nightoftheland · 5 years
Deacury Week 2019
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Hello Queen Fandom! In light of the success of the Maycury week and the Poly Queen Week, hosted by @freddie-mercurial and @jessahmewren and @tikiniki  , respectively, I have decided to see if we can show some love to this wonderful ship! I happily present Deacury Week 2019!! Below are some prompts to jump start ideas for the week, but feel free to not use them if other inspiration strikes. All artists and media welcome! I will be making a collection on AO3 called Deacury Week 2019 and the tag here will be #DeacuryWeek2019. Let's have some fun and show this ship some love! 
Sunday, Dec 1
Growing old together 
Waking up in the past 
First time 
Wearing red 
Monday, Dec 2 
Once upon a time...
The hardest thing he’d ever done 
Tuesday, Dec 3 
“People call him John - not that that’s his name.” 
Modern AU 
The night before 
Wednesday, Dec 4 
Three wishes aka genie AU
The morning after 
Thursday, Dec 5 
“I’m so sorry.” 
Lazy Sunday (or any day) cuddles 
Friday, Dec 6 
Sci-fi AU 
Saturday, Dec 7 
Holiday Decorations/Lights
Gender bent 
Last time 
ps if there is already one of these planned please let me know! I searched and didn’t see one but I may have missed it! <3 
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born-to-lose · 5 years
Never Sayin’ Goodbye
Pairing: Deacury
Summary: After Freddie's death, John thinks about what could have been...
Tags: major angst, death, mention of cheating, pining, depression
Words: 2,068
A/N: What's the best present for your own birthday? A meaty piece of angst! Also, I didn't choose to post it today, it was just the date for the prompt "mourning" for Deacury Week. Hope it hurts you as much as it hurt me while I was writing it! Xx
Tip me if you want!
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What John felt after finding out Freddie had passed away was indescribable, but you could say for sure that it was the worst thing he'd ever experienced since his father had died. Back then, he'd had his mum and sister's support, as well as the motivation to look forward and do something with his life that would make his dad proud. But now it was even more painful. Yes, Brian and Roger and many other people who had been close to Freddie were grieving too, but to him, it was vastly different. He'd known for some time he was going to lose his best friend, yet he never gave up hope that a miracle would happen and his life would be saved. It wasn't completely impossible, right? Science constantly developed new medications and ways to cure illnesses, so why not Freddie's?
Though he had looked really sick the last time he'd seen him months ago, he wished it wasn't true and Freddie would show up the next morning, completely healthy and everything would be like before. It didn't happen.
He really was gone and John knew he could never get over it. All those memories were too much to just forget about and unlike Freddie's parents, he would never be able to say it happened and that's okay if his time was over. Freddie was his best friend, his confidant, his soul brother. He was the one who had taken the young man under his wing when he'd joined the band over twenty years ago. He cared for him like a big brother, seemingly protecting him from the world and helping him with his social anxiety whenever he could. Another reason John fell into a deep depression was because he'd always felt more for Freddie than a friend. Ever since the beginning of Queen, he'd been in love with him. Although he'd married Veronica less than four years later, this feeling never faded away. He really loved her, no question, but he couldn't stop feeling about him this way, even during his marriage.
It didn't help much, but he tried to cheer himself up a little by thinking about all the happy moments. Especially that one time they shared a hotel room in Tokyo during their Sheer Heart Attack Tour.
John was just scribbling down some lyrics in his notebook when Freddie came into the room. "Hey Deaky! Oh, sorry," he added quietly upon noticing he was working.
He stepped closer and looked over his shoulder, reading the title. 'You're My Best Friend'. "A song about me? I feel honoured!" He dramatically placed a hand over his heart and laughed before sitting down on the bed next to him.
The bassist only smiled. He wasn't too wrong about that… He continued writing as his friend watched him attentively. "Veronica must be a lucky woman to have you," he nearly sighed, laying back. Or at least it sounded like that to John.
He nodded silently, slowly. "I suppose," he murmured. And another line. Another sickeningly sweet wave of praise. And at last a final stroke, finishing the cheesy ballad before he read through the lyrics once more.
"Do you have a melody in mind yet?" Freddie asked.
"Uh… yeah, I sort of came up with one while learning to play piano," he admitted sheepishly.
"It wasn't that horrible Wurlitzer, was it?"
John joined in the bickering, holding back a grin. "It's not that bad!"
"Anyway," the older man shook his head, letting out a breathy chuckle. "Can I hear it please?"
"We don't have a piano here-"
"No no, I mean," he shifted on the bed, quickly scanning over the lyrics. "Can you sing a bit?"
John really didn't like singing in front of people. He firmly believed he couldn't sing, so he always sang to himself when writing songs. He was very self-conscious of his voice; of course, it was nothing compared to Freddie's or his other bandmates'. But suddenly he felt like he could build up the courage to sing to somebody else. Probably only because it was just him and Freddie. Plus, since he actually dedicated the song to him, he deserved to hear those words directly from him instead of singing them himself and leaving everything to the imagination. He thought it would be more meaningful than just playing the melody on the electric piano.
"Alright." He nodded, earning a smile from his friend.
At first, he was really quiet, rather humming the melody than singing. Glancing up the older man, who gave him an encouraging nod, he finally started to actually sing. It was only now that he noticed how fitting the lyrics were as he practically sang the song to the person he had written it for. Just the two of them, sitting on the bed in their hotel room. There wasn't any less space between them than usual, yet it felt like they were closer than ever before in this moment.
