#dash: dani cordova
91062854-ka · 1 year
Jessica Hernandez (Voiced by: Selina Gomez)
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Jessie Shadow
Ghost Girl
Ghost Child
Ghost Kid
Ghostly Duo (with Danny)
Great One (by Frostbite)
Pop Princess (by Ember Mclain)
Kitten/Doll (by Johnny 13)
Little tiger (by Vlad)
Savior of the Ghost Zone (by Frostbite)
Gender: Female
Species: Half-human/Half-ghost (formerly fully human)
Age: 14
Birthday: September 22nd (Sagittarius)
Hair Color:
Dark brown (Human)
Platinum blonde (Ghost)
Eye Color:
Dark brown (Human)
Neon yellow (Ghost)
Electric blue (Ghost: while using her fire powers)
Red (when turned into a dragon)
Height/Weight: 5'5"/116 lbs
Ethnicity: Both of her parents are Mexicans, but she was born in the United States, making her Mexican American
Tulsa, Oklahoma (formerly)
Amity Park (currently) 
Anthony Hernandez (father, deceased)
Elizabeth Garcia-Hernandez (mother)
Lucero Hernandez (older sister)
Angela Hernandez (older sister)
Jesse Hernandez/Jesse Shadow (clone/younger adoptive brother/cousin)
Pets: Seraphina (oc ghost horse)
Gustavo Alvarez (maternal uncle)
Victoria Cordova-Alvarez (maternal aunt)
Paco Hernandez (parental uncle)
María Durante-Hernandez (parental aunt)
Jesse Hernandez/Jesse Shadow (Voiced by Davis Cleveland)
Clones of Jessie
Her old gang from Tulsa, Oklahoma
Daniel "Danny" Fenton/Danny Phantom
Samantha "Sam" Manson
Tucker Foley
Jasmine "Jazz" Fenton
Sidney Poindexter
Ember Mclain
Johnny 13
Phoenix (oc ghost) 
Ghost Writer
Seraphina (oc ghost horse)
Princess Dorothea
Dairy King
Danielle "Dani" Fenton/Dani Phantom
Jesse Hernandez/Jesse Shadow
Most Ghosts
Guys in White
Vlad Plasmius (archenemy/arch-rival)
Dark Danny
Dark Jessie
Skulker (Occasional Ally)
Valerie Gray (formerly in the future)
Paulina Sanchez
Dash Baxter
Other popular kids at Casper High
Crush: Daniel "Danny" Fenton/Danny Phantom
First appearance: Early Season 1
Upon first meeting Jessie, she gives off a tough bad girl vibe due to how she's dressed. In reality, she's a shy and quiet girl who is socially awkward. But after befriending her, the more you get to know her, the more you'll notice how snarky, sassy, sarcastic, and feisty she can be. Despite that, she's a nice, kind, and fun person around her friends and family, as well as having a big heart.
Good Traits:
Friendly, kind, sensitive, mild tempered, fierce, brave, loyal, trustworthy, athletic, determined, cares about others, a good horse rider, responsible, loves to sing and dance, knows she's pretty but doesn't flaunt it, can cook great meals.
Bad Traits:
Shy, quiet, sometimes has a snarky attitude, sassy, sarcastic, messy, stubborn, headstrong, sometimes childish and irresponsible, sometimes takes insults personally, Autistic.
