shxrpteeth · 2 years
Besides food, there were two things that could not miss on a picnic, and it was his guitar and a flower crown, it just wasn’t the same for him when those two things weren’t present, so of course that every time he made a picnic, he had both of them. He loved to stay under a tree sat down, with flowers on his head, while he jammed a song on his guitar. He always had an extra flower crown in case someone joined him, which happened before. After eating his lunch, he rested his back on a tree, and started to play a song, he closed his eyes for a second, before he felt someone’s presence, and opened them once again, but didn’t stop playing, “If you want the flower crown, you can go ahead and take it,” the extra one was on the picnic towel, ready for anyone that wanted it to take it.
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ruairimcallisterx · 3 years
Ruairi had been dreading Valentine's Day since his unfortunate break up with the man he truly expected to be with for the rest of his life. That didn't really pan out. For weeks, Ruairi had been moping around his apartment with overgrown plant life and just existing. Luckily, he got ahold of his emotions and had managed to stop that part of his heartbreak. Sure, Ruairi was still hurting. But, he was trying to get better.
Sitting in the room he was assigned, the Singles Awareness Room,(lovely), Ruairi waved slightly as someone entered the room then presented the area, "Hey. Welcome. Make yourself at home." He smiled softly, "I got some movie on...we can change it t'ough if you want."
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cantfightmoonlight · 3 years
​⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅
Where: Honesty is the Best Policy Room
What: Won’t You Be Mine? Event
“So apparently we’re unable to lie in here, huh?” Liv mused, her finger mindlessly trailing along the rim of her glass as she tilted up a curious brow at the room surrounding themselves. “So, be honest, how cute do I look in this top?” She asked, scrunching up her nose playfully at the other as if to let them know she was only teasing. 
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kenxmatsui · 3 years
for: OPEN ( @darkesthourstarters​ ) when: after final release location: rosefell castle
Reunions and sentiments. He’d scoff at the silliness of it had it not been for the shit storm they had to face. It was beyond sick, this battle. The reasoning still hadn't made sense to Ken but who had time to think on such things when the doors finally opened and reinforcement stepped in. A little too late, but at least there was only one death. 
Blinking to adjust to the light outside, Ken, using his final dregs of strength, carried a bloodied and badly injured Ruairi out and placed him gently on the stretcher and hoped the man would be alright. Swatting away the medics that began checking him, Ken staggered out of their reach with a scowl. Idiots. There were others that needed help more. He'd been fine. He was fine. He crashed into a tree and fell down. Laughter broke through in bubbles of relief, of disbelief, of finally being released from what honestly was a nightmare scene. But as a shadow moved around him, Ken shot up immediately, senses on alert as if it wasn’t over, only to fall back down at a similar speed a second later clutching his side, “Fuckk.”
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ah-inxpark · 3 years
After Hour Drinks
Ah-In was enjoying a wine at Bubbly Moments after a long day of work. She wanted to kick off her heels and massage her aching feet. But, that wasn’t very polite given her location. Another exhausting day of designing and prepping for an event. She really should schedule a massage one of these days when it wasn’t so busy. She snorted, when is it not busy? she sighed as she sipped at her red wine and looked around the bar. 
It was busy but even the noise wasn’t bothering her. She had taken out her professional bun and let her long tendril of black hair fall freely around her shoulders. She had her phone on silence as she didn’t want to be disturbed during her off time at least for a while. She locked eyes with someone across the way and she subtly dipped her chin in greeting to them. It was their choice if they would join her or not. 
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Open to: Closed Location: The Whiskey Room in The Bronx Time: Early evening Three perfectly clear spheres of ice clinked around Corrine's glass as her whiskey was set in front of her. She picked it up, swishing it around so the ice spun like a weird little snow globe, and then pressed the glass to her forehead. It was a momentarily alleviation of the tension headache she'd had nearly every day since she'd arrived back home in NYC. Part of her felt safer here, but another part was screaming at her to get out. She was no longer used to staying in one place for so long.
Steeling herself, Corrine sipped at her drink, and then took every ounce of her self control not to wince at the burn. Blech. That's what she got for ordering the cheapest crap on the drink menu. But she was nothing if not stubborn. She'd spent what little money she had left on this garbage, and she was going to get her money's worth if it killed her. Another sip. It might kill her. 
Other than Corrine, there were only a few other patrons floating about The Whiskey Room. She was borderline day drinking as evening had really only just begun. A small swirl, like a glimmering golden thread, caught the corner of her eye as someone grabbing their drink from the bar accidentally brushed against her. It was a brief image, like the edges of a dream that faded as you woke and focused too much on it, but enough of an indicator to tell her that another supernatural person was in the bar. 
