forex4life · 3 months
The Power and Potential of Data Feeds
In the digital age, data is a cornerstone of modern enterprise, driving decision-making, innovation, and efficiency across industries. One of the most crucial elements enabling the seamless flow of information is the data feed. Understanding data feeds, their types, applications, and best practices can empower businesses to leverage data more effectively, ensuring they remain competitive and responsive in an ever-evolving landscape.
What is a Data Feed?
A data feed is a structured stream of data that is transferred from one system to another at regular intervals. This continuous stream ensures that data is up-to-date and available for various applications. Data feeds can include a wide range of information, from financial market data and weather updates to social media activity and e-commerce inventory levels.
Types of Data Feeds
Data feeds can be broadly categorized based on their structure and the nature of the data they convey. Here are some common types:
XML Feeds: Extensible Markup Language (XML) feeds are widely used due to their flexibility and readability. They are often used for syndicating content, such as news articles or blog posts.
JSON Feeds: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) feeds are popular in web development because they are lightweight and easy to parse. They are commonly used in APIs to transmit data between a server and web applications.
RSS Feeds: Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are specifically designed for sharing updates from websites. Users can subscribe to RSS feeds to receive notifications about new content.
Atom Feeds: Similar to RSS, Atom is another web feed format that provides updated content from blogs and news websites.
CSV Feeds: Comma-Separated Values (CSV) feeds are simple text files used for transferring data in a tabular form, making them ideal for spreadsheet applications.
Web Scraping Feeds: These feeds collect data from various websites and aggregate it into a structured format, often used when APIs are not available.
Applications of Data Feeds
Data feeds have a multitude of applications across various industries, each leveraging real-time data to enhance their operations:
Finance: In the financial sector, data feeds provide real-time market data, stock prices, and economic indicators. This information is critical for traders, analysts, and financial institutions to make informed decisions.
E-Commerce: Online retailers use data feeds to manage inventory, update product listings, and monitor pricing strategies. This ensures accurate and timely information is available to customers, enhancing their shopping experience.
News and Media: Media organizations rely on data feeds to distribute news articles, weather updates, and sports scores. This allows for the timely dissemination of information to the public.
Travel and Hospitality: Airlines, hotels, and travel agencies use data feeds to provide real-time availability, pricing, and booking information, ensuring efficient operations and customer satisfaction.
Social Media: Platforms like Twitter and Facebook use data feeds to display real-time updates, posts, and interactions, keeping users engaged and informed.
Healthcare: Data feeds in healthcare provide critical patient information, track disease outbreaks, and manage medical supplies, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery.
Best Practices for Implementing Data Feeds
Implementing data feeds effectively requires attention to detail and adherence to best practices. Here are some key considerations:
Data Quality: Ensure the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the data being fed into your systems. High-quality data is essential for making informed decisions.
Security: Protect the data feed from unauthorized access and potential breaches. Implement encryption, secure protocols, and authentication mechanisms to safeguard sensitive information.
Scalability: Design your data feed infrastructure to handle growth in data volume and user demand. Scalability ensures that the system remains efficient and responsive as the business expands.
Real-Time Processing: For applications requiring up-to-the-minute information, ensure that data feeds are processed in real time. This is particularly important in sectors like finance and news.
Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to manage issues such as data corruption, feed interruptions, and network failures. This helps maintain the reliability and continuity of data flow.
Integration: Ensure that data feeds are easily integrated with existing systems and applications. Use standardized formats and protocols to facilitate seamless integration.
Monitoring and Analytics: Continuously monitor data feeds to track performance, identify issues, and gain insights into data usage. Analytics can help optimize the data feed processes and improve overall efficiency.
Future Trends in Data Feeds
As technology evolves, so too do data feeds. Here are some emerging trends that are shaping the future of data feeds:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML are being integrated with data feeds to enhance data analysis, predict trends, and automate decision-making processes. These technologies can also improve data quality by identifying and correcting anomalies.
Internet of Things (IoT): The proliferation of IoT devices is generating vast amounts of real-time data. Data feeds from IoT sensors are being used in industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and smart cities to optimize operations and improve efficiency.
Edge Computing: By processing data closer to its source, edge computing reduces latency and bandwidth usage. This is particularly useful for applications requiring real-time data processing, such as autonomous vehicles and industrial automation.
Blockchain: Blockchain technology is being explored to enhance the security and transparency of data feeds. It can provide immutable records of data transactions, ensuring the integrity of the data.
