t be a single’s weekend without a spicy single’s calendar to commemorate the weekend. Each participate will be voted on by their peers to see who will win the title of Most Eligible off of their best photo from the shoot. The winner will get their picture on the cover of the Calendar and get to pick exactly which month their face will be dedicated to.
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athena-decker · 3 years
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