Corrine turned away, kept her focus on the counter of the bar she was sat at, and hunched her shoulders. That was the problem with coming back to NYC. There was way too much magic in this place. When she went place to place, sometimes blowing right past tiny towns that barely cracked one thousand people, she barely saw them. Right now, Corrine didn't want to deal with anyone.  “God, I hope this isn’t a wolf bar,” she muttered under her breath.
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kiya-suwan · 3 years
Meetings. That’s all Kiya had done all day and she was tired of all the meetings. Meetings for Khan Cosmetics. Meetings for the clan. Meetings with Devin. Meetings until she was drowning in them. And Kiya was honestly tired of it all. Sleep no longer did anything for her, but she felt exhausted in a way that she could almost believe sleep would help. But no, what she needed was blood. Kiya could honestly go to the blood bank, but she’d always preferred feeding straight from the source. Even before coming on as the second in charge of the clan, she still always fed from others with their consent and a clear mind. It hadn’t changed since she agreed to the clan rules. So that was how she found herself with the other, leaning softly towards them over the table and tracing her finger over the pulse of their wrist. “I promise you’ll like it.” She promised, her sweet smile alluring. “You might even come back and ask for more, trust me you’ll like me when I bite.” Over the centuries she’d gotten quite good at making this an enjoyable experience for both parties. As she was fluttering her eyelashes, she smelled the presence of another coming towards them before a shadow fell across the pair. But she ignored them, focusing on her new potential friend. 
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vargasxraul · 2 years
where: the fountain who: open @darkesthourstarters​
Raul had never considered himself a believer in luck or fate. There were too many ways for plans to go awry when left to simple chance, and yet, as he stood in front of the fountain, quarter clutched in one fisted hand, he couldn’t help but think that this was just that -- asking the universe for some sort of small morsel of luck. Tradition, he thought to himself as his hand came up, quarter flying over one shoulder. “So, is this supposed to be a one-size fits all ask and you receive kind of thing or does the person in charge know when someone doesn’t believe?” 
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seraphmargot · 3 years
OPEN TO: All @darkesthourstarters​ EVENT: Anything But Clothes Party LOCATION: ABC Room
Margot sighed as she adjusted the yellow velvet drapes she’d tied to her body with curtain cords. She wasn’t sure how well the curtains would hold up, but with the amount of times she crossed the cords around her waist and chest and back again, she had a feeling it would be more or less secure. At least she felt better that she hadn’t gone with her initial caution tape idea, considering half of the people here also thought of it. She had a feeling her outfit was at least more secure... and warm. She tried not to snicker when someone’s tape slipped a little farther than they might consider safe. “Here I thought my college days were behind me, but I can just sense someone is seconds away from doing a keg stand.”
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blackmcgicxx · 3 years
If there was one thing Fei loved, it was history. she loved reading about it. No matter what country the history was about. The one thing she didn't like though was how some of it was sugarcoated.  That was the thing that bugged her. When it came to history, one should have wanted to know all of it. not the sugarcoated parts.  A small sigh escaping her lips, she read the last page of the book she was reading. Another history book she had checked out from the library. "One would think that people would write the truth about certain things that took place years ago." she noted. who would even want to learn something that wasn't the truth?  By now, she figured that most people would want to know everything.
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elenasinclair · 3 years
“I don’t need to go over the gist of this do I?” Gesturing to the back drop as she held up the camera. “I’m going to be honest I have about no background in photography, but here we are.” She admitted, letting her hands drop to her side. “You can do whatever pose you want and there’s props and costumes over there.” Pointing towards the room next door. “It’s completely private.” She informed them. “So what month are you hoping to get for this? I know the two big ones are probably July and December. Those are the ones that people normally try to get right? It’s like the big Playboy months and that I think?” She continued to ramble on as she tried to set up the tripod.
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emprince · 2 years
​Maybe less so than a dog, considering the amount of attention they required, adopting a cat felt like kind of a big deal to Emily. And not just because it’d mean she was responsible for another being; it’d also mean outliving another creature she cared about and eventually having to deal with that specific pain. Regardless, she could get kind of lonely sometimes, so Emily was pretty sure she’d convinced herself to just go ahead and do it. She wanted to be prepared first, though, make sure her new furry friend had everything they’d need, so a trip to the pet store seemed necessary. Upon entering, however, and seeing the vast array of kitty supplies, she soon realized she was kind of out of her depth. “Awesome, okay…” She murmured distractedly to herself, eventually turning to the closest person to her. “Hey, so, I get that I could ask someone who actually works here, but I don’t wanna look, like, totally incompetent… If you were getting a cat, and it was your first ever pet so you had literally nothing for it yet, what kind of stuff would you get?”