Data Marketplaces: Online platforms where data providers and consumers can trade data feeds are becoming more prevalent. These marketplaces facilitate access to a wide range of data sources, promoting data democratization.
Data feeds are a vital component of the modern data ecosystem, enabling the flow of information across various domains and applications. By understanding their types, applications, and best practices, businesses can harness the power of data feeds to drive innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage. As technology continues to advance, data feeds will undoubtedly play an even more critical role in shaping the future of data-driven enterprises.
website: https://rectoq.com/ 
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samyakonlinedelhi · 5 months
Maximizing Your Online Sales: Mastering Data Feed Management with Samyak Online
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In today's fast-paced digital marketplace, the success of your e-commerce business hinges on how effectively you manage your online product listings. This is where Samyak Online, a leader in BigCommerce development, steps in. With our data feed experts at the helm, we offer unparalleled data feed management services designed to optimize your product feed, enhance comparison shopping experiences, and elevate your product listings across various platforms. Discover why partnering with Samyak Online's product listings experts can transform your online business.
Why Prioritize Expert Data Feed Management?
Effective data feed management is essential for ensuring your products are prominently displayed, accurately described, and appealing to potential customers. Samyak Online's data feed experts excel in:
Increasing Visibility: Our team optimizes your product feeds for search engines and comparison shopping engines, significantly broadening your audience reach.
Maintaining Accuracy: With meticulous management, Samyak Online's product listings experts ensure your product information is always current, reflecting the correct prices, descriptions, and availability.
Boosting Efficiency: Our managing products experts streamline the process, automating the management of your listings to save you time and resources, allowing you to concentrate on strategic business growth.
Your Success Partner: Samyak Online
Choosing Samyak Online means selecting a partner dedicated to your e-commerce triumph. Our managing products experts leverage their deep understanding of BigCommerce development and product feed optimization to propel your business beyond the competition. Here's what sets us apart:
Tailored Data Feed Strategies: Samyak Online's data feed experts develop customized solutions that align with your unique business objectives, ensuring your product listings are perfectly positioned for maximum impact.
Comprehensive Platform Integration: We guarantee a flawless integration of your product feed across diverse platforms, thanks to our product listings experts. This ensures your products reach a wider, more engaged audience.
Optimized Product Visibility: Through strategic optimization and keyword enhancement, our team improves the visibility of your listings, driving increased traffic and conversions.
Dedicated Support: Our commitment extends beyond implementation. Samyak Online offers continuous support and maintenance, courtesy of our managing products experts, ensuring your data feeds stay current and effective.
Embracing Cutting-Edge Technology for Your Benefit
At Samyak Online, we harness the latest technologies to manage your product feeds efficiently. Our advanced tools and software, mastered by our data feed experts, guarantee that your listings are always optimized for peak performance on every platform. From enhancing comparison shopping experiences to strategic product placement, we ensure your business stands out.
Navigating the complexities of e-commerce requires a strategic approach to product listing management. Samyak Online's team of data feed, product listings, and managing products experts provide the expertise, technology, and personalized attention needed to optimize your product feed, improve your listings, and drive your business towards its goals. With our support, you can strengthen your online presence, attract more customers, and increase your sales. Choose Samyak Online as your partner in achieving e-commerce excellence, and let our experts guide you to success.
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enactsoft · 8 months
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datasportsgroup · 1 year
Looking for reliable and easy-to-use data for your your soccer applications. Contact DSG our APIs are very popular globally, with a combination of both live sports score API and historical soccer data
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Feet First into the Sun
Content Warning: BattleTech typical violence. Trauma. Generally Heavy.
The shadows of the mechbay contained devils, Katrina decided. Drifting above her Iron Cheetah, she picked through the sensor datafeed hoping to find something, anything to fix. Nothing could be found, as she had repeated this routine for hours each day before turning in for dark hours. With a gentle sigh, she yanked the data cable out and let herself drift closer to the cockpit entrance.
Bracing against the frame of the entrance, she ran her hand over the lovingly painted scrollwork surrounding the warmachine’s entrance. Names of those lost in battle, of support personnel who had died unfortunate deaths, and of those who she would never see again. Much of the machine was similar - murals hand painted across its armor in ceramic armor glazing, currently obscured with arid snowfall pattern urban camo.
The hiss of the mechbay's door sliding open didn't disturb her. She generally knew who it was. After a few moments, a weight gently collided with her and a hand pressed against the armor plating next to hers. An arm snaked around her waist.
