feminants · 5 months
what the fuck are you wearing? ( for eleanor <3 )
she's mid-sentence (mid-ramble is, in all honesty, more accurate) when she's so rudely interrupted, and it throws her for a loop. her gaze moves from leera, down to her own self, clad near entirely in earth tone corduroys, very briefly down to her boots, which are sufficiently scuffed, and then back up at leera, brow cocked almost quizzically. "––clothes?" a stellar answer. the exact type of answer, in fact, one should give to someone with as daunting an aura as the one standing in front of her now. [ really, eleanor, excellent decision! ] "is there something about my attire that offends you, miss daymont?" it's hard to keep the amusement from leaking into her voice, so she makes no effort to, even if she doesn't find this scenario to be particularly funny.
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toeat · 6 months
leera daymont. an original vampire character loosely inspired by the lore of vampire : the masquerade. ( no knowledge of the world of darkness required ) 21 +
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rankeohits · 3 years
Hablando de mi (Remix) - Dakeru x Daymont x MauryLvt x Haniel x Breiden el Siniestro x BrynoJr x BabyShaky
Hablando de mi (Remix) – Dakeru x Daymont x MauryLvt x Haniel x Breiden el Siniestro x BrynoJr x BabyShaky
Hablando de mi (Remix) – Dakeru x Daymont x MauryLvt x Haniel x Breiden el Siniestro x BrynoJr x BabyShaky
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tauji2 · 4 years
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Hi, my name is Daymont how can I help?? https://www.instagram.com/p/B_C59MBpDIy/?igshid=19x1lo062u20z
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myplacesproject · 6 years
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Day 1369: April 14, 2018 8 Chains Winery The rolling fields of western Loudoun and Fauquier counties are known for two things, horses and wine. When we visited this particular on a very nice day, there were indeed horses in the fields, and the patrons at the tasting room were lounging around outdoors while a solo guitarist played cover songs. Also present was a unique winery feature, a dog park, occupied by several very playful dogs and their people. Daymont Lane, Waterford, Virginia
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seriouslyhooked · 8 years
False Alarms (A CS AU) Part 5/?
Modern AU where Emma is a Boston police detective and Killian is firefighter. They both get called to a fire in progress but it ends up being a false alarm, however there can be no denying the sparks between them. Includes fluff and my usual attempts at humor as well as a touch of fake-dating and meddling friends. Inspired by the song ‘False Alarm’ by Motoma and Becky Hill. Rated M for future chapters.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four ; Also on Fanfiction Here.
A/N: Another week, another chapter of this fun story that continues to provide new challenges and choices for me to face. This chapter as promised is the first ‘fake’ date between Emma and Killian told from Killian’s perspective. Expect some strange situations and a lot of meddling from the people in both Emma and Killian’s lives. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy!
Despite the original plan for Killian to pick Emma up the next evening at her apartment, Killian found himself parking in front of the police precinct where Emma worked. The reason was simple – Emma had been called in thanks to some sort of problem, and though Killian asked if maybe they shouldn’t cancel attending the banquet all together, Emma assured him that was not an option.
“Trust me,” she’d said earlier on the phone. “There is no crisis that could hit tonight that would get us out of this dinner. My Mom has been talking about it nonstop. You should see the texts I got so far today.”
Killian doubted that the hyperbolic statement was strictly true, after all Emma’s parents cared for this city tremendously and if something urgent did manifest they would no doubt understand, but Killian took her point. Some days off just weren’t meant to be, and he’d certainly learned that lesson over the years when being called in unexpectedly on some run or other.
But this change of plan did provide an awkward new impasse for Killian. Whereas before he would have been dealing with no one aside from Emma, now he was walking into a place filled with curious participants in Emma’s day to day life. If they were anything like his friends and colleagues at the firehouse, there would be a fair many questions and Killian had hoped to have a little time with Emma before being subjected to that tonight. Nevertheless, Killian was determined to rise to the challenge and to see Emma after a long day away from her.
Taking the steps up to the front door two at a time, Killian walked into the station and was immediately greeted by a horror show. The place was insanely busy and suddenly Killian saw why Emma had been called in on her day off this morning. From his estimations, there were more than twelve people either being escorted in cuffs or interrogated in various spots around the room and for some reason they were all covered in varying shades of paint. They also all appeared to be young, and if any of them were older than eighteen he’d be shocked.
“Daymont High has Senior Assassin this week.”
The explanation was offered by Ruby who appeared at the front desk out of thin air, and though Killian hadn’t seen very much of Emma’s partner since the day he’d met her on the fire escape, he was happy to see a friendly face. Ruby’s smile was welcoming and then she laughed, nodding towards one of the sorrier looking lads in the group across the way. Killian followed her gaze to the subject in question before asking Ruby to clarify exactly what she meant.
