#ddc simples
louiseffetin · 1 year
꒰ ✧ ꒱ ⠀ : ⠀ ٫⠀ 🦑⠀ ญ⠀ ﹗ 🍚꯭ รัก ⠀☆
DDC livre : Porfavor, não se esqueça de dar os créditos e faça bom uso. ✨
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vivii-web · 11 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I᪾ʄ հe'᪾꯱ a ꯴ꫀr꯭iaᥬ к᮫ׅil᪾᪾ׂlׅꫀׂr, ׂᥣׅ⃗hׂׅꫀׂ͜n ׅಒ᮫ׂhׅ͡aׂᥣ⃗'ׅsׂ tׅhׂꫀׅ ׂಒׅᩁׂrׅsׂᥣׅ⃗ ︋ᥣׂ⃗hׅᥓׂ᪾tׅ c꯭ᩁuׂ͡lׅdׂ ׅhׂᥓׅpׂ᪾pׅᧉׂnׅ ᥣׂׅ⃗o᮫ׂ a᮫ ᩅᩛׂׅ᪾irׂlׅ ᤐh꯭͡o's ︋ᥝׂlׅ᪾rᧉׂ͜ᥝ︋︋ׅdׂᨰᩛ hׂ᪾u︋︋rׂᥣ⃗?
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Download do vídeo.
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summersarch · 6 months
🎀 𓈒ㅤ IVE  ۫  ddc ᵎᵎ
︶︶⠀⠀⠀  ۫  ⠀⠀⠀⠀︶︶︶︶⠀   ◌ ⠀⠀⠀⠀︶︶
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Caso usem, deixem os créditos. Por favor !!
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moonflloweer · 2 years
𝘥𝘥ᥴ ᥕ𐐫ꬻⴘ𐐫սꬻꬶ เꬻɕ𐐫ꭑ. bⴘ ꭑ𐐫𐐫ꬻ !!
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๑ 𝐋ike or reblog :( ๑ 𝐏lease leave the credits <3
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summers-arch · 2 years
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ddc simples de sunki (niki e sunoo)
Deixem os créditos
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occasionaltouhou · 4 months
(Sorry if this double sent)
Due to Banki’s insistence on scaring the heroes in DDC, calling them fearless, saying that humans don’t scare as easily these days (in every DDC route except Sakuya B) I like to believe that she moved into the human village out of necessity. Fear alone wasn’t enough and that she had to adapt to the lack of a food source (human) by living among humans.
She’s not like some of the other loner youkai who are powerful and capable enough to eat humans themselves. She just kind of scares people! (And apparently isn’t very good at that either).
I wonder what the humans thought of her when she just showed up one day. A girl with really really red hair appears and she hasn’t done anything bad (yet) so no one can do anything about her. I wonder what humans think of her now.
Does she have human acquaintances? Does she have a human disguise? Does she have a human name she uses with them? Do the people she buys food from know her? Does she have a job? Does she do anything? Just how mundane is her life?
(Thank so much for talking about Banki ^^)
as far as what the rest of the village thinks about her, i always figured that they thought she was an outsider. like, that's kind of the perfect explanation for it, right? you just pretend to be from the outside world, and if you do something odd, you just go "oh, sorry, that's how they do it where i come from". who's gonna contradict you? the 22 year old who showed up a year ago and is mostly just relieved to be free from college debt?
and yeah i figured the move to the village was out of necessity rather than a simple whim. as you said, her food supply seems to be fear-based, so it'd make sense to stay in the village where you get more chances to scare people - especially since she can do it pretty incognito thanks to her abilities
i have always liked the idea of banki, like, being somewhat social. having a few acquaintances. there was a doujin i read a while back i think that had her working at a shop and i've thought that was a cute idea since. also i imagine she probably has some odd but mundane hobby she picked up whilst pretending to be human and then got really into
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amemenojaku · 2 months
Askgame 001: Seija/Shinmyoumaru
When I started shipping it if I did: Right when the full version of DDC came out, so... more than 10 years ago... It's hard to believe it's been a full decade LOL
My thoughts: They've been my favorite touhou pairing ever since then so I have a lot of thoughts, but in general I think they're one of the most interesting relationships in the series (and ZUN's favorite in DDC apparently >:3), whether it's interpreted as romantic or not. That being said, there's clearly some kind of affection or attachment in canon given how much they've interacted and how they stuck together in the end despite how things started, and that makes me really happy. I love the push and pull, the "we're partners in crime and then I turn on you and then we're together again etc" of it all... It's just really really good.