“Hey," breathed out Violet, her Star’s abtakha. The woman rested her head against Katrina's arm, looking over the scrollwork as well.
“You’re doing it again, aisling. You should come spend time with the rest of us before the drop. It would be good for you and us, yeah?”
The statement was punctuated with a gentle tug on Katrina's waist. She rested her hand over Violet's, squeezing slightly.
“I will be there soon, my pulsar. Okay? Just let me reminisce for a little longer.”
She heard a vague noise as a response. A kiss was pressed to her cheek before the other woman pushed away, drifting back out to the corridors of the dropship. A gentle sigh escaped her as she drifted her fingers over the names once more before pushing herself away, towards her voidbound family.
It was Duram who caught Katrina in a hug as she drifted into the command Star’s common area, their arms sturdily holding the Elemental born. A soft “thank you" came from the Star Colonel as she separated and drifted over to Brune and Gregory, her arms wrapping around the two of them at the same time.
Then finally she separated and drifted over to Violet, colliding full on with the woman and pressing their lips together for but a moment. Gone as quickly as it started, Katrina slid herself into one of the booths of the common area to regard the four warriors standing in front of her with a somber gaze.
“So,” she started, taking a pause to collect herself. She felt raw. Every drop felt like this. "It is that time again. Do we have any regrets?”
There was a quiet chorus of ‘no’s in response to her question. A momentary pause.
"One not quite a regret.” Violet stated softly, managing to look bashful as she floated in her combat harness and cooling gear. “I haven't asked you for your lifebond yet. Once this drop is over, would you…?”
A gentle expression crinkled the skin around Katrina's eyes as she nodded.
"When we survive this drop. Not if, when."
With their rituals done, it was time for final preparations. General quarters alarms had gone off in the dropship, prompting them to their mechs quietly resting in their drop cocoons.
Settling into the seat of the Iron Cheetah, Katrina's Nighthawk XXII armor gently hummed. She pulled the modified PA(L) Neurohelmet on, linking it to the ‘Mech and beginning the readout configuration.
Neural link online.
Communications online.
Star BattleComs online.
Cluster CommNet online.
All that was left was to wait for the signal to power up.
There! A buzz over the communication network.
Reaching out and working on muscle memory, the Star Colonel began to punch in the startup sequence. The OmniMech stirred to life beneath her and then she was one with it - her muscles were its myomer, and its servos were her joints.
Reactor online. Sensors online. Weapons online. All Systems Nominal.
She queued into the Star’s BattleComs, satisfied to see all four other signals linked. The secondary relay was set to project to her whole cluster. It was time for the call and response.
“DAMN RIGHT! All units prepare for drop! First wave, ready your magnetic catapults and drop cocoons! This is gonna be one hell of an op - we will be dropping feet first into hell, ladies and gentlemen, and today hell is full! Let us fix that for those bastard Blakists and send them straight to the purgatory they deserve!”
The jerk of her mechs’ drop cocoon locking into the catapult snapped Katrina into focus. She started to punch in battle orders into her command console, forwarding them to the relevant Star Captains. Finishing as quickly as she started, Katrina deactivated her link into Cluster CommNet.
“Violet, would you do the honors? You know my taste in music is the least popular.”
A perky “aff!” across the Star’s BattleComms jerked a smile onto Katrina’s face. She muted herself as she hummed a gentle tune, finishing performing a manual synchronization of the reactor’s power output. The reactor in her mech output roughly 300 megawatts of power and the automatic balancing typically ran it at 3,000v output and somewhere a bit over 1,000 amps. She preferred to resynchronize the power balancer to run at 1,500v and operate in the realm of 2,000 amps. All of her components were tuned to operate at that voltage and it allowed most of her weapons at least a quarter second improved cycle time, if not a half second. Plasma rifles required a high energy ignition, after all.
The Iron Cheetah hummed as the catapult charged. And then, jerked - the drop cocoon hurtling through the black towards Helios.
The temperature gauges had been climbing on the panel readouts for the past three minutes. Altitude read 3,000 meters before cocoon split and 5,000 before counter-thrust. Katrina grimaced as she checked her readouts. Scanners looking hotter than desired. No time for adjustments. The altitude gauge was dropping faster than they had time to compensate for.
