Sarah, everyone became their favorite Pokemon, and yet you apparently had never seen a Togepi before. Why do you think you became one?
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*Hmm…..Well you do bring up a good point…I honestly have no idea what in the world choose me to become a togepi…maybe because togepi are relatively shy…like me…or because i do have a favor of fairy types back at home…but togepi and its evolution from what ive learned in the time ive spent BEING one…are quite fast and very good in the acrobatics department..like me. What i don’t understand is why i was chosen to not only start off as the SMALLEST Pokemon in the group, but also the ONLY baby Pokemon in the group. I’m also the ONLY POKEMON that required TWO evolutionary items to even get out of the tiny egg state I started in. Rant aside…maybe it picked me to be this because, its literally me breaking out of my shell, my comfort zone of being in my apartment all day…and just working on toys and repairs…occasionally heavy lifting or dancing…Maybe this was the worlds way of telling me something better is out there for me…and since ive become a togepi now togekiss, ive not only broken out of multiple of my comfort zones, but ive shown others that there is more to me then just a shy quiet toy-maker who refuses to talk to humans… that there is a beautiful person waiting to blossom out of my inner shell…some rare, and majestic…..i can’t give a certain answer but perhaps this was why?- Sarah
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