The other day I was talking with a friend about the amount of canon content they got for a duo that isn't made of main or recurring characters, and it's actually... a lot... A lot more than I would've believed 10 years ago at least!!
Things done in fanworks that annoy me: I'm not super vocal about it because I did it too back in the day, when there wasn't much to work with besides DDC's basic plot, but with everything we got now I have a hard time enjoying works where Shinmyoumaru's just a poor victim of Seija's lies and nothing else. Or the other way around where there wasn't any conflict and manipulation at all, although that's much more rare lol (but I've seen it)...
Things I look for in fanworks: The main appeal to me nowadays is how they change one another in a way that just wouldn't happen in their interactions with other characters, so I'm very fond of works where her meeting with Seija allowed Shinmyoumaru to finally know freedom, or how Seija somehow both mellows and gets worse when Shinmyoumaru's around, etc. Something else I love to see is pre-DDC works where Shinmyoumaru is aware of Seija's lies but rolls with it anyway. I think it goes well with the previous thing of Shinmyoumaru finally getting to live the life she wanted; she gains something from being a pawn anyway, so why would she care?
Also I am a very simple person and seeing Shinmyoumaru sitting on Seija's shoulder or Seija holding her in her hands (and being gentle as she does so, unconsciously) is always the best to me and I hope people continue drawing/writing that. I eat it up
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Realistically, no one lol. I love what happens when you add Reimu to the equation (and Marisa for even more of a mess), and Reimu/Seija is by far my favorite rarepair, but I don't think any of it would work the way seishin could work (with all its ups and downs, but work nonetheless)...
My prefered future/ending for them: I think they should stay the way they are forever :] I'm serious I think it's already perfect the way it is, with the push and pull and sometimes they fall down and they get back together and they annoy everyone in the process etc. I do think Seija's gonna outlive Shinmyoumaru eventually but that part isn't something I enjoy thinking about, as opposed to other pairs where it's a big aspect of it.
What is their favorite activity together: Going places they haven't seen before (mostly for Shinmyoumaru, I think Seija's been around long enough to know most of Gensokyo), and just moving outdoors in general. There's no way either of them can sit still inside for a while without going nuts. And there's more people to bother outside anyway!! I love pictures of Shinmyoumaru exploring nature and I think Seija who spends most of her time outdoors anyway would appreciate the company, regardless of what she says about it.
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sneakyscarab · 10 months
i think at this point i have crossed the event horizon and am a Certified Touhou Gamer™, cause the last few games have offered very low resistance to me schmooving on through. i literally downloaded this game earlier today and i've already 1cc'd it lol
nina's thoughts on Touhou 14 - Double-Dealing Character
another one down already! at this rate i might be able to play the newest touhou game before an english patch comes out lmao. DDC was one i was looking forward to, since i had been endeared to the grassroots youkai network through a lot of cute fan content. DDC was a fairly straightforward entry, which at this rate just seems to be the touhou cycle where it gets super weird and then chills out every 4 games lol.
life pieces and bomb pieces are back again, and once again their acquisition method has changed. now both types of piece are given out by the same method, boss fight phases drop a piece, and whenever you go to the top of the screen to collect items the game gives you a piece if you collected a good amount in one go. usually it gives you bomb pieces, but every 5th one procs a life piece instead, and you only need 3 life pieces for a 1up. besides that, no gameplay gimmicks in this one!