Split altitude hit and the cocoon splintered around the Iron Cheetah as the explosive bolts detonated and threw the fragments away from the OmniMech. A violent shaking rattled Katrina in the machine as she fired the jumpjets, slowing the 100 ton machine to land. She felt the strain in her knees as servos heaved to compensate for the impact.
No time to recover. Lasers and autocannon fire were already heating the air around the Star. Throwing her weight into the controls, the Iron Cheetah groaned into a right anchor turn as the torso slewed hard to the left. The first step was unsteady and skidded slightly across the dirt and grass beneath but a pulse of the jumpjets corrected the momentum. In seconds the ‘Mech was pounding across the terrain at 64km/h, heading towards a ridge.
Two targets blinked in her HUD. One far to her right, to the right of her approach vector and nearly in her rear arc. The other was off her left, in a treeline. Her arms spun and she gritted her teeth against the sensation of the screaming servos. The arming indicators for the plasma rifles mounted in her arms blinked green, winking to red the instant the reticles whipped over each target. Two molten slugs slammed into the Word of Blake light mechs, punching through the frontal armor and hitting the internals right as her targeting systems resolved them as a Flea and a Commando.
A target lock warning blared to life in her skull. She felt the laser AMS in her shoulders hum to life and twitch to aim into the incoming arc of the missiles. The pulsing of lasers could be heard over the environment mic as the twin AMS ate an entire volley of SRMs. Pleasant warmth bloomed over her shoulders from firing heat bleeding through the armor.
The fight was on and it was time to begin their hellacious work.
Everything was becoming worse and worse. The closer the command Star fought to Ford Bayeux the thicker the dug-in formations got and the more concentrated their fire. Point 2 of her heavy battle star had already suffered internal damage resulting in a loss of performance and her own star wasn’t faring much better. Point 3 had taken an engine hit to his Dire Wolf while Point 4 had lost a laser on their Timber Wolf. And Point 5’s Hammerhead was getting sandpaper’d into oblivion. She hoped that Gregory hadn’t taken any hits in the peppering his mech had sustained.
Her plasma rifles were at half ammo and the fighting had only gotten worse. At this rate she would have to resort to the medium pulse lasers at brawling range, utilizing the barrels on the main weapons as something to bludgeon other mechs with. Katrina would worry about it when she got to that point.
A heat warning screamed as she unleashed another molten slug from a plasma rifle towards a Crab trying to hide in an ambush position. A lucky shot, it blew through the front of the cockpit and went internal, a gout of flame rushing out from the front.
Six different lock warnings came to life at the same time. With a jolt, Katrina double checked to make sure her ECM was still engaged - fully engaged and no issues. It had been protecting her Star most of this time. But now it was being cut through and by six locks - which could only mean one thing.
The Celestials had arrived.
Punching her shutdown override, Katrina began to maneuver the Iron Cheetah into formation. She fired several pings across the Star’s BattleComms, receiving several affirmative pings in response. The jumpjets on her ‘mech screamed to life as she leaped over a section of trees, landing heavily and whirling to fire a plasma rifle slug point blank into the back of a Malak that had been trying to sneak up on her Star.
The slug penetrated deep, but the machine was still moving. A second slug dumped directly into the space that held the reactor caused the horrible mech to stutter to a stop, toppling onto its front.
Eight shots per plasma rifle remaining.
A shout over the comms was cut short as the Dire Wolf’s reactor was punched through. The assault mech collapsed mid-stride, smoke raising from the through and through slug.
“Fuck! Brune!” Katrina hissed out as she slewed the Iron Cheetah’s torso to bring her heavier frontal armor around to face the direction the gauss rifle slug had been fired from. None too soon as the scream of tortured armor and agony of pierced myomer lit up from her right arm, a slug penetrating through and nearly separating the arm from the actuators. She would be lucky if she could accurately fire with it more.
“Violet! Get that fucking Deva!” She barked out, not listening for the acknowledgement. Her only immediate goal was moving forwards, into cover. PPC and laser fire either near-missed or only scored the armor of her mech as she made it safely into the treeline.
The Timber Wolf following her was not so lucky as one of its legs was taken out from under it. It slammed into the dirt, skidding along for a few meters. It did not move again. Duram was likely unconscious.
In her rear arc view, Katrina watched as a Phoenix Hawk IIC 7 practically tackled a Deva off of a ridgeline. It punched the other mech in the cockpit, sending splinters of armorglass flying everywhere as its LB 10-X autocannons roared, slowly shredding armor off of the heavy mech.
