#daru plays stuff
unlimited-nobu-works · 6 months
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wandapinkay · 5 months
I really appreciate your Daru fanarts! (This is pacmagician my main blog is technicallly a side blog so I can't message from it). I think I like his voice in the VNs the best because it's kind of softer than I was expecting. I usually let his audio play all the way otherwise I tend to skip to the next thing because I can read faster than it plays.
AAAA thank you so much!! 😭😭💕
It's rare for people in the fandom to truly appreciate him, so I'm just doing god's work
Jokes beside, I'm glad people like my Daru stuff regardless, makes me feel less cringe in a way GXGFHD
Btw yeah, I see what you mean! I also really like his VN voice, but tbh I just love his japanese dub in general.
Fun fact: I used to hate his japanese voice because it made him sound stupid, but now it's the one I adore above all. It makes him sound so goofy and sweet, Tomokazu Seki's voice is absolutely perfect for him 🥺💕
Also, it's stupid I know, but while playing the VN I always feel so flustered everytime his massive sprite appeared on screen YXGXH IT MAKES IT HARD TO CONTINUE WITHOUT DYING /POS
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pacmagician · 5 months
I feel I am the Daru Defense Squad playing My Darling's Embrace so far he keeps getting yelled at for things that aren't really his fault. Like it's Daru so he does Some things wrong but not specifically those things (the weird dream and Kurisu switching the device because like Why was she wearing it).
I'm glad Okabe didn't tell him about seeing the weird stuff on Kurisu's computer because unless he is a lucid dreamer he can't control his dreams. I just felt very embarrassed for everyone but also I expected worse.
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daughter-of-styx · 5 years
Steins;gate is a great game
Itaru: "What a guy! I'd let Okarin do me in the butt"
Rintaro: "I decline your offer."
Best part is I'm not making it up, it's an actual dialogue in the game...
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mbtiofwhys · 4 years
Mayuri Shiina
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Functional order: Fe - Si - Ne - Ti
Spoiler warning This article will cover Mayuri’s analysis with precise reference to the plot. Also, please note that:
this article only refers to the anime adaptation of S;G, as none of us mods has still played the visual novel.
this article only refers to Stein’s;Gate classic, as only ENFP mod have seen the movies and the Zero. If you have further comments or want to discuss about it, leave a comment or contact us!
Judging Functional Axis
Extroverted Feeling (Fe) / Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Mayuri’s main focus throughout the series lays on people: their happiness, their well-being, their dreams, their goals, their interactions. She was happy with being with Okabe at first, but she’s way happier when the number of lab members increases. Mayuri is deeply fond of the group, enjoys the atmosphere of shared joy and friendship in the lab, and the only occasion in which we see her making a stand is when someone (often Okabe) threatens that sense of familiarity, or wrongs someone who’s part of the group. We rarely see her getting angry during the episodes, but when it happens, it is for one reason: someone is being rude or too hard with someone other. For example: Okabe hurting Luka’s feelings in the timeline when Luka is a girl, or Suzuha hating Kurisu for apparently no reason, or Okabe deciding that the round table is cancelled without an explanation. All these things aren’t fine with her, because they mean that the group can’t be all united anymore: if someone is angry or sad with someone other, the atmosphere is heavier and less lively. This is because Mayuri wants everyone to be friend with each other in the most pure way, and is often the one who makes the first step toward that, or the one who mediates between two contestants in an argument - those usually being Okabe and Kurisu. 
Her warm and caring Fe is opposed by her repressed Ti, that often shows when Okabe, Kurisu and Daru are discussing time-traveling theories: she doesn’t understand all that science, nor she wants to, because to her, the happiness of her friends matters more than the experiments they are doing. She tends to approach problems only looking at how people feel about the situation, and might get upset or call it “heartless” if someone tries to discuss the matter in a more logical way - because people are people and not problems to be solved.
Perceiving Functional Axis
Introverted Sensing (Si) / Extroverted Intuition (Ne) 
Mayuri is a hard worker, puts passion and dedication in everything she does. She doesn’t have many hobbies aside from geek culture and cosplay, but she puts a lot of effort in making the costumes with a precise method and the right planning. She’s very reliable and tends to look at the details in the world surrounding her, often offering information to both Okabe and Kurisu when they feel they’re forgetting something. She is also very fond of the memories of her childhood, and uses to bring them up when conversing with Okabe or generally talking about him - she values those experiences, they are precious to her because they’ve led the two of them toward the present situation and the friendship they now share.
Mayuri remains more of a comprimary in S;G and shines brighter in Zero, thus her Ne isn’t deeply covered in the series, but it can still be spotted in her optimism and her ability to come up with unconventional propositions or ideas from nowhere - usually regarding things the group can do together- or a different way to think about some detail the others forgot. She is quiet and enjoys the established routine of the lab (aux Si), but this doesn’t stop her from wanting to be part of the changes that occur when other people join in (Fe-Ne). She is also extremely positive in attitude and tends to always see the brighter side and the glass half full. 
Also typed as: ENFP
This is ENFP mod writing, specifically, because well - this feels kind of personal. I’d like to say that I see why people think Mayuri is ENFP, but truth be told, she’s way different even from the stereotypical way of thinking about ENFPs. She does have Ne in the stack, but it’s only tertiary - there’s no way she could be a Ne dom. She is enthusiastic but towards people and not towards ideas, she’s the opposite of scatterbrained or unmethodical, she can’t stand abstract discussions and on contrary, she much more shies away from them because all that stuff about time traveling and worldlines is complicated and she doesn’t even want to understand it. ENFPs can be passionate, driven and even strict if they want to -that’s when tert Te and inf Si kick in- but not in the way Mayuri is towards her friends. Friends aren’t important only because they’re friends, they matter because they are people and Mayuri deeply cares for people even if she barely knows them: that’s Fe. So, looking at the aux and tert: Mayuri doesn’t have Fi but most importantly, she’s not a Te user. Even in a tertiary position, Te makes someone interested in results, objective data and practical applications of what one’s doing. Mayuri doesn’t show a single sign of having either Fi or Te during the series.
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atopearth · 4 years
Steins;Gate: My Darling’s Embrace Part 6 - Mayuri Route (Stardust Duplet)
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Hahahaha, I love how they were discussing the idea for a new gadget to sell to pay for their exorbitant electricity bills and Mayushii suggests a robot Mayushii, and then later she brings a doll with a voice recording of herself saying "Tutturu🎵" loll, it's so cute. Aww, she gave it to Okabe, lmao at Kurisu telling him to hold it to sleep hahaha. I find it hilarious how the game let's you scroll up and down to look at each of the girl's swimsuits properly hahaha. As usual, I think Kurisu looks the best, I don't like Mayushii and her hat with the bikini swimsuit tbh haha. Faris looked all right but nothing special~ It was pretty cute how Okabe couldn't stop staring at Mayushii though hahaha. Aww he lent her his shorts to cover up since she was so embarrassed hahaha, they're so adorable~ Okay, the swimsuits look much better without the jackets hahaha. Awww I loved how cute Mayushii and Okabe were when they played in the water together, I just feel like there's always this nice childlike sweetness to their relationship that Okabe only shares with her, so it's always heartwarming to see. I love how Mayushii taught him how to swim properly, it's rare for him to actually learn something from her so it's fun to see that. Lmao at them playing volleyball and Faris used Daru as a shield🤣
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I honestly teared up when Mayuri cried. She saved Okabe from drowning (when he was being silly) but she got so scared that he was actually going to die🥺🥺 I could feel her emotions, Okabe is always so reckless, he's lucky Mayuri watches him closely and knows when he's in trouble. I found it really cool that Mayuri saved him (even though it was expected that she would), since it's nice to contrast it with how Okabe kept trying his best to save her in the original game. Lmaoo I love all the new messages Mayuri added to Robo-Mayushii, it's hilarious how she tells Okabe silly things through it, like telling him to brush his teeth before he sleeps hahaha, but it's so sweet as well, especially since she spent so much time on it, she didn't have enough time to finish her costumes for ComiMa by the first day, we all know how important ComiMa is to her and Daru, so it's sweet to see indirectly as well how much she cares about Okabe. Mayuri is such a pure soul, she was thinking about doing the modelling job Moeka's boss wanted her to do just so she can be of use to the lab/Okabe and help pay off their electricity bill🥺🥺 Why does she warm my heart so much🥺 It was obvious that Mayuri would end up taking the modelling job after all, but it's kinda cute how Okabe joined in too hahaha. The CG of Mayuri and Okabe looking at the Christmas tree together was so nice~ I loved how Mayuri had so much fun taking photos with her Okarin, it was so sweet to see. It's funny how oblivious Okabe is towards Mayuri's feelings but it wouldn't be Okabe if he realised stuff like this, in this game anyway lol. I also loved how he wanted to buy her the star on top of the tree because she kept staring at it hahaha.
