#dave the eagle spurr
spilladabalia · 8 months
The Fall - Nine out of Ten
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spilladabalia · 2 years
The Fall - Greenway
"The music for this is taken from a song called "Gameboy" by Greek heavy metal band Anorimoi. Greenway, of course, is Peter Greenway, the Fall's guitarist, who says the song is not about him as he really is, but as MES would like to imagine him, as some kind of badass. The song doesn't, on the face of it, seem to be about Greenway at all; his name scans the same as "Gameboy," but the rest of it seems to be about the narrator (MES?) being grumpy about other bands, a familiar enough theme. Live versions seem to indicate the band in question is These New Puritans, who are named after a Fall song, which fact alone is probably enough to attract Smith's bleary raptor gaze." (from The Annotated Fall website)
Priceless writing credits: Smith/Greek bloke
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