#davosfingers podcast
davosfingers · 4 years
Welcome to SHOW NOTES, where we provide you with links and other info regarding some of the ever-important side topics we discussed on the show. Check them out here at davosfingers.com after every episode!
Special guest and all around all-star Chloe is but one-half of our sister podcast, Girls Gone Cannon. With the lovely-inside-and-out Eliana at her side, GGC re-reads ASOIAF BY POV. How cool is that? Currently covering Jaime’s chapters, while simultaneously covering HIS DARK MATERIALS, these lovelies never quit. Their energy, passion, wit, and all-around goodness will bless your life eternally. They are fixtures in my ears!
Speaking of fandom gems, check out the art of Michael Klarfeld. I could peruse his maps all day, every day. And yes, I mean that in multiple ways. Buy his stuff and support a blessed fandom creator!
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So apparently zebras are not great to ride. Can someone shoot a text to Vargo Hoat and the Jogos Nhai letting them know?
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Matt didn’t know what Teak wood was. Scad did. You probably do as well. Pretty standard Davos’ Fingers interaction, right?
Wait, you still haven’t watched “Westeros: An American Musical”?? Get on it!
And as always, some of the songs mentioned this episode:
“Testify” – Rage Against the Machine 
“It’s the End of the World as We Know it (And I Feel Fine)” – R.E.M. 
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mockinglygraceful · 3 years
so, as every asoiaf geek ever, i am listening to this amazing podcast called @davosfingers that i found literally yesterday and as i was listening to them cover sansa's first pov chapter and eddard's third i believe, i noticed a pretty interesting ‘‘nugget.”
"Get it off," he screamed. "Get it off!"
[Arya] picked up Lion's Tooth where it had fallen, and stood over him, holding the sword with both hands.
Joffrey made a scared whimpery sound as he looked up at her. "No," he said, "don't hurt me. I'll tell my mother."
"You leave him alone!" Sansa screamed at her sister.
Arya whirled and heaved the sword into the air, putting her whole body into the throw. The blue steel flashed in the sun as the sword spun out over the river. It hit the water and vanished with a splash.
— agot, sansa i
joffrey’s sword is named LION'S TOOTH and how ARYA throws it in the RIVER.
later on in the series we have a LANNISTER, specifically jaime, captured by another STARK ( robb ) in the RIVERLANDS.
just thought it was interesting.
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iceandfirecon · 6 years
The Ice & Fire Con performance contest is one of our most popular events, and every year we have so many talented people strut their stuff. This year we had a lot of funny performances, but we also had one amazing speech that brought many to tears: Scad from @davosfingers - A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast acted out Septon Meribald's "Broken Man" speech.
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davosfingers · 7 years
Davos’ Fingers is happy to bring you Episode 058.  Cersei is in power and boy does she lord it over everyone, Ironborn politics takes center stage and echoes reality, Davos confronts an icy court at White Harbor, and Arianne’s plot comes crashing down in the desert.
If you are new to the cast, we are covering A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons in a mixed read that puts their respective timelines together.  You can find our reading order at afeastwithdragons.com or on davosfingers.com.
We are going at the speed of the podcast, only revealing up to the stuff we are covering IN that episode.  So fear no spoilers here.  However, beware the final section, Davos After Dark, for spoilers lurk everywhere.  Don’t worry, we’ll warn you.
Want to tell us how wrong we are about something.  Or serenade us with compliments?  Shoot us an email at [email protected].  Or find us on davosfingers.com, facebook, or tweet @davosfingers.
Chapters Covered:  Cersei 4 (AFFC), The Iron Captain (AFFC), The Drowned Man (AFFC), Davos 3 (ADWD), and The Queen Maker (AFFC)
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davosfingers · 7 years
Episode 057 of the Davos’ Fingers podcast reveals secrets galore!  Dany delays a dream, Sam learns a secret on a stormy journey to Braavos, Jon hatches a plan for Stannis, Aegon Targaryen is unmasked in the fog, and Jaime tries to salvage a sinking ship.
If you are new to the cast, we are covering A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons in tandem, via the list compiled by Game of Ownsusing the chapter order at afeastwithdragons.com, or you can find it at davosfingers.com.
We are spoiler free for any content beyond what we are covering here.  That is, until our special segment with spoilers and theories, Davos After Dark.  So if you like that sort of thing, stick around until the end.
Drop us some raven mail or start up a tweetstorm with us.  We can be reached all over the place: @davosfingers, through our tumblr site davosfingers.com, through email at [email protected], or find us on da facebookz.