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It was so funny when Mayuri told Okabe to go to sleep again so she could do the anime cliche thing where the MC's childhood friend goes into their room to tell them to wake up, since when she came to wake him up, he was on the floor (from the shock of his dream about a flirty Mayuri lmao). Wow, Mayuri is so comfortable with Okabe, she's even willing to do his dirty laundry and stuff like dang, my waifu~ lmaooo at Rintaro's dad telling Mayuri to just marry his son and move in with them (since her parents are moving but she's staying here for school and will have to move in with her aunt). HAHAHA, I loved how Mayuri was so into being a grocer (since Okabe's house is a grocery store) when they tended to the shop together. Aww why did she cry looking at Okabe?! Anyway, I loved how when the lab members saw how good the photos were, especially of Okabe, they were so shocked, and even Daru felt betrayed because he thought Okabe was the same breed as him lmaooo. On another note, lmao at Faris thinking Kurisu's name was actually Christina and thought she was part American or something hahahaha. I honestly didn't think Mayuri was actually moving and that's why she cried! I'm glad everyone told Okabe to properly think about his feelings towards Mayuri and stop thinking she's still a kid, I'm also glad that he's properly chasing after her knowing that he's always thought that she would stay by his side forever but now that it might not be so, he wants to tell her that he wants her to stay here with him. It was so sad and sweet when Okabe realised why Mayuri was so insistent on finishing Robo-Mayushii so fast, since she knew she wouldn't be with him for much longer but still wanted to support him, she's the best🥺🥺🥺 OMGGG, Okabe's confession of love, Mayuri honestly telling him that she thought he could live without her especially since he's so close with Kurisu, him giving her the Christmas tree star and in front of her grandmother's grave too, everything was just so perfect!!!! Like, I read somewhere where people praised Mayuri's route for being the best but omg, it's so good, I feel like their relationship throughout the route was so natural and sweet, it honestly felt much better than the main game Mayuri route hahaha. Lmaooo when Mayuri was taught by Kurisu that kisses should be done on the third date hahahah, it's kinda funny how they ended up kissing three times hahaha, but I loved how Mayuri first initiated it and then Okabe did for the last two times, it was so cuteeee, my heart is so full and warm. I love Mayuri and Okabe🥺🥺🥺 I love how they went to Mayuri's parents together and asked for her to stay in Tokyo, it was so cool to see how resolute Mayuri was knowing that it was a selfish decision but she really didn't want to leave🥺 they’re so young and beautiful~
Awww so cute how Suzuha gave Okabe tips on how to win the metal upa in the shooting game at the festival for Mayuri hahaha. Too bad he couldn’t get it lolll. Anyway, I just love how compared to other routes, Okabe is so honest and forthright with his feelings, it's like Mayuri was the one who was able to draw that part out of him haha. It was so funny how when Mayuri was late and they thought she wouldn't be able to stay in Tokyo, so Luka told him to draw fortunes for good luck and Okabe got bad luck, so Luka said he should draw again because their fortunes are inaccurate hahahah, Luka is so silly but kind. HAHAHA, I love how Okabe misunderstood thinking Mayuri told her parents that she would live with Okabe after high school graduation to not inconvenience her aunt when she actually told them she would live at the lab lmaooo, it was so cute though, he practically proposed to her again hahaha. And yes I forgot to say but I loved how he "proposed" to her at her grandmother's grave before saying he wants her to be his hostage until they die haha. Anyway, Okabe trying to run away with Mayuri in embarrassment as everyone congratulates them in their "marriage" is just hilarious and awesome, I loved every bit of it hahahah.
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Overall, Mayuri's route is definitely the best route and probably the only one worth my money LOL. As I've already said, Mayuri and Okabe's relationship was very natural and sweet in this route and I think this was the only route that did what I wanted this game to do, which was give each girl a proper route without all the baggage about the world, timelines and everything in the original game so that they can all have a normal happy ending, which I feel like only Mayuri's route showed that, and maybe Faris. What I liked most about Mayuri's route is that they both properly showed their love for each other without having to rely on the fact that they were childhood friends and instead they developed it from that, which I really appreciated. It also really helps that Mayuri's VA Hanazawa Kana is amazing at portraying emotions through her voice, I really wanted to cry whenever Mayuri cried😭 Honestly, even if this game only had Mayuri's route I would be satisfied lmao.
Overall Review: 6/10 b/c of Kurisu & Mayuri
Anyway, I have to admit though, the only route really worth playing is Mayuri's and maybe Faris for the all the maid interactions loll. The rest are okay but honestly, Suzuha's one is pretty terrible and I just felt bad for Luka in his route even though I was happy that Luka kindaaa got through to him? Lol. Kurisu and Moeka's routes I was pretty apathetic about because they weren't terrible but they weren't good either. The funny thing is that Kurisu was pretty annoying in her own route, but she was honestly the best girl in all the other girl's routes lmaoo (aside from Mayuri's of course), she was such a highlight with her banter in them all that I absolutely loved her presence in each one hahaha, she was that enjoyable to watch. Overall, I'd say the game is worth buying if you love Mayuri LOL, because that was the only good romance route, the rest were pretty meh, and I have to mention, it's so weird how in every other route the romance doesn't really end with them together (aside from Luka but that one was kinda weird), it's only Mayuri's that it's very clear cut that Okabe got together with her lol, like c'mon!! I love Mayuri but it's really unfair to the other girls lol. Oh well though, I'm glad I got to finish the game off with a blast because now I can't stop thinking about how cute Okabe and Mayuri were~~~
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So after playing through the VN (I got the Kurisu endings, Faris ending, Luka ending, and Suzuha ending), I can say that I enjoyed some things in the anime more and some things in the VN more. I typically prefer anime over VNs and manga. So I won’t mention the stuff that’s aesthetic like that. Generally, I think you should watch the anime, then play the VN for extra detail since at points it was hard for me to get through. I probably will borrow events from both on my blog. 
Things I vastly preferred in the VN:
The entire undoing Faris’ D-mail arc. It was cut down in the anime and in the VN it was amazing, the entire chapter.
More Suzuha in general, as she is one of my favorite characters. 
More Daru, his friendship with Okabe seemed way more developed. 
The entire Okabe/Kurisu kiss scene. 
Luka d-mail arc, aside from Daru not helping.
The VN actually mentioning LGBT people in terms of Luka and making Luka seem more trans vs. her wanting to be more confident only by saying she literally dreamed of magically turning into a girl. Instead of it seeming like she’s a gay man who would rather be a woman bc then it would be okay for her to like men. 
Mayuri telling Okabe it’s okay to cry after he goes back to the beta attractor field and him sobbing and finally breaking down bc of everything.
Okabe getting shot, beat up, injured, run over, ect... Why did they cut out him being hurt? It really made things more horrifying. 
The scene with Faris and Okabe talking about the nature of time was awesome
The entire Okabe v. Moeka fight in her apartment was better. 
Daru and Suzuha’s reunion was far more touching and I legit cried in the VN. 
This is where my opinion will be unpopular, things I prefer in the anime:
The entire Nae thing not being in the anime. I hated that, so much.
Daru helping Okabe and Kurisu with the Luka date
Okabe literally crying on the overpass when Kurisu first confronts him about the time leaps.
The idea not being shown that people dying is dependent upon the attractor field. Like I understand that if you are supposed to die, you will. But it’s dumb imo in the vn how they act like Okabe can’t die because of the attractor field? Like??? Faris’ dad??? YALL??? So every death is unavoidable and you can’t die til your expiration date? Explain Faris reviving her father. In the anime, Kurisu gets shot when he leaps the first time. It sorta takes the tension out of things if you can’t die until you are supposed to. Not to mention does that mean Mr. Braun would have died either way??? Even without his suicide??? Like... come on guys. 
There are a lot more awesome Okakuri moments in the anime. If I would have played the VN first, I probably wouldn’t ship them as much as I do now. 
There’s more foreshadowing in the anime for some things and I like it.
The entire scene where Kurisu tells Okabe about her father is better in the anime, imo.  
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bloomingednae · 6 years
Hi, Bloom! After this week’s episode I am craving some happiness. Prompt 22!
We all definitely need some happiness some time in this season (most especially after The Episode 8 Moment), so here’s some happiness for you. ~ Enjoy!
“My head is stuck in the clouds,She begs me to come down,Says ‘Boy quit foolin’ around’.” ~ “Rhythm of Love” - Plain White T’s (song insp x)
Because he, a mad scientist, truly became madly in love with her the moment she entered his world.
The doors opened to the airport lobby, a cold breeze of the air conditioning hitting their faces. As Mayuri ran ahead with Ruka in tow hand-in-hand to check the arriving flights, Okabe trailed behind the rest of the group watching the scene.
It had been Mayuri’s idea, naturally, for everyone to come to the airport to greet her again. When Okabe adamantly (and quickly) refused to go, claiming he had to hold down the lab in preparation for his assistant’s arrival, Mayuri merely puffed up her cheeks in feigned frustration as she balled up her fists at Okabe.
“Okarin, even if you are being tsundere, that’s not how you treat your girlfriend, you know!”
…Needless to say, that outburst had him choking on failed replies and he found himself trailing behind the rest of the group as they walked into the airport.
