#dave doc rogers; doc rogers writes; God; Jesus; Holy Spirit; Christ; christian; Bible; christian
davedocrogers · 10 months
God will see to it...
“The Lord will see to it…”…What are you going through?What difficulty are you facing?What has God asked you to do that seems impossible?…Look to the example of Abraham of the Bible. God asked the impossible but Abraham looked to God for the answer and said “God will see to it.”…Abraham trusted God.God provided.Isaac fulfilled God’s promise.…Trust God to fully fill to the full that thing which He…
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davedocrogers · 11 months
Reminder: the Lord our God is One
Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!“Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is one!”#Deuteronomy6v4 #John17v21(Jesus saying) “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” #OneGod #inJesusName
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Alone but not Alone
Manna in the Word:Alone but not Alone… John 16:32 John 16:32 KJV[Jesus saying] “Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.”…Isn’t it interesting, knowing that he would be left by everyone that he loved and served for years, Jesus knew he was not alone in his walk.…
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Prayer - an open book test
If you allow yourself to hear the #GodoftheBible, #prayer becomes an open book test.
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Thoughts on being Joseph
Joseph didn’t have a say regarding his life. He did what Jacob said do.He did what Potifar said do.He did what the prison warden said do.He did what pharaoh said do. Except with pharaoh.Joseph did what he advised pharaoh should do for Egypt.…Sometimes as servants of God we do not have a say in what we do. We just do. Do that long enough and God just may promote you to bless the nations.
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Repentance from Dead Works
Foundational Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7.14Romans 6.5-11, 23Galatians 5.19-21, 5.22-25, 6.7-8James 2.14 What are “dead works”?•Things we do that do not lead to life…life with our Father, the God of Creation 1. Turn from wicked ways2 Chronicles 7.14 ESVIf my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven…
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davedocrogers · 1 year
You are chosen
Yep…that’s you.The God of the Bible chose you, even before the foundation of the world. Now, just choose Him. Come to Him, He will come to you, and meet you at the Cross of Jesus Christ with new life and a life with Him, both abba Father and the Creator of Universe. How cool is that? This is His grace toward…
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Found by God
Today’s Manna in the Word:Found by God God is amazing. I am amazed by the God of the Bible’s love for me, for us. Like a good parent He waits for us to find Him. He is there waiting. Blessed are those who were raised in Church. You heard about God and the good news of Jesus Christ many times. Blessed, too, are you who found the God of the Bible along the way of life. [God saying] “I was…
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Faith comes by hearing Faith
Today’s Manna in the Word:Faith comes by hearing Faith Paul wrote in Romans, faith comes by hearing. It is important that we study the Word of God for ourselves. It is also important to “hear” the Word of God, to hear words of faith. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ It is important to hear God’s Word spoken. Find solid Bible…
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davedocrogers · 1 year
The Magnitude or Weight of Vision
When confronted with the magnitude of vision, Solomon’s prayer in 2 Chronicles 1.10 begins to make more sense. #Solomonswisdom#Solomonsprayer#mission #vision#magnitude #wisdom
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Be the People God has chosen
Today’s Manna in the Word:Be the people God has chosen Because of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and others, the God of Creation, the God of the Bible chose Israel to be His people to show Himself faithful and to make His covenant. But God so loved the world, all of the People in it, that He gave His promised redemption, Jesus. Just as He told Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, “it is through you all of the…
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Missions trips 2023
Thank you for your partnerships in ministry. We have upcoming #missions outreaches for #Guatemala (July) and #Ghana (August). No gift is too small and no gift is too large. Secure online giving at: riversedgeif.com/giving
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Not of my own ability but Christ in me
Something to consider:Not of my own ability, but Christ in me.…The culmination of several verses from the Judeo-Christian Bible in one statement. God gave us new life through what Jesus Christ did at the Cross. Now it is not just me who lives and does. It is Jesus Christ’s life granted, gifted to me that gives me life in Christ, life in God. Now I can do all the things I do, need to do, because…
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davedocrogers · 1 year
The Golden Rule, the Gold Standard
Today’s Manna in the Word:The Golden Rule, the Gold Standard The “golden rule” came from ancient times. Ancient Egypt had a gold cubit, a unit of measure. It was the gold standard by which all other standard cubits were measured. In the same way, Jesus gave us a “golden rule”; a gold standard by which all other standards should be measured. “So whatever you wish that others would do to you,…
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davedocrogers · 1 year
Mission vs Relationship
Mission and vision cannot replace relationship and righteousness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. #Acts16v31#Matthew6v33
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davedocrogers · 1 year
The Gospels Series - Sermon on the Mount
with Dr David J RogersFoundational Scripture:Luke 1.4“That you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.” Sermon on the MountMatthew 5.1-7.29, Luke 6.20-49Jesus’ dissertation on God and our life here with Him. God’s power came out of Him. (Lk 6.17-19) •Beatitudes – Matthew 5.3-12, Luke 6.20-23•Salt and Light – Matthew 5.13-16•Fulfill the Law – Matthew 5.17-20•Hate and Lust…
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