for the playable characters we got 3 options: Reimu and Marisa of course, and the surprising return of Sakuya as player 3! each has 2 moveset options, based on either using or not using a tool of theirs that is going haywire. interestingly, the unfocused shot doesn't change between the 2 sets, only the focus shot and bomb. Reimu has homing as a base, needles when focusing without the tool, and with her tool her focus shot is a giant spinning gohei that slowly homes in and does continuous aoe damage. Marisa has illusion lasers, magic missiles without the tool, and her corrupted tool is her mini-hakkero acting as a flamethrower . Sakuya has wide-angle knife throwing, a more vertical beam without the tool, and her corrupted tool is a series of posessed knives that stick into enemies and explode after a few seconds.
i tried out each moveset once, and they were all pretty fun, except Sakuya without her tool. after i tried each one once, i gave Sakuya's corrupted tool a second try, and got my 1cc right there. the homing from the possessed knives, the wide spread on the basic shot, and especially her bomb all made for a great moveset. Sakuya's bomb works similar to Nitori's from SA where you gain a shield for a few seconds and get a partial refund if you're not hit, but even better because the initial activation also gives you i-frames allowing it to perform double-duty in bullet-dense spellcards.
for the new characters, i mean i already said it earlier, but the grassroots youkai network is pretty cool, and really just all the characters in this game are neat.
Sekibanki is my favourite, something about her design just really works for me i dunno. the colour scheme, the cape, her tall collar hiding the fact that her head isn't connected, she's just cool. plus she's besties with Kogasa in other media, who im surprised didn't show up in this game considering how well she fits the theme.
Wakasagihime is also pretty cool, im surprised it took this long for any sort of aquatic youkai to show up, and mermaids are a great fit for the games theme of youkai trying to regain their scare factor. i like how for once a new stage1 boss character actually has connections to the main plot of the game, and isnt just someone Reimu and crew bumped into along the way, even being the reason Sakuya showed up in this story at all.
its tough to pick a third cause theres plenty of good options, but i think i have to go with Seija. her power suite of flipping things is simple but it has a lot of cool applications, i love how her 'lair' is a big inverted castle floating in the sky (sick symphony of the night reference?). her boss fight is probably one of the craziest in the series, her actual bullet patterns arent particularly rough, but she uses her flipping powers to break the 4th wall and flip the game screen horizontally, vertically, and a full 180 spin, which is super cool even if it fries my brain with the inverted controls. speaking of fight gimmicks, Shinmyoumaru also does a similar wild gameplay thing in her fight where she briefly turns your sprite HUGE and disables your weapon, making you dodge danmaku with an absolutely massive hitbox until it wears off, which is also really fun and bizarre.
Double-Dealing Character was pretty fun! the lack of a new big mechanic was surprising, but the base gameplay was still great without it, with the incentive to stack up uncollected items for a big collection run being enough of a mixup to keep it interesting. the boss fights were all pretty fun, and most of them had neat unique mechanics like Sekibanki's head satellites, and the aforementioned tricks with Seija and Shinmyoumaru. the characters are also really neat, and imo much more memorable than the ones from TD. if theres one complaint i have to give DDC, its WHERE DID SANAE GO? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER? IS SAKUYA RESPONSIBLE??? IF SHE IS IM GONNA- [it was at this point that the author was suddenly struck down by a silver knife that appeared in her room seemingly out of nowhere]
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24-ddc-news · 3 months
Did Hari Shankar Tibrewala crash the stock market?
The Story
Penny stocks (ones trading under ₹10 a share) and small-cap stocks are being punished. And there’s one name cropping up as a probable cause for a part of this mayhem — Hari Shankar Tibrewala.
But who’s this shadowy figure, you wonder?
Well, does the name Mahadev betting scam ring a bell?
Okay. The details are a little murky, but we’ve tried to piece everything together. So let’s take it from the top.
It all started in the mid-2010s in a town in Chhattisgarh. A young man named Saurabh Chandrakar had decided to set up a juice stall. He called it Mahadev Juice Centre and he had his fingers crossed for this to be successful. The problem was that he’d not had much luck with previous business ideas and to make things worse, Chandrakar had already racked up a few lakhs in losses due to an ugly gambling habit.