He had to admit; it was a little embarrassing, having all the members hear such an interaction. Of course, it wasn’t like no one knew about their relationship; it has been three years, after all. But between his dodgy personality and her tsundere aspects, it was almost difficult to express what they really meant to each other (at least within the prying eyes of the rest of the members).
“Okarin, Okarin!”
Mayuri’s sweet-sounding voice snapped him out of his thoughts as she came bounding over, smiling.
“Kurisu-chan’s flight is arriving on time, so we’ll be seeing her soon!”
The warmth of her smile was contagious to him as he smiled back at her. “Is that so?”
Before he knew what he was doing, he quickly cleared his throat and tossed his head up with pride.
“O-of course it is! My assistant knows better than to be late to my lab, because she’s only learned from the best!”
Mayuri smiled. “I guess the Organization really wants you two to meet up, huh?”
Okabe coughed, not expecting Mayuri’s very witty and perspective remark. He glanced away, trying not to lose composure, before Ruka spoke up softly.
“A-are you unsure about meeting her again…?”
Before he could respond, Faris came up from behind Ruka and smiled widely, a mischievous look in her eyes. She dramatically draped her forearm across her forehead, tears filling her eyes.
“Ruka-nyan, of course he is! Meeting his fair maiden after half a year, it’s just too much! How powerful the forces of love can be on Kyouma’s heart, perhaps it is the Organization’s plan for you two to meet up to cause such distress in your chest and mind…!”
Okabe gritted his teeth. So much for feeling comfortable when she came. One of the top reasons why he never came to the airport to greet her.
He cleared his throat once more, managing to speak in a short sentence. “Mayuri! Lead the way to the gate!”
Mayuri nodded in enthusiasm as she walked ahead, relief filling Okabe’s mind as the rest of the members finally took their eyes off of him. His phone vibrated suddenly and he rolled his eyes at the message as he read it.
Hope Makise-san is doing alright! ^__^ I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it today. ;___; Boss wouldn’t let me go! >0
…How Moeka was very timely and colorful with her text messages was always beyond him, but he replied quickly anyway, knowing she would probably spam his phone if he didn’t.
That’s fine. Hold down the fort, 005. El. Psy. Congroo.
Hitting send, he sighed as he put his phone away, knowing full well she typically didn’t respond if he was straight forward in his messages. Glancing up at the arriving flights, he saw hers; she’d already landed, he noticed, but given the time she had to go through customs and pick up her luggage, it would still take a bit of awhile before she exited the gates.
As soon as everyone gathered near the gate exit, he could hear Mayuri talking excitedly to Faris and Ruka, clearly ecstatic for her arrival. He gave a small smile at the sight, when suddenly, he heard a sigh next to him. Turning towards Daru, who had been quiet for the majority of the time (probably on his phone texting Yuki, Okabe concluded), he noticed Daru finally faced him and he shook his head.
“Okarin, man, I don’t know how you do it,” Daru started, crossing his arms.
Okabe quirked his eyebrow in question. “Hm?”
Daru nodded towards the gate exits. “This. Long distance is hard enough being in different cities for anyone, but you’re having to face it by being in different countries.”
Okabe realized what Daru was implying and slowly, he shrugged.
“I just….we just do, I guess.”
Daru clicked his tongue. “I can barely stand two weeks without Miss Amane, but you’re doing this six months at a time, man!”Okabe, not knowing how to formulate an appropriate response, huffed. “We’re scientists.”
Daru gave him a look. “That’s the best answer you can give?”
Shaking his head, Okabe sighed. “Rationale works for us.”
Daru threw his arms up, rolling his eyes. “I’m calling BS; I’ve walked in the lab at the worst times in more ways I’d want to admit.”
Okabe visibly began to choke and struggle for air as Daru glared at him, a glint in his glasses. As soon as Okabe regained enough energy to speak, he pointed dramatically at Daru, a theatrical tone in his voice.
“Shut it, Super Hacker! As if you’re one to talk-”
“At least I get away from the lab!” Daru exclaimed. “Like come on man, kissing and being in each other’s arms is some serious ecchi stuff and I don’t even know how you feel comfortable with the lab door unlocked! You’re a serious normie, go explode.”
Okabe’s eyebrow almost twitched; for someone who played a million and ton eroge games in a week, Daru was surprisingly tame when it came to thinking what was considered ‘ecchi’ and ‘normal’.
And it’s not like he and Kurisu were doing anything bad. They were, in fact, just normal relationship things that normal people did. Being in each other’s embrace while sleeping on the couch, holding hands in silence, and having the occasional, er, intimate session were things that were ecchi in Daru’s eyes, he supposed. (In Okabe’s defense, he could argue with Daru that at least they were fully clothed, and, for crying out loud, haven’t done anything that would scar anyone’s eyes).
Okabe shook his head. “Who’s the normie now, you hypocritical Super Hacker-”
“Come on, now, you’re both full-fledged normals now!”
They both turned to Mayuri, who came bounding in, a smile on her face. Okabe scratched his face nervously as Daru just puffed out his chest in pride.
“I’m not as normal as Okarin, though.”
Okabe eyed him and spoke dramatically. “I’ll take that as a compliment, my Favorite Right Arm.”
Just as Daru opened his mouth to retort, his phone began to ring, signaling an incoming call. He smiled in response, turning away from the group as he did so.
“Hello, Miss Amane? Oh, yeah, we’re at the airport now-”
Okabe rolled his eyes. So much for him being a non-normie.
He scanned his situation, eyeing the exit gates as people began to slowly stream out. Shrugging to himself, he laughed a bit. He wasn’t any better, he supposed.
Okabe looked up to Mayuri’s voice, who’s gaze was centered on his. She gave a small apologetic smile in his direction, laughing a bit as she did so.
“Sorry about bringing you out like this. Mayushii just thought it’d be better like this.”
He shook his head in response. “Don’t worry about it, Mayuri. After all, I guess a mad scientist such as myself can make exceptions to meeting his assistant at the airport. I’ve to look over the well-being of all my lab members!”
As he did a low, mad scientist laugh, Mayuri smiled. She placed her arms behind her back and looked up at him, innocence in her eyes.
“You’ve really missed Kurisu-chan, haven’t you?”
This caused him to stop laughing almost immediately and locking eyes with Mayuri, he knew he couldn’t hide anything from her perspective gaze. When he didn’t speak, Mayuri continued.
“Your phone’s Rine notifications have been going off more and you tend to go to the rooftop of the lab more nowadays to talk to her. And the other day, you know, I heard from Daru that you fell asleep in class, which Mayushii thought was odd because you don’t usually fall asleep during classes you like.”
She then laughed. “When Kurisu-chan told Mayushii you stayed up most of the night to keep her company before her really big conference lecture at her university, Mayushii knew right away that you were just being the nice Okarin that you are, and that you really do care for her!”
Okabe almost visibly jolted. Kurisu had told her that? Or did Mayuri pry it out her? Either way, he began to dread a bit inside how much Kurisu did tell Mayuri, but then again, it probably wasn’t a whole lot in any case.
But she still knew that much and it’s not like he really wanted the rest of the lab mems to know he stayed up for her (on more than one occasion, too).
Mayuri giggled when she noticed Okabe’s reaction. “Don’t worry, Mayushii won’t say a thing to anyone else!”
“It’s just that…” she trailed off and looked away before turning towards him again, “Mayushii thinks it’s really nice that Okarin and Kurisu-chan make each other so happy.”
The innocence of Mayuri’s smile made Okabe drop his Kyouma act in an instant, and he found himself smiling back at her a bit, this time not recovering into a Kyouma episode.
He scoffed to himself. How much had Mayuri seen their relationship progressing, he wondered? Shaking his head, he laughed. Between he and Kurisu, it was Mayuri who saw more of their growth long before they could see it themselves.
Her words echoed in his mind: …Okarin and Kurisu-chan make each other so happy.
Between a virtual image and the physical presence, a voice and projected light on a screen never matched up to an actual existence. To this day, he still didn’t know how he managed to get through day-to-day routines without her; Daru’s marvel at their long-distance relationship was something of validation, because Okabe realized he was right no matter how it was viewed.
…She did make him happy. Her actual voice, her snarky comments, her exasperated expressions, her intellectual examples on the whiteboard in the lab, her blushing face, the way she fit in his arms so perfectly, and the way she accepted everything and anything he was, despite his dark failures, mistakes, and regrets. And then there was the vulnerable side of her, the only side he’s seen, that tug at his heart strings every time. From her falling asleep comfortably in his arms to her lightly tugging his lab coat sleeve when she didn’t want him to leave just yet, they were small moments that made him realize that what they were together caused the emotions they felt for each other. Everything was a combination of the smaller things that made up the larger picture of her and him, a connection which he could admit loudly should someone ever ask him.
Because he, a mad scientist, truly became madly in love with her the moment she entered his world.
She was a simple line of thought to the rest of the world, a photograph plastered on an extremely prestigious magazine; but to him, she was a complex array of charts and graphs in his mind, filling each thought in both rationale and emotion and taking over every crevice of heart.
