pianomalone · 5 years
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Clearly we’re going to need a lot more coffee. ☕️☕️☕️ #coffee #darknessandchaos (at Oren's Daily Roast) https://www.instagram.com/p/B04Jed6jTiY/?igshid=xop7kcrawyo
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I Get The Feeling That I’m Right Where I Belong
Chapter 2: Know That I Am Home
Previous/Beginning, Next
Of course, that was as far as the rest of Paris knew. The moment they all settled back into their spots, for all the world looking like your average teenagers, they pulled out their phones and checked in. It wasn’t like anything worthwhile would even have time to happen before school ended.
Bugaboo: So…
Bugaboo: Movie night tonight? My place at 6?
DarknessAndChaos: I’ll bring the popcorn
RealFox: Duh!! Soda
RealFox: Also, I’m literally sitting right next to you
Ssssnake: I got extra blankets
Turtlurtlurtle: Wait no
Turtlurtlurtle: Blankets are my thing
Turtlurtlurtle: My whole deal is blankets
Queenie: He attack
Queenie: He protec
Queenie: But most importantly
Queenie: He lose his blankets to a snek
RealFox: It’s okay babe
DarknessAndChaos laughed at “He lose his blankets to a snek”
RealFox: You can bring blankets too
Bugaboo: More blankets are always better
Turtlurtlurtle laughed at “He lose his blankets to a snek”
Turtlurtlurtle: Big mood Queenie
Ssssnake emphasized “More blankets are always better”
Queenie: I got pillows
TheDragon: Does Bustier just not care???
Queenie: Nope
Bugaboo: Technically yes, but like???
DarknessAndChaos: At one point in the very distant past
RealFox: Are you sure she ever did?
Turtlurtlurtle laughed at “Technically yes, but like???”
Turtlurtlurtle laughed at “At one point in the very distant past”
TheDragon: Fair enough
TheDragon: I can bring candy
TheDragon: I have found my mother is willing to buy as much as I ask for when I say it’s for Adrien
DarknessAndChaos: Does that mean I get first pick this time?
Ssssnake: Unfortunately not, babe
Ssssnake: Numbers don’t finalize until your class is over
Ssssnake: But it’s looking like Turtlurtlurtle is taking the cake
Turtlurtlurtle: Details please!!!
Bugaboo: You’re at 2800 right now
Bugaboo: I’m at 2750 though…
RealFox: I’m at 2500!!!
Queenie: Wtf?!?!?!
Queenie: I’m only at 1700?!?!?!
Queenie: Twitter has failed me
DarknessAndChaos: Fear my power!
DarknessAndChaos: I have 983!!!!!!
Sssnake liked “I have 983!!!!!!”
Sssnake: You got this babe!
TheDragon: Haha!
TheDragon: You are all weak. I have…
TheDragon: Drumroll please?
Queenie: Badabadabada
Turtlurtlurtle: Tststststststs
Bugaboo: Patapatapatapata
RealFox: *slapping the table as fast as I can*
DarknessAndChaos: tappity tap tap tap
Ssssnake: 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
TheDragon: 194! Mother! Flipping! Tweets!
Queenie: Whoo!!!
Queenie: That’s my girlfriend!!!
TheDragon: Moral of the story is that I would like to yeet the next lucky charm
Turtlurtlurtle: Or you can yeet Bugaboo
Turtlurtlurtle: That’s how I always roll
Bugaboo: Bustier is watching us
RealFox: Gtg
RealFox: ...Bugaboo got to it first
Ssssnake: See everyone at 6
The various members of Team Miraculous quietly slipped their phones back into their bags and pockets. It didn’t particularly matter though, as almost immediately after, the bell rang and the class was released.
Marinette immediately took off sprinting home. If she was lucky (which she usually was, as of late), she could finish the main stitching on her latest commission and make extra muffins and cookies before anyone came over. Adrien joined Juleka and Rose as they descended slowly to the front of the building so he could see his boyfriend quickly. It was difficult finding time to be together in their superhero identities, so they made as much time as possible when out of their disguises. Alya, Nino, and Chloe meandered over to Kagami’s locker to wait for the blonde’s girlfriend. They were chit-chatting aimlessly, supposedly.
“I mean, at this point, I feel like Carapace is getting worse,” Alya practically shouted, laughing. “He could barely throw Ladybug twenty feet.”
“He should definitely work out more. Y’know, with weights,” Chloe chimed in.
“Weights would be a good idea,” Alya agreed. She reached over and squeezed her boyfriends bicep. A pause, and then she squeezed again. “Well, uh, damn, okay. Ignore me please, because I need a minute here.” 
“You know what they say,” Nino said. “The girls love muscle men.” He put on his best smoldering look and posed, and winked at Alya, who bent over giggling. Kagami joined the three of them and began opening her locker
“As your friendly neighborhood bisexual, I gotta say it’s mostly just the muscle part. The man part is optional,” Chloe said. She leaned in to Kagami, and kissed her cheek over her shoulder. “Like this. This is good muscle.” She grabbed one of Kagami’s arms and held it up. Kagami spun away from her locker, flexed dramatically, then kissed Chloe back. Chloe laughed her way through the whole demonstration. 
“I mean, yes, but also,” Nino swept Alya up into his arms bridal-carry style.
Alya blushed. Kagami burst out laughing.
“Now you’re just making a scene, blanket man.”
“Oh, that was low, Kagami. That was a low blow.” Nino looked mock-offended. “Quick, Alya! I need you to dramatically feign being injured by these mean words for me!” Alya dutifully obliged. After stealing Nino’s headphones from around his neck to better impersonate him, she mimed an arrow piercing her heart and the ensuing Nino-death that followed.
“You wound my boyfriend, Kagami. You wound him,” she whispered dramatically.
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