“Senior Assassin?”
“It’s this stupid tradition where the high school seniors make a ‘hit list’ and take each other out with water guns. The last person standing wins… actually I don’t know what they win. Bragging rights? Money? I didn’t bother to ask,” Ruby said shrugging like it was inconsequential.
“Sounds harmless enough,” Killian said.
“Ah it usually is, but apparently none of this year’s survivors or their buddies considered how bad shooting giant water guns at each other could get in a paint your own pottery store. They all decided to attack there and they caused a frenzy the likes of which we don’t see every day. Needless to say the store owner was less than thrilled.”
Killian honestly expected Ruby’s expression to break into a smile and for her to tell him that all of this was a joke, but when he heard one of the passing officers questioning a young woman with an unfortunate smearing of green all over her face and hair about breaking some ceramic horse, he let himself believe this could be true.
So this was what it was like to be a police officer? Killian thought to himself. He’d gotten some crazy calls in his time, but Killian never dealt with anything like this.
“And you’re really arresting them?” Killian asked, unsure if he agreed with whether they should. These kids were young, and a record of law breaking would haunt them a long time. That being said, they’d all made a stupid choice, and if they’d caused enough damage they should be held accountable.
“No, but they need a wake up call. So we’re letting them sweat awhile. Their parents know, and the one difficult Mom went quiet real quick when we stuck Emma on her.”
Killian grinned at the thought of Emma silencing some upper-class mother who felt her child was entitled to break the rules. The determination in her eyes would captivate him, and her hands would be on her hips in a firm, powerful pose, with her features hard. Killian hadn’t had very many moments when he saw Emma that way, but he wouldn’t be opposed to it as long as he wasn’t on the receiving end. Maybe he should ask Ruby about tagging along with them one day purely to observe. That would be a treat indeed.
“Speaking of… where exactly is my lovely date?” Killian asked and Ruby grinned.
“She’s changing in the back. And realistically, she’s also giving herself a pep talk.”
Killian was taken aback at that. Did he have anything to do with Emma’s doubts? If he did then he wanted to set her straight and tell her that no matter what was in store for them this evening, he wouldn’t ever willingly do anything to inconvenience her. His intention was to make the best out of a bizarre situation and to find a few quiet moments for him and Emma in the process. Nothing that he had in mind should cause her any undue stress.
“Don’t worry, it isn’t about you,” Ruby clarified. “Well not really. I think she’s mostly just praying that her parents don’t do anything embarrassing.”
“You really think it will be that bad?” Killian asked, knowing that Ruby would have more insight into the lion’s den he was walking into.
“If you’d met her Mom you’d understand.”
Killian ran his hand through his hair at the comment, witnessing some truth underneath the humor in Ruby’s eyes, but before he could stew too long on worrying how Emma’s parents would be tonight, he felt a shift in the room. Emma was here. He just knew it, and the rush that came when he realized that was invigorating. Turning around to find her, Killian stopped dead in his tracks. All thoughts of anything but Emma fled immediately, and in their stead remained one resounding truth: Emma Nolan was the single most beautiful woman Killian had ever seen.
With her hair hanging loose around her shoulders, and an emerald dress that complimented her eyes and fit her figure superbly, Killian was close to gaping. Not only that but Emma was trouble with a capital T and a serious temptation that would be nearly impossible to resist, and from the way her teasing smile lit up her face she knew it. Emma had a total understanding of just how lost he was over her, and Killian didn’t bother to hide his reaction from her. She should know of his infatuation and be sure that it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“Emma.” Her name fell from his lips before Killian could think the better of it, and a tiny blush appeared on her cheeks. She noticed the single flower he’d brought with him this time and bit her lip.
“That for me?” she asked, as if it could be for anyone else. He’d only brought one so as not to inconvenience her with a full bouquet at work, and he knew from her tone that he’d made the right choice.
“Aye, love.”
Killian handed her the blossom, expecting her to simply smile and accept it, but Emma surprised him by bestowing a kiss to his cheek right there in front of all these people. He knew they were supposedly dating, but it still felt like a rather grand gesture, and from the stares he felt on him from all parts of the room, Killian gathered Emma was not accustomed to bestowing such signs of affection to many people. Yet before he could say anything more, Ruby giggled beside them. That laughter on her friend’s part pulled Emma’s eyes from Killian’s regrettably, but he was appeased by Emma’s fiery response.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” she asked Ruby.
“Hardly. You two smitten cuties have been the highlight of my week,” Ruby responded and Emma rolled her eyes.
