leaguepositivibee · 3 years
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@dcvorakk is the funniest person I've ever met no cap, please their aus and crossover concept for Julian is so perfect and I love them sm
from Anonymous
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❝ Oh no, sheriff! I-Is everything okay? Of course it's not okay, but ... don't you need, err, help? ❞
Sheriff poro does need help. Help solving this case! What is case? Sheriff doesn’t know! Is on the tip of her tongue! Has tried blepping to see, but still can’t see it. But is very important case. So she accepts help in case!
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shinizenchi · 3 years
“  you’re a hard man to find , doc .  ”  he leans against the doorframe , arms folded across his chest .  “  but rumours tend to spread like plague ‘round these parts . somethin’ i’m sure you’re familiar with .  ”
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modestmuses-a · 4 years
( closed starter for @dcvorakk )
It was to be expected, of course, that in his wanderings of the desert, he would reach the end of it eventually.  It has been centuries, and he has tread and retread every inch of it over and over, becoming familiar with every individual grain of sand.  It is no longer a place that holds any hope for him.  Generation after generation, things remain the same at best and get worse at worst, as stories of his existence get passed along.  It is time for him to find a new place, he thinks.
But this one, this golden city to the far east of the desert, is not much better.  So far, it has been dizzyingly overwhelming, with each new curiosity flashing by for only a moment before someone whisks it away again without explanation.  The people are no friendlier, either.
He takes to an alley to hide and try to drown out the endless noise.  It is in that alley that he finds a man, isolated, seemingly carrying with him something that is very familiar to the small mummy. Sadness?
As soon as he managed to orient himself, he had planned to find his way back to the desert and write all of this off as a lost cause.  But could it be that this is the thing that he was been searching for all along?  A kindred spirit of sorts?
He takes a step forward and reaches a hand out, unthinking.  “I—”  How does he go about greeting himself?  He never thought he would even get this far.  “—I’m lost.”
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siniste · 4 years
a  traitor,  a  shame,  a  sinner——      the  names  following  his  shadow  are  countless  despite  his  track  getting  lost  a  long  time  ago.      memories  never  falter,  that  is  their  curse  ;  rumors  and  blasphemies  sprinkled  with  a  hint  of  reality  live  even  after  beauty  becomes  dust,  but  such  cannot  be  applied  to  immortals  knitting  their  lifetime  at  own  leisure.      they  live  enough  to  hear  all  that  is  said  about  their  persona,  and  to  be  found      (      𝙱𝚈  𝙰  𝚆𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽  𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼  𝙰  𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙱𝙸𝙳𝙳𝙴𝙽  𝙿𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙴      )      when  hopes  had  started  to  flourish.
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❛      piltover,  hm  ?      ——      terrible  choice  but  not  the  worst  I  must  admit.      ❜      she  owns  the  room  with  confident  strides  pushed  forward.      curiosity  flickers  inside  viridian  pools  under  dim  lights,  shimmers  like  gold  and  then  leaves  quickly  as  it  came  when  scornful  appreciation  halts  alongside  meticulous  steps.      ❛      surprise,  doc.      ——      how’s  life  treating  you  ?  miserably  I  hope.      ❜
s.c      ,      @dcvorakk.
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rathfel · 4 years
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*     @dcvorakk​     /     sparring meme   (  ACCEPTING !  )
     ->      " did that hurt? "
     the  knuckles  to  jaw  caused  meliodas  to  stumble  backwards  and  his  back  met  the  dirt  despite  his  attempt  to  keep  standing.  a  laugh  at  the  reply  from  the  other,  rubbing  a  rough  palm  across  where  he’d  been  hit.    ❝  don’t  worry  about  hurting  me,  just  focus !  ❞
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     more  like  he  needed  to  focus  in,  not  seeing  the  strike  come  wasn’t  like  him.  now  getting  back  to  his  feet  he  grinned,  fists  coming  up  to  protect  his  face  while  shifting  from  toe  to  toe.    ❝  do  it  again !  ❞
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isgudinne-moved · 4 years
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         A    FEELING    ;    LIKE    TRYING    TO    HIDE    A    LAUGH    during    a    serious    situation    .    it    tingled    within    fingertips    but    the    release    was    the    most    satisfying    .    magick    flowed    from    her    core    to    tips    of    fingers    ;    bursting    forth    ----    glistening    and    shimmering    .    a    snowflake    formed    ,    twisting    and    spinning    .    .    .    but    just    a    quickly    as    it    appeared    ,    it    vanished    .    a    sigh    left    painted    lips    as    she    looked    out    over    the    scenery    ;    serene    and    quiet    .