The thought of her suddenly brought an onset of mixed emotions torn between wanting to see her right away, run to her, and bring her close. No one, ever in his life, had ever made him feel so elated and excited, a rush streaming in his blood as he realized he wanted to see her soon.
And as if on cue, the sound of Faris yelling became evident, who, was waving erratically over the railing, Ruka next to her in an attempt to calm her down. Mayuri gave one last smile to Okabe, realizing he had seen her; his expression had softened and had features which Mayuri could only sigh at in contentment, seeing Okabe truly overjoyed. Mayuri turned towards the direction which Ruka and Faris were facing, joy filling her heart as she did so.
“Kurisu-chan, we’re here!”
And as she walked out of the gates and towards them, it hit Okabe much more than before:
He really did love Makise Kurisu.
Her evenly-paced walk as she went up to them, her surprised expression as soon as Mayuri and Faris jumped to give her a hug, and her laughter ringing in his ears, happiness and appreciation reflecting in it with the lab members’ greeting. He couldn’t quite catch Daru’s (more than likely) perverted phrase, as she yelled back at him angrily, before her eyes turned to him, slight shock wavering in her eyes. The rest of the lab members had gone awfully quiet (to Okabe’s distaste; everyone just needs to ignore them!). She quickly recovered, he noted, as she placed one hand on her hip, sarcasm in her voice.
“Well, well. This has to be an occasion if even you came out today,” she haughtily began. “Mad scientist isn’t so mad, after all?”
He almost couldn’t find his voice to speak. She was back, like any other time, but she was just….back, here, presently, and for some reason, his mind was reeling at the thought. It almost took all his will power to hold back wanting to just have her in his arms. He choked a bit before speaking, and he realized his Kyouma side was still weakened from his previous conversation with Mayuri.
It was weakened, he realized, but he suddenly felt as if he didn’t really have to care what he said. At least, not that much.
He crossed his arms in response, and smirked. “Hm, acknowledging my mad ways, Assistant?”
Kurisu face palmed. “Great, I did just admit to your chuunibyou ‘mad scientist’ thoughts. Maybe I’m going mad myself.”
Okabe took a step forward towards her and he smiled. “Good, because I’m still just as mad for y-”
Okabe bit his tongue; good gawd, what was he saying in public space? He coughed loudly, noticing Kurisu’s eyes slowly grow wide from his comment and he turned around from the rest of the snickering lab members who had caught on quickly (too quickly, in his opinion).
“Come!” he announced as he turned around. “The lab awaits its assistant’s arrival!”
Kurisu rolled her eyes, grabbing her luggage as she did so. “You don’t have to tell me twice!” She yelled back in response, feigned annoyance in her voice.
As she walked forward, Faris linked arms with Ruka and Mayuri, the three of them running ahead squealing in laughter, with Faris vaguely responding to Okabe’s chuunibyou phrase. Daru ran after the other three, mentioning something along the lines of “not wanting to be a third wheel” before leaving both Okabe and Kurisu trailing behind the group.
As Okabe continued to walk forward without facing her, he heard her laugh as she shifted her bag next to her. He hummed in response.
“What’s so funny, Assistant?”
In his peripheral vision, he saw her shake her head as she smiled. “Real smooth, Okabe.”
He groaned he realized she was referring to his slip up (that she of course noticed), still avoiding her gaze as he did so. He concluded in his mind, though, that he still felt vulnerable from earlier’s thoughts and decided to not let the embarrassment get the best of him.
“…You’re not bothered?” he asked, hesitating.
Kurisu groaned in response as she kept her eyes straight ahead.
“I’ll admit I’m embarrassed but….” she stuck her head high, stuttering in response. “I-it’s not like it was nice to hear or anything, but…”
Okabe quickly glanced at her and smiled to himself. It was only two weeks, but two weeks with her…
Every day would be added time to be by her side. Every night was a few more extra hours to hear her voice. And every minute in between were moments that brought them closer than they usually were, built on delicately, firm words and established feelings.
He suddenly found himself enveloping his hands with hers, and the reminder that she was right beside him was almost too much for him to bear. In response, he felt her intertwine her fingers with his, her grip more relaxed as they continued to walk towards the exit of the airport.
He heard her laugh to herself as she looked off to the side, a smile on her face.
“You idiot.”
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molioanimatra · 6 years
@vintyvanora | originally this was inspiration for something else, but then this happened so I ran with it
He got a chance to redeem himself.
The Winter Ball the Inquisition held, he wasn’t able to attend. It was a last-minute thing, but there was a contingent of soldiers who had gone out for supplies a few days beforehand, and never come back. In Commander Cullen’s absence, Maretus stepped up and lead the search for them himself. It took him far down the mountain passes, however, beyond even the herbalist’s hut that Vanora got her own supplies from, and he so he wasn’t even in Skyhold when the Winter Ball happened. It struck him one night, while he and a handful of soldiers were camped up against a copse of trees, that it was going on, and he wouldn’t be able to show Vanora that he really did know how to dance without stepping on her feet. Maretus wondered if she would dance with many others.
In the end, he was able to locate most of the soldiers---two of them were lost to a demon attack, but the rest were rescued and brought back. He delivered the wounded and one with a fever to Vanora’s healers himself, though she wasn’t there. He couldn’t even apologize for not being around.
The seasons turned, and as luck---or something---would have it, the southerners celebrated the oncoming of summer. Which, to Maretus, made sense; as soon as the weather started truly warming up and the sun was in the sky longer, he felt like celebrating himself. As such, they were preparing another big party on the grounds of Skyhold.
Buntings and colored streamers of cloth were strung up all around the courtyards, both upper and lower, and a variety of lanterns were scattered about, either nestled in the grass or hanging amid the colorful array of cloth. Everyone was in good spirits not only due to the celebration, or the weather finally turning nice, but the Inquisitor was making good headway in gathering a fair amount of allies. No one had tried to attack Skyhold, the troops were steadily learning new tactics; it all made for a combination amounting to a pleasant buzz.
After a few days’ preparation, Summerday arrived, and the festivities went into full swing. The kitchens were pumping out food as if they were run by a magic force, and both Ambassador Montilyet and the Iron Bull had pulled their respective strings to get in an army’s worth of wines and beers, and even some good brandies and whiskies to go around. Much to Maretus’ delight, there were even some liquors from Tevinter present, and he grabbed an entire bottle of sweetened desi daru he spotted before anyone else could happen upon its existence.
Music drifted through each of the courtyards, minstrels and bards working in unison together for each section to get the people dancing and laughing. It was a right festival, and even Maretus found a smile tug unbidden to his face, and his feet tapping out a rhythm.
As the day dimmed into night and the light of the lanterns multiplied to keep the party going, he saw many familiar faces of soldiers, allies, and members of the Inquisition, though lingered with none of them. He wasn’t much of a mingler in general, and a festive occasion was no different. Luckily, he was much better than when he was younger, being far more at ease with himself and not so stiff---though he was sure that most people would still accuse of being so, he really wasn’t as bad as he was a decade ago, when he was still required to attend political and military balls during his tenure.
So, he meandered his way through the clusters of people, bottle cradled in hand. Though he did not particularly relish the idea of throwing himself in the middle of things, he did find that he enjoyed watching everyone else. It wasn’t like the soirees in Tevinter, where every motion and word was calculated and watched hawkishly, but something much simpler, of people just... having fun. It was refreshing to witness.
That thought sobered him a bit. He’d been with the Inquisition for some time, and still he felt like an outsider. It’d been so long since he stayed in one place for any true length of time, or considered himself part of a group. But, here, he has soldiers to train again, and it almost feels like he could fit in---but then he sees the way some of the people in Skyhold look at him askance, and he remembers that he looks like the face of their enemy. Sometimes, he wonders if he’d never left to begin with, if he’d truly be their enemy now.
That was too sober a thought for the occasion, though, and Maretus did his best to banish it. He took another healthy drink from his bottle, relishing the sweetness of it and feeling the surge of memories from the camps of the Perivantium Legion well in him.
“What’s that you have there?”
A familiar voice cut through his thoughts, and Maretus lifted his gaze to meet with Vanora’s. He lifted his shoulders in an easy shrug. “Desi daru,” he said. “Somehow, I don’t think the locals here truly appreciate it’s subtleties.”
She gave a full, throaty laugh that had his insides shifting strangely, pleasantly, in response. After, a smirk perched upon her lips, she settled on him a truly mischievous look. “What, they don’t want to go blind from foreign alcohol?”
With an exaggerated huff, because he was already nearly halfway through the bottle, he shook it slightly at her. “This is actually pretty decent. It’s not like the things we used to hide in our packs in the Legion. That was some dangerous stuff.”
The light that danced in her eyes threatened to make his heart skip a few beats. His grip tightened imperceptibly on the bottle’s neck. “I can’t imagine you sneaking in contraband anywhere, really.”
Maretus laughed then, too. “Oh, it wasn’t contraband by any means. Out in eastern Tevinter, this stuff was the norm in every local village. Some of it definitely went down like death’s cousin. But this,” he lifted the bottle again, “is actually pretty good. Want to try some?”
