#i feel like all of my losers could work well w kitae so i just picked a random one !!
lonehearts-a · 2 years
starter call. / @darklapse ; from jasper.
"soooooo," jasper starts, voice soft and just shy of casual indifference. he pulls his bag into his lap, flipping open the top and sorting through the various sketchbooks, fabric swatches, and his extremely decorated laptop to fish out a neatly folded plastic bag, which he immediately slides over without making eye contact. "i was thrifting the other day and found something you might like."
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he almost feels embarrassed giving something akin to a gift, but, really it's just a shirt so it's harmless, right ?? after all, he's a fashion student. at some point it must be expected to get clothes from him, so it isn't weird. "it's that band you like, yeah ?? the only chemical romance i have is with my hair but i didn't want to pass it up. in case you wanted it."
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kusunogatari-a · 8 years
[ Snap ] [ @scxrlctiisms ] [ Suigin Ryū, Hayashi Rei, Kita Nagisa, Uchiha Itachi ] [ Gore mention, language mention, death mention ] [ Verse: Healing Waters and Scorching Flames ]
After Itachi's orders, Ryū buries herself into the Fire Capitol library, Rei almost always at her side. Meals, nights, even baths as the pair do their best to keep her return hidden.
But the moment Rei lets the water bender out of her sight...she finds herself no longer alone.
Leafing through a tome within an alleyway of books, it seems that she blinks, and then feels the stone of the wall beside her grate against her cheek, arm wrought up behind her back and book dropped to the floor.
“What -?!”
“Shut up,” a gruff, masculine voice demands in her ear. “Attract any attention, and I'll slit your throat.”
A spark of fear blooms in her gut – what could make someone so desperate? “...what do you want?”
“Where's Rei?”
“Don't play dumb,” her captor demands, wrenching at her arm and earning a gasp of pain. “Where did you leave her, you fucking coward?”
“I -!” Ryū struggles to relieve the burning in her shoulder. “...w-why do you want to know?”
“I'm concerned.”
“Last I heard, she was only prince Sasuke's concern.”
“Don't bring that spoiled brat into this. Now tell me where she is.”
“Why do you want to know?” Grunting, Ryū goes on. “I won't betray her so easily!”
“...so you think you're protecting her, huh? Good – tell me where she is, and I'll go get her.”
There's a pause. “...to save her, or capture her?”
“Save her, you fucking idiot.”
“What reason do I have to believe you? How do I know you're not out for her blood like everyone else?”
“She's a friend – a teammate. We've been in the same platoon since we graduated from the Academy. Right now the only person with an inkling as to where she is is you, so you'd best start talking.”
“It's a bit hard to do with my face against a wall...!”
A tick of hesitation, and then the man releases her. “Tell me everything you know.”
“I still don't know if I can trust you...! I can't just put her life in anyone's hands!”
“It's fine, Ryū – I know this idiot.”
Both spin around to see Rei, still garbed in her armor.
“Rei?! But -?”
“Not so loud, you moron,” the combustion bender hisses.
The man shakes his head in disbelief. “...I don't get it.”
“She smuggled me back in – made the prince think I'd run for it. Last place he expects to look is right back under that nose of his.”
“No one else knows?”
“Itachi does. No one else. We're looking for a way to nullify my bending – hence all the book work.”
“Um...” Ryū tries to cut in. “Who...is this exactly?”
“Nagisa. Part of my old platoon,” Rei explains. “You can trust him. He's an idiot, but he's loyal. He was there the night of the...incident.”
“Why you didn't drag me with you, I'll never understand,” he mutters.
“There wasn't time. I needed her more than anything else.”
Nagisa turns a critical eye to the water bender. “...s'pose there's some proof to that. You really think you can just...take away her bending?”
“In theory,” Ryū admits. “Chi blockers can do so temporarily – there must be a way to make it permanent. It's just like any other function of the body – it has to be.”
“Is this really what you want...?”
Rei nods. “I have to. It's too dangerous. Itachi says he'll pardon me, but only once my bending's out of the way. He can't let anyone else get hurt.”
“And he's trusting this to her?”
“...they're close,” is all Rei replies.
“Tch...” Again Nagisa gives Ryū a skeptical look. “I'll believe that when I see it. Itachi's not stupid enough to give himself another weakness.”
“Another...?” Ryū asks, frowning.
“Everyone knows he's soft for that psychopath of a brother of his. What's so special about you? You can't even fight, and you're a water bender.”