“I’ll make sure to mention that fact to Graham when I see him next,” Killian quipped and Ruby looked thoughtful before retracting that claim.
“Okay so maybe not the highlight. But definitely entertaining.”
“Well the show’s over, and before you ask again, no I cannot bring you too,” Emma said and Ruby frowned.
“Drats. Now I’m going to have to bribe Belle to tell me everything and she’s expensive.”
Killian chuckled at Emma’s partner’s continued dramatics. Emma had spoken to him of Ruby more at length last night, and he knew that as her best friend she was Emma’s most trusted confidant. Ruby happened to be a bit more exaggerated in her personality than Emma was, but Killian could see even from this modest interaction that the two women complimented each other, and he knew from their reputations around the city that they had a similarly successful chemistry when they were on the job.
“Shall we, love?” Killian asked Emma, pulling her attention back his way as he offered his hand and she nodded.
“Yeah, let’s get this over with,” she said less than enthusiastically as they walked out the big front doors of the station.
“Praise like that is liable to go to a man’s head, Detective,” Killian joked and Emma offered an apologetic look when he opened the car door for her.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Emma insisted.
“Aye I know, and I can’t say I disagree. But I have been clinging to one silver lining,” Killian said, watching the light in Emma’s eyes grow at his words.
“Oh yeah? And what might that be?”
Killian’s hand came to her thigh and his thumb grazed her bared skin that he’d wanted his hands on since their impromptu interruption last night. She was warm and soft beneath him and clearly susceptive to his touch, which made him want her all the more. But patience would be key tonight and in the coming weeks. Of that Killian was sure.
“The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave and I can finally get you alone.”
Again Killian got the chance to see Emma react to a seductive promise from him, and the rush of pleasure that it prompted when he watched her eyes heat and her legs close a little tighter together as if trying to relieve some newfound ache made him grin. He brought his hand up from her thigh to cup her cheek, and he watched as her eyes widened and her breathing picked up ever so slightly.
“There’s just one thing, love…”
“There is?” She asked, her voice a breathy sound designed to make the already tightly coiled ball of yearning low in his gut clench.
“I doubt my ability to survive the evening without a proper kiss first.”
No sooner had he said the words than Emma pulled him down to make good on his wish. It was so sweet and tantalizing, and the taste of Emma made everything feel blissfully right in his world just as it had last night, but where Killian wanted to go further and to elicit as much of the passion in this moment as he could, Emma had other ideas. She pulled back and hovered just an inch away as a wicked grin manifested at her lips. Her eyes stayed on his mouth and it took everything in Killian not to drag her closer for more.
“You said proper, right?” Emma asked, knowing her interpretation wasn’t what he’d meant at all, but he loved the lightness in her voice, as if she was just on the edge of a real, genuine laugh. He wanted to linger in that melodic sound for as long as he could, and he found himself smiling too despite his being ravenous for more.
“I suppose I did. I’ll be sure to consider my phrasing more carefully next time,” Killian vowed.
“Next time?” Emma played with his emotions too much with that and he moved closer to her. She thought he was coming in for another kiss and made no move to pull back, but he stopped short, nipping lightly at her lower lip just enough to make her gasp before pulling back.
“Aye, Emma. I can promise you there will be plenty of next times.”
With that, Killian put the car in drive and headed off in the direction that the GPS instructed. The ride wasn’t lengthy, but in that time Killian listened to Emma break down more of the dynamics that they could expect tonight. She crammed an exorbitant amount of information into a brief drive, but she must have seen his inability to keep up on his face. In response Emma merely smiled and took his hand after they’d parked, leading him to the setting of tonight’s activities.
“Long story short this is probably going to be weird and uncomfortable, but I’m glad you’re here with me, and I promise not to let things get too bad.”
“You’ll be my protector then, love?” Killian asked with a smile and Emma laughed.
“Something like that,” Emma murmured.
“Perhaps we should have a signal or a code word, should my inability to cope get too strong.” Killian’s jest was met with an eye roll and Emma patted a hand on his chest.
“Yeah, not happening. Plus my Mom will know. She knows everything,” Emma claimed, her eyes filling with some less comfortable emotion as she did. Killian brought Emma’s hand to his lips to kiss, trying to distract her from whatever cycle of thoughts she was about to go down and her face softened. He felt victorious when her expression calmed once more, and the feeling of giving her that sense of peace was addicting.
“Whatever happens, Emma, we can handle it. Just remember that.” Emma nodded and then they headed inside arm in arm.
