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Screen-Capture(s) of the Week:
Dragon Ball Super #129.  「限界超絶突破!身勝手の極意極まる!!」 (”Limits Super Surpassed! Ultra Instinct Mastered!!”)
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l3reezer · 7 years
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #73 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 助監督 (じょかんとく/jokantoku)'assistant director (in taking professional movies)' 撮影 (さつえい/satsuei)'photography (still or motion), photographing, filming, shooting, (video) recording' 店主 (てんしゅ/tenshu)'shopkeeper' 銀行強盗 (ぎんこうごうとう/ginkougoutou)'bank robbery, bank robber' 俳優 (はいゆう/haiyuu)'actor, actress, player, performer' 凶悪 (きょうあく/kyouaku)'atrocious, fiendish, brutal, villainous' 発生 (はっせい/hassei)'outbreak, spring forth, occurrence, incidence, generation (e.g. of power or heat), genesis, origin, ontogeny, development of complex multicellular structures from cell(s) in a simple state' 業界 (ぎょうかい/gyoukai)'business world, business circles, (the) industry' 解禁 (かいきん/kaikin)'lifting a ban' 共演 (きょうえん/kyouen)'appearing together, co-acting, co-starring' 名言 (めいげん/meigen)'wise saying, famous saying' 甘栗 (あまぐり/amaguri)'broiled sweet chestnuts' 差し替え (さしかえ/sashikae)'replacement' 投降 (とうこう/toukou)'surrender' 修行 (しゅぎょう/shugyou)'ascetic practices, training, practice, discipline, study' 衣装 (いしょう/ishou)'clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress' 教授 (きょうじゅ/kyouju)'professor, teaching, instruction' 助手 (じょしゅ/joshu)'helper, helpmeet, assistant, tutor'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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Screen-Capture(s) of the Week:
Dragon Ball Super #110. 「これぞ全宇宙一の究極バトル! 孫悟空VSジレン!!」 (”Son Goku Wakes! New Level of the Awakened!!”)
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Screen-Capture(s) of the Week:
Dragon Ball Super #95. 「最凶! 最悪! フリーザ大暴れ!!」 (”The Worst! The Most Evil! Frieza’s Rampage!!”)
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Screen-Capture(s) of the Week:
Dragon Ball Super #95. 「最凶! 最悪! フリーザ大暴れ!!」 (”The Worst! The Most Evil! Frieza’s Rampage!!”)
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Screen-Capture(s) of the Week:
Dragon Ball Super #95. 「最凶! 最悪! フリーザ大暴れ!!」 (”The Worst! The Most Evil! Frieza's Rampage!!”)
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Screen-Capture(s) of the Week:
Dragon Ball Super #92. 「緊急事態発生! そろわない10人のメンバー!!」 (”Emergency Development! The Incomplete Ten Members!!”)
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #72 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 依頼 (いらい/irai) - 'request, commission, dispatch, despatch, dependence, trust' 秘伝 (ひでん/hiden) - 'secret, mystery, secret formula' 大会 (たいかい/taikai) - 'convention, tournament, mass meeting, rally' 見学 (けんがく/kengaku) - 'inspection, study by observation, field trip' 依頼人 (いらいにん/irainin) - 'client' 武道 (ぶどう/budou) - 'martial arts, military arts, Bushido' 背後 (はいご/haigo) - 'back, rear, background, behind the scenes' こだわり (こだわり/kodawari) - 'obsession, fixation, hangup, determination, fastidiousness, pickiness about (trait, style, etc.), complaining, criticizing' 暗闇 (くらやみ/kurayami) - 'darkness, the dark' 朝飯前 (あさめしまえ/asameshimae) - 'trivial matter, cinch to do, easy as pie, it's a piece of cake' 度目 (どめ/dome) - 'the Nth time' 残像 (ざんぞう/zanzou) - 'afterimage, imprint' 武者震い (むしゃぶるい/mushaburui) - 'trembling with excitement' 恐怖 (きょうふ/kyoufu) - 'fear, dread, dismay, terror, horror, scare, panic' 震え (ふるえ/furue) - 'shivering, trembling' 権利 (けんり/kenri) - 'right, privilege' 取引 (とりひき/torihiki) - 'transactions, dealings, business' 食欲 (しょくよく/shokuyoku) - 'appetite (for