She eyed him suspiciously, but eventually accepted, and they took turns passing the bottle back and forth for a while after that, amid more comfortable conversation. Eventually the liquor ran low, and he handed it over to her one last time.
“You can finish it,” he said.
Vanora took the bottle from him, swirled the last of the alcohol, then downed it. “You were right,” she began.
His eyebrows lifted. “I know.”
A chuckle escaped through her nose. “You didn’t even let me finish.”
“I know what you were going to say.”
“You know me that well, hm? Well, what am I going to say next?” He enjoyed the challenging look she threw his way, so he decided to play along.
“Something about needing food,” he guessed, knowing he was wrong.
Vanora laughed, and he drank up the sound. “Wrong. I like this song,” she said, and he tilted his head to listen more carefully.
The music had shifted since he last paid any attention to it. Somehow, when Vanora was around, she took up nearly all his focus. It wasn’t something he did consciously, but still it happened.
“Do you want to dance?” Maretus asked her suddenly.
She looked at him with her mouth slightly parted, as if she wasn’t quite sure how to answer. He wondered if she was remembering the lesson she’d given him in the abandoned room in one of Skyhold’s towers.
“I suppose,” Vanora ventured, “if you’re not going to step on my foot again.”
Maretus stood from the bench they’d been sitting on for a while, and offered her his hand. “I’ll do my best.”
She slipped her hand, soft and cool, into his, and he drew her to her feet as well. She set the bottle aside and allowed him to lead her a few steps away from their bench. He pulled her closer, settling his other hand on her hip as she slid her free hand up his arm to rest on his shoulder. Immediately, he took the lead, pressing and pulling and directing her with an ease he hadn’t shown during their lessons. That was partially due to the desi daru loosening him, but also because he’d actively worked on shaking the dust off his memory of dances he’d learned while rising through the ranks of the Legion. He wanted to show her he could dance.
So it was with an unexpected grace that he turned them about, leading her in a simple dance in time with the music. She stepped closer to him; his hand slipped further along the small of her back, palm spread against the curve of her spine. Somewhere along the way, she pressed nearly flush against him, a bit breathless, matching the hitch of breath in his own throat. She smelled of fresh soap and lavender, and Maretus felt more drunk off that than any of the desi daru he’s had all evening. He was acutely aware of the way she fit bracketed between his shoulders.
Then, all at once, the song ended, and she stepped in closer at the same time he did, and they closed whatever small gap had remained between them. His heart thudded in his chest, but he chuckled and stepped back, trying to ignore it. She laughed, hand lifting to cover her mouth, and it wasn’t difficult for him to imagine her draped in finer clothes and jewelry. She’d dressed up for the Summerday celebration like everyone else, but the motion she’d made had him thinking she might have been better suited to silks and linens than cotton and wool.
Her voice cut through his wayward thoughts. “Well, that was much better than last time. You didn’t step on my feet at all.”
Maretus found himself staring unabashedly at her face, his attention snagged on the wisps of hair that framed her face, and the way the curve of her neck looked in the firelight. It was then he realized her usual braid was pinned up, exposing the lean line of her throat, and he felt something drop in his stomach at the thought of pulling out the pins that held it in place and letting the dark of her hair tumble down.
“I’m a quick learner,” he heard himself say.
She laughed, her eyes bright in the lantern light. “So I see.”
“It helps to have a good teacher,” he added, immediately recognizing the looseness of his tongue and cursing it.
Another smirk settled across her mouth. “I’m glad to have such an apt student.”
Any lesson you’d give, he thought before he could stop it. What in the endless void did that even mean? Maretus pushed it away, echoing a ghost of her smirk back to her. His held a touch of bashfulness, and he couldn’t stop himself from casting his gaze away from hers. She spoke again before he could think of how to respond.
“I might want to have another go. Make sure it wasn’t a fluke.”
He looked up at her, her eyes still bright with mirth in the dim light. The desi daru bled warmth through him. “I think I can accommodate that,” he agreed, extending his hand again for her to take.
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magzoso-tech · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/google-assistant-now-works-with-tile-to-find-your-lost-stuff/
Google Assistant now works with Tile to find your lost stuff
Google Assistant is today rolling out support for Tile’s Bluetooth tracker, designed to help you keep up with your often misplaced items — like your keys, purse, wallet, remote, and more. The new integration will allow Google Assistant users on any Nest device to ask questions like, “Hey Google, where is my purse?” They can instruct the Assistant to ring their device” by saying things like “Hey Google, make my backpack ring.”
Variations on these commands are also supported, like, “Hey Google, find my…” or “Hey Google, ring my…”
In addition, you can ask for the location of an item. If the item is in the house, the Assistant will return an appropriate location using Tile’s Bluetooth capabilities, by saying something like “your keys were last seen today at 9 PM near the Kitchen speaker.” If the item is out of Bluetooth range, the Assistant will instead return the item’s last known location, based on Tile’s location services.
Tile leverages its large network of Tile app users as a crowd-finding platform to help when items are missing. To date, the company has sold 22+ million Tile devices worldwide and is locating more than 5 million items per day across 230 countries.
Google announced its partnership with Tile back in September 2019, but had said at the time the feature would launch later that year.
The partnership arrives at a critical time for Tile’s business. Apple is reportedly preparing to launch a Tile competitor, possibly called AirTags, that integrates deeply with iOS. According to the latest forecast from well-known Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple in the first half of 2020 will introduce the product. But unlike Tile, Apple’s are ultra-wideband tags that promise greater accuracy than Bluetooth LE and Wi-Fi.
Evidence of Apple’s tags was already found in iOS 13 code, as well.
Apple’s plan to move into Tile’s business was one of the examples brought up in a recent congressional hearing about Apple’s anti-competitive practices. At the hearing, Tile general counsel Kirsten Daru commented on how hard it is to compete with Apple.
“You might be the best team in the league, but you’re playing against a team that owns the field, the ball, the stadium, and the entire league, and they can change the rules of the game at any time,” she said.
In this context, Tile’s move to partner with Google isn’t just about expanding its business — it’s also about saving it.
To take advantage of the new feature, you’ll need to set up your Tile to sync with the Google Home app.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
SciADV Producer Tatsuya Matsubara Talks With Us About ROBOTICS;NOTES DaSH and Anime Adaptions
  The Science Adventure visual novel series is a vast world of conspiracies, technology, adventure, and more that spans six games which have been adapted into five anime series including, STEINS;GATE, Steins;Gate 0, CHAOS;CHILD, ROBOTICS;NOTES, and Chaos;HEAd.
  With the upcoming English version release of ROBOTICS;NOTES ELITE and ROBOTICS;NOTES DaSH, I got to sit down (over email) with Tatsuya Matsubara — the director/producer of ELITE and DaSH, a producer at MAGES., and an overseer on the entire Science Adventure series — to learn more about the game, share some exclusive English screenshots from the latest build of DaSH, and learn about how Science Adventure is adapted into different formats.
  Producer and Director Tatsuya Matsubara
  Let’s start with questions about ROBOTICS;NOTES first, what inspired the team to come back to make a sequel to the original game?
  The most important reason for me was my desire to illustrate the future of each character on Tanegashima. Another reason was that, within the long history of the Science Adventure series, I wanted to create the opportunity for the Tanegashima team and Akihabara team to interact. 
  Famitsu wrote that DaSH stands for “Daru the Super Hacker,” how much of a part does Daru play in the new game? Does anyone else from STEINS;GATE make an appearance other than Nae? Maybe a young Suzuha?
Since the members of the Tanegashima team are freshly out of high school, to them Daru is like a slightly eccentric but reliable, tech-savvy big brother. Also the activities of other STEINS;GATE characters are mentioned via the in-game SNS functions. 
Why did the team decide to give Daru a larger role in the game?
  In 2036, Daru, who’s always been a software hacker, creates a time machine. The story of ROBOTICS;NOTES DaSH centers on Daru gaining experience as a hardware engineer. This is why Daru was chosen to have a larger role in this game.  
The team worked closely with JAXA on ROBOTICS;NOTES, did that partnership happen again? If so, what did you collaborate on this time around?
  This time around there isn’t too much JAXA involvement in the story, so the vast majority of collaboration for the sequel was taking photos of their locations. 
You showed off a lot of Tanegashima in ROBOTICS;NOTES, and most probably quite a lot in DaSH, what is your favorite part about the island and its culture that you’ve been able to show off in the games?
  Tanegashima is famous for many attractions but I must say the JAXA Space Center — said to be the most beautiful launchpad in the world — is its biggest attraction.
Most of DaSH takes place in Nishinoomote, a town rich with a retro feel. I love that this island exhibits both retro aesthetic and cutting-edge technology.
Did films and other stories inspire the story of ROBOTICS;NOTES and DaSH? If so, what were they, and how?
  For the story as a whole there was no inspiration, but in constructing the scenario we referenced overseas dramas and Hollywood movies. We also used those references for UI and animation aspects. And of course, we’ve included anime and manga references such as the Red Comet from Gundam, and certain JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure references. 