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@dcvorakk asked:  " I know that fate was not kind to the two of us, but ... if you want to talk to me, remember, I will always understand, I will always listen. "
Sona has not thought of it this way, that fate dictates how one’s life should be. She had always lived with the notion of being grateful for being so fortunate for where she has been placed. Her chest grows heavy and some level of doubt washes over her countenance at Julian’s words, hooking onto when he stated he would understand. Brows knit and her gaze meanders from the center to the outer parts of his face, settling on the slightest crinkles she could see that highlights his smile. She gives him a single nod despite fighting off the sadness and bitterness that threatens to surface and overflow. Sona cracks a soft smile so as to express receiving his offer with care. 
‘Thank you.’
Those are the words she musters from her heart and relays them without parchment and sign to the doctor. He is no stranger to the life of frequent flights, carrying the wounds of others as well as his own. Like her, he bears a similar sorrow of perhaps never reuniting with his family. Fate had placed them together so that they would not run alone. Listening is one of the kindest and bravest offers when the world is constantly in turmoil; to take it and find another home in it is another form of courage.
Perhaps one day, just not now.
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ncumenia-archived · 4 years
|| @dcvorakk sent:
“It’s not what you think...” ||
Send in “It’s not what you think” for my muse to see yours covered in blood! - always accepting
The acrid scent of blood quickly reached her nostrils, a gasp as her hues met his bloodstained figure, his clothes smeared as if he just had a deadly fight with something way more dangerous than the Lunari. And, to say that sight was as frightening as her last night was somehow the least, and hiding the horror she was feeling proved a challenge was tougher than she expected.
Besides the shock, concerned regarding his current conditions overwhelmed her as well. Carefully, Ernye took a step toward Julian, silently inspecting his body with her eyes, looking for any sign of injuries.
«What happened...? What should I thinking instead of “You miraculously have escaped death”? I can assure you I have seen more blood than you could actually believe, and this is not a mere coincidence, nor a simple accident... Something huge has just happened, and I want to know.»
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lightumbra-a · 4 years
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@dcvorakk​ said:  " Responsibility for human life is something that not everyone can deal with. Some people don't even know how to be responsible for their own lives, so I can't imagine how hard life of kings and queens have to be. You know, being aware of the fact that one word and your people can just... er, die? One wrong decision? It's just... unimaginable. "
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“it is...” a pause, a deep breath. “a heavy burden.”
one that she was painfully aware of; her parents had made sure she understood how her every action could have unintended consequences for everyone around her. her people looked to her, relied on her, and yet she could cause devastation and death with naught but a word from her lips. the weight of it had been settled on her shoulders since childhood, a terrifying shadow cast over her every decision, her every move.
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“one mistake could lead to the absolute ruin of my kingdom,” a fact that she knew all too well, now. her eyes fixed ahead, unfocused, memories of the recent tragedy still all too fresh in her mind.
a moment passed before her attention snapped back to the man before her, a gloved hand pressed to her cheek in thought.
“however...inaction can be just as disastrous. hesitation can cause just as much havoc as a swift response. there is a fine line to walk, and even then, things could go wrong.”
there was no guarantee anything she did would work out in the way she intended, a terrifying thought that nearly paralyzed her at times.