Ghost Powers:
• Flight
○ Wall Walking
○ Back Slide
○ Interstellar Travel
• Invisibility
• Intangibility
• Duplication
• Spectral Body Manipulation
○ Plasticity
○ Size Alteration
○ Supernatural Flexibility
○ Ghost Tail
• Overshadowing
○ Voice Manipulation
○ Software Fusion
○ Exorcism
○ Dream Invasion
• Electric blue ghost sense
• X-Ray Vision
• Golden yellow ectoplasm ghost ray
○ Repulsion Field
○ Energy Strike
○ Foot Blasts
○ Ecto-Energy Constructions
□ Ghost Shield
□ Power Absorption
○ Energy Absorption
□ Power Augmentation
○ Ghost Stinger
○ Photokinesis
○ Ghostly Wail
○ Telekinesis 
○ Time Travel
• Electric blue Pyrokinesis 
○ Fire-breathing
• Supernatural Speed
• Supernatural Strength
• Supernatural Durability
• Supernatural Agility
• Supernatural Reflexes
• Supernatural Endurance
• Supernatural Equilibrium/Balance
• Healing Factor
○ Reconstitution (briefly)
• Supernatural Beauty
• Singing Intuition
○ Siren Song
• Paranormal Immunity
• Emotion Empowerment
• Vacuum Resistance
• Underwater Breathing
• Weather Control (briefly)
• Telepathy with horses (ghost related)
• Can manipulate ectoplasm and fire into weapons
• Human-Ghost Physiology/Hybrid Physiology
• Going Ghost (Similar to Danny's and Vlad's transformations, except the colors of the rings are light grey)
○ Eye/Semi-Transformation (Ghost Form's Eyes in Human Form)
○ Transformation Shock/Aural Projection
• Quick Learning Ability
• Indomitable Will
• Mind Control Resistance/Overshadowing Immunity
• Experienced Horse Rider
• Experienced Combatant
○ Judoka (Judo Martial Artist) with a tenth-degree black belt
○ Wrestling from middle school wrestling club
○ Swordsmanship
○ Marksmanship
• Multilingual Skill
• Singer
• Dancer
• Fenton Specter Deflector
• Fenton Thermos
• Ecto-Skeleton
• Specter Speeder
• Infi-Map
• Time Medallion (briefly)
• Doomed Avatar Battlesuit (briefly)
• Anti-Ghost Weapons
○ Spectral Energy Neutralizing Devices
• Blood Blossoms
• Ecto-ranium
• Infrared Vision
Fighting Style:
Jessie has gotten her powers long before Danny did, so she was able to practice with them and later control them. After Danny got his powers, that's when Jessie showed her powers to him and the two became a ghost fighting team. She does her best to help teach him how to control his powers and teaches him how to fight by using Judo since Jessie learns how to fight in martial arts from her father. Jessie likes to kick and punch, but she finds kicking more powerful than punching. And because she is flexible, kicking is as easy as breathing. She also realized that her dancing can be used to fight her enemies and avoid their attacks, so because of this, she likes close combat than distance combat.
Jessie was born as the youngest child, and was raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Early Life:
Jessie's parents once owned a small ranch with animals such as cows, chickens, sheeps, goats, and horses. Jessie always loves horses for as long as she can remember, her father puts her in a saddle even before she learned how to walk. She loves riding horses so much to the point she even learns how to ride them with and without a horse saddle and reins. She used to watch wrestling with her father since she was 6 or 7 years old, so even though her mother disapproves of this, Jessie continues to watch wrestling shows with her father such as WWE.
Her father was once a judo expert trainer before he met Jessie's mother, who worked at a ranch her whole life, but still found a job at a local office, so he taught Jessie and her sisters how to fight and defend themselves at a young age. Even though the era of Greasers has ended, there are some descendants of the greasers who loves to dress up in clothing like their ancestors, Jessie just so happens to run into a group of them while playing in the park with her family one summer afternoon. Luckly the gang she met are good and begins to hang out with them.
Middle School:
Because of her hanging out with the greasers' descendants, she begins to dress up like them too and had certain rules of the greasers that was appropriate for her and her friends to follow as they grew together as they watched wrestling and like doing sports, even joining some school sports clubs, one of them is a wrestling club which Jessie joined. When she was attending middle school, they attend to the class field trip to a lab that is own by a team of scientists called the Guys in White. Jessie wasn't very excited about it, knowing it'll bored her out of her mind, but little did she know, it was about to change her life forever.
During the tour, Jessie decided to go to the restroom during lunch, but ended up getting lost when she was done, she stumbles upon one of the portals and being born with autism, she got curious and decided to step a little closer to the ghost portal. Unfortunately, one of the employees didn't know she was there when they activated the portal to test it. It caught Jessie by surprise, and before she even had a chance to get away from the portal, the portal testing failed as an exposed circuitry gave her a strong electric shock. She screamed in pain as she was flown back out and landed on her back on the ground, away from the portal. The last thing she heard was her friends calling out her name as she heard footsteps running towards her before she went unconscious.
She woke up in the hospital a day later, and after her awakening, her parents and the school sue the GiW for being careless about a middle schooler getting injured and won the case, causing the GiW to pack up and leave Tulsa. After being clear to leave the hospital a few days later, Jessie discovered that she felt more energetic and as time went on, she discovered she began to have strange powers. They were limited at first which is why Jessie never put much thought into it, such as floating for a short time or making her limbs disappear.