How do you, and the rest of the team, handle the immense amount of story information and continuity with the whole franchise? With 6 main-line games, it must be hard to keep track of everything, especially on different world lines!
  We don’t believe we can do whatever we want as long as we change worldlines, so we have a top-secret document that details the events in the Science Adventure series. This gets updated every time there is a new entry in the series. At this point, it has become so vast that maintaining it is really challenging. 
The Science Adventure series deals a lot with future events and technologies that may be coming in the future, what technologies are you surprised to exist now in modern Japan from the series, and what technologies would you like to see?
  The Atlas series robot from Boston Dynamics has shown that robotics technology has grown far more than we had expected. In terms of AR technology (or, technically, Mixed Reality), the HoloLens that is being used in construction is truly wonderful. Though it is via a lens, being able to experience Sci-Fi content like UX is really amazing.
With the release of ROBOTICS;NOTES ELITE and DaSH in the west, and all the STEINS;GATE games, are we going to see Chaos;HEAd release in the west? Maybe a remaster?
  Chaos;HEAd was the first entry in the series and because of this we had very little experience with creating the game’s engine when we made it. As a result, it is vastly different from the game engine we use now, which is one of the reasons making a port for this title has been difficult. That being said, it is the first entry to the Science Adventure series, and it is near and dear to our hearts, so we are always thinking about how we wish for everyone to play this title. 
On adaptations, how do you choose what to put in an anime adaptation of a Science Adventure game? Is there anything from the games that you’d like to see in animated form?
  We had a scenario meeting each week with the director and other scenario staff members for adaptations, during which we would have very detailed discussions. (Once we had one scene take four weeks to complete!) We always decided together what to add and remove so I never really thought we missed anything. 
If you’re able to say anything, how’s production on the STEINS;GATE Hollywood adaptation going? Is there any news you can share?
  Sorry, there is nothing we can talk about right now. We are working hard to provide continued news, so please keep looking forward to it!
And finally, MAGES. was just purchased by COLOPL, who are known for their mobile and VR games? Has this affected the studio at all? Will we maybe see a VR Science Adventure game in the future?
  We see this as a new opportunity to expand into what MAGES. has been lacking: Smartphone endeavors. At the moment, we don’t know what titles to choose or how this will be presented, but we hope our fans look forward to what will come out next.
  Thank you for your time! I look forward to playing ELITE and DaSH in English later this year!
  I appreciate the time Tatsuya Matsubara spent answering the questions, I've been a huge fan of the Science Adventure series since the STEINS;GATE TV anime aired on Japanese TV in 2011, so this interview has been a special treat for me.
Both ROBOTICS;NOTES ELITE and ROBOTICS;NOTES DaSH will be released as a double pack in the west on PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch on October 13 in North America, and October 16 in Europe. The PC release, via Steam, will be released worldwide on October 13.
All other Science Adventure games (besides the original Chaos;HEAd) are available in English via various platforms, with all available (or will be available) on the PlayStation 4 and PC.
  Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. He is a mad scientist, it's so cool!
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Ed. Note: Contributor Wesley is back with another roundup of amazing live music in Memphis for the month of August. We’ve got everything from beloved local musicians Joe Restivo and Amy LaVere to folks like the Backstreet Boys and Big Freedia, plus festivals like Continuum and Sweatfest 5 at Shangri La.  Which one will you see this month?  DJ Logic. Photo courtesy of the artist. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 Joe Restivo at The Green Room $10, 8 p.m. Blues and jazz guitarist, WEVL DJ, and Lafayette’s resident musician, and Memphian Joe Restivo released his solo debut album Where’s Joe? in July, and he’s celebrating with a show in the Green Room at Crosstown Arts. The music video for album track “Starlight Motel” premiered in Jazziz magazine, where he’s called a “cream-of-the-crop Memphis guitarist.” I certainly agree. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 Dear Silas & more at Hi Tone $10, 9 p.m. Otaku rappers are nothing new, but it’s still so wild seeing people out here wearing Naruto forehead protector headbands like it’s Nike when we used to do that mess in 2006 and get checked so bad you didn’t want to go to school the next day. Maybe living through all that ruthlessness makes you more confident in the end—listening to Dear Silas playfully croon about infidelity (to put it lightly) while repping the Hidden Leaf Village definitely makes you think it’s possible. [NSFW: This is grown folks music] SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 Waves Don’t Die at The CMPLX $5 Early Bird / $10 Day of Show, 9 p.m. If you aren’t hip to what The Collective is doing in and for Memphis, then you should become aware right now, and you’re welcome for that free Googling I just did for you. The CMPLX is the premiere space to experience the works of both rising and established black artists in Memphis, and with Waves Don’t Die you’re getting eight of them for five bucks. The only artist in this lineup I’ve heard of is Jay Daskreet, but I’m eager to know the rest. Between them you’ll hear a diverse display of rap styles from trap, to dirty south, to lo-fi, I mean there’s just a whole bunch of stuff going on here that you should hear. Check the event link for the full lineup. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 Amy LaVere Album Release Show at Crosstown Theater $20, 7 p.m. Photo courtesy of the artist. Here’s another album release show, this time from Memphis name-brand singer-songwriter Amy LaVere. Her album Painting Blue will release August 16, but she could be selling copies early as merch, who knows? Be prepared for music for seemingly-saccharine music that’s a little devilish once it really hits you. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 Continuum Music Festival at the Green Room $30 per day / $55 weekend pass, Friday 6-10 p.m and Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. This two-day music festival features musicians of many disciplines collaborating to perform, masterful, mind-bending music just for you. I’m especially excited for Project Logic, an absolutely stacked supergroup featuring DJ Logic, Living Colour guitarist and personal hero Vernon Reid, Bass god and Prince collaborator MonoNeon, and human metronome and Jack White collaborate Daru Jones. The performances will be all over Crosstown Arts, taking place in Crosstown Theater, The Green Room, and the East Atrium Stage. Check the event link for the full lineup. Bun B at Growlers $25 Early Bird / $30 Day of Show / $75 VIP, 8 p.m. Photo via Facebook Bun B is partly responsible for what rap music has become today. Being one-half of legendary southern rap duo UGK (R.I.P. Pimp C) and his five solo albums have influenced today’s superstars such as Young Thug, Lil Wayne, Yo Gotti, A$AP Rocky, and a whole bunch of others. Anything Bun B will perform is guaranteed to get folks moving, so bring some friends and get throwed.  THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 Big Freedia w/ Sweet Crude at Hi Tone $20, 8 p.m. Photo courtesy of the artist. The Queen of Bounce will be back in Memphis this month with a show at the Hi Tone. Big Freedia has enjoyed mainstream success for many years now, but before that she was hard at work playing in clubs and at parties in New Orleans in the 90s, where she eventually helped bounce music dig out from the underground. I love her music, it fills you up with a chaos that can only be released through excessive hip movement.  [NSFW depending on where you W I guess. Use your best judgement.] SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 Sweat Fest 5 at Shangri-La Records Free, 2 p.m. Vinyl collectors rejoice, it’s the return of Sweat Fest. In addition to great deals on LPs, 45s, and CDs, tapes and whatever else, you get a free show featuring four Memphis rock bands featuring the Kings of Sweat Fest themselves, The Sheiks. Check the event link for the full lineup and sale details. Model Zero playing at Shangri-La, unfortunately not a band playing Sweat Fest 5 because they’re great. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27 Backstreet Boys: ‘DNA’ World Tour at FedExForum Starting at $19, 8 p.m. Some BTS ripoff group called the Backstreet Boys are playing at FedExForum. But really, if you want to relive your boy band-obsessed years, you want to be at the FedExForum on August 27. Tickets are on sale now, and there are still a lot of them.  FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 Grace Askew w/ Jana Jana at The Green Room $25 Pre-sale / $30 Day of Show, 7 p.m. Our third and final album release show comes from Memphis Americana artist Grace Askew, who’s releasing Denim & Diesel, her first album in five years. Her supporting act is Jana Jana, an independent project from Jana Misener of Memphis Dawls.  About The Author Wesley Morgan Paraham is a Memphis native, a University of Memphis graduate, freelance writer and PR professional who spends most of his free time in his Midtown apartment playing video games with his partner. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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reallypheelingit · 7 years