The set up here was vastly different than the gala had been. Instead of a huge ballroom, the reception was more intimate and located at a restaurant rather than a hotel. There were no evening gown or tuxes in sight, but there was an aura of elegance here and a simultaneous hominess that made Killian think that this place had a connection to the police department. Sure enough he looked on the far wall and saw a big picture of the whole BPD upper ranks smiling together.
“This is kind of ‘the spot’ for my Mom and her friends,” Emma announced. “It was run by a family of cops for years, and now the owner is actually my Mom’s old partner.”
“No kidding,” Killian said aloud, spotting a man in the center of the picture beside Emma’s mother from years ago that Emma gestured to.
“Uncle Lance is the best. My Mom was sorry to see him retire so early, but he was ready to hung up his badge and try something new. Now she and my Dad only see him like four times a week instead of every day and she’ll never get over it,” Emma said with a laugh.
“Be skeptical all you want Emma, but if Ruby ever retires you’ll understand my pain.”
Emma and Killian turned to find both of Emma’s parents standing there and while Emma’s mother was beaming at the two of them, Chief Nolan was a little less enthusiastic. The peculiarity in the air was almost suffocating but Emma, strong and determined as she always was, persevered with a positive attitude and good humor.
“If you say so,” Emma said, allowing her mother to hug her as Killian watched on. Then Emma moved to hug her Dad as well and Killian watched the fierce protectiveness and love that David Nolan couldn’t help but radiate towards his daughter. When Emma pulled back, she made the introductions. “Dad, you already know Killian, but Killian this is my Mom, Mary Margaret Nolan.”
“Sergeant Jones,” Chief Nolan said, not meanly, but also without any flowery emotion as he extended his hand almost begrudgingly.
“Oh come on, David. Call the boy Killian. He’s not on the clock and neither are you,” Emma’s mother chastised.
“Forgive me if I still refer to you as Chief, sir,” Killian offered, and he swore some of the walls around Emma’s father lessened. He’d clearly scored points with that show of deference. Then Killian turned back to Emma’s mother with a smile.
“I’ve heard so much about you, Killian. It’s good to finally meet you,” Mary Margaret said, pulling him into a surprise hug as she continued to chat him up. “I know this situation is all very unusual but we are absolutely thrilled to have you here. Aren’t we David?”
“Positively exhalant,” The Chief said and Killian tried not to laugh at the clear sarcasm. Stern and overprotective or not, Emma’s father was funny. Killian had to give him that.
“Don’t mind my husband, Killian. He’s a lovely man, but when hungry he’s borderline crotchety,” Mary Margaret claimed with a sigh and a slap at David’s arm.
“Excuse me?” David asked and Killian heard Emma laugh this time. His eyes looked over to her and she was shaking her head good humoredly, leading Killian to believe this was a typical show of silliness from her parents. Mary Margaret, meanwhile, completely overlooked her husband’s objections.
“So Killian, how is your brother doing? The last time I saw him he had just won the Garrick v. Stevens case,” Emma’s mother said, referencing one of the bigger trials in Liam’s career to date. It had transpired a few years back, but Liam was still being praised for it all this time later.
“He’s doing well, thanks,” Killian confirmed.
“Oh better than well I would think,” Mary Margaret said. “He got married since that case, and it was hardly a secret then that he loved Elsa. I mean it’s impossible not to. She’s jut a doll, as I know you must know.”
“I’m lucky to call her my sister to be sure,” Killian said honestly and Emma’s mother smiled wider, running her hand along her husband’s arm.
“I actually told him to get a move on that day and wouldn’t you know it I heard they were engaged a week later. Good thing too, because women like that don’t wait around, you know.” It was impossible to miss the way the Superintendent grinned and nodded Emma’s way, like she was hinting at Killian doing that exact thing with her daughter.
“Mom!” Emma said and Killian chuckled, placing his hand on the small of Emma’s back.
“You’re right. My brother is more than happy with his choice, as I believe any man would be given the right woman.”
“You sound like you know from experience,” Mary Margaret said causing Emma’s father to stiffen and Emma groaned.
“Okay I’m gonna stop you right there and say that if I’m going to make it through tonight I need a drink, or five. Are we sitting with you?” Emma asked and her mother looked disappointed at the abrupt end of the discussion but then shook her head.
“No actually. There was a mix up with the seating. But we’ll find you.” That was a solemn vow in every way, and Killian knew Mary Margaret Nolan would make good on it.
Emma agreed to her mother’s conditions before pulling Killian with her towards the restaurant’s bar, saying hello to more than a few people as she did. When they’d finally gotten halfway the room, Emma seemed a little more relaxed and Killian spoke again.
“Lucky thing we won’t be sitting with them I suppose,” Killian said and Emma laughed.
