paramcur · 2 years
@darklapse: ❛ can i ask… what happened? ❜
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it's a fair question, he supposed. especially since teddy was sitting on the curb of the street with a bag of frozen peas held to a bruised eyesocket, a downtrodden expression on his face. he's not trying to attract attention, really, he's just waiting until he stops seeing little blue birds circling his vision before he tries something stupid, like moving again. "oh. this?" he blinks, pointing to the shiner he's sporting on his left eye. "some people are, ah, a little upset with some moves my family's company is making." teddy doesn't want to go into it too much, because that's not what was asked. his head hurts too bad to explain a nuanced issue that really feels less black and white now that blood's been drawn, anyway. "in layman's terms, some communists jumped me."
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lonehearts-a · 2 years
@darklapse / from dae.
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when the front door opens, dae immediately glances up from his spot on the couch — harper had told him to let himself in since he wouldn't be much longer working with kiha and jiwoo on their subunit choreography. however, the person coming inside is most certainly not harper, nor is it the (very pink and somewhat irritated looking) roommate he knows, jasper. no, this is a total stranger. and dae is in his house. oh god. he's going to get the cops called on him or beaten up or both — before he can spiral too deeply, he starts to stand, holding out his hands cautiously. "i — sorry, i didn't break in !! harper gave me his key and told me to just wait for him !!"
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svcreds · 2 years
                          ↬  @darklapse​  ♡
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                   “  c’mon,  don’t  fall  asleep,  ”  the  eraser  end  of  his  pencil  is  poking  the  other’s  temple,  lightly  enough  to  prevent  any  real  damage  but  not  light  enough  for  it  not  to  be  ridiculously  annoying.  “  we have three more to go through,  and  if  you  fall  asleep  now,  i’m  telling  my  sister  you  ate  all  her  ice  cream.  ”  
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mccnxhild · 2 years
❛ we can order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want. ❜ / to logan
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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logan looks to kitae when he suggested ordering pizza and watching a movie a softer expression now coming to her face after the absolute melt down she just had a few moments ago. she nods her head smiling at him and the suggestion. "that sounds like it would be really nice." she said reaching for one of the local delivery places ad she had. "and maybe you can stay the night - like a fun little sleepover nothing weird." she suggested with a sheepish smile.
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n0spins · 2 years
    *  @darklapse​​  sacrificed  an  offering     :     kitae wraps his arms around minjun, and holds him tight. seconds of silence pass, carrying the weight of kitae's heart, and all the love he has for minjun. not only for minjun the idol, the artist he's followed, since the beginning of no spin. but love for minjun, the man who shields everyone, who still smiles even through the worst storms. "i'm so proud of you. for everything you've done." kitae holds minjun tighter as if to rid any ghosts haunting him. "thanks for always watching out for me." kitae leans back to smile at him. "so, let me take care of you too, yeah?"
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               walls  that  minjun  has  spent  years  carefully  crafting  begin  to  crack,  melting  into  the  embrace  that  warms  him  to  his  very  core.  it’s  not  often  that  minjun  has  let  anybody  see  beneath  the  veil  —  underneath  of  the  persona  he  wears  for  the  stage,  the  boy  that  hides  himself  in  the  safety  of  his  stage  costumes  and  the  pounds  of  makeup.  even  now,  minjun  has  tried  desperately  to  hold  on  to  the  public  figure  of  na  minjun,  the  golden  leader  of  no  spin,  the  man  that  touched  the  hearts  of  thousands  of  people  far  and  wide  —  kitae  included.
               shoulders  begin  to  shake  in  kitae’s  hold,  fingers  curling  in  the  fabric  of  the  other’s  shirt  as  he  crumbles.  tears  have  begun  to  prick  at  the  corner  of  his  eyes,  wiping  them  into  the  warmth  of  another  body.  how  unsightly.  wasn’t  he  supposed  to  be  the  one  wiping  tears  away  ?  to  be  strong  FOR  THEM  ?
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               a  shuddered  breath  leave’s  minjun’s  lips,  hands  shooting  up  to  wipe  at  his  eyes  when  kitae  puts  a  small  amount  of  space  between  them.  ❝  i’m  sorry,  ❞  minjun  clears  his  head,  standing  up  a  bit  taller  and  trying  to  gather  what  remained  of  his  pride.  ❝  i  couldn’t  imagine  doing  anything  else.  ever  since  i  met  you,  i’ve  been  willing  to  throw  myself  in  front  of  the  knife  if  it  meant  you  were  safe.  ❞  would  it  really  be  such  a  terrible  thing  to  accept  the  love  and  care  he  gives  out  for  once  ?  to  let  somebody  else  take  the  reins  for  him  ?  
               apparently  so.
              ❝  but  i  don’t  —  i  don’t  need  it.  i  appreciate  the  sentiment,  but  i  assure  you  that  i’m  okay.  ❞  minjun  offers  a  smile,  the  brightness  of  his  smile  blinding  despite  the  red  rim  still  around  his  eyes.  if  there’s  one  thing  the  idol  is  good  at,  it’s  faking  a  smile.