The Deva engaged its retractable blade, parrying a punch and managing to stab directly into the feed mechanism of the LB 10-X mounted in the right torso. The stab would not save the heavy as another punch rocked into its cockpit, crushing the armor in and reducing anything inside to a fine slime.
Katrina weighed her options. They were down two mechs. The enemy were down two. The Hammerhead wouldn’t be up for much longer if things kept up this way, but asides from her arm and ammunition problems, her mech was relatively fresh and so was Violet’s. But that didn’t mean they were in a good place. Far from it, actually. If this was a true mixed Level II, that meant they had nearly another 300 tons of OmniMech to chew through before they could move on. They were 65 tons short of those 290 tons, and that was before accounting for their damage and limited ammunition.
A missile warning blared before a volley of MRMs crashed into her right flank. The AMS hadn’t had time to react and Katrina’s Iron Cheetah rocked under the fire. Wrestling with the controls, she stomped on a control pedal and started the assault mech into an anchor turn, her targeting systems searching for what she knew in her heart was a Grigori. The plasma rifle in her right arm crackled with power as she readied to fire, though she knew with the damage there was a strong chance it may miss.
The targeting beeped. She dragged the reticle over the 60 ton mech, priming the firing stud… and watching as the molten slug half splashed off of the mech’s right torso. Fire erupted from the Grigori’s MRM rack and the missiles pounded into her Iron Cheetah, several knocking away chunks of armorglass from the canopy. Warning lights lit up before a shot cracked the glass, heat and soot spilling into the cockpit.
“Fuck!” The Star Colonel bit out, one hand punching the SOS beacon while the other punched the ARM for the ejection seat. A heavy THUMP indicated the SOS beacon had fired and without hesitation she grabbed the activation lever, cranking it up as hard as possible.
Explosive bolts detonated above her and threw layers of armor plating away. More missiles cracked into the cockpit, slamming and rattling Katrina in her seat. Heat bloomed beneath the seat before it rocketed up and away, hurling her into the atmosphere.
Reality was bleary as Katrina struggled to stay conscious after getting rocked by missiles. The emergency drag chute on the ejection seat deployed, slowing the fall of the armored woman. She slammed into the deck, blearily blinking up at the sky through the visor of her neurohelmet.
Her radio crackled.
“Katrina! Respond!”
That was Violet, wasn’t it? She should say something. She needed to say something.
With a loud groan, she clicked off the restraint harness and rolled out of the ejection seat. Heaving herself to her feet, she performed a quick assessment of her status. Armor good. Servos good. Neurohelmet good. Meat concussed, but good. Ready to go.
Reaching out, she grabbed an Avenger shotgun out of the ejection seat’s weapon rack. The BattleROM unit was next, the chip slotting into a dedicated storage slot on her armor. Then the SERE kit - a low-mounted hardcase that she clipped onto her armor. Turning towards where the combat was still roaring, she racked a shell into the chamber of the shotgun.
“This is Katrina. Landed safely. Moving in to engage.”
Her Nighthawk’s jumpjets screamed as they propelled her into the air, back towards the fight. At the height of her jump she saw Gregory’s Hammerhead locked in a brawl with a Preta and winning handily. Violet’s Phoenix Hawk IIC had just given the Grigori a Highlander Burial, crushing its center torso on landing.
Then the terrain obscured the fight again as the Star Colonel landed, breaking out into a sprint over the ground. Her armor beeped once as the stealth armor systems engaged, then beeped again once the jumpjets were ready. They fired and she flew once again, looking over the battlefield.
Gregory had won his brawl with a punch to the center torso, ripping out just enough of the internal components to disable the Preta. The mech slewed its torso to one side rapidly, taking weapons fire across its shoulder plating instead of its damaged torso armor. The hardened armor glowed hot as the Hammerhead swiveled to return fire.
The next landing was rough. Katrina’s armored boots slipped on gravel, nearly sending her onto her face. Recovering with a hiss, a swear, and a grumble she began to sprint once more. The jumpjets were getting hot, but nowhere near the warning levels that would begin to worry her. She fired them once more.
And the world stopped. Time slowed as Katrina watched a bolt of lightning arc out from an Archangel's Heavy PPC, the contained energized particles screaming through the air. They traced their way across the battlefield and slammed into the cockpit of the Phoenix Hawk IIC 7.
The Phoenix Hawk IIC 7 fell like a puppet with its strings cut, slag pouring down its frontal armor.