That’s when he bumped into a fellow gambler and businessman named Ravi Uppal. And maybe they decided that they couldn’t keep losing money to these betting schemes. So they decided it made sense for them to be the ‘house’. Together the two of them decided to set up a betting website.
And in 2017, they set up their gambling app named after the juice centre — Mahadev Book. They wanted people to place live bets on sporting events such as cricket and football.
And since they really didn’t have any experience creating something that would scale, as per some reports, they managed to get an introduction to the folks who already ran a pretty successful betting app called Reddy Anna.
Apparently, that technical know-how changed their fortunes.
By 2019, Uppal and Chandrakar migrated to Dubai and their families followed soon after. They began advertising to lure in the millions of users and soon began raking in crores of rupees a day. They set up over 10,000 bank accounts across the world to receive all this money.
Either way, when Chandrakar decided to flaunt his newfound wealth by splashing ₹200 crores on an opulent wedding in 2023, India’s Enforcement Directorate woke up.
“Who on earth was this guy who suddenly had Bollywood A-listers attending his wedding in Dubai?”, they thought.
So they investigated. They found that everything about the app and the money it made was illegal. And then worked with the UAE law enforcement to arrest Chandrakar and Uppal.
Anyway, that’s the short version of this scam that’s allegedly worth a mammoth ₹6,000 crores!
Okay. But how does Hari Shankar Tibrewala fit into all this, you ask?
Ah, so Tibrewala is a Dubai-based ‘businessman’ who allegedly teamed up with Chandrakar and Uppal. He ran a variant of the Mahadev Book app called 'Skyexchange'.
And his modus operandi was pretty simple. He took money from customers and then handed it over to a clandestine network of money operators. These folks would find ways to park it surreptitiously into bank accounts. And these bank accounts would be controlled by Indian or foreign entities.
What would they do with this money?
Well, as per the Enforcement Directorate, the money eventually wound up in the Indian stock markets — a whopping ₹1,100 crores worth of it. And most of it would be in the stocks of smaller companies such as Tiger Logistics, Toyam Sports, and Gogia 24-ddc-news Services. In fact, around 30 listed stocks are suspected to have investments from one of Tibrewala’s many dummy companies.
Now the reason for choosing smaller companies was simple. Hardly anyone would trade in these shares. And that meant it would be easier to manipulate the prices. He could quite easily play the pump-and-dump game — drive up the prices, fool retail investors into thinking the stock is the next big thing and then exit it at a hefty profit.
And since this dubious practice worried the folks at the ED, they jumped right in and have frozen shares worth a whopping ₹1,100 crores in demat accounts linked to Tibrewala.
But wait…does it mean that all 30 stocks are being manipulated, you ask?
Probably not. Anyone can buy stocks from the open market, right? And it’s not necessary that Tibrewala has a direct connection with the promoters of the companies. In fact, at least 6 of these companies have issued public clarifications saying that they have no direct connection to Tibrewala.
But here’s the thing. It may not be enough to assuage investor fears that their beloved stock is being manipulated.
Take, for instance, a solar utility company called Gensol Engineering. The Morning Context points out that one of Tibrewala’s companies Zenith Multi Trading DMCC has a stake in the firm. And for a period after Zenith took its spot as an investor, the stock had a meteoric rise.
Now that might be true. But you don’t need to have decision-making rights to drive up an illiquid stock’s price, no? And that could mean the Tibrewala connection could still optically look quite bad for Gensol.
In fact, companies with links to Tibrewala have all fallen by 10–30% in just this month. And that’s why people are laying blame on Tibrewala’s doorstep for the recent rout.
Finshots is also on WhatsApp Channels. Click here to follow us and get your daily financial fix in just 3 minutes.
PS: Of course, it’s foolish to attribute a broader market crash to just Tibrewala. There’s a whole host of things at play here — SEBI’s warning on market manipulation, the regulator asking mutual funds to be cognizant of the risks in smaller companies, and even some global stock market weakness. But we just wanted to talk about the Dubai-based operator’s connection to certain Indian stocks.