“Ha! Luck? Try straight out bribery. I called Uncle Lance this afternoon and promised him to take him to two Sox games this summer to spare you. The last thing we need is an hour and a half of that straight.”
Killian blinked at Emma for a moment, trying to understand how she could truly be real. She was so brave and capable and also so prepared for the potential pitfalls and missteps their current arrangement might provide. There was no doubt that she was on this and handling the situation to the best of her ability. And here was Killian, feeling all sorts of things because Emma cared enough about him and his comfort to put in all the effort. Though to be fair, he believed Emma an avid enough sports fan to survive the games. The local sporting teams had come up a time or two during their date after all.
“What?” Emma asked a second later, bringing Killian’s attention to the fact that he hadn’t replied.
“Nothing, it’s just… well you’re bloody brilliant, love.” Her genuine smile at his praise made Killian want to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless, but he held back. The last thing he needed was to upset the Chief this early in the evening.
“Thanks, I like to think so.”
Killian had every intention of making Emma see her worth as long as she would let him remain in her life, and he was about to tell her more of his thoughts on how extraordinary she was when interruptions came from all over the place. People kept popping up to meet him and see Emma including her Uncle Lance and his wife Gwen, and it was truly a struggle to keep all the names and faces straight. That tempo continued for far too long, and as an attempt to give him a chance to breathe (and to procure some much needed alcohol), Emma asked him to get her a drink from the bar. He was willing to do so, but getting there was hardly easy, and his being alone didn’t change the amount of people who wanted to speak with him. It merely changed their tone and levels of friendliness.
“So… England, huh?”
The suspicious question from the stranger at the bar would surprise Killian if he hadn’t been greeted in a similar manner by half a dozen other people so far. It felt like every time he was finally free another person manifested from the sea of police and their families with some tidbit fact of his life they knew. Every single one of them sized him up openly, and though he’d survived the questioning for the most part to now, Killian had to admit Emma was right before when she said this would be intense.
“Aye. London.”
“Alright enough small talk,” the man said, standing up and revealing that he was less than average height. “You even think about hurting Emma and you’re going to have to deal with me. You got that?”
Well this was easily the bluntest of his conversations so far and Killian didn’t know what to say to the smaller man. On the one hand he could laugh at the bluster and clearly displayed anger that didn’t make any sense since the man was old enough to be Emma’s father, but there was also this need for Killian to reflect well on Emma. The last thing she needed to deal with tonight was him publically arguing with someone who no doubt had a connection to the force and her parents.
“Leroy!” A younger woman said, looking shocked and displeased all at once. “Would you cool it? Emma is a grown woman and she can handle herself. She doesn’t need her Desk Sergeant threatening her boyfriend.”
Killian could have corrected the brunette, but he didn’t bother. In fact he liked the title that she’d bestowed upon him and he made a mental note to bring it up to Emma later. He could already picture he reaction in his mind’s eye. She would roll those jade colored eyes of hers and then turn slightly pink, giving away her true feelings. She’d done that a few times when in his company so far and he’d memorized each one and replayed them a thousand times.
“Well someone’s gotta tell him what’s what,” The man named Leroy countered, appearing just as grumpy as he had been a second ago even if he’d dialed back the vitriol in the presence of the lady.
“Why don’t we ask Emma what she thinks?” The woman said with a hand on her hip and instantly Leroy paled and made a last remark about that not being necessary and Killian needing to remember what he’d said. As the man walked away, the woman who had inadvertently saved him spoke again. “Sorry about him, about everyone really. They mean well…”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle, love. Are you a friend of Emma’s too?” Killian asked and the woman nodded and extended her hand while she gave him her name.
“Belle French, one of the rare civilian officials invited to these things. I basically manage the station where Emma works. I also promised her to keep an eye out for you and keep everyone out of your hair if and when she couldn’t.” Killian recognized her name from Ruby’s earlier hopes of finding out more details about this evening, and he proceeded with his answers knowing that they could be common knowledge come tomorrow.
“You might have missed a few people,” Killian joked and Belle shook her head with a smile.
“No I didn’t. I fielded the worst of them. You got the easy marks and now everyone will be satisfied that you were interrogated to their liking,” Belle said.
“That was light?” Killian asked, thinking back to the intimate details some of the officers here tonight had tried to pull from him.
“Oh yeah. But to be fair no one’s had anyone to interrogate since Emma went to her senior prom. Or so I’ve been told about a dozen times tonight,” Belle quipped before laughing and pulling Killian into a laugh as well.
“Any advice for me then?” Killian asked, genuinely curious to know what he was up against.