A storm brewed in Katrina’s chest. Her heart hurt. Her flight nearly destabilized, but she managed to land without hurting herself.
“Violet?! Violet respond! Say something!” She gasped and begged over the BattleComms. Silence answered her.
She needed to get to Violet. To the Phoenix Hawk. Violet had uparmored her cockpit, so surely she must still be alive. She had to be. They had made a promise.
But a Heavy PPC was more than that armor could take.
A rumble of the ground underneath her dragged her back into the moment with alarming alacrity. She had to be careful outside a mech like this. That meant taking one before anything else. Ensuring her stealth systems were engaged, she began to stalk through the undergrowth, towards the rumbling. A shadow loomed out of the trees. Initially, Katrina thought it was a Summoner. But it soon became clear it was something else - a Ragnarok. It hadn’t noticed her yet and the movements were slightly lagged, as if the pilot were used to a lighter class of mech. Their movements were fluid, true, but they still were not quite on the same page yet.
None of that skill would matter in a moment.
Firing her jumpjets, Katrina angled towards the side of the cockpit. The mech began to turn - likely noticing the heat signature on radar - and a burst of her left side thrusters changed her trajectory slightly. She crashed against the armor, her armored gauntlets scraping and piercing into the armor plating as she got hold. Looking about swiftly, she saw the primary access panel. Her shoulder mounted grenade launcher clicked into battery as she rotated towards it. A saboted penetrator round blew the armor panel right off the access controls and she immediately took advantage, rapidly routing the cockpit release options.
The Ragnarok’s pilot was panicking now. The ‘mech thrashed back and forth as it tried to shake her off, but her armored gauntlet was lodged too deeply into the ‘mechs plating for her to be dislodged. Finally she routed the release for the cockpit access and she scrabbled across the armor, readying her shotgun.
Dropping into the cramped hatch, she kicked out and smashed the pilot’s arm against the wall of the cockpit. A gun clattered to the floor. Keeping the arm between her boot and the wall she hipfired the shotgun twice point blank, blood spattering across the controls. Grabbing the body and tossing it out of the hatch unceremoniously, she dropped her shotgun into the ejection seat’s gun rack, settling into the cramped cockpit.
Wiping blood away from the readouts, she grabbed the synchronization cable and plugged it into her neurohelmet. Static whined in the back of her skull. And then it disappeared as her helmet’s synchro chip kicked in.
The Ragnarok breathed beneath her. She took a moment to simply… feel the mech. Its power, its armor, the myomer.
It was an incredible machine.
Just enough to kill that Archangel. That was all she needed to do. The emergency beacon had already been fired, meaning the Black Watch should be on their way. But she needed to kill that Archangel before it killed Gregory.
Kicking the machine into gear, its heavy lumbering steps shook the ground. Katrina felt the reactor surge under her as she commanded the machine into a sprint. It was foreign. The balance was off.
But the weight was right. It was responsive enough. She could do this.
The weapons ignited as the Archangel came into visual. The C3i system didn’t distinguish friend from foe - that was supposed to be done by the pilot, who would hopefully have more discretion than to lock a friendly.
And she was going to take advantage of that. The twin light gauss rifles shook the BattleMech. Two slugs slammed into the legs of the Archangel, heavily staggering the assault mech. Heat bloomed underneath Katrina as she let loose with the LRMs, watching as the missiles impacted and threw the balance off even more.
The distance was closed. Twisting the torso of the Ragnarok, she fired the weapon that the TRO had spoken horrors about. The lava gun erupted in hellfire, blowing away the missile-damaged right arm completely. One arm reached out and she grabbed onto the forearm of the Archangel’s left arm, then slewed the torso as hard to the right as she possibly could. A horrible screeching of metal erupted as the arm separated from the OmniMech, cabling sparking as it pulled free.
She spun the hand around and then slammed hard left, anchor turning the Ragnarok and driving the Archangel’s left arm blade deep into the Omni’s left torso. The ‘mech toppled into the dirt, pathetically wiggling around in what was quickly becoming a combat mire.
Katrina knew what she had to do. Jumping out of the pilot seat and powering down the Ragnarok, she grabbed her shotgun. She climbed out onto the top of the chassis, staring dispassionately down towards the Archangel laying in the mud.
Firing her jumpjets, she landed next to the cockpit access for the Archangel. She knew the access codes by heart. Fighting the Word of Blake had been her life. But that wouldn’t be necessary here.
