jjongchan98 · 8 years
Haechan checks his reflection on the mirror. Suit. Check. White shirt. Check. Black hair. Check. There, he smiles. He wears everything that you like. He even asked the sylist to dyed his hair black. The hair colour that you thought suits him the most. Checking his watch, he has another 30 minutes before the date. Satisfied with his looks, he begin walking out of the dorm, to meet you. On his way meeting you, he bought a bouquet of red carnation . Smells nice, like your perfume. Just the thought of you make his heart flutters, and he smiles brightly. The weather today is just nice. Just the way it was during your first date. The fall breeze blows slowly and calmly that it somehow reminds him to how happy you were when he told you he loves you with all his heart. Your eyes shone brightly that he thought he was seeing shining diamonds in your eyes. 10 minutes until the time, his fasten his pace to make sure he’s not late for this important date. He remembers how sulky you looked back then, when he was an hour late, due to his packed schedule. He remembers hugging you tightly, whispering his regrets and apology to you. And how you cried a little while telling him you were not mad but you were just missing him so much that it hurt you thinking he forgot about the date. He don’t want you to cry anymore. Not after the countless cry you hide from him when he is not around. Not after what he did to you. He sighs. And now he is here. In front of you. Or to be more precise, in front of your grave. ………… You had been suffering with a strong fever. Living in an orphanage, you didn’t want to tell anyone that you were sick. You knew that the owner was having a bad time paying for everyone’s meals and school fees. So you just decided not to tell anyone. Even your dorm mates can’t tell how serious your fever was since you did well acting to hide your sickness. You just felt the urge of meeting Haechan. You missed his voice, and you are sure you would feel better just by meeting him. With high hopes, you dialed his number. But you were wrong. He did not even consider to meet you. Too busy, he said. He told you to eat good food and medicine and to make sure that you got enough fresh air. He told you that it was not that necessary for him to be there. That you were creating excuses to meet him. That you were being childish. Little did he knows that was your last phonecall. Little did he knows, that would be the last time he could hear your voice. Little did he knows, that it was his last chance to meet you, his love. And little did he knows, that the day after, he will receive a phone call, that will bring him a news that literally told him, that he was too late. ………………….. Haechan wipes away his tears. ‘This is not your fault’ , that you wrote in your letter for him, flashed into his mind. But he still could not forgive himself even it is already 7 years since you were gone. Not after he turned you down when you really need him. “y/n, it’s me. Is heaven really a good place to stay in? I hope you are enjoying your afterlife, dear.” He paused, taking a deep breath and continues. “I’m so sorry for not coming, for not being there for you.” Haechan is now sobbing, his guilt is taking over him. He spends about his next whole day talking to your gravestone, as if you are there, listening to him. When it is the time for him to go, he stroke your gravestone, already feeling hard to leave. “I will try my best, to be the best singer as you wished. I will never give up, no matter what. And I am going to be strong, because I want to be like you were. Even when I am alone. Rest well, y/n , I hope we will meet again, and this time, we will be together.” He slowly backs away from your grave, turns back and leave. And he will come again for sure.
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