“ah, well,” she smiled, then. “i suppose all i can do is my best, and if that proves inadequate...there are ways of holding the monarchy accountable.” her hand slid from her cheek to her neck, where she drew a line across her throat. a morbid joke that did little to lighten the mood.
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kaigashi · 4 years
@dcvorakk​  ♡’d for a starter.
at sunset apothecary, there is never a shortage of people. while it was founded by her mother, kagome has settled well into the role at the early age of nineteen. her life colored by interesting faces; people who she desperately tries to understand why she can sense things about them without needing to ask or open her mouth. how at times when emotional, or even idle the crackles of what could only be magic claws limitless in her gut; her stainless heart, release me, be not afraid, it whispers, though how can you release a storm you have no idea how far it grows? like a deadly flower it blooms within her; and kagome can only focus on so much with so many orders in her jar of requests; grinding together herbs into paste; she almost jolts at the loud knock on her door. 
despite almost into adult hood, she remains comically diminutive in height; thick-lashed blue-greys heady and soft as they widen at the visitor. pretty face scrunching up in expectation. it’s him isn’t it? when will they let him be?  she’s come to expect this, but seeing his bedraggled appearance, her daily woes on whether to seek help for what she knows is potent magic she’s hidden all her life save mama and miss kaede, their encouragement, all of it, is saved for another day.
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  “.... come in. “ she glances outside before grasping his hands in her tiny ones; practically hoisting him into the door with her tiny weight. “ lock the door, alright?”
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“ Earl Grey, two sugar cubes, and a cupcake please. ”
“Sure thing. You look like you are in need of a pick me up”
//Thanks for reading the rules!
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forligo · 3 years
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      Eyes   focused   on   the   arm   of   the   other,   squinted   to   get   the   best   vision   she   could.   Face   lowered   down     &&   her   lips   tightly   pressed   together   around   the   blade   of   the   -   this   time   -   small   scissors.   She   had   nowhere   to   put   them   at   this   very   moment   so   the   best     &&   handy   place   was   her   mouth.   Her   soft   hands   covered   with   her   gloves   held   a   NEEDLE.   Pulsating   with   blue   mist     &&   a   thread   weaving   through   it’s   hole.   
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      ❝   Please   stay   still.   It   won’t   hurt   I   promise.   ❞   her   voice   echoes   gently   in   the   area   as   the   string   skips   from   one   side   of   the   slit   wound   to   the   other.   Gwen’s   precision   is   one   of   a   surgeon’s   ,   moves   so   confident     &&   quick.     &&   the   thread   stays   on   place   for   few   more   seconds   before   she   makes   one   final   pull   up   to   the   air     &&   her   left   hand   reaches   for   the   scissors   to   cut   it.   The   wound   closes,   the   thread   flies   off     &&   disappears   just   a   moment   after.     &&   just   like   that   -   with   the   help   of   BLESSED    MIST    …   the   wound   is   gone   -   like   it   has   never   been   there   before,   like   nothing   has   ever   happened.   
      Gwen’s   expression   relaxes     &&   a   bright   smile   appears   on   her   lips.   ❝   I’ve   told   you   I   am   no   threat.   I   might   be   born   of   the   mist   but   not   the   one   you   might   be   thinking   of.   I’m   here   to   make   everything   right.   ❞   the   girl   explains     &&   hides   the   needle     &&   scissors      back   to   the   small   puch   attached   to   her   waist.   ❝   Do   you   trust   me   now   ?   ❞  
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@dcvorakk​ / s.c
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oceanbrings · 4 years
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@dcvorakk​ asked: “you okay?” // ♥
send “you okay?” to find my muse sitting alone on a roof at night. / ( still accepting!! )
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               𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌; brighting up the in dark night sky and is such a wonderful thing to see that you can’t find when you live at the seas. The ocean has its own beauty, but nothing like those tiny 𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚃𝙻𝙴 𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝚂 𝙸𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙺𝚈. ❝ Oh, yes I am ! ❞ Nami answered; finally looking at him before looking up again. ❝ I was just wondering how something like this can exist. ❞
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firefliiedarch · 4 years
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☆ ; @dcvorakk​ │ unprompted ? / accepting !