The shoulder mounted grenade launcher on her Nighthawk loaded a new penetrator shell and locked into battery. Slinging the shotgun, she dug the PA(L)’s armored gauntlets into the frame around the cockpit armorglass, firing the penetrator slug directly into the sheet of semi-transparent material. Spiderweb cracks radiated out as the panel barely held, finally yielding when she drove her armored fist through.
She ripped and tore plating away until she could access the cockpit. The pilot - Manei Domini - had grabbed an infantry weapon and aimed to fire. The grenade launcher barked another shot and the kinetic penetrator blew the gun and the arm holding it across the right side of the cockpit.
Katrina reached in, grabbing the pilot and dragging him out. The cybernetically enhanced pilot struggled in her grip and tried to fight back, but an Elemental’s strength enhanced by power armor was a frightening thing. She slammed him down against the frontal armor of the Archangel, a snarl erupting on her face under her helmet.
“You-” SLAM “-fucking-” SLAM “-took-” SLAM “-her-” SLAM “-from-” WHAM! “-me!”
Blood coated her gauntlets. There were drips on her visor plate. It ran down the front armor of the Archangel’s smoking corpse.
She was hollow.
This wasn’t her body.
Where was the Cheetah?
Why was the meat not in the Cheetah?
Two gunshots rang out as she finished the cyborg with two shells from her shotgun.
There was no glory in this. As always, this field held nothing but pain and grim resolve.
Fighting the Word of Blake always did.
She would return to the Ragnarok for now. It would permit her to fight on, to potentially keep Gregory in the fight. They would take the fort. And then maybe they could rest. Maybe Brune and Duram weren’t dead.
Katrina looked up to the sky and wondered if the streaks of fire were Black Watch or shrapnel falling to earth.
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mastermegatron · 1 year
Reads back on the datafeeds and sees Jack is becoming a chameleon and everyone else seems to be worn out.
Must be something in the energon.
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Somebot left a memory drive in Springer’s personal items that definitely doesn’t belong to him— it’s got a fancy gilded stamp on it, though what it actually means is anyone’s guess.
If he takes the time to actually go and plug it in to a datapad, he’ll find two things immediately: a video capture with sensory data appended to it, and a file full of pictures of that one little orange mech with the big glasses getting absolutely railed by some kind of heavy duty hover transport. It doesn’t take a whole lot of work to put two and two together. The flick is probably the video version of the encounter.
Rung certainly looks like he’s enjoying himself, or at least has had too many overloads to care about the particulars.
@sparkchamberSpringer has seen the mech. Only a few times in passing. Once after being invited in to get a snack. Another when the mech had come out to bring sweet coolant to the Constructicons and the other builder mechs. Springer remembers he was sweet and soft spoken. The noises the mech in the datafeed rolls over him like fire. They're clearly the same. But its hard to match the two... Plus he's taken isn't he? He has seen glimpses of Megatron, Ratchet, Jazz, and a small brilliant colored mech with audial fins. Springer should not watch. He leans back in the little berth in the little bunk room in the 'temple' he'd been given. Spike pressurizing into his palm as he restarts the paused video. Panting quietly as he strokes his spike to the pace of the mech railing the cute little orange mech in the vid. The traces of datafeed only make it all the more electric.