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nzdepot · 29 days
$15.00 $ EKWB EK-DDC Anti-Vibration Mounting https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/ekwb-ek-ddc-anti-vibration-mounting/?feed_id=151794&_unique_id=6636be39b7cc2 Features: EK-DDC Anti-Vibration Mounting is a simple, yet effective mounting upgrade kit for any EK-DDC type water pump. This vibration dampening rubber mounting system effectively de-couples the water pump from the rest of the computer chassis. Fits any EK-DDC X-RES as well as X-TOP product and can be easily used to fixate the pump assembly to any flat surface using 50x50mm square mounting hole pattern. Specifications: Enclosed: – Mounting mechanism with vibration decouplers – Allen key 2mm Manufacturer Part No: EK-DDC Anti-Vibration Mounting Brand: EKWB Product Type: – UPC – Product Family: – Shipping Weight: 0.039 kg PB Part No: […] #
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roxyeberry · 3 months
aceita pedidos de ddc?
depende do pedido, se for simples eu aceito,no momento não posso fazer os mais complexos pelo celular estar uma merda
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mystlnewsonline · 10 months
Booz Allen to Pay $377.45M to Settle False Claims Allegations
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Booz Allen Agrees to Pay $377.45 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations. McLean, VA (STL.News) Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation has agreed to pay the United States $377,453,150 to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by improperly billing commercial and international costs to its government contracts.  Booz Allen, which is headquartered in McLean, Virginia, provides a range of management, consulting, and engineering services to the government, as well as commercial and international customers. Under government contracting rules, there must be a nexus between the costs charged to a government contract and the objective of the contract.  Thus, a contractor may charge government contract costs directly related to that contract, as well as indirect costs that benefit multiple contracts, including the government contract.  A contractor may not charge costs to a government contract, however, that have no relationship to that contract.  This prohibition prevents government contractors from using taxpayer funds to subsidize non-government-related work. The settlement announced today resolves allegations that from approximately 2011 to 2021, Booz Allen improperly charged costs to its government contracts and subcontracts that instead should have been billed to its commercial and international contracts.  In particular, the government alleged that Booz Allen improperly allocated indirect costs associated with its commercial and international business to its government contracts and subcontracts that either had no relationship to those contracts and subcontracts or were allocated to those contracts and subcontracts in disproportionate amounts.  The government further alleged that Booz Allen failed to disclose to the government the methods by which it accounted for costs supporting its commercial and international businesses.  As a result, Booz Allen obtained reimbursement from the government for the costs of commercial activities that provided no benefit to the United States. “Government contractors must turn square corners when billing the government for costs under government contracts,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division.  “Today’s settlement demonstrates our commitment to hold accountable contractors that knowingly overcharge the government and enrich themselves at the expense of the American taxpayers.” “This settlement, which is one of the largest procurement fraud settlements in history, demonstrates that the United States will pursue even the largest companies and the most complex matters where taxpayer funds are alleged to have been pilfered,” said US Attorney Matthew M. Graves for the District of Columbia.  “The Justice Department is committed to ferreting out all fraud, waste, and abuse in government programs — small or large, simple or complex.” "The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) appreciates the opportunity to support the Justice Department and our law enforcement partners by providing expert financial assistance regarding enforcement of the False Claims Act," said Director Terri Dilly of the DCAA.  "This interagency cooperation provides a strong safeguard for appropriate use of taxpayer dollars." The settlement resolved a lawsuit filed under the qui tam or whistleblower provision of the False Claims Act, which permits private parties to file suit on behalf of the United States for false claims and share in a portion of the Government’s recovery.  The qui tam lawsuit was filed by Sarah Feinberg, a former Booz Allen employee, and is captioned United States ex rel.  Feinberg, v. Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Civ. A.  No. 16-1911 (DDC).  Ms. Feinberg will receive $69,828,832 in connection with the settlement. The resolution obtained in this matter was the result of a coordinated effort between the Civil Division’s Commercial Litigation Branch, Fraud Section, the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, the Defense Contract Management Agency’s Contract Integrity Center, and the DCAA’s Operations Investigative Support Division, with assistance by agents from the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and FBI, and Inspector Generals from the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, U.S. Postal Service, US Army, US Air Force, National Reconnaissance Office, Department of Homeland Security, and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. This matter was handled by attorneys Dan Schiffer and Chris Reimer of the Civil Division and Assistant US Attorney Brian Hudak for the District of Columbia, with assistance from DCAA's Operations Investigative Support Division, in particular DCAA Auditors Igor Yegoroff, Myron Antoniw, and Tim Chase. The claims resolved by this settlement are allegations only.  There has been no determination of liability. SOUCE: U.S. Departent of Justice Read the full article
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Building Automation companies Things To Know Before You Buy
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brianwurster · 1 year
Monitor DDC Input Switcher
Simple toggle button to alternate DisplayPort/HDMI monitor inputs via Display Data Control (DDC) 3D printed case fit perfectly (especially connectors) thanks to importing the 3D board model with KicadStepUp.