But as she grew older, these powers began to get more prominent, and it was harder for her to keep them under control. Because of this, Jessie had to leave the wrestling club in fear she'll accidentally hurt someone and made up a half lie about wanting to focus more on her classes. Her family and friends noticed something was wrong with her, and Jessie finally admits to them the reason why. One of her best friends, Tatiana, did some research and found out Jessie had gotten ghost powers from the accident, much to their shock. Because of this, Jessie's family and her friends all promised to Jessie that they wouldn’t tell anyone, and with their help, Jessie decided to learn to control her powers, so she wouldn't be found out about them.
However, tragedy stuck in her life when her father became ill with stage 4 kidney cancer, he tried his best to fight back the cancer, but he ended up passing away peacefully in his sleep. It devastated Jessie and her family. What's worse, her mother announced they were moving to a different state due to her losing her job after the building she was working at was caught on fire and destroyed. Jessie didn't want to move away from the life she loves, especially because she doesn't want to leave her friends and all her animals will be sold.
Luckly, one of her aunts and uncles manages to get her mother a new job from the state they were moving to, and since they live in the outskirts of the town she's moving to, all the animals will be sent to live with them instead. Jessie told her gang about the news and while they are sad about her leaving, they all decided to hang out together and throw a party to spend time together one last time. The next day, Jessie says goodbye to her friends after they gave each other their phone numbers, and she left with her mother and sisters to their new home.
High School:
Jessie and her family soon arrived in a town called Amity Park, and Jessie was already homesick, missing her best friends. Jessie spent the first few nights sulking in her new room, unable to get used to the urban atmosphere of her new home. By the time she starts attending high school, Casper High, she immediately caught everyone's attention due to how she was dressed and for her natural beauty. All the boys were smitten by her looks while all the girls were jealous of her, causing Jessie to feel very uncomfortable since she wasn't used to getting all the attention to herself.
Because of this, she was constantly picked on by the popular girls who were jealous of her for getting the attention and wanting her to feel insecure. Jessie, of course, taught by her old friends about some rules of the greasers with their own rules of their gang, fought back until Sam Manson stood up for her. Jessie was very grateful for this, and was later introduced to Sam’s best friends, Danny and Tucker. She was welcomed and fit right into the group with ease, and she was happy she finally made some friends. However, she soon found out that Danny’s parents were ghost hunters, she tried to avoid and stay away from his parents as far away as possible in fear they'll do something to her if they found out her secret.
At some point, Jessie was 100% comfortable around her three friends, although, she never told them her secret. It wasn't until Danny had a lab accident with his parents' ghost portal and gain his own ghost powers. Not too long after the accident, Jessie finally told her friends about her powers. Of course, they were shocked, but they all promise to keep it a secret, and Danny and Jessie worked together to fight the baddies who came out of the now active Fenton Portal as Danny Phantom and Jessie Shadow, although she did manage to befriend some ghosts just for being herself. As time went on, Jessie began to realize that she has a crush on Danny, and it grew stronger as she spends more time with him, she wants to tell him how she feels, but was scared that she might ruin their friendship, so she never said anything. But she does show signs of jealousy when another girl flirts with him, but she tries her best to hide it.
Jessie then noticed Sam begins to have a crush on him too, she didn't want to fight with Sam and lose her friend over a boy, so they both agreed that they would let Danny decide. When Danny gave up his powers, Jessie was disappointed but supported his decision regardless. She caught Sam later rant at Danny about giving up his powers, Jessie hates the way Sam yelled at Danny and feel offended that Sam acted like Danny is the only half ghost that existed besides Vlad. So, when Sam came back inside, Jessie begins to yell at her for what she said to Danny and told her that she still has her ghost powers and was offending at what Sam said earlier, before leaves to go outside to comfort Danny.
In the South Pole, Jessie finds Sam alone with Danny and was surprised to see that Danny walked away from Sam and heading towards her. In the end, Danny fell for Jessie's kind and caring nature and how she was always there for him thick and thin, he didn't care that she has a level 8 autism or that she likes to dress up as a female greaser from the 1950's and 60's. He proved it to her by kissing her that day. Sam was a bit upset that Danny didn’t choose her yet felt happy for both of them.