“It's not exactly any of your business, is it Nagisa?” Rei retorts, arms folding against her chest plate.
“It's my business if the prince lets some weakling get to his head!”
Ryū's eyes narrow, but she holds her tongue.
“She killed a soldier while we were on the run.”
“And I've killed a hell of a lot more than one soldier.”
“Aren't you curious how? She's supposed to be powerless, remember?”
“Rei...?” the medic cuts in, unsure.
“Oh you can trust him – I just wanna see him piss himself,” Rei replies.
Nagisa's eyes narrow in suspicion. “...what?”
“She can bend the very water within you. It's called blood bending – your very body is under her complete control. She drowned a solider in about a foot of water without even touching him.”
The memory makes Ryū flinch.
“...huh. I'll admit – that's a new one. Anyone else know about this?”
“I killed all the witnesses – it's just us. Might come in handy down the road.”
“I'd really rather never do that again,” the water bender murmurs, arms around her middle and eyes cast down.
“You might not have any choice,” Nagisa retorts.
She has no answer.
“...well, at least I know you're alive. And it's amusing to think of the brat running around in circles looking for you,” he goes on, changing the subject and addressing Rei.
“You really need to learn to curb your tongue about him,” she warns.
“Yeah, yeah...”
The trio turn to see another fire bender at the end of the aisle. “...yes?”
“Prince Itachi wishes to see you. And Nagisa, I thought you were on duty...?”
“Just checking on the prisoner, sir.”
“I see little need for that. Get back to your post.”
Glancing to the women, he gives them both a subtle nod before taking his leave.
“Come on – let's get you to the prince.”
Within his chambers, Itachi complains of a pain in his spine. “Sleep did not come easy...I believe I managed to tweak it during a spar.”
With Rei posted inside the room to avoid unnecessary contact with other guards, Ryū turns her attention to her patient. “You had a spar...?”
“Yes, with my brother before returned to the Earth Kingdom.”
She hesitates. “...were you injured?”
“Nothing I cannot let heal on its own. But this pain keeps me from sleeping.”
Unconvinced, Ryū says no more, not wanting to deepen the sensitive subject. She recalls Nagisa's words. It's been clear enough that Itachi harbors affection for his brother, but the younger prince has hardly been present during her months in the Fire Nation capital.
And the more she sees of him, the more worried she becomes.
First Shisui's warning and request...and now Nagisa's notation. Sasuke may very well be someone I need to watch for behind my back. He had been anything but gentle when capturing her, words sending chills down her spine. Whatever Sasuke is...it's nothing she wants any part of.
And as the heir disrobes from his top, her resolution only solidifies.
Before she can stop it, a gasp flies from her mouth. All along the man's torso are burns, already caked over and cracking.
“...I told you, it's nothing.”
“Nothing?!” she can't help but demand. “Itachi, these -!”
“Leave them,” he cuts in, tone firm. “The loser's price is the pain of the injuries he allowed to happen. Letting you heal them would tarnish my honor.”
The woman bristles, and she pushes his arm to turn him. “I cannot leave these untended. If they become infected, they could kill you! Your body is already fighting harder than most. Don't do this to yourself!”
He snatches her wrist, dark eyes seeming to flare red. “...you know nothing of the honor of combat.”
“No, but I know everything about wounds. If you leave these untreated, you could die!”
“Then so be it – if I am the weaker brother, then -”
“Stop it! Do you really think someone willing to do this to his kin is in any way capable of taking your place? This was not simply a spar – this was -!”
“Do not speak ill of my brother,” Itachi warns, but to little avail.
“What brother could ever mark his kin this way?”
Rei flinches, eyes widening as the prince strikes her prisoner, half a step taken forward in reflex to defend her.
Ryū falls to silence, head still turned from the force of his blow.
“...enough. I will give you leave to clear your head. Return to me in an hour, and do your duty. No more, no less.” Itachi turns his back, finished.
Breath trembling, Ryū's shoulders shake before she breaks into movement. Quickened strides take her to the door and past her guard.
“Ryū, wait -!”
Rei is ignored, the water bender stepping into the hall and sprinting, leaving her behind in shock. Her feet take her blindly until she's out in the courtyard.
“Whoa, hey!”
She slams into something solid, hands finding her wrists. “Let go of me!”
“Hey, calm down water bender!”
Grey eyes wide in both panic and emotion, she looks up to see Nagisa. “...you...?”
“The hell's going on? What are you running for?”
“N-nothing – let me go!”