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miralpolice · 2 years
Monitorcontrol mac m1
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Apple (and LG-Apple) displays and built-in displays are supported using native protocol.
Most modern LCD displays from all major manufacturers supported implemented DDC/CI protocol via DisplayPort, HDMI, USB-C or VGA to allow for hardware backlight control.
* With some limitations - full functionality available on macOS 11 Big Sur or newer. MacOS compatibility MonitorControl version
If you have any questions, go to Discussions!.
You can set up custom keyboard shortcuts under the Keyboard in Preferences (the app uses Apple media keys by default).
for customization options (enable Show advanced settings for even more options).
Use your keyboard or the sliders in the app menu (a brightness symbol in the macOS menubar as shown on the screenshot above) to control your displays.
Add the app to Accessibility under System Preferences » Security & Privacy » Privacy as prompted (this is required only if you wish to use the native Apple keyboard brightness and media keys - if this is not the case, you can safely skip this step).
Copy the MonitorControl app file from the.
The best app of its kind, completely FREE ( donations welcome) with the source code transparently available!.
Supports automatic updates for a hassle-free experience.
Simple, unobstrusive UI to blend in to the general aesthetics of macOS (even the menu icon can be hidden).
Modern, stylish and highly customizable menulet reflecting the design of Control Control introduced in Big Sur.
Dozens of customization options to tweak the inner workings of the app to suit your hardware and needs (don't forget to enable Show advanced settings in app Preferences).
Support for custom keyboard shortcuts as well as standard brightness and media keys on Apple keyboards.
Allows dimming to full black (advanced feature).
Sync up all your displays using a single slider or keyboard shortcuts.
Synchronize brightness from built-in and Apple screens - replicate Ambient light sensor and touch bar induced changes to a non-Apple external display!.
Seamlessly combined hardware and software dimming extends dimming beyond the minimum brightness available on your display.
Supports smooth brightness transitions.
Supports multiple protocols to adjust brightness: DDC for external displays (brightness, contrast, volume), native Apple protocol for Apple and built-in displays, Gamma table control for software adjustment (recommended for OLED), shade control for AirPlay, Sidecar and Display Link devices.
Shows native OSD for brightness and volume.
Control your display's brightness, volume and contrast!.
To restore the repository download the bundle wget and run: git clone MonitorControl-MonitorControl_-_17-59-32.Go to Releases and download the latest. (generally spearheaded M1 DDC support and figured out a many of the caveats).- (used some code from his project NativeDisplayBrightness).(In earlier XCode versions Packages menu is titled Swift Packages) Third party dependencies If they don't:įile > Packages > Resolve Package Versions You're all set ! Now open the MonitorControl.xcodeproj with Xcode! The dependencies will automatically get downloaded once you open the project. If you want to clone one of the branches, add -single-branch -branch after the clone option. Bart圜rouch (for updating localizations)Ĭlone the project via this Terminal command:.If you want you can fork the code yourself and submit a pull request to improve the app. Open issues if you have a question, an enhancement to suggest or a bug you've found. Works with monitors controllable via DDC (or any other display via software dimming).macOS Mojave ( 10.14) and up (note: you can download version 2.1.0 for macOS Sierra 10.12 support).
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vecirusocow · 2 years
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