#day idk of wishing for a Ziio dlc/more lore and content w her and spinning the lore of her in my head
ramshackledtrickster · 9 months
This was from a while ago and I’ve been debating on posting it (I’m just sorry I haven’t been posting more frequently since school started) but messy idea of some of Ziio’s side of the story towards the end of the 7 years war prologue in ac3.
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I kinda wanted her to parallel Ratonhnhaké:ton more in terms of putting herself on the line and being distanced from her village in the meantime in an effort to keep them safe, though put herself through extreme stress and risk instead. For context in this, Ziio has been gone for a long time, and Oiá:ner has even sent people to try and find her while she’s been off on this war effort. Ziio only comes home when she feels she has secured the safety of the valley, especially with finding Achilles on the way back home and finding out she’s part of a much larger war now since her involvement with haytham and his crew (explaining why and how she’s technically an assassin ally)
I really wanted to give her a more vulnerable moment here where the cracks begin to show and being away from her support system really affected her, especially after everything she’s gone through. She’s incredibly cool and capable but she’s only human— and I really wish the game explored more of her and Oiá:ner’s conflict and dynamic personally since there’s some pretty interesting lore within her bio regarding that. She’s a risk taker but in some ways she bit off more than she could chew here.
When Ratonhnhaké:ton comes around and eventually leaves the village to find the assassins, Oiá:ner sees so much of Ziio within him too and worries that he’ll suffer the same fate and stress— but she doesn’t want to fight with him like she fought and butt heads with Ziio all those years ago.
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