Grunting with effort to keep her still, the guard hauls her beneath an awning and out from the open. “Hey, hey! Stop struggling, will you? Tell me what happened!”
Slowly her fight lessens, dying with the flames of her temper. When they cool, she's left feeling nothing but empty and tired. “...I...”
“Hey, hold up...did someone hit you? Your cheek's as red as my armor!”
Teeth bite into her lip, trying to hold back tears.
Slowly, Nagisa puts two and two together. He seems to go slack with surprise. “...did the prince...?”
“He's...he's burned so badly!” She knows her words are jumbled, but she's too distressed to care. “There was a spar, and Sasuke, he...he...! It had to be on purpose. Those burns, they...!”
“And you tried to heal them, huh?”
“Of course! I can't just leave him like that!”
“Did he explain the rules?”
“Forget the rules!” Her tone climbs an octave. “His body can't take that kind of stress! He could die, and then...!”
Eyes flicker between hers, softening with understanding. “You really do care about him...huh?”
“...he's not doing this to slight you. He knows he lost. And...he can't accept what his brother's turning into. You haven't been here long – you don't know how Sasuke's changed. But...he wasn't always this way. He was a good kid. But this war, and the power his father's given him in light of Itachi's condition...it's warping him. And try as he might, Itachi can't ignore it forever.” Nagisa sighs. “...he doesn't want to let go of that. Sasuke's the one good thing he's got left, what with his mother gone. If he loses that...”
Chastised, Ryū falls silent save for rushed breaths through her nose, trying to regather herself.
“...'course...maybe that what he likes keeping you around for.”
She flinches.
Nagisa tilts his head, thinking as he stares at her. “...life around here isn't easy. 'Course, it's not really for anyone right now, but...kindness? Softness? That's not really how it works here. It's seen as weak. Everyone's gotta be tough. So of course he's gonna latch onto that. Look...I'm sure he didn't mean to snap at you. But...Sasuke's a tough subject right now. He knows you're right – I'd bet my last copper piece on that. It's just not easy for him to swallow right now, let alone the blow to his pride about losing, and letting you baby him. It's not our way.”
Ryū pouts, still not looking at him. “...it's so unfair.”
“Yeah, well...welcome to the Fire Nation.”
Sniffling, she finally manages to look up at him, doe-like silver eyes still trimmed with tears. “...I...I'm sorry for running into you. I just...”
“Nah, I understand. Just be thankful it was me, and...well, no one else.” Begrudgingly, he cups a hand over her cheek, a thumb swiping at her tears with a stubborn look. “Now stop crying. You're making me uncomfortable.”
Jogging into the courtyard, Rei looks around before spotting them. “Oh thank the gods...”
“You lost something,” Nagisa remarks dryly.
“Shut up.” Rei looks to her charge. “You all right?”
“Look, uh...” The elder woman hesitates. “After you took off, Itachi was...not happy. Not sure I was supposed to see that, but...well, I was caught inside the door.”
“Is he all right?”
Rei rolls her eyes. “Yeah, he's fine – just...be warned, that wasn't a smart thing to do. Any of it.”
“I couldn't just...!”
“I know, I know. Just...” She sighs. “...we'd better give him that full hour to cool off. And you need to compose yourself. But for the love of the gods, don't bring any of that up again, okay? I thought he was gonna burn the room to ashes.”
Ryū pales, speechless.
Nagisa glances between them. “...maybe you should both just, uh...stay out here for a while. Give him some space.”
Rei looks to him, squinting. Something in her expression seems suspicious.
“...just saying.”
“I'm taking her in for a strong cup of tea – it's the very least she needs. And you stay here, where you belong.”
Face souring, Nagisa offers no retort as Rei leads the water bender away.
“...sorry for the trouble,” she offers before disappearing.
“...don't mention it,” he mumbles, watching her go.
HAPPEH BERFDAI SON Technically....several hours late, BUT this got a little long because I was like “welp it’s already late MIGHT AS WELL GO OVERBOARD”. So yeahhh, more AtLA verse because I am thirsty for it. Also added Nagisa because what’s a little more drama? I NEED OVERLY-CLICHE LOVE TRIANGLES OKAY. Also...I very rarely write Itachi losing his temper, let alone him and Ryū fighting, so that was tough to do. But eyyy, it led to more Nagisa interactions, and opened up some potential for drama :3c ANYWAY, I hope you like. Sorry it’s late - I got so lost reorganizing my kitchen, which is probably the weirdest excuse I’ve given so far for a late drabble, lol HAPPEH BERFDAI <3
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