Chapters Covered:  Daenerys 3 (ADWD), Samwell 2 (AFFC), Jon 4 (ADWD), Tyrion 5 (ADWD), Jaime 2( AFFC)
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davosfingers · 7 years
Matt and Scad explore the River Rhoyne, Maidenpool, White Harbor, Sunspear, and the lands far beyond the Wall, a truly expansive episode.  Tyrion tries to get his groove back, Brienne faces an old dick and some new Dick, Davos dilly-dallies, Arys gets steamrolled, and Team Bran makes a break for safety.
If you are new to the cast, we are handling A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons in tandem, using the the chapter order at afeastwithdragons.com, or you can find it here.  Thanks to Game of Owns for the reading order, we love it.
Our podcast is spoiler-free for those reading along at our pace, so during the main portion of the podcast you can breathe easy about spoilers.  However, if you want to stick around for a good time with spoilers and conjecture, our Davos After Dark segment at the end is just your speed.
We love hearing from George’s adoring fans, so drop us a line on twitter @davosfingers, here on Tumblr, through email at [email protected], or find us on the Facebook machine.
Chapters Covered:  The Soiled Knight (AFFC), Brienne 3 (AFFC), Bran 2 (ADWD), Tyrion 4 (ADWD), Davos 2 (ADWD)
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davosfingers · 7 years
The Path Ahead
Hey there Bloodriders,
Thank you for all the positive feedback and support elicited over the past couple days after Brooke announced her departure.  We expected our Khalasar to respond in a respectful and thoughtful way, and you have.  The three of us appreciate it greatly.
And now, the future. To put it bluntly, we don’t know how things are going to play out. As Brooke herself recently said, ASOIAF is the bricks and mortar of our podcast, but the chemistry and friendship between the three of us was and is the heart of Davos’ Fingers. Disrupting any sort of chemical composition can be de-stabilizing, and you aren’t sure what you might get as a result. Similarly, we don’t know what the resulting mixture will really be like without Brooke until we do it. She offered much more than just her sarcasm.  As such, we ask for your patience and understanding as we go forward. One thing we can say with certainty is that Brooke cannot be replaced, and we have no intention of trying. Re-finding that chemistry, that comfort level and friendship, it’s just not something we even want to attempt to pull off or feel we can manufacture. Davos’ Fingers has always been us being authentic, and anything forced would stick out like a sore thumb, like Marcus Brody in the Middle East.
We also declare that our love for ASOIAF, this podcast, and our Khalasar burns as brightly as ever, and we desperately want to keep this thing going as a duo. However, we need to do it on our terms. It needs to be fun for us in order to be fun for you guys. We’re going to give it our best shot, for both you and us. Again, we humbly ask for patience and understanding.
As far as the immediate future, we regretfully will not be releasing our first Feast Dance episode on Jan. 16. We’ll keep you updated as we move forward regarding future episodes. We know that’s leaving things very open-ended and we’re sorry for that, but that’s the most we can promise right now. Well that, and we promise that we love you.
If you have concerns or questions (besides questions about why Brooke is leaving, because privacy and respect), you know where to find us:
·         Here
·         Facebook: Davos’ Fingers
·         Twitter: @davosfingers
·         Email: [email protected]
Your Suns and Stars
Matt and Scad
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davosfingers · 9 years
Episode 015 brings Game of Thrones to its thrilling conclusion! Tyrion and Robb earn promotions, Jon flirts with desertion, and Dany fills the sky with smoke and the world with music that hasn't been heard a long while. Come with the Fingers on this last episode of our chapter-by-chapter journey through Game of Thrones.
As always, we are spoiler free until our final segment called Davos After Dark. Look out for a couple of special episodes coming your way in two weeks and don't hesitate to contact us with anything on your mind regarding the end of this novel, or the start of the next! 
You can find us on twitter @davosfingers, through email at [email protected], through our tumblr site davosfingers.com, or on Facebook. Also on iTunes, and while you're there, leave us a review!
Thanks for listening everyone, its been quite a ride, and the Fingers have enjoyed every second!
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davosfingers · 10 years
The third episode in the podcast that is taking the A Song Of Ice and Fire world by storm.  The Davos' Fingers team will cover chapters 10 through 14 with VERY brief chapter summaries and then get all nerdy as we analyze some of the finer points within each chapter.  As always, no spoilers for those that are reading along at our pace, but we MAY discuss things that happen in the book that don’t happen in the show.  Enjoy, tell your friends, and hit us up with any observations, critiques, or requests for discussion at [email protected], on twitter @davosfingers, or on Facebook.
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davosfingers · 10 years
The Maester's Ravens
Calling all sers, ladies, maesters, and bastards. Hit us up on Facebook and Twitter - our way of sending ravens out to all our friends.
See you there, and invite your friends to the feast!
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