After Danny and Jessie saved the Earth from the Disasteriod, everything became a paradise for her, Jessie was surprised that Danny started to dress up like a male greaser since Jessie was starting to rub off on him, but she didn't mind. However, in her sophomore year, Jessie learned from a frustrated Sam who snapped at her of how jealous she was over her relationship with Danny after Sam got tired of hearing all the dates she went on with Danny, and how sweet he is with the gifts he got for her and vice versa. Jessie became annoyed at this and questions Sam if she really does love Danny for who he is just like she does, or if she only loves him because of his powers, just like Paulina and the rest of the girls in town and school does.
This triggers Sam into fighting her, which was hauled by one of the teachers and led Sam being suspended since Jessie was avoiding her attacks thanks to her ghost powers. When Tucker saw this and told Danny what happened, he tells Sam that even though he doesn't appreciate her fighting Jessie over his relationship with her, Sam will always have a special place in his heart, and the two girls remain friends, as well as Sam finally moving on from her crush on Danny.
Collage Life:
Jessie and Danny continued to fight ghosts while spending time together on dates, although this became hard for them to go out in public due to their popularity. When they got to senior year, Jessie doesn't know what career she wants when she goes to college, so when she told Danny, Sam and Tucker about this, Danny suggested she should get a career as a singer since she loves to sing.
Jessie was a little hesitant at first but then remembers that she overcame her stage fright after the incident with Ember Mclain and knew she can't become a wrestler since she's not as interested in wrestling anymore as she used to, and fearing she'll accidentally hurt someone if her powers somehow lost control, she thinks that a singing career might be a better choice instead.
Especially seeing how Amity Park doesn't have many ghost attacks as of late and seeing her boyfriend and her friends being supportive, she agrees with the idea. So, after graduation, she told her mother and sisters about what career she actually wants, they accepted her decision. Jessie and her friends and boyfriend all went to the same college together and she chose classes that involves music, singing and dancing.
It was hard for her to hang out with her boyfriend and her friends, but she still manages to make some time to see them while focusing on her studies. To practice more on her singing, she decided to create a music channel and recorded covers of her favorite songs and posted them online and soon gained internet fame. By her second year, she did less covers and began writing and performing her own songs with the help of Danny, Sam and Tucker.
Jessie soon gains the attention of producers of different music companies, and she became nervous as she didn't know what do to, but Danny encouraged her to choose the best one to help her, and so she did and was very excited although wanted to keep her schooling in check and worked on and off with the record company until the following summer, when she released her first single. Her popularity grew even more, her name becoming well known in the city and later around the world. She held off performances until later in her fourth year. She worked on her first album through the year, finally releasing it and having a small tour during spring break.
Of course, she somehow still manages to make time to spend it with her family, her friends and of course, her boyfriend, Danny. She missed spending time with him as he missed her since she was busy with her singing career, and the ghost couple spend their days going on dates or just hanging out in their apartment, cuddling and watching movies or tv shows. There were even talks about them wanting to get married one day, and so, on the day of their college graduation, Danny proposes to her, to which she happily accepts.
Adult Life:
After college, Jessie returned to Amity Park with Danny, Sam and Tucker. Between songwriting and recording, Danny and Jessie planned out their wedding and got married a year later. Soon after, Jessie found out she was pregnant and brought their first-born son into the world, Dallas Jackson Fenton, or Dally for short. Juggling motherhood, fame, and integrating her spare time into the booming business of FentonWorks proved to be tough. She managed to keep her life in balance even if it were by mere threats at some moments. The battles eased up as Danny and his parents worked on ways to add extra security to the portal, even though it worked half the time.
Her fame grew more with time. She was cranking out a new album every year and went on tour during the summer months. Later, she gave birth to their second child, a daughter name Larissa. With managing two kids now, her singing career slowed down as she focused on being a full-time mom for a while. When the kids grew older and became more independent, she began to write and perform again, although not as much as before. With a lot of money stored in the bank at this point, Jessie managed to give herself and her family a comfortable life as she and Danny raised their two kids who both inherited their powers with love and support, but not spoiling them. They watched as their kids follow their footsteps of becoming heroes as Dally Phantom and Lari Shadow.
Jessie is a young Mexican American girl with fair skin, long brown hair and dark brown eyes. She has her hair tied up in a high ponytail with bangs. She also wears a natural smokey eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black mascara, and nude lipstick. She wears a white crop-top with a black leather jacket, a sterling silver decagem pendant long necklace, a timex women's easy reader black and silver leather strap wristwatch on her left wrist, light blue jean ripped pants with a black leather belt and a pair of brown leather cowboy boots embossed with red flames running up the sides and decorated with yellow shooting stars. When she becomes furious, her eyes sometimes flash neon yellow even while in human form.