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timestechnow · 5 months
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b2bcybersecurity · 10 months
Industrial CyberSecurity mit XDR-Funktionen
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Kaspersky hat seine Lösung Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity um automatisierte, zentralisierte Compliance-Audit-Funktionen erweitert. Darüber hinaus verfügt die Plattform nun über erweiterte Funktionen für Extended Detection and Response (XDR) und Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) sowie eine neue Nutzeroberfläche für eine einfachere Verwaltung. Laut Kaspersky ICS CERT wurden in der ersten Hälfte 2023 auf 16 Prozent der Rechner mit einem Industrial Control System (ICS) in Deutschland schädliche Objekte blockiert. Um der Zunahme und Komplexität von Cyberbedrohungen, die sich gegen industrielle Computer richten, entsprechende Sicherheitsmaßnahmen entgegenzusetzen, bietet Kaspersky Industrial Security ab sofort weitere Funktionen. Bei Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity handelt es sich um eine native XDR-Plattform für Industrieunternehmen, die OT- (Operational Technology) und kritische Infrastrukturanlagen und Netzwerke vor Cyberbedrohungen schützt. Bestehend aus Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes, das Endpunkte verteilter Steuerungssysteme schützt, und Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks, das die Netzwerksicherheit von Automatisierungssystemen überwacht, schützt die Lösung industrielle Automatisierungs- und Steuerungssysteme umfassend vor Cybergefahren. Tiefere Integration und erweiterte XDR-Funktionen Die neue Version von Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity ermöglicht die Nutzung von Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes als Endpunktsensor für Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks. Auf diese Weise können Netzwerkwarnungen – basierend auf Daten über den Host und dessen Netzwerkkommunikation, seinen Prozessen und angemeldeten Nutzern – mit äußerster Präzision generiert werden. IT/OT-Sicherheitsteams, SOC-Analysten und SCADA-Ingenieure erhalten dadurch einen besseren Überblick über verdächtige Aktionen und sind in der Lage, schneller geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen zu ergreifen. Durch erweiterte XDR-Funktionen können Kunden nun die Installationsdatenbank von Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity von einer einzigen Konsole aus verwalten und die OT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auf viele große, unterschiedliche und geografisch verteilte Standorte skalieren. Unternehmen haben zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, weitere Lösungen – darunter auch Threat-Intelligence-Portale – von Kaspersky oder Drittanbietern zu integrieren, alle Telemetriedaten zu sammeln und zentralisiert auf Bedrohungen zu reagieren. Automatisierte Sicherheits-Audits Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity bietet jetzt auch ein automatisiertes, zentralisiertes Sicherheits-Audit für Windows, Linux Nodes und Netzwerkgeräte. Mit dieser neuen Funktion können Kunden OT-Hosts oder eine Host-Gruppe automatisch auf Software-Schwachstellen, Fehlkonfigurationen und die Einhaltung lokaler oder internationaler Vorschriften und Unternehmensrichtlinien hin überprüfen. Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity nutzt dafür die Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) und das Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF). Angereichert um die Datenbank des Kaspersky ICS CERT bietet Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity automatisierte Compliance, die eine Analyse von SCADA-Schwachstellen ermöglicht. Mit Hilfe für die Industrie ausgelegter Datafeeds von Kaspersky erhalten Kunden regelmäßig und unter konfigurierten Parametern die neuesten Informationen über potenzielle und bereits bestehende Cyberrisiken, wobei alle Berichte in der Asset Base von Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks gespeichert werden. Vorfalluntersuchung durch intelligente Netzwerkverkehrsanalyse Systeme zur Untersuchung des Netzwerkverkehrs (Network Traffic Analysis, NTA) analysieren den Datenverkehr sowohl am Netzwerkperimeter als auch innerhalb der Infrastruktur. Dazu nutzen sie eine Kombination verschiedener Technologien und setzen zur Erkennung von Angriffen Methoden wie Verhaltensanalyse, die Aufstellung von Erkennungsregeln und Indicators of Compromise (IoC) oder Protokollüberprüfungen ein. Mit dem Update bietet Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity nun ein optimiertes industrielles NTA-System und durch die Verwendung eines statischen Analysators eine verbesserte Erkennung von Angriffen wie Brute oder Spoofing sowie Anomalien. Die Kaspersky-Plattform zeigt Netzwerksitzungen an und liefert dem Anwender Informationen über Sitzungsstatus, Ziele, Protokolle und Traffic-Daten, speichert das Traffic-Archiv und ermöglicht erweiterte Einstellungen zur Dokumentation aller Informationen. Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity lädt Netzwerkverkehr-Dumps (PCAP-Dateien) zur Untersuchung von Vorfällen hoch und liefert Verkehrsdaten nach Knoten, Protokoll, Zeitbereich und Sitzung. „Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unseres OT-Cybersecurity-Ökosystems“, betont Andrey Strelkov, Head of Industrial Cybersecurity Product Line bei Kaspersky. „Mit dieser neuen Version ermöglichen wir unseren Kunden die Etablierung eines zuverlässigeren, konvergenteren Schutzes ihrer IT- und OT-Anlagen. Durch die nahtlose Integration aller Komponenten innerhalb des Ökosystems sind wir in der Lage, auf Basis einzigartiger produktübergreifender Szenarien immer wieder neue Lösungen und Funktionen zu entwickeln, die für Industrieunternehmen von Bedeutung sind. Neben dem erweiterten Erkennungs- und Reaktionskonzept bieten wir unseren Kunden auch fortschrittliche und flexible Funktionen zur Verwaltung von Cybersicherheitssystemen.“     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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