Pheel’s daily challenge list part 2
Day 182: Dratini! Day 183: Halfway There video Day 184: Mega Dragonite Day 185: Happy Birthday America (and Pebsi) Day 186: Brooke and Nautilus Day 187: Anattawam reference* Day 188: Dirac Day 189: Huggable Blue Boys Day 190: King Cooger and the royal crew Day 191: Turtwig Day 192: Zigzagoon Day 193: Aranza Day 194: Wyatt Day 195: Uraby Day 196: Alderstrom in flight Day 197: Midnight Lycanroc Day 198: Shiba Inu Day 199: Angry Flareon Day 200: Pink Orca Magikarp Day 201: Favorite Pokemon by Type* Day 202: Fizzywits Dragon Day 203: Siphooskii reference* Day 204: Dani Day 205: Miles the Soft Moth Day 206: Jess the Mod!Dragon Thing Day 207: Gligar Day 208: Kyurem Day Kyurem! Day 209: Araia Day 210: Pezzie Banner (Dragons Don’t Interact)* Day 211: Zekrom and Kyurem Friends Day 212: Kyurem and Bees?*
Day 213: Sage the Primarina* Day 214: Kuraga Day 215: Zubat Day 216: Bowser Day! Day 217: Original Tao Dragon (design by kyurmlem) Day 218: Perci and Ashby Day 219: Shiro Day 220: Kou Day Rockruff Day 221: Baile Oricorio Day 222: Letizia and Levianden Day 223: Leonard, Don Q, and Delta Day 224: Gigalith Day 225: Darue playing guitar Day 226: Salandit Day 227: Noodles eating Noodles Day 228: Eli and Raichu Day 229: Munchlax Day 230: Girafarig Day 231: Electra and Qorrax Day 232: Gwyn and Virgil Day 233: Eclipse Day 234: Kingdra Day 235: Murkrow Day 236: Shelgon Day 237: Woobat Day 238: Swoobat Day 239: West Sea Gastrodon Day 240: Pikachu with hands* Day 241: Birthday Crystal Day 242: Dunnine (Dunsparce x Arcanine) Day 243: Jangmo-o
Day 244: Dunsparce in heart* Day 245: Weavile Day 246: Karyth Day 247: Paper Mario Twilight Town people Day 248: Flying Careleon Day 249: Agnes and Blaise Day 250: 4 Voltorb Day 251: Careleon Mask Off* Day 252: Ellyx the Celestine Day 253: Lemuria Day 254: Illuv Day 255: Euphora Day 256: Anattawam (gryphon form) Day 257: Mareep Day 258: Freya’s toe beans Day 259: Inkay Day 260: Tara and Cuthbert Day 261: Pumpkaboo Day 262: Bazyl Day 263: Drampa Day 264: Krabby Day 265: Altamont Day 266: Gulisaayad Day 267: Geneva Day 268: Stretching Vaporeon Day 269: Flower Dragon Day 270: Articuno Borb Day 271: Snoatl Day 272: Peki Day 273: Pocket Kyurem
Day 274: Inktober doodles Day 275: KB Day 276: Sevid Day 277: Yoshi! Day 278: Kyurem and Munna Day 279: Patrick Day 280: Twig Day 281: Dragon Alignment Chart Day 282: Cutiefly Day 283: Coal Dragon Day 284: Christopher Day 285: Birthday Pangoro Day 286: Silhouette Game Creature* Day 287: Archen Day 288: Octillery Day 289: Blitzen Day 290: Farfetch’d Day 291: Noivern Anattawam Day 292: Daft Punk Altamont Day 293: Leafylitter Bunnysona Day 294: Gulpin but with eyes open Day 295: Kandy Kronch Day 296: Maleficent Attic Day 297: Eeyore Zen Day 298: Spiderweb Day 299: Dipper Olivia and Mabel Evie  Day 300: Leonard checking out Delta with Nancine right there Day 301: Dexter Montero Day 302: Joltik Pile (w/ Kronch) Day 303: Bat Wolfie Day 304: Tao Trio cosplay
Day 305: Elemarr Day 306: Tyranitar Day 307: Charjabug Day 308: Freya and Alder holiday excitement Day 309: Tepig Day 310: Lessie Day 311: Pokemon from Memory Day 312: Krokorokin Day 313: Riley Day 314: Poliwrath Day 315: Gligar painting Day 316: Anattawam and Siphooskii Day 317: Millisievert Day 318: Pearlcatcher Group Pic Day 319: Reuniclus Eloise (Reunicloise?) Day 320: Hatsu Day 321: Nebby Day 322: Feraligatr :D Day 323: Renesme Sliggoo Day 324: Rowlet Day 325: Asterina Day 326: Manaphy Day 327: Turkey Kronch* Day 328: Boran Veteran Day 329: Horsea Day 330: Magmar Day 331: A snake Day 332: Karishma and Gal Day 333: Kato Day 334: Trunks
Day 335: Santa Masquerain Day 336: Stunky Day 337: Christmas Arcanine* Day 338: 646 Post Kyurem Day 339: Ewe, the new Ixi! Day 340: Shasda Day 341: Ponyta Day 342: Miji Day 343: Birthday Espurr Day 344: Costello Day 345: Merritt Day 346: Samus Day 347: Shannen Day 348: Islacura with cyan heart Day 349: Bleys Day 350: Blaze Day 351: Goomba Day 352: Cobalt Day 353: Skateboarding Kyurem Day 354: Deborah and Gronga Hanukkah Day 355: Elemental Q&A* Day 356: Fiamma and Regina Day 357: Sera the Christmas Druddigon Day 358: Christmas stuff for friends 1 Day 359: Kronch Christmas* Day 360: Christmas stuff for friends 2 Day 361: Black and white MS Paint Dunsparce* Day 362: Christmas stuff for friends 3 Day 363: Christmas stuff for friends finale (underwhelming) Day 364: Arcanine, Kyurem, and Dunsparce Day 365: Dra6ons New Year
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atopearth · 5 years
Steins;Gate 0 Part 5 - Mayuri Ending and True Ending + Overall Opinion
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Mayuri Ending Hmmmm, so if you ignore Amadeus Kurisu’s call, Okabe and them waste too much time trying to explain everything to Maho, so they end up getting captured by the Rounders? I’m not really sure why the Rounders are still relevant right now to be after them, but I guess everyone just wants the time machine paper. The supposedly Stratfor guys coming to shoot off the Rounders and the laptop was very questionable though? Like, why? Hmm, I guess Okabe is right, better to destroy it than let others get their hands on it, but I feel like with how important it was, they still could have gotten it back considering their surprise attack and the manpower they had, but I guess they didn’t want to risk it? It was really sweet when Okabe stayed beside Maho when she was too scared to sleep by herself after experiencing all that, it’s cliche, but I thought it was really cute and heartfelt. I was pretty shocked when he was planning to tell Maho that he was the one who killed Kurisu, but I’m glad Maho stopped him since he was forcing himself so much. I don’t know why but I can’t skip those same events that happened in Leskinen’s ending part sighhhh, but anyway, aside from Maho cooperating with Daru and Suzuha on recreating/experimenting the time machine with their knowledge, and Maho coming to Japan (without getting brainwashed), nothing really different from the scenario before. Although, I really liked Faris’ suggestion of having Maho work at May Queen for rent instead of living at a business hotel hahaha.
I was pretty glad when Okabe found out the Daru was making the time machine, because it felt like they were finally confronting their problems. But I guess the highlight was Maho understanding that whether Okabe liked it or not, it was evident that despite what he said, he was less averted to stuff regarding time machines and Steins Gate etc now, he used to not be able to stomach it at all, but now he can talk about it. And honestly, you have to agree with Maho, that they’re similar, that despite wanting to give up many times and having given up before, they both are people that will persevere and keep trying. It’s hard, but that’s what people do to face themselves and the lives they want to live. My heart hurt for Mayuri when she heard them and realised that Kurisu was sacrificed for her, but I’m happy that she talked it out with Suzuha, who was able to tell her how much hope Mayuri gave her and Kagari in the future, and how much she believed in Okabe to change that future. It was nice to see Mayuri be able to pick herself up and want to fight for the one she loves too, knowing that she wants to try her best to bring her favourite Hououin Kyoma back was really heartwarming. Just as Okabe saved her in the past, she also wants to save him. Even if she knows that she can never be the one he loves (romantically), she will still do everything she can for him, and I think that’s wonderful.
Tbh, Yuki being Kagari (after plastic surgery) helped me confirm why whenever I heard Kagari talk, it sounded just like Yuki/Suzuha hahaha, so it wasn’t as shocking as it was supposed to be I guess. But it was pretty saddening to see Kagari brutally kill all those people and for Mayuri to not be able to comfort her in her last moments. The only solace I can think of is that, all this time that Yuki got to spend with Mayuri was probably enough for her though… In this sense, I guess it was nice to see in the other endings Kagari as Kagari herself. I guess I’m most shocked about this Yuki not actually being the mum they were hoping for all this time haha. Regardless though, she did seem to like Daru and I think that was pretty cute. I’m glad that Mayuri’s message to Okabe finally motivated him to time leap and change things since the war had started. Leskinen being the crazy doctor/professor that brainwashed Kagari ever since she was a kid in 2036 was hinted at already, so that wasn’t surprising even though it was saddening and uncomfortable to think about. But yeah Mayuri’s message really touched me, so I’m glad Okabe has finally understood her and everyone’s feelings and will try to fix things up again no matter what. It’s saddening that Kagari keeps dying, but it was nice to see Hououin Kyoma laugh at them all for being too late in trying to get the time machine. Just thinking about Mayuri going back to slap Okabe in the face makes me happy haha.
