#God provides
ae-cha08 · 4 months
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This verse is a great reminder that the Lord God provides and cares for us, being our sun and shield.
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momentsbeforemass · 3 months
Whose plan?
It’s easy to be worried.
Whether it’s about your job or your classes, your relationships or your goals, your greatest hope or your deepest heartache. When it comes to anything we really want, anything we really care about, anything that really hits home, it’s easy to be worried.
It’s easy to be worried about whether it’s ever going to happen. About how it’s going to happen. How it might never happen. How we’re going to make sure it happens. How to keep it from happening.
So we try to deal with that uncertainty by over-planning.
By dwelling on all the “what-ifs.” By playing out all of the possible outcomes. By trying to prevent problems that may never happen. By worrying about things that literally can’t happen.
We let our worries run away with us. So we over-plan. So much so that we can get lost in our plans. Losing sight of why we were even planning, until the plans become an end to themselves.
And our stress, our anxiety just keeps ratcheting up. Higher and higher.
Or we can follow the Gospel model.
Let go of the “what-ifs.” Trust God’s plan. Receive the peace that comes with that trust.
Know that God has nothing but the best in mind for us. That God’s best is everything we need. And better than we could ever imagine.
Everything you need? God has already provided for it.
Everything you’re worried about? God has already taken care of it.
The question is whose plan will you follow to handle all of that?
The answer comes down to who you trust.
Not who we say we trust. But who we really trust – as revealed by what we actually do.
Are we going to ignore all of the times we’ve come up short, all of the times that our plans have failed, and trust ourselves? Or are we going to trust the One who never fails?
Whose plan will it be? Who do you really trust?
Today’s Readings
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createdbyprayers · 3 days
Jesus Christ be praised. Hello, brothers. Salve, fratribus ac sororibus.
Cum sit enim proprium
viro sapienti
supra petram ponere
sedem fundamenti,
stultus ego comparor
fluvio labenti,
sub eodem tramite
nunquam permanenti.
Carmina Burana
Suffering texts, sad music and the meaning of poems that obscure the mind and heart... so many people are looking for love and want to be loved!
But if you ask everyone what love is, they will answer in their own way.
Everyone has their own view of love, for some it is just an ordinary meaningless word, and not always those who are rejected adhere to such statutes.
Here is where some will discover their own meaning for themselves, because the most important thing in this text is to find yourself, which means that when reading the text, everyone associates the phrases with a certain situation. Or maybe someone described love like this - in torment and suffering, comparing it to fortune?
After all, even Christians have different opinions about love, despite the fact that they honor the Bible, opinions have always been and will be different, even if they are silent about it.
God's providence, suffering for good as a test, or God's wrath and the flattery of the prince of lies?
A person can call both of these things fate. But he can't get away from her plans, or God plans.
The point is not in what you call your suffering or periods of joy, but in how you can transfer it to paper.
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lukerdukers · 2 years
Please help!!!
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Update: 50/100 $ reached. Just need 50$ more!!!
This man works for an orphanage called God Provides in Uganda. He is the hardest working man I've ever known. He is extremely ill with both typhoid and malaria and has been for about three days now.
They don't have any money and he was only able to get one treatment that my family paid for but unfortunately we don't have any money left that we can donate. He recently was able to graduate from college despite all the hardships he faces. He will be up for days while starving to walk to the villages and beg for help because they have nothing to eat most times and can hardly ever make rent.
This man has a future and the children need him, please do not let this be the end of him!
Even sharing this would be a big help and a huge difference. Please find it in your heart to take a moment to share this, tell friends about it or consider donating.
Thank you and bless you
Here is their Twitter as well:
If you have any questions feel free to message me or @mahougirlmutualaid or @lemontoastcloud
Thank you!
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biblechaptersummary · 2 years
Genesis 22  The Sacrifice of Isaac
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God spoke to Abraham again with a specific command to test his faithfulness. Abraham was to take the son he loved dearly to Moriah and be sacrificed as a burnt offering. Without hesitation, Abraham set off early the next day for the three day journey. Just when Abraham picked up the knife to kill his son as a sacrifice, the angel of the LORD called him to stop.  Instead God provided a ram and Abraham took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering in place of his son.  Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh (which means 'the LORD will provide'). The chapter ended with a list of the 12 children of Abraham's brother Nahor. One of those children, Bethuel, would become the father of Rebekah. Abraham's son Isaac will eventually marry Rebekah.
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ts-journal · 1 year
Don’t take it for granted.
The place you call home.
It can have it’s flaws.
But when the flood waters come.
You’ll wish you had loved it more before.
You see the damage done as the storm left.
But you’re still there.
So is the people, and the town.
But when the storm comes back. It’s always worse.
That’s when you love your home.
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presstowardthecall · 2 years
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wisedreamerreview · 1 month
There's Hope
The following conversation as was most of the following post, was years ago. The post has been edited and updated. So James was just in here, he asked, isn’t this week pay week? Me:Yeah, why? James:Well, because I saw how much you have in checking. Me:I’m not looking, is it negative? James: no, not quite. Me:If its not negative, we’re okay. – I’ve been down this road before. I know the…
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generouspersonamano · 3 months
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The lilies in my yard always remind me of Jesus' words. His words are life. Amen.
