#darn i cant add more images but you got my point i hope ucycycycycy
darknoverse · 6 months
a long Antasma analysis and why I think he's misunderstood as a villain
about time i made this one ngl. took me long enough but looking into DT more really gives me a different prespective on Antasma .
i'll be first of all going with what we know based on what the Pi'illos and pi'illoper say (cuz basic informations)
based on what the Pi'illos said:
simply the basics. he was a normal bat, ate a Pi'illo's nightmare once, turned into a monster motivated (possibly) by hunger for that . eventually laid his eyes on the dark stone. started a WAR after stealing it. lost the war and got sealing away by the Zeekeeper into the dream world. but before he did, he shattered the Dark stone. its bits petrified everyone on the island . making this a fight where nobody won.
now what Pi'illoper wrote in his books:
basically Pi'illoper sliiiightly gave more details but , still more into the pi'illos pov .
so not much is added aside from calling Antasma a mage king of bats and adding this slight assumption that it's possible that Antasma ,possibly, isn't actually ORIGINALLY from pi'illo insland
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(but again the pi'illoper isn't a reliable source much in that matter but yk had to add it .)
So regardless , in both takes , Antasma is hungry for both power and dreams .
now aside from these facts, i'll go right into the interactions with the rest of the characters (and why i think people maaaaaaybe looking into his motives and all a bit from a wrong direction)
first of all his interactions with the Mario Bros:
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now not ONCE did Antasma bat an eye on the bros specifically. he was always interacting only with bowser and DREAMBERT. he's ALWAYS adressing dreambert.
the only time he adressed the bros was as "these creatures" . he doesn't care about them at all, he doesn't see them much as a threat seemingly, or even as equals. he's merely focused on Dreambert and Dreambert ALONE .
so, he's so arrogant and full of himself . he thinks they are NOT on his level .
now, with Dreambert:
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it's obvious how much rivalry and bitterness he holds against Dreambert yk? he only adresses HIM he only has a grudge against HIM (for now . before Bowser's betrayal). but even so he still has that bit of arogance and pride regardless
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especially when he gets apparently stronger by the end of the game . he's deadpan like "if you even DARE i will hand you pillow butt back at you " . (and he did lol)
nooooooow then next part is
Antasma's dynamic with bowser and why i think he did not give two dangs about him from the starts aside from his power and dream energy.
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from the START of their interactions , Antasma made it so clear that he only wants Bowser on his side because:
1- he's stronger than Peach (both brawn wise and dream energy wise) also gotta stop here for a sec cuz i do wonder how it would've been like if he kept on with kidnaping Peach instead but oh well.
2- he is evil. he will cooperate better if treated right into the situation.
as the game goes on we get MORE hints that Antasma isn't much of a loyal dude himself but he DOES demands loyalty from others .
how he's OBVIOUSLY not very loyal and totally plotting something :
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ok THIS part specifically, to almost everyone in the fandom, interepts it differently which is ok and very understandable!
but the way i see it is that Antasma is clearly LYING about sharing his powers. because he really went "i wish to conquer THE WORLD" but IMMIDEATLY changed that wording to "i wish i can do whatever i want actualluy! just fly around you know!"
but like, sure , do anything he wants , which still can imply yeeting Bowser aside ANYWAYS when he doesn't need him anymore , because by that time antasma is free to do whatever, correct?
ANOTHER hint to why i believe doesnt bat an eye about Bowser aside from the benefits (get it? bat an eye? cuz he's a bat king-)
is this scene specifically:
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it might not sound much but it sorta is . basically right before that Bowser suggests taking that dream energy from his minions instead but Antasma is like "mmmmm no you're more evil and stronger idc"
so another trait Antasma has is that he's glutton . as HELL. both for power and Dreams .
you know what that reminds me of? Parasites. in which, parasites pick a specific host and just takes whatever benefits and gives nothing in return . because based on everything before that he's clearly using that "ah yea sure WE- of course we. you're there of course." excuse just as a big lie. he aint sharing any of that power he gets.
When the betrayal happens later on, Antasma is obviously as surprised as everyone else . Not because he's like loyal to Bowser or anything but either becausehe betrayed him FIRST or because he expects his pawn to be loyal to him anyways .(Cuz as I said before, Antasma is Arrogant and very prideful .)
The one take I see from most of the fandom is that in that moment he reconsidered NOT betraying Bowser and actually keeping the alliance which . .. would be possible but we get no hints to that really other than, what I said before, subtle hints that Antasma is simply manipulative towards the koopa king.
Sooooo lemme conclude all this long essay :
1-antasma IS evil . Very evil.
2-he's very prideful and arrogant .
3-he has this hunger for power and dream energy.
4-he sounds veeeery manipulative through all of his screentime.
5-geniunely has this parasitic behavior
6-he would take everyone down with him if he's not winning. Not because he's desperate but because he believes nobody is on the same level as himself .
7-he doesn't give a darn about the bros but still used Luigi's dreams to escape to the real world (idk might be cuz Weegee is a perfect dream host if that made sense)
8-he doesn't get much screentime but when he does there's a lot going on but I wish it was explored better .
But again this is just my pov of it!anyone can have a different take I suppose
That's all I suppose lmao until next time when I hyperfixate!
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