“About fending off the hounds, or about wooing Emma?” Belle’s words prompted Killian to scratch behind his ear uncomfortably, but she stayed light and easy going. “Well for the first part I’d say be honest. Everyone in this room can sniff out a lie like it’s their job.”
“Funny,” Killian conceded at Belle’s pun.
“And as for the wooing… I think you’re doing pretty good on your own. I mean look at her.” Killian was about to turn when Belle raised her voice. “Not yet! Jeez, a little discretion.”
“You told me to look,” Killian argued and Belle let out a huff of air. In that moment he could completely see why Emma and Ruby were friends with this woman. She would fit in seamlessly with those two.
“Sorry I’m used to cops who know when I say look I mean discretely.”
Killian shook his head at the strange woman who despite her more interesting qualities was clearly one of the closest things he would find to a friend tonight. His gaze shifted over to Emma and sure enough she was looking her way. The second their eyes caught across the room, Emma smiled and Killian felt it low in his gut. Damn it felt good to be seen by her, and no matter what anyone said that smile wasn’t faked. Something so precious and so pure could never be artificial.
“That right there is why no one need have bothered with interrogating you. You are so gone over her,” Belle acknowledged with glee. “And thank God really. Emma needs someone normal. Especially after… well never mind. Forget I said that.”
Killian tore his eyes from Emma even though he had no real desire to and looked to Belle, wondering what she was on about. Her tone had gone from happy and hopeful to almost pained rather quickly. That would have concerned him either way, but since she was speaking of Emma and a past jaunt in some romantic attachment, his interest peaked even higher.
“Especially after what?”
“Um, let’s just say my past attempts at matchmaking haven’t been very productive for Emma.”
“Good thing you won’t have to try anymore,” Killian said, accepting the two drinks he’d been waiting for with a sincere thanks to the bartender. Belle meanwhile was totally silent and when Killian turned to her she had the biggest grin on her face. “What?”
“You’re really serious about her aren’t you?”
“I’ve never been more serious about anything,” Killian admitted, knowing it was true even if Belle didn’t understand the full extent of the situation.
“So what are you waiting for? Go save her.” Belle motioned towards where Emma remained with the same doting officials that had been keeping her busy since he came to get her drink.
“Emma doesn’t need saving,” Killian replied.
“Don’t let the cool, capable exterior fool you. Emma might be a bad ass, but we all need saving sometimes, and right now is definitely one of those moments. Just be polite and deferential and then make an excuse about needing her elsewhere. Trust me, she’ll thank you for it later.”
Killian accepted Belle’s advice after saying goodbye and thank you and he moved with Emma’s drink back to his lovely date. When he was next to her again, Emma’s hand came out to reach for him and her smile returned in full force.
“You are a godsend,” Emma professed happily as she took her glass of wine from him, not realizing that her reaction to him whether for the sake of appearance or genuine set his whole body ablaze.
“I try, love,” he whispered low enough just for Emma to hear, and he reveled in the shiver that coursed through her, and the way her eyes got just a tad darker as she blinked through thick lashes.
Killian then looked over to the older couple Emma was speaking with and kindly accepted their introduction before smoothly making that great escape Belle had mentioned. Emma’s eyes lit up when he did and though he didn’t have a real idea of where they could go, Emma did, leading him down a quiet corridor to a far room that had been closed off. Emma didn’t bother shutting the door behind them since the sounds of the party around them were now just a soft hum, but Killian bit back a smile as Emma downed the rest of her wine and put her glass to the side, sighing and closing her eyes like the drink had immediately taken some of the edge off.
“I didn’t think that it was possible for these things to include even more talking than they usually do, but tonight has definitely proved me wrong,” she claimed.
“It is a rather verbose bunch,” Killian agreed, meaning it more as a joke than a form of censure. Emma, however, appeared stricken and immediately set out to apologize.
“I’m so sorry Killian. I mean really, between the weird photographer my Mom hired who keeps following us around and the overbearing pseudo-family we’ve been dodging all night, this is pretty terrible.”
“Terrible isn’t the word I’d use actually,” Killian said, drawing Emma’s glance back his way. Killian placed his own glass down on a side table and moved closer to her. Emma tracked every motion as he stepped closer, but she didn’t move back and she didn’t appear in any way to want him to stop.
“It isn’t?” she asked, her voice slightly higher than it had been seconds ago.
“No,” he said taking her hand. “Now, have there been moments when I questioned the methods of some of these people or their general inquiries? Aye. But it’s been made clear to me all evening that you are genuinely loved and cared for Emma, and that is something to be celebrated, not resented.”
