arkadiaasks · 2 years
What do you think would happen if the Dark Synchro summoners, by some miracle, found a Dark Synchro version of Accel Synchro? Would it have the exact same requirements as regular Accel Synchro or would Dark Synchro summoning require something other than Clear Mind due to the mental states of the people that would use it?
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I think it'd require giving total control or synchronization with the Earthbound Immortal, but that's just my vibe. You wouldn't need a 'clear' mind, you'd need one fully steeped into Dark Magicks and everything the Earthbound Immortals be hawking.
Maybe the monster would be some melding of the Dark Synchro with their Earthbound Immortal?
Now the main issue is what would you need for the materials...
But I think the usage would require some absolute corruption of the Earthbound Immortal and their Host. Something similar to Carly getting hijacked by Aslla Piscu, but willing, maybe?
This is an idea I wouldn't mind workshopping because this sounds fucking cool.
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arkadiaasks · 2 years
How exactly do negative levels interact with other cards? Say for example, Gravity Bind is on the field; would a level -5 monster be able to attack due to -5 being lower than 4? Would Burden of the Mighty increase its attack instead of decrease it due to the level being negative? Would cards that require a level 4 or lower monster work for dark Synchros? If so, how come the Dark Signers didn’t try to abuse this to their full advantage to punish anything that wasn’t a dark Synchro?
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Get a copy or ROM of Tag Force 4~6 or SP and test it out as they have Dark Synchros in game.
And because Hikokubo, Mr. Ono and Yoshida probably didn't care to overthink these questions, or dedicate huge amounts of Duels to technicalities.
(Also, because Dark Synchros were minor league mid-game aces, being overshadowed by the Earthbound Immortals.)
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