food)'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #71 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 修行 (しゅぎょう/shugyou) - 'ascetic practices, training, practice, discipline, study' 背後 (はいご/haigo) - 'back, rear, background, behind the scenes' 救急車 (きゅうきゅうしゃ/kyuukyuusha) - 'ambulance' 過酷 (かこく/kakoku) - 'rigour, rigor, severity, cruelty, harsh' 精進 (しょうじん/shoujin) - 'concentration, diligence, devotion, asceticism, zeal in one's quest for enlightenment, adherence to a vegetarian diet' 機嫌 (きげん/kigen) - 'humour, humor, temper, mood, spirits, safety, health, well-being, one's situation, in a good mood, in high spirits, happy, cheery, merry, chipper' 格好 (かっこう/kakkou) - 'shape, form, figure, posture, pose, appearance, state, situation, suitable, fit, reasonable, about' 変装 (へんそう/hensou) - 'disguise, masquerade' 上映 (じょうえい/jouei) - 'screening (a movie), showing, to screen a movie' 内緒 (ないしょ/naisho) - 'secrecy, confidentiality, privacy, secret, one's circumstances (esp. fiscal), inner realization, personal enlightenment, kitchen' 指名手配 (しめいてはい/shimeitehai) - '(the police) wanting (someone) for questioning, having (someone) on the wanted list' 逃亡 (とうぼう/toubou) - 'escape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeing' 証言 (しょうげん/shougen) - 'evidence, testimony' 不思議 (ふしぎ/fushigi) - 'wonder, miracle, strange, mystery, marvel, curiosity' 大会 (たいかい/taikai) - 'convention, tournament, mass meeting, rally' 武道 (ぶどう/budou) - 'martial arts, military arts, Bushido' 財産 (ざいさん/zaisan) - 'property, fortune, assets' 郵便 (ゆうびん/yuubin) - 'mail service, postal service, mail, post, mail, postal matter, postal items'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #70 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 野球 (やきゅう/yakyuu) - 'baseball' 退場 (たいじょう/taijou) - 'exit (from a stage), exeunt, leaving, exit' 交代 (こうたい/koutai) - 'alternation, change, relief, relay, shift, substitution (sports, etc.), taking turns' 親睦 (しんぼく/shinboku) - 'friendship, amity' 禁止 (きんし/kinshi) - 'prohibition, inhibition, ban' 餃子 (ギョーザ/gyo-za) - 'gyoza, pot sticker, crescent-shaped pan-fried dumplings stuffed with minced pork and vegetables' 人数 (にんずう/ninzuu) - 'the number of people, many people, a large number of people' 反則 (はんそく/hansoku) - 'foul play (sport), breaking the rules, infringement, irregularity' 適度 (てきど/tekido) - 'moderate' 審判 (しんぱん/shinpan) - 'refereeing, trial, judgement, judgment, umpire, referee' 消滅 (しょうめつ/shoumetsu) - 'extinction, extinguishment, disappearance, vanishing, termination, lapse, annihilation' 野蛮 (やばん/yaban) - 'savage, uncivilized, uncivilised' 不可欠 (ふかけつ/fukaketsu) - 'indispensable, essential' 得意 (とくい/tokui) - 'triumph, prosperity, pride, one's strong point, one's forte, one's specialty, frequent customer (client, etc.)' 球場 (きゅうじょう/kyuujou) - 'baseball stadium' 処分 (しょぶん/shobun) - 'disposal, dealing (with a problem), disposition, measure, procedure, punishment, putting down (e.g. diseased animal)' 先発 (せんぱつ/senpatsu) - 'starting in advance, starting first, going first, going ahead, starting (in team sports)' 寝息 (ねいき/neiki) - 'sleeper's breathing' 集合 (しゅうごう/shuugou) - 'gathering, assembly, meeting, set'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #68 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 物質 (ぶっしつ/busshitsu) - 'material, substance, matter' 地底 (ちてい/chitei) - 'depths of the earth' 後回し (あとまわし/atomawashi) - 'putting off, postponing' 行き来 (いきき/ikiki) - 'coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting each other, street traffic, highway' 甲殻類 (こうかくるい/koukakurui) - 'crustacean' お釣り (おつり/otsuri) - 'change (i.e. money), balance' 器具 (きぐ/kigu) - 