#dbdetectives one shot
reallifetangent · 4 months
Realization 1.0 (Cat King x Edwin)
I really tried writing something, this is one of the two attempts. English is not my main language, and I also have to translate Ir(me) → Spanish → English → Making Sense in English. I didn't actually finish this one, so, have this draft. Sorry if it disappoints.
Based on the idea of How did Cat King react when he got back the bracelet. Technically is a One Sided Catwin, happens in the events of the series.
"Hm?" A surprise sound between a purr and a question got stuck in his lips, seeing how in his characteristical flames, a cat shaped bracelet appeared in front of his bed. Just waking from the heartbreak of the last night, tired after scan the forest and each tree, Cat King (or Thomas for friends or Fandom) looked at the metallic enchanted piece. Didn't have to get closer, but yet he did. He could recognized that ghostly faded smell, and he was shocked and out of his mind when finally picked it up. Tried to think it was just an illusion, a bad taste joke about it.
"How did he do that?" He was both amazed and hurt. How come a ghost, a simple yet fascinating ghost boy hexed his handcuff, his attachment to this town, to his kingdom. Maybe he counted all the cats. "No. The spell only works if I undo it. That's the charm of this charm." Edwin was resourceful, but he couldn't find anything at Tragic Mick's. His cats around town and his own knowledge knew that no trinket from that haunted store could help them. Otherwise, Edwin, his aggressive pal and that psychic girl would've left the country as soon as they got out of his Majesty's Deck.
His small game of cat and mouse was gone, and he didn't even say goodbye. That was hurting. A well mannered gentleman like Edwin could never leave without a word, even if they didn't like it, his manners and old fashioned ways were stronger than his pride sometimes. That was attractive. He liked that correct and straight up part of him (not the straight part. Edwin has none.) The way Edwin fancily rejected and asked to take it off the first time, the panics and educated rejects at his touch. Maybe last night he was a bit rough telling him that they were only there because of that bracelet, nothing else. But Gods from heaven and hell, that was so ho-
"Heaven and hell." His sliced eyes opened wider, seeing every little part of the handcuff, the hits and tries of forcing the lock. The faded particles of a burnt wall. Thomas knew he was powerful, but not above any of the Primordial Gods, The Endless, Lilith. Even with his 9 lives, he wasn't above Death. And thought that those Dead Boy Detectives couldn't get struggling with her. Sneaky, one step ahead, 30 years running from her. Thomas liked that. Defying. But back to his thoughts, he finally felt that sting.
Edwin Payne had been claimed back to hell. Some cats told there was a creepy woman looking for them, about to "Get them back where they belong". Edwin's cleverness wasn't enough to escape her? Well, now was late to help him.
"Sir, we are... Troubled to inform you-" a grey old cat approached their king.
"I know, I know. That little dead boy has been departed to another jurisdiction. I... Got the message." He sighed, spinning in his fingers the metal piece.
"Worse, my Lord. The crazy nurse woman was there, yes. But something worse." Even the cat got goosebumps, their back hairs bristly. "She wasn't even aware. A demonic... thing... took him and dragged him to hell."
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reallifetangent · 4 months
Realization 2.0 (Cat King x Edwin Payne)
I really tried writing something, this is one of the two attempts. English is not my main language, and I also have to translate Ir(me) → Spanish → English → Making Sense in English. I didn't actually finish this one, so, have this draft. Sorry if it disappoints.
Based on the idea of How did Cat King react when he got back the bracelet. Technically is a One Sided Catwin, happens in the events of the series.
A loud noise surrounded in flames showed in front of his bed. Cat King (or Thomas) had been resting, after a whole night of chasing that stiff ghost, revealing the plan of that witch. Also deleting from his mind the rejection he suffered. It hurt more than anything he had ever experienced. Edwin put him in his place, he'd give him that. The thing between them was just the bracelet. Other than that, Edwin had no reasons to be around him.
Back to the noise, he looked from his upside down near the border of the bed at the piece. Wanted to believe his eyes were lying. Wanted to think it was just a joke. It was impossible. Got up and turned to take a better look, still at distance, and the closest cat got the message, leaving via one of the windows of that old warehouse. Thomas got up, fixed his fluffy coat and picked up the metallic piece with a cat shape. "You clever ghost", tried to lie to himself. Wanted to believe it was another part of their game. Edwin would come in, proud and stiffed, claiming that he found another way to get rid of the attachment. Thomas hurt Edwin's pride and autonomy when he paid back the little spell the ghost boy put on one of his cats. Last night, Edwin hurt Thomas back, reminding him he was nothing, and no matter what, he would never change his mind about him. Now he could give the knockout and show himself, maybe to prove once again he was one step ahead, or that he would always find a way, like any other of his cases. And that was what Thomas found so attractive and magnetic about him. Those egocentric moments where Payne found and put himself above everyone because of course he would be right. He was always right.
He saw and sensed the marks or forcing the bracelet, all failed, the lock never gave up. Some tracks of useless spells that didn't help him either. No gadget or trinket from Magic Mick would be at his level. He really tried everything to get away from it, didn't he? Thomas wanted to believe, again, that it was just an attack against losing his autonomy and escaping the... Night Nurse? and Death from coming after him and his violent pal. Not Edwin wanting to get rid of Cat King. Maybe in another circumstances, maybe without the binding spell, he could've gotten closer and with better results, like that crow, Monty. But he liked playing chase. He was a cat, after all. "I'm such a believer", he mocked himself, trying to think that he could've gotten the ghost if he wasn't as playful and that detective weren't fun to test against his old ways. He liked scratching to get his attention. He liked seeing his reaction at his scenarios, the panics Edwin had which left his spectral shape speechless, taking the truth out of his lips. The confusion when he revealed Monty's little secret, as he never lied and would never lie to him. For being a trickster, he was an open book for Edwin, even if he was new at facing his emotions. He liked making Edwin facing his emotions. "And now could be a nice chance to do that. The whole A detective does whatever to finish a case", he screamed in the room, still in the mind scenario. He wanted to see Payne's witty face. The "I'm not playing your games even though I liked this little game between us." Deep down, they both enjoyed it, too many times he makes pride of comebacks against that psychic friend of theirs, or praising himself in silence when he was right about a case. Would he even try to deny he went to their lighthouse meeting just to see if he had at least a 'tic' of advantage on the Counting Cats Game?
Because he didn't count all the cats, that was for sure. He had to hear the results himself, and let him free. But no signs of him.
"Sir, there are no tracks of that ghost twink in Port Townsend." He turned at the army of cats in front of him. Good, they took the liberty to check everywhere.
"His little friends are out of town as well. Without any goodbye." Huffed in a laugh. "I'm hurt."
"No, my Lord. Only him." The cats stepped back, as Thomas turned facing the wall. "The cricket bat ghost and the bratty teen were talking about going to hell to take him back." His slit eyes were scrounging the neon crown sign. Impossible. How come they got caught? How come Edwin was now away for God knows how long?
At least him away in London meant he could travel to see him again. Hell was more difficult. Even if Edwin made it out, it's fucking hell. He was gone. Unreachable. Not even wasting his 7 remaining lives could guarantee he would get to see the ghost in hell to bring see him back.
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