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honeyfallen · 2 years
꒰  💌 ꒱  ﹒incoming  starter  for  @darklapse​ ﹒♡  ﹒    
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♡﹒→﹒ “ are you comfortable ? ” it’s not often that elijah has guests, not like this at least . really, he’s not quite sure how they ended up here, likely his own nagging curiosity that had him inviting the other over to see what else he could learn about him . he almost hadn’t expected to be taken up on the offer, and maybe that’s what has him scrambling about, eager to please and near piling pillows onto kitae . “ can I get you any extra pillows or blankets ? ”  
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lonehearts-a · 2 years
starter call. / @darklapse ; from harper !!
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"need your thoughts on the new fall out boy immediately," harper says in lieu of hello, dropping next to kitae on the couch. he keeps a reasonable distance between them, leaning against the arm of the couch and looking at the other expectantly. he's been trying to find ways to bond with his roommate, and though he's far from someone who understands literally anything about science, he does know a thing or two about music. "if you haven't had time to listen yet, we're gonna change that right now."
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lonehearts-a · 2 years
starter call. / @darklapse ; from jasper.
"soooooo," jasper starts, voice soft and just shy of casual indifference. he pulls his bag into his lap, flipping open the top and sorting through the various sketchbooks, fabric swatches, and his extremely decorated laptop to fish out a neatly folded plastic bag, which he immediately slides over without making eye contact. "i was thrifting the other day and found something you might like."
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he almost feels embarrassed giving something akin to a gift, but, really it's just a shirt so it's harmless, right ?? after all, he's a fashion student. at some point it must be expected to get clothes from him, so it isn't weird. "it's that band you like, yeah ?? the only chemical romance i have is with my hair but i didn't want to pass it up. in case you wanted it."
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lonehearts-a · 2 years
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in an attempt to be the responsible adult boyfriend kitae deserves, rowan had agreed to go to the grocery store since his cupboards were more than a little barren so they can make dinner at home. however, the store they've chosen is just about out of everything they need for the dinner they planned. the growing desire to eat plain bread and water for dinner is almost winning over the need to be reasonable as they stand in the canned goods aisle, discussing their options. when kitae turns to look at something, rowan takes the opportunity to latch onto him from behind, heaving out a loud sigh as he tucks his face into kitae's neck for a moment. he doesn't particularly care that they might be in someone's way, focused more on the feeling of kitae's back against his chest in an attempt to make himself stay here. "y'know ... i have, like, bread and cheetos. that's totally enough for dinner." / @darklapse !
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svcreds · 2 years
                          ↬  @darklapse​  ♡
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"  𝐝𝐢𝐝  𝐲𝐨𝐮  .  .  .  mean  that  literally?  "  he's  not  trying  to  back  talk  or  sass  insoo.  it's  rare  for  kitae  to  be  insubordinate,  especially  against  the  other  man.  kitae  respects  insoo,  and  will  lay  his  life  down  for  him  in  a  heartbeat.  but  as  someone  who  isn't  emotionally  invested  in  basic  self-preservation  (  like  staying  alive  ),  it's  new  for  kitae  that  someone wants  him  to  survive.  kitae  blinks,  then  glances  at  the  gunshot  wound.  if  he's  alone,  kitae  would  just  dig  out  the  bullet,  cauterize  the  area,  and  call  it  a  day.  but  he  leaves  it  alone  as  insoo  instructs.  in  contrast  to  the  cold  stoicism  while  he  kills,  kitae  smiles  warmly  at  insoo.  "yeah,  i  can  walk."  he  steps  closer.  "i'm  just  glad  you're  okay.  ready  to  head  back?"
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                    it’s  taking  him  a  while  to  get  used  to  this  kind  of  subservience;  obedience  is  one  thing,  but  he  doesn’t  want  kitae  expressing  his  loyalty  by  exchanging  his  life.  it’s  what  prompted  him  to  come  down  and  keep  an  eye  on  things,  &  rightfully  so.  “  don’t  smile  at  me  like  that.  you’re  about   to  be  grounded,  ”  he  grumbles,  amongst  a  few  other i ncoherent  mumblings,  as  he  gestures  the  other  to  follow  behind  him.  “  just  how  high  is  your  pain  tolerance,  anyway?  ”  because  he’s  worried  about  him,  and  his  worry  comes  out  in  gruff  mutters  &  grouchy  mumbles  about  kitae’s  remarkable  ability  to  walk  off  injuries  like  they  don’t  matter  and  turn  off  the  killer  he  saw  just  seconds  prior.  “  we’ll  head  back  and  you’re  going  straight  to  get  fixed  up.  ”  it  wasn’t  exactly  his  area  of  expertise  either,  which  was  why  it  took  him  a  minute  before  shrugging  off  the  jacket  perched  over  his  shoulders  and  signaling  for  kitae  to  come  towards  him.  “  we’ll  wrap  this  tight  around  your  shoulder,  keep  you  from  accidentally  bleeding  out.  ”
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mccnxhild · 2 years
❛ don’t worry, i’m staying right here. ❜ / to felix
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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the night had been rough and felix had just come back from a job, and things hadn't gone exactly as planned. his lip was busted and he was decently banged up. felix had come over and was helping him clean up and just trying to get him to calm down. some of the others got hurt and he was beating himself up over it. he really couldn't handle being alone right now and kitae assuring he would stay felix nods softly. "thank you for staying here with me.." he sighs/
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mccnxhild · 2 years
❛ it’s better with you here. ❜ / to changkyun
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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changkyun had been feeling as if maybe some of the people he cared about most didn't need him around. he didn't know how to explain it to other's he just had this sinking feeling that maybe things could be better for everyone without him. especially given the massive secret he was harboring that would only hurt everyone later. it was almost of if no words needed to be exchanged and kitae was saying just what he needed to hear. a small smile comes to his lips and he looks at the other nodding. "thanks.. i really needed to hear that." he said giving the other's arm a gentle squeeze pulling the other into him.