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True Ending I have to admit that it was great to see the older Okabe do that message he sent to himself in the original game in order to save Kurisu without changing the events that “happened”. It was also pretty cute to see Maho sigh at how ridiculous she thought he was hahaahha. I also really liked it when Okabe said he was going to find his escaped hostage haha😊 It’s inevitable that Okabe should “die” in 2025, but that can also mean he “disappeared” from 2025 onwards, so seeing him climb into the time machine to go save the Suzuha and Mayuri who went to wake him up, give them the spare battery their machine needs and then come back to this timeline together, it was sweet. They’ll probably never see him again, but seeing him with such strength in his eyes is worth it imo. And it ends! Okay, time for the rant/mini review?
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Overall Opinion
Honestly, I have mixed feelings towards Steins;Gate 0. Before I started it, I already read some reviews so I lowered my expectations because it’s pretty different from the original etc, but I think I was still disappointed LOL. The game depicts the journey of the Okabe who sent the message from the future telling Okabe in the true ending of the original game to deceive the world in order to be able to save Kurisu. At first, it was difficult to realise how all these endings tied into that concept because the game isn’t very linear. The game more or so follows the different world lines and potential endings for Okabe to kinda get through to I guess show how many times Okabe had to do all this in order to reach the world line where he would be able to help his past self. Quite frankly, I don’t think I enjoyed most of the endings haha… Some were good and nice, but others were just…tedious and haphazardly drawn out imo. If I could, I would suggest just doing the “main route” to the true ending, but the game doesn’t work that way, you’ll miss crucial information that ties things together, and you’ll miss all the background info to understand it, so I guess going through all those endings made me appreciate the end, however, it didn’t change the fact that going through all those endings were a chore. In that sense, it reminds me of OZMAFIA!! If you don’t know the otome game, you basically have to do all the routes before you get an explanation of the plot, story and everything basically. It ties together and makes things make much more sense so it’s good, but to this day, I’m still not sure if it was worth the 40 hours of different routes and endings to get to. That’s how mixed I feel towards 0. It’s relatively interesting, it has amusing plot points, and the slice of life was kinda fun, but it was way too draggy for my liking. 
When I played the original game, I enjoyed every bit of it, it never made me want to put it down and I was always engaged, and I really liked the characters. In this sequel, my favourite characters come back, but they’re pretty much a hollow shell of who they used to be, and there honestly wasn’t a moment in the game where I thought, I’d like to know where this will go now besides the ending. The new characters aren’t as interesting, well, Maho is all right, but she can’t carry the story with a depressed Okabe. I also found the flow of everything to be really…awkward? As you can see from my comments on the endings, I just found how everything occurred in each ending really sloppy, things aren’t built properly imo and it lacks the impact it could have created. Oh, and since Maho and Okabe are obsessed with Kurisu in their respective ways, the game kinda relies on you to understand and love Kurisu in the same way to really connect with them imo. Which isn’t bad I guess since most people do like Kurisu, and I do too, but yeah, I just felt like this game relied too much on the original game for you to like it. However, despite everything, I guess it is worth playing if you’re a fan of Steins;Gate, I mean, you might as well try it and see if it’s to your tastes hahaha. For me, it wasn’t and I definitely wouldn’t be interested in playing it again or watching the anime (especially when I thought the original Steins;Gate anime was tedious enough tbh lol). I was actually pretty glad when I was done LOL.
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atopearth · 5 years
Steins;Gate 0 Part 1 - The Alternate Decision
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So…does 0 follow the world where Okabe isn’t able to change “fate” and Kurisu ends up being killed by him? Or he’s just so exhausted that he can’t find it within himself the strength to try and change “fate” anymore when he tried so many times with Mayuri and failed? Hmm so Okabe basically has a year to get himself together, huh? Although I obviously don’t want him to give up, Mayushii’s words telling him that he didn’t need to push himself anymore really punched me in the gut. It’s been a while since I played the original game, but I can still remember Okabe’s pain so well…enough that I couldn’t help but agree with Mayushii.
Lmao at him thinking Maho was a middle school student and was still in disbelief even when she showed him proof that she wasn’t lol. Honestly though, her sprite makes her look like she’s in her 20s with that haggard look. Aaand yep, she’s 21 lol. Moeka looks…all right with her new look, I feel so sorry for Okabe, her appearance flustered him so much that he had to take some anxiety medication to calm himself down… The idea of having your memories as digital data easily accessible on your computer any time, and also downloadable back to your brain kinda concept to help with loss of memories and stuff like Alzheimer’s was pretty cool. Everything basically relies on Kurisu’s research being true, but I guess Okabe knows how well it works. It’s kinda cute that in the original game, Okabe said “objection!” to Kurisu’s belief that time travel was impossible, basically against her, and yet now in this game, he’s saying it to protect her and her research. I guess this is the way for you to attract the attention of scientist girls? Lol. Gotta say though, something about the art in this game doesn’t feel the same or have the same feel and magic in the original… Anyway, Amadeus Maho (culmination of her memories 70 hours ago) is cute, but the idea of this 3D imagery talking with her personality and doing whatever she wants is amusing I guess. And yeah, I’m glad that although Maho got angry with all those sceptics in the audience, she does acknowledge that their research does have many issues they need to still solve. It’s kinda saddening to not see Okabe’s chuunibyou personality anymore but I guess seeing a dejected him is interesting in its own way. Since Maho was a researcher alongside Kurisu, I guess they can bond over her lol, it’s kinda cute how Okabe can talk about Kurisu and I’m happy he chose to open up about it to Maho. I think they both need each other, since it seems that Kurisu really takes up a special place in their hearts. Ooh, Amadeus Kurisu huh? Guess this “fake” Kurisu will make Okabe motivate himself again to save the real her. Being a beta tester for their research is nice~ But yeah, she won’t be the same though since this eight months ago Kurisu doesn’t know Okabe and didn’t come to Japan yet. I guess the explanation of Salieri (apparently someone who was jealous of Mozart yet also deeply respected him) being Maho’s username to login means she felt the same towards Kurisu. Seeing Kurisu on the monitor felt quite weird haha…
Omggg everyone looks so…weird! Especially their clothes! Not a faaan. Luka probably looks the most normal but even then, he doesn’t look really good at all, his hair or face just looks a bit awkward lol. They really don’t have the feel of the original… Anyway, hearing Okabe try and live a normal university life was..weird but understandable haha. It’s saddening to see those flashbacks of Kurisu and how much it’s affecting Okabe that he’s even tried visiting a psychologist… Although it must be difficult for Okabe to distinguish Kurisu and the Amadeus one, it’s not hard for the reader/me since they’re pretty different with the lack of memories and her reactions are sorta different, since she’s more…bland? But I guess the real Kurisu had so many expressions and feelings to express because Okabe grated her nerves all the time lmao. Nice to see Mayushii’s cosplaying friends! I guess Yuki is Suzuha’s mum then? She does seem to like Daru from their conversation. It’s saddening to hear Mayuri herself tell them that Okabe has someone else he likes that’s not her, but considering the person that she is, Mayuri prioritises his happiness above all else. I’m excited for this Christmas party though, sounds like the best time for romance to blossom for everyone as like a happy ending? XD
Lmaooo at Daru being the pervert he is, and then using galge lines on his own daughter hahahah. Ohh yeah lol, you could have known who the mum is just with the last name lol! And yeeep it’s Yuki~ Yuki sounds so similar to Suzuha though, is it the same VA? (Yep, it is) Lol. Hmmm so Mayuri’s future adopted kid time travelled with Suzuha…so where is Kagari now then? Did she age and turn into Fubuki? Ahahaha. I’m happy that Okabe has finally stepped into the lab again…but yeah, will he be able to handle talking to Suzuha? Btw I really like Suzuha’s hair, I think her look is the best compared to the others~ It must be pretty disheartening for Suzuha, she’s risked everything hoping to change the future and yet the person that is most capable of doing it right now is consumed by his depression and thinks that changing fate is something that shouldn’t be changed by people like themselves. I guess I’m kinda shocked in a sense because I thought he’d feel the same desperation he had for saving Mayuri for saving Kurisu this time around, especially since he actually loves the latter. I think it’s very understanding of Suzuha to not push Okabe though, especially since she’s the one that experienced all that pain and that responsibility, I’m sure seeing her mother die protecting her, seeing all her comrades die and having to leave Daru and Mayuri to use the time machine etc must have been very painful for her as well, so for her sake, I’d hope for Okabe to pick himself up soon. Kagari looks like a small version of Kurisu lol, and she looks the most similar to the old art in the original game hmm~ So…does that mean when they split up to search for the IBN 5100 in 1975, Suzuha lost Kagari? And now Kagari is probably like 30 something years old but she’s still looking for her?
It’s kinda cute how [Kurisu] is similar to the original but still herself, she’s sweet. Too bad every time Okabe realises he’s trying to escape from reality, he’s unable to communicate with her and is instead consumed with guilt that he was the one who killed her and isn’t bringing her back. Hmmmm did the world line just change?? Why? Does not taking the call from Amadeus Kurisu make such a big difference? Anyway, first part doneee? Nothing in particular to feel towards the game right now since nothing has really happened, so let’s see how it continues~ But, yeah, I’d say the story isn’t very gripping right now and the slice of life moments aren’t the most appealing either.
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