There was a deep, longing need in Killian to say that he wanted to be considered a part of that unit of people who admired Emma, maybe even more than admired her to be honest, but he held back, still cognoscente of how early it was in their relationship. Instead he let his other hand come up to rest on the curve of Emma’s hip. Being this close calmed all the frayed nerves they’d both been suffering from, and Killian watched as the hard set of Emma’s shoulders lessened some. She seemed only moments away from melting into him, and he wanted that so badly – to be the person she could lean on in times like this would be an honor.
“I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop,” Emma admitted, but her words told Killian that while her nature was to be skeptical, she couldn’t muster the sentiment with him. Now he just had to see to it that the other shoe never made an appearance, and to make Emma trust that what they had was real and good.
“I fear you’ll be waiting a rather long time then, love,” Killian insisted as he pushed a strand of Emma’s perfectly soft hair around her ear.
It felt like the worst of teases. He needed to touch her, but he also wanted so much more than this. Yet here and now was hardly the time to attempt such a scenario. Instead he cast his glance to one of the photos on a far desk and noticed a little girl with the same golden hair and wide green eyes as Emma. She was surrounded by other kids and her excitement and exuberance was undeniable.
“Is this you?” Killian asked, already knowing for sure that it was.
“Yeah. I was eight. We were on a family camping trip with a bunch of other people. I swear it was like thirty of us in the middle of the woods. I don’t even know if it was a real, sanctioned camp site.”
“Is your family fond of camping?” Killian inquired, not having a knack for the pastime himself.
“Not even a little bit, and the only person who could manage anything the whole trip was my Dad. I guess firefighters are better equipped for outdoor survival than a bunch of city cops. But even though none of us slept a wink, and there were more mosquitos than you can even imagine, it was awesome. Uncle Lance fell in the lake, I caught about a hundred fireflies, and I got a ‘cool’ scar from sliding down the path too fast after beating everyone in a sprint through the woods.”
Emma gestured to a slight white line on the palm of her hand that Killian had barely noticed before. It was very feint, really the ghost of a long-gone injury, but he smiled all the same, not at the fact that she’d been hurt, but that she’d found it to a be a badge of honor. He could just imagine Emma giving every other kid, boy or girl, a run for their money, pushing herself to be the fastest and the best and to take the opportunity for every adventure. Instinctively, Killian took Emma’s hand in his now, brushing the scar ever so gently before intertwining their fingers and smiling at her.
“Sounds like a lovely memory, Emma.”
“It was,” Emma agreed, but her thoughts had already abandoned the walk down memory lane, and Killian could read that her wants had shifted to something very different.
Emma licked her lips absentmindedly and then Killian was in motion, moving to give her another kiss that Emma arched into it. She clearly needed the same sort of release that Killian did and she took what she wanted without hesitation. This kiss lingered longer than they one they’d had in the car, but the feeling of it being forbidden was ripe in the air, and soon enough they pulled back, both wanting more but knowing more would have to wait.
“I think it’s best we return to the party before anyone realizes we’re gone,” Killian whispered and Emma smiled.
“You’re probably right,” Emma agreed quietly, and causing Killian to steal one last kiss in the hopes of wiping away that little bit of worry that had returned to her features. When he moved away again, Emma was just as she had been before, at peace and looking very relaxed. “Thank you, Killian.”
“I think it’s I who should be thanking you, Emma. That was quite a kiss.” Killian grinned when she rolled her eyes playfully and she shook her head.
“I meant for coming. You’ve made an otherwise stressful night a lot better and that was hardly easy.”
“I’m merely glad to be of service, love,” Killian confessed, lingering in the quiet contentment of this moment just a little longer.
Soon enough, however, the two of them joined the party once more and it felt like they’d turned some kind of corner. Killian never felt outmatched or openly disliked since walking through these doors, but by the evening’s end he could feel that he’d won quite a number of people over. It didn’t hurt that he clearly had Emma’s admiration, and no matter what anyone thought Killian knew that all the gently touches, all the smiles, and every throaty laugh he got from Emma were real and true.
Though it was hard at times, Killian maintained the line that Emma’s parents deserved, a respectful boundary between him and this woman who tempted him like no other, and through the course of the dinner and then the dessert that allowed a bit more mingling, Killian got the sense that even Chief Nolan was coming around. Killian was proud to say he’d even made the man laugh with a joke about the sleeping habits of firemen, and that he considered a real victory.
“You did well in there, tonight,” David said later, when Killian had gone out to the valet to retrieve his car so Emma wouldn’t have to face the cold. The compliment was unexpected, but Killian had no intention of taking it lightly.
“Thank you, sir.”
“You also make my daughter laugh, which isn’t easy. Emma’s choosy,” David acknowledged and Killian wondered if it was some kind of trap. Was he being baited into something right now? Or did the Chief just feel a need to share his observations.