'utensil, apparatus, implement, device, gadget' 禁止 (きんし/kinshi) - 'prohibition, inhibition, ban' 前科 (ぜんか/zenka) - 'previous conviction, criminal record, previous offense, previous offence' 老い先 (おいさき/oisaki) - 'remaining years (of one's life)' 老人 (ろうじん/roujin) - 'the aged, old person' 野望 (やぼう/yabou) - 'ambition, aspiration, designs, treachery' 居候 (いそうろう/isourou) - 'lodger who pays nothing for room and board, freeloader, sponger' 潤い (うるおい/uruoi) - 'moisture, damp, wetness, richness, warmth, gain, profit, financial leeway' 教育 (きょういく/kyouiku) - 'training, education' 苦労 (くろう/kurou) - 'troubles, hardships' 不覚 (ふかく/fukaku) - 'failure, defeat, mistake, blunder, negligence, indiscretion, unconsciousness' 口約束 (くちやくそく/kuchiyakusoku) - 'verbal promise, one's word' 生きがい (いきがい/ikigai) - 'something one lives for, purpose in life' 起動 (きどう/kidou) - 'startup, booting up, activation, starting (e.g. engine, computer), launch' 顔負け (かおまけ/kaomake) - 'feeling embarrassed, being put to shame, bowing to' 変態 (へんたい/hentai) - 'transformation, metamorphosis, abnormality, pervert'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #65 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 裁き (さばき/sabaki) - 'judgment, judgement, decision, verdict' 化け物 (ばけもの/bakemono) - 'goblin, apparition, monster, ghost, phantom, spectre, specter' 自ら (みずから/mizukara) - 'for one's self, personally' 合体 (がったい/gattai) - 'union, coalescence, amalgamation, combination, alliance, annexation, incorporation, copulation, penetration' 知恵 (ちえ/chie) - 'wisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence, prajna (insight leading to enlightenment)' 調子 (ちょうし/choushi) - 'tune, tone, key, pitch, time, rhythm, vein, mood, way, manner, style, knack, condition, state of health, impetus, spur of the moment, strain, trend' 過ち (あやまち/ayamachi) - 'fault, error, indiscretion, faux pas' 光輪 (こうりん/kourin) - 'halo (esp. in Christian art), nimbus' 愚か (おろか/oroka) - 'foolish, stupid' 逆鱗 (げきりん/gekirin) - 'imperial wrath, one's superior's anger' 地上 (ちじょう/chijou) - 'above ground, surface, earth, world' 傲慢 (ごうまん/gouman) - 'pride, haughtiness, arrogance, insolence, hubris' 建物 (たてもの/tatemono) - 'building' 倒壊 (とうかい/toukai) - 'destruction, collapse, crumbling' 確認 (かくにん/kakunin) - 'confirmation, verification, validation, review, check, affirmation, identification' 正体 (しょうたい/shoutai) - 'natural shape, one's true colors, one's true colours, true character, identity, true identity, consciousness, one's senses' 加勢 (かせい/kasei) - 'assistance, backing, reinforcements'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #69 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 科学者 (かがくしゃ/kagakusha) - 'scientist' 発表 (はっぴょう/happyou) - 'announcement, publication, presenting, statement, communique, making known, breaking (news story), expressing (one's opinion), releasing, unveiling' 頭突き (ずつき/zutsuki) - 'head-butting, head-butt' 地球 (ちきゅう/chikyuu) - 'the earth, the globe' 会場 (かいじょう/kaijou) - 'assembly hall, meeting place, venue, grounds' 至急 (しきゅう/shikyuu) - 'urgent, pressing' 留守番 (るすばん/rusuban) - 'care-taking, house-sitting, house-watching, staying at home, caretaker, house-sitter' 天才 (てんさい/tensai) - 'genius, prodigy, natural gift' 写真集 (しゃしんしゅう/shashinshuu) - 'collection of photographs, photoalbum' 異存 (いぞん/izon) - 'objection' 贈呈 (ぞうてい/zoutei) - 'presentation (e.g. of a gift, etc.)' 