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cantfightmoonlight · 3 years
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅
Devin kept her head down as she entered the store. Her hair tossed back in a very unlike her messy bun as she pulled the baseball cap she was wearing lower to conceal her face. She hardly had time to change after the hell that was the night before back at the Rosefell Castle and trying to take care of her currently very ripper-happy sister, so instead she just trudged down the aisle, wrapping her coat tighter in towards her chest to hide the light blood stains and hole in her thigh from where Alina had stabbed her. So much for trying to reason with the woman who was impersonating Selene all weekend, she thought as she moved to yank a whole bunch of cheesy heart printed bears and stuffed animals off the shelf for her feral sister to teeth on when she got home. She half thought she’d be able to make it out of the store unseen too, but the moment she got into line and felt the familiar eyes giving her a once over, she knew any hope of that was now for not. “Do me a favor?” Devin let out a soft moan as she glanced over at the person beside her whilst still attempting to juggle the overwhelming amount of teddy bears in hand. “Don’t ask.”
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What timing...||Open
Tap. Tap. Tap. Clickclick. Tap. The sound of Hollis' keyboard was echoing through his office at the law firm. There were only a few other people left this late into the evening and honestly, it was this time of the day when he was able to do his best thinking. The male reached over to his coffee and took a swig of it before before continuing his typing. Hollis had been working on this case for a mother trying to get full custody of her child for weeks now. It may have seen like a cut and dry case, but the father was a real piece of work and extremely manipulative, trying to spin everything again the mother. But finally, Hollis found something that was going to finally lean the jury towards the mother (which it should have been from the getgo). He was typing quickly and with purporse when suddenly, his entire screen went black, immediately followed by all the lights in his office and the firm, "Oh no." He said aloud and slowly closed his eyes, "No, no, no." He mumbled. Hollis turned around in his chair and looked out the window, noting that the entire city was black. What terrible timing.
Hollis sat at his black computer for a few more minutes but huffing and grabbing his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. No point of sticking around, he supposed. Hollis grabbed his cane and without saying goodbye to other stragglers in the office, he took what had to be 25 flights of stairs down to the ground level and eventually stepped outside. It was much harder with his bum leg, but he made it after a while. He took a deep breath when he greeted with the fresh air and looked around.
Still black out.
His blue eyes shifted back and forth for a few moments before he approached another, "Sorry to bother you..." He began and lifted his hand, pointing around casually to the city, "Any uh...idea what happened?" He asked. Hollis just needed a bit of info then he would be satisfied. Hopefully this wouldn't last long...
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athena-decker · 3 years
Sitting on the stoop of her Queens apartment the blackout didn’t bother Athena so much. Once she knew her grandfather was settled in, the old man opting to just sleep through the blackout, she let herself just enjoy the relative quiet. Still, it was an odd set up, Athena having placed two candles beside her, burning bright as she read her book on the steps. At least in the relative dark it wasn’t so obvious the book was a romance novel. She felt a pair of eyes on her and did not look up from the page. “Can I help you?” She asked in an uninterested tone as the heroine was being swept up into the arms of her hero on the page. 
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chris-hy-doyle · 3 years
DATE: January 4th, 2022 TIME: 05:24 PM LOCATION: Not entirely sure. Still in New York. Probably. Hopefully.
New York is... well, Chris actually doesn’t have know that many other places to compare it to. He has knowledge, concepts, piecemeal information about different cities and states, but it’s closer to having read Wikipedia pages than actually having experienced it. So walking down the streets of New York (or as he vaguely recalls, he is supposed to call it New York City?) Chris can’t quite explain how he feels about it. He also may be slightly lost, but then again, he has never been lost before as far as he can remember (which doesn’t go back that long, to be honest) so he isn’t 100% sure if he is. Or perhaps he has been too busy-- helping an elderly lady cross the street, carrying the luggage up the stairs for a random tourist, picking up trashes when he spots them-- to notice it... Before he could focus on how to get back to the apartment, Chris immediately gets distracted by a wallet lying on the street. His instinct is to pick it up, dusts it off and then walks up to the nearest person, blurting out, “hey, did you drop this?” He then remembers that he was in the middle of figuring out if he was lost, “also, I think I might be lost. Where am I, exactly?”
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