──   " Ah, how long I haven't seen Asra... Is everything okay with him? Err, you know, I was just worried about you two. "
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✦ ;   soft hues of gold glance towards the man rather quickly ,   yet take in his words carefully & slowly .   the magician a fool ,   yet not entirely a simple - minded one .   more often than not ,   thoughts race through their mind like wind .   full of them ,   yet scattered ,   as an amnesiac ,   if leaves them lost ,   dazed ,   & often confused .   yet asra never really helped the situation more than to alliviate the headaches or migraines that came with trying to think - or rather , remember .
not that julian here is at all trying to make them remember anything ( was he ? ) .   but pythia cannot help but to wonder upon his words .   such words seem to linger within them ,   her mind trying so hard to understand what they mean ,   yet things seem to not connect at all .   perhaps he is simply mumbling to himself ?   like always ?   has it always been like that though ?   or is he indulging a little .   alas ,   the fool cannot seem to tell .   & they are left ,   perhaps ,   with a bit of confusion .   with that confusion ,   however ,   she is also worried .   something they know does not quite add up to everything ,   but for the life of her ,   she cannot fathom why .
          ❛ julian .  .  . ❜
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the shopkeep is trembling ,   yet they do not understand or know why ,   let alone realise until hands attempt to reach for the other .   just as they reach ,   it is as if they retract .   as if forgotten thoughts & memories bury themselves deeper .   she is neither scared nor afraid to say anything ,   but she genuinely cannot find the words to answer .   not yet at least .
not yet .
                                              is everything okay with asra ?
pythia wonders the very same thing .   that magician is anything to obvious in their feelings .   but from what she can remember themselves   ( which perhaps is not much to begin with ) ,   asra was simply being ‘ just asra ’ .   yet something is saying otherwise .   something ....   that is missing .   perhaps missing from own from memory .   but she cannot see past that veil without bearing unimaginable pains .
she wants to .   oh !   how she wants to !   but given their current state ,   pythia cannot .   & unfortunately ,   it almost brings her to tears .   minutes pass before they finally bring themselves to say something else .   anything else really !   yet she is ,   at this point ,   trembling .
          ❛ no .  .  .   julian .  .   i .  . do not kn - .  .  . ❜                    ❛ no .  .  . ❜
forgets to breath for a second or two ,   & they are suddenly fearful .   not yet lost sight or awareness of where they are ,   but pythia struggles to ground herself .   but in that bout of panic ,   she sees only julian looking at back .   it is enough for something to get her breathing .   albeit inconsistent & without pattern ,   but she’s struggling to keep up in any other way .
when did she lose the ability to read others ?
always had known to have it before .   she knows it was easy - natural for her .   but when ?   when did she lose it ?   & how does she know she lost it ?   can feel her head swimming ,   no longer are thoughts in winds ,   but they are waves crashing ,   being swallowed .   internally she can feel it .   their body becoming a bit heavier .   yet not quite enough to push over just yet .   she has to turn back .   she has to stop .   but she does not want to .
            ❛ why ? ❜     mumbles softly .   this time reaching for his arm - just for support .   voice timid ,   yet desperate for answers .   asra never told her ,   they never really tell her anything .  there is not much hope julian will say anything either ,   but she still asks anyway .   ❛ what happened .  .  ?   between you .  .   & asra . ❜
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          ❛ why are you .  .  .   worried .  .  ? ❜
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demacianmage · 4 years
“You’re shaking, and sore. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes."
there’s a pause, a silence that fills the air after they speak to her. She says nothing, letting her thoughts mull over what the best response would even be at the moment. Slowly, Lux nods her head, half in agreement, and half just to let them know she understands. 
“It’s nothing, really.” she waves her hand and shakes her head, none of that today. She’s far too focused now... Lux finally allows herself to meet their eyes, clearing her throat before she speaks again. “I’ve been through worse. There’s nothing wrong with going this far.”
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