招待 (しょうたい/shoutai) - 'invitation' 原作 (げんさく/gensaku) - 'original work' 脱走 (だっそう/dassou) - 'desertion, escape' 見せ場 (みせば/miseba) - 'highlight scene (of play)' 悲鳴 (ひめい/himei) - 'shriek, scream' 退屈 (たいくつ/taikutsu) - 'tedium, boredom' でたらめ (でたらめ/detarame) - 'irresponsible utterance, nonsense, bullshit, codswallop, random, haphazard, unsystematic' 常識 (じょうしき/joushiki) - 'common sense, good sense, common knowledge, general knowledge, common practice, accepted practice, social etiquette' 反則 (はんそく/hansoku) - 'foul play (sport), breaking the rules, infringement, irregularity' 届け (とどけ/todoke) - 'report, notification, registration' 心当たり (こころあたり/kokoroatari) - 'having some knowledge of, happening to know'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #67 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 正義 (せいぎ/seigi) - 'justice, right, righteousness, correct meaning' 不快 (ふかい/fukai) - 'unpleasant, displeasure, discomfort' 秩序 (ちつじょ/chitsujo) - 'order, regularity, system, method' 起動 (きどう/kidou) - 'startup, booting up, activation, starting (e.g. engine, computer), launch' 不足 (ふそく/fusoku) - 'insufficiency, shortage, deficiency, lack, dearth' 弟子 (でし/deshi) - 'pupil, disciple, adherent, follower, apprentice, young person, teacher's student-helper' 日柄 (ひがら/higara) - 'lucky or unlucky aspect of a given day' 消滅 (しょうめつ/shoumetsu) - 'extinction, extinguishment, disappearance, vanishing, termination, lapse, annihilation' 退治 (たいじ/taiji) - 'extermination (e.g. of pests, demons, bandits), elimination, eradication, suppression, making someone renounce worldly desires in order to concentrate on Buddha's teachings, curing illness' 不死身 (ふじみ/fujimi) - 'invulnerability, immortality, insensibility to pain' 封印 (ふういん/fuuin) - 'seal, stamp, to stamp, to affix a seal, to seal up, to seal off' 達者 (たっしゃ/tassha) - 'in good health, healthy, well, robust, strong, skilled, clever, proficient' 食料 (しょくりょう/shokuryou) - 'food' 失恋 (しつれん/shitsuren) - 'disappointed love, broken heart, unrequited love, being lovelorn' 死闘 (しとう/shitou) - 'life or death struggle, mortal combat, struggle to the death' 及ぼす (およぼす/oyobosu) - 'to exert, to cause, to exercise' 見詰める (みつめる/mitsumeru) - 'to stare at, to gaze at, to look hard at, to watch intently, to fix one's eyes on' 免じる (めんじる/menjiru) - 'to dismiss, to exempt' 見逃す (みのがす/minogasu) - 'to miss, to overlook, to fail to notice, to turn a blind eye (to a wrongdoing etc.), to ignore, to pass up (an opportunity etc.)'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch Dragon Ball Super #64 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 不死身 (ふじみ/fujimi) - 'invulnerability, immortality, insensibility to pain' 封印 (ふういん/fuuin) - 'seal, stamp, to stamp, to affix a seal, to seal up, to seal off' 風情 (ふぜい/fuzei) - 'taste, elegance, charm, appearance, air, the likes of ..., lowly people such as ...' お札 (おさつ/osatsu) - 'bill, note (currency)' 急激 (きゅうげき/kyuugeki) - 'sudden, precipitous, radical' 前菜 (ぜんさい/zensai) - 'hors d'oeuvre, appetizer, appetiser, starter' 知性 (ちせい/chisei) - 'intelligence' 油断 (ゆだん/yudan) - 'negligence, carelessness, inattention, unpreparedness' 未到 (みとう/mitou) - 'unreached, unattained, unachieved, unprecedented' 強敵 (きょうてき/kyouteki) - 'formidable enemy, strong enemy, tough enemy' 万物 (ばんぶつ/banbutsu) - 'all things, all creation' 証明 (しょうめい/shoumei) - 'proof, verification, certification' 無力 (むりょく/muryoku) - 'powerlessness, helplessness, incompetent' 敗北 (はいぼく/haiboku) - 'defeat, to be defeated' 黙認 (もくにん/mokunin) - 'connivance, tacit consent, toleration, acquiescence'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
Support Learning Japanese on Patreon! Please do consider checking out our milestone goals on Patreon and becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and expansion of the curriculum! https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese
This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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