“Nothing worth having ever comes easily,” Killian said, paraphrasing a sentiment carried by many but bestowed on him many years ago by his mother. Just the thought of her brought a smile to his face. She’d have liked Emma, Killian knew, and she’d have enjoyed tonight and these people who were a brazen, blunt, quirky kind of family.
“I’ve been hard on you since all this started. My wife and my daughter think that’s unfair of me,” David continued.
“But you disagree?” Killian asked and he watched as the Chief hesitated before responding.
“I think that no one is ever going to be worthy of my daughter,” David affirmed.
“On that we agree then,” Killian countered honestly. He made no claims to be Emma’s equal, but he also believed himself capable of caring for her and making her happy. If given the chance he’d like to continue doing that.
“But if she’s going to choose someone – and I’m not saying it will be you – but if she does choose someone… then he better be someone with a sense of honor and with enough of a spine to stand up in a room like that and take the heat.”
Since the Chief had just told Killian he managed to do that, Killian took this as a sincere compliment. He might not have Emma’s father’s full backing yet, but that was fine. Tonight was about making progress, and even if they were small steps forward, at least Killian was on his way to staking out a path for him and Emma.
“Yes, sir.”
Killian watched then as Chief Nolan extended his hand and shook Killian’s. This time David wasn’t being forced by social custom or by his watchful wife, and it was a silent seal of approval. As far as Killian was concerned, it was a nice thing to have, but not strictly necessary. Sure it was harder to go about dating Emma with the idea of his higher up and her father disliking the arrangement, but at the end of the day any relationship between he and Emma would be up to the two of them. It didn’t involve anyone else, no matter who they might be.
“Oh would you look at that,” Mary Margaret said, alerting Killian and David to her and Emma’s presence behind them. “They’re bonding.”
Emma looked between her Dad and Killian, and Killian could read her thoughts so clearly. On the one hand she found her mother’s statement weird and slightly uncomfortable and she felt the need to apologize for them, but on the other hand she was pleased and a little relieved to see Killian and her father getting along better. That relief was the sweetest part of all of this for Killian.
“And moment over,” Killian joked, causing everyone to laugh.
“Until next time,” Chief Nolan offered and before Emma and Killian got in the car, Emma’s mother reminded them of their next necessary engagement.
Apparently they were signed up to volunteer at the Boston Rescue Open House next weekend, a day created to get the community involved and show younger kids especially about the merits of being a police officer or fire fighter. Killian had manned a few events like that at his old firehouse, but this would no doubt be different thanks to Emma’s being there. Yet he was ready for anything, and Emma seemed more excited about this next outing than the one they’d just finished. When they were in the car and away from her parents once again, Killian asked her why that was.
“I don’t know. I always loved the open house as a kid. And…”
“And?” Killian asked when Emma had trailed off, glancing for a second from the road to where Emma was smiling happily.
“And it wouldn’t be the worst thing to go on another fake date with you.”
Killian growled low at her teasing, and Emma laughed, the sound filling the car with an energy and electricity that Killian fed off of. It felt perfect, being here with Emma after a night spent together in whatever capacity. But he did have to set her straight on one element of her comment.
“The key words being ‘fake date.’ Because I have no intentions of letting a whole week pass by without seeing you again, love. In fact, I’ll need quite a few more moments with you to be even remotely satisfied.” As Killian said the words he gave Emma his hand, feeling the reassurance of her offering hers as well and the happy reverberation in his chest as she hummed a sound of agreement.
“Sounds good to me,” she whispered.
And though ‘good’ didn’t do this feeling justice, Killian swore then and there that he’d show Emma just how much better life could be if they faced these moments together and explored this thing between them to the fullest, following this feeling wherever it may lead.
Post-Note: So there we have it, this week’s dose of fluff is here and I love finding new ways to put CS in these cute situations. I really hope that you guys enjoyed, and while I’m not sure when the next chapter will be out, I fully intend to develop this story more and to explore this dynamic in a way that is filled with humor, smuff, and lots of cuteness. Next time we will also return to both POVs and we’ll likely return to the usual chapter length. Anyway thanks so much for reading, and I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!
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geramusica97 · 5 years
Jahwiz - Mambo (feat. Makaroof & Black Daymont)
Jahwiz – Mambo (feat. Makaroof & Black Daymont)
Ouça, baixe e compartilhe.
Artista: Jahwiz
Titulo: Mambo (feat. Makaroof & Black Daymont)
Género: Hip-Hop
Formato: MP3
Ano de Lançamento: 2019
Tamanho: 10 MB
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