When she transforms into Jessie Shadow, her hair becomes platinum blonde and braided into a single messy braid, her eyes become glowing neon yellow, her skin becomes tanned, and a faint white glow surrounds her whole body. In this form, her makeup changed, she doesn't have eyeshadow or eyeliner, but still wears black mascara and wears nude pink lipstick. She wears a black shirt and pants set that reveals her midriff with a grey collar, grey belt, and grey elbow high gloves, and grey boots that looks identical as the boots she wears in her human form, except they have no design on them. After "Memory Blank", she wears her logo, a swift gray "J" with an "S" next to it on her chest. Her voice becomes slightly but noticeably resonant as well.
Human Form
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Ghost form
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Jumpsuit: (Ignore the black bands on the gloves and the gloves reaches to her elbows and pretend she's wearing her cowboy boots and they're the same color of the boots in this picture)
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Interesting Facts:
• Jessie got her nickname from her old gang when they decided to give her a nickname.
• It's rare for Jessie to let her hair down in both her human form and ghost form, mostly her human form. The only time she had her hair down was when she's at water parks or when she's wearing dresses, but other than that, she always has her hair up. She does finally let it down when she gets older though.
• Jessie's favorite colors are yellow, black and red. She likes pink, but it's not her favorite color.
• Her favorite flavors are bubblegum and blue raspberry.
• Jessie is considered to be the most popular girl in school for her beauty, and because of this, her beauty rivals Paulina's, making Paulina the second most popular. But Jessie still decides to hang out with Danny, Sam and Tucker instead with the popular kids.
• Because of her natural beauty, all the boys in school flirted with her, and Jessie didn't like it and makes her uncomfortable, knowing they only liked her for her looks. The boy who flirts with her the most is Dash Baxter, and she hates him because he bullies everyone in school, including Danny and Tucker.
• Jessie love singing and dancing since she was a child. It also provides something she can do for fun or when she's bored. She never told anyone about her love for singing and dancing, so she kept them a secret until the events of "Fanning the Flame".
• Jessie grew up watching wrestling as long as she can remember with her father and because of this, she joined the wrestling club in middle school and became an athlete, her first career choice was to become a wrestler, but after she got her ghost powers, she decided to not be a wrestler anymore and changed her career choice to a singer, but she does appear in WWE as a guest.
• During her ghost battles, Jessie does use a little bit of her wrestling moves she learned from her old wrestling club in middle school. Even some wrestling moves from some WWE wrestlers she watched growing up.
• Even though she has a ranch girl lifestyle, Jessie continues to live a greaser girl lifestyle because it's a way to keep her old gang in her heart, despite being miles apart from them.
• Jessie worn cowboy boots for as long as she can remember, she even wears them under a long skirt dress, the only times she doesn't wear cowboy boots and just wear tennis shoes is working out or during P.E class in school. She also wears sandals but only when it's hot, or when she's at a water park, pool or beach.
• Her favorite types of music are classic, rock, pop, hip hop and of course, Mexican.
• Jessie absolutely loves horses due to growing up on a ranch her whole life. While growing up, she learns how to ride horses, with and without a saddle and reins. So even though her mother works at a music store in Amity Park, she and her sisters would visit and help out their uncle and aunt in their ranch outside of Amity Park and when she's done, she can ride horses again like she used to.
• Jessie likes to cook due to her mother teaching her.
• Jessie has a ghost Kiger Mustang and American Paint mix horse named Seraphina, whom she managed to calm down, become friends with, and later on becomes her master.
• Jessie loves plants due to her mother keeping a few plants in their home. She also likes nature walks in the parks or outside of Amity Park, especially when she needs some time alone.
• Jessie is both a meat eater and a vegetarian.
• Jessie can speak Spanish, she used to speak Spanish a lot from a young age, but starting to speak more English as she grows up. She can still speak Spanish sometimes, just not as much as she used to when she was young. She can also mash up Spanglish.
• Jessie is born with Autism. The level of her disability is 8, which allows her to read and write just fine, but due to her inability to speak to people by herself, she still requires special help and education from the schools she attends, including Casper High. The only ones who knew about her disability are her family and her old gang. Danny, Sam and Tucker learn about her disability later on after befriending her and before Danny got his powers, so they speak up and talk for her when they see she was having a hard time talking to people by herself from time to time.
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