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mccnxhild · 2 years
❛ you’re not alone. you never were. ❜ / to rachel
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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the sound of the other's voice pulls her back, she had been so lost in her own head she hadn't even realized he was still there. arms wrapped around herself his words rang in her ears. the assurance that she was never alone was warm. "i guess... i just kind of forget that sometimes." she admits to him softly and swallows the lump in her throat. having been so use to doing things alone it was weird to know she wasn't alone. "you promise.. you'll always be here?"
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n0spins · 2 years
   *  @darklapse​​​​​  sacrificed  an  offering     :         perfectly wrapped box, black with scattering of gold like stars. inside there's a polaroid camera and plenty of film. something to catch good memories. "oh, and this--" kitae passes over an envelope along with the box. "but- uhm-- please read it when you're alone." he pours his heart out too much in handwritten letters. kitae smiles, warm and bright. "happy birthday, hyung."
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               warmth  pools  minjun’s  chest  almost  immediately,  lips  quirking  at  the  sides  as  he  cradles  the  box  close  to  his  chest.  protectively.  ❝  kitae - ah,  this  is . . .   ❞  he  doesn’t  even  know  what’s  in  the  box  yet,  but  that  doesn’t  stop  the  cloud  of  emotions  clamouring  up  the  back  of  his  throat.  there’s  so  much  so  quickly,  and  minjun  isn’t  all  too  sure  how  much  longer  he’ll  be  able  to  hold  it  all  in.  the  letter  is  handled  with  the  utmost  care,  tucked  away  into  the  safety  of  his  inside  jacket  pocket  —  close  to  his  heart,  to  be  read  later  in  private,  just  as  it  was  wished  of  him.
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               holding  the  box  off  to  the  side,  minjun  is  QUICK  to  pull  kit  into  a  one - armed  hug,  crushed  against  the  leaders  chest  with  nothing  short  of  love  and  adoration.  ❝  you  didn’t  have  to  get  me  anything  !  ❞  bad  at  accepting  things  from  others,  but  not  willing  to  let  that  stop  him.  it’s  a  gift,  he  tells  himself,  it’d  be  rude  to  decline  it.  ❝  can  i  open  it  ?  or  should  i  do  that  when  i’m  alone  too  ?  ❞  opting  for  playful  to  try  and  lighten  the  mood,  minjun  raises  his  brows  in  a  suggestive  manner,  smile  just  as  blindingly  bright.  it’s  been  awhile  since  he  was  this  happy.  ❝  there’s  nothing  incriminating  in  here,  right  ?  ❞
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n0spins · 2 years
          *  @darklapse​​  sacrificed  an  offering   :     nightmare :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muse's  aid  when  they  awake  from  a  nightmare.  //  hi !! uwu
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               a  gentle  hand  cards  through  kitae’s  hair  when  he  jerks,  tone  hushing  as  he  reaches  out  for  the  younger.  there  is  nothing  but  time  in  between  trials,  nothing  to  do  but  huddle  around  the  campfire  and  try  to  keep  a  hold  on  who  they  are,  who  they  were  before  this  game  of  cat  and  mouse.  ❝  hey,  hey  —  you’re  alright,  you’re  alright.  ❞
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               minjun  lowers  himself  to  be  eyelevel  with  the  other,  head  tilted  gently  to  the  side.  ❝  you’re  safe,  you’re  alright.  ❞  an  ache  tugs  at  the  corners  of  his  chest,  minjun  wanting  nothing  more  than  to  wipe  the  alarm  masked  on  kitae’s  face.  ❝  well,  i  mean . . .  you’re  not  safe,  none  of  us  really  are,  but  you’re  safe  for  right  now.  i’m  sorry,  that’s  probably  not  all  that  comforting,  is  it  ?  ❞
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honeyfallen · 2 years
𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 ?
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fervently. you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
tagged by : @darklapse ( thank u !!!! <3 ) tagging :  @uncooked @wolfburnt @songb1rd @marblewon @nuidity !!
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