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ae-cha08 · 4 months
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Pause for a moment and think about that statement. I lack nothing. Let the truth of that statement fill your heart with peace and gratitude.
My shepherd provides everything I need. 💙
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momentsbeforemass · 6 months
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(by request)
“I don’t understand it.”
It’s something all of us say. In a thousand different ways.
Maybe with an honest question. Admitting we don’t know? That’s the first step in learning.
Too often though, we’re afraid of admitting we don’t know. We’re uncomfortable with the humility that an honest question requires.
And instead of the honest question, we still reveal that we don’t understand. But we do it in ways that keep us from understanding.
Maybe we make baseless assumptions about something. Or simplify it to the point of error. Or give up trying to understand it.
Or brand it as impossible. Like Philip in today’s Gospel. With the feeding of the 5,000.
Thank God (literally) that our lack of understanding has zero impact on the things that you and I don’t understand.
I’ve always been amazed at snails, at the way they move. How they do it without any feet or legs. I can’t explain it.
Yet somehow, they do. My lack of understanding has never stopped a single snail from going wherever it wanted to go.
Only it’s not just true for snails. It’s true for all of God’s creation. And for God.
A lack of understanding on my part (or on anyone else’s part) has never held God back.
Philip’s lack of understanding of how 5,000 people could be fed with only 5 loaves and 2 fish didn’t hold God back.
God provided. Even though Philip never did see how it could happen.
The same is true for all of the unknowns that you and I are facing. We may not understand it all. And that’s okay.
We don’t have to have it all figured out. We just need to know the One who does.
Because our lack of understanding of how it’s all going to work out won’t hold God back.
God provides. Even if we don’t see how it could happen.
Today’s Readings
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billysigudla · 5 months
Ephesians 6:10 serves as the introduction to a powerful exhortation by Paul to the Ephesian church, urging believers to draw strength from the Lord and His mighty power. Situated at the beginning of the passage detailing the armor of God, this verse sets the stage for understanding the Christian life as engaged in spiritual warfare, requiring divine empowerment for victory. Paul’s call to be strong in the Lord is more than a mere encouragement; it is a foundational strategy for facing the spiritual challenges that believers encounter. This strength is not of human origin but is derived from a relationship with God, characterized by reliance on His power and provision. The phrase His mighty power emphasizes the limitless resource available to believers, ensuring that they are not left to their own devices in the spiritual battles they face. This verse invites believers to reassess the source of their strength in navigating life’s challenges. It encourages a shift in perspective, recognizing that true resilience and power come from God’s presence and might within us. This understanding is crucial for facing not only spiritual opposition but also the trials and tribulations of everyday life. It’s a call to anchor our efforts and strategies in the strength that God provides, enabling us to stand firm in the face of adversity with confidence and courage. This foundational truth encourages a deeper dependence on God, fostering a life marked by divine strength and empowered living.
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tinyshe · 6 months
the swallows are back but now we have days on end of rain. i worry that they are hungry and exhausted but there is no help for them but to trust God provides for all His creatures.
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Peter Brown - Prints available of British birdlife, illustrated from wood engravings
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dearjewels22 · 7 months
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Don't let your ego or the devil stop you from following through with God's plan for your life.
You are covered by His blood. Nothing can harm you in the presence of God.
Fear is a liar! Anxiety is lying! The devil doesn't want you to be great. Don't let him deter you from doing hard things.
Take that risk, go out in the deep, pray through the struggle, trust in the Lord. He will see you through.
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dkcdude · 7 months
God Gives Us Faith to Trust that He Will Provide
As the pages of our lives turn, each chapter filled with its own set of triumphs and trials, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the moment. Just a few weeks ago, I shared reflections on how God is in the business of making all things new, drawing from personal experiences and the timeless truths of scripture. Today, I stand in awe of the ways in which this renewal has manifested in my…
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Exodus 25 Building the Tabernacle
God told Moses to tell the Israelites to bring Him their sacred offerings. God gave them a list of acceptable offerings.
God then instructed Moses to build Him a Tabernacle which would include the ark, the table, and the lampstand and its furnishings according to the pattern and dimensions God gave to Moses.
The ark was to be made of acacia wood. Moses was to put the tablets which contained the commandments inside the ark. The ark had very specific measurements. God also instructed Moses to make an atonement cover that was made of pure gold. This would have cherubim with their wings spread wide over the Ark of the Covenant. God then told Moses that He would meet with him so that He could pass on the tablets that held the commandments for the people of Israel.
The table for the sanctuary was also to be made out of acacia wood. God explained the specific plans for this table. The pitchers, plates, and bowls for offerings that were set on this table were to be made from pure gold. He also instructed Moses to keep the special bread on this table at all times.
Moses was also to make a lampstand fashioned from pure gold. This would have a base that was hammered by hand. The stand would have seven lamps on it. The trays as well as the wick trimmers were also supposed to be made of pure gold. God told Moses that he was to make everything according to the plan that the Lord had laid out.
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