God, how much he wanted to tell him, 'This is your song. I wrote it for you and I mean every single word of it.' But the lump in his throat didn't allow him to do so when he was done. He swallowed it and finally looked up into Freddie's eyes. "Do you like it?"
"No, I love it!" He smiled genuinely, blinking. "Really, it's a lovely song. That's a sweet thing to do for Ronnie…" he trailed off. "Has she heard it yet?"
John shook his head and his heart was beating faster. If only he knew that he hadn't, in fact, written it for her. Now his eyes couldn't leave Freddie's deep brown ones. He was captivated. Hopefully, he'd understand who it was really for after he didn't give a proper reply to his assumptions that the song was for Veronica.
He had a feeling Freddie's face had gotten closer and all of a sudden, he felt a warm hand cupping his cheek and soft lips crashing into his. Although he had no idea what was happening, his eyes instinctively fluttered shut. Barely hesitating, he kissed him back, their lips moving in sync for a few seconds before Freddie abruptly pulled away, presumably realizing what they were doing.
His eyes nervously drifted from one side of the room to the other, desperate to avoid the younger man's face. His voice was shaky, his eyes were wet with tears and John immediately felt bad for possibly initiating this. "I-I'm really sorry, John! I shouldn't have done this, I- You're married! Oh God, this was so wrong!"
Yes, it was wrong, but it felt so right! John didn't even have time to say a word as Freddie stormed out, slamming the door behind him. He only wanted to tell him it's okay and he shouldn't feel guilty because he let him. He couldn't bear to see his best friend getting hurt, but what made it even more insufferable was that they were both equally hurt and Freddie didn't know.
For the following weeks - months even - they kept pretending that nothing had happened, but there definitely were some changes. Neither of them really knew how to feel about the other and what the other felt. Still, they tried to make everything not forgotten, but get along just as well as before. It wasn't like they'd gotten into a fight or something, they'd just left that incident not talked about when they clearly should have had.
They started working on the new album in summer and as they were recording Freddie's vocals for "You're My Best Friend", he always held eye contact with with John. The look in his eyes seemed to be an apology for what had happened the first time he'd heard the song. But the way he sang the lyrics made it sound so beautiful that the younger man was beginning to think it was intentional and Freddie was trying even harder to convey the message of the song than usual. He even asked for more takes because he wasn't quite happy with the sound of certain parts here and there. But the more times he sang it, the more melancholic John got. Sure, it was a happy song and he appreciated that Freddie wanted to make it perfect, but he was getting anxious. Anxious about that one time he presented his song to his best friend, who also happened to be the one the song was dedicated to. What should he have done? Not kissed him back and let him believe he had no interest in him? Get him to stay, thus cheating on his pregnant wife? To be honest, neither way was a good solution.
The next song on the list was "Love of My Life", a song by Freddie. When asked who it was written for, he replied, "No one."
John believed it - until he paid special attention to the lyrics and started interpreting the meaning. Especially 'You've broken my heart and now you leave me' hit him hard. Did this have something to do with him? He was pretty sure it did. He had broken his heart, yes, but Freddie was the one who had left him after the kiss… He doubted it was about anyone else, given the circumstances. By the way, it couldn't have been a coincidence that Freddie occasionally shot him a kind of sad glance while singing. Once he finished the song, he asked, "How was that, Deaky?"
He gulped and nodded, giving him a slightly forced smile. "It- it's good! I like it." John really did, but something about this situation made him sick. Suddenly, he was miserable for making Freddie feel this way. Did he mean it that he was the love of his life? Because if so, he felt the same for him. But what if he just misinterpreted the lyrics and it was actually completely out of context?
"Excuse me," he murmured before rushing outside. His head was spinning and he leaned against a wall in the corridor, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down.
Only Roger followed fifteen minutes later to ask if he was okay. "I'm fine, d-don't worry," he said, trying to act normal, but the tear stains on his cheeks betrayed him.
The blond frowned and nodded slowly. "Talk to me if you need to, okay?" He patted his shoulder and went back inside, leaving John alone with his abstruse thoughts.
The following years, John constantly tried to get Freddie back, even though he wasn't exactly getting him 'back', as they'd never been dating. He just wanted him to give him a second chance. In the meantime, Veronica had found out about his secret feelings for his best friend and although there were some arguments and crying, she'd eventually accepted it. They still loved each other and didn't even consider a divorce, but John thought it would be unfair not to let his wife know, so he'd rather told her before anything serious happened.
However, his efforts didn't seem to impress the older man much. He figured Freddie was beginning to think of him as a brother again and there was nothing he could do about that. His hopes sunk lower and lower, but especially when he was introduced to Jim, Freddie's new partner, the tiny part of him that had thought it was possible they'd ever get together was gone too. He was a nice guy and he got along well with him, yet he was incredibly jealous that he was in the place John had wanted to be in for years.
What had started out as a happy memory turned into a sad one pretty quickly. John squeezed his eyes shut, the tears not seeming to stop falling. He felt devastated, guilty and angry all at the same time. Why hadn't he just told him when he'd had the chance? Maybe their relationship would have worked and he would have still been alive then… He was tearing up, his heart shattering into a million little pieces. Anywhere he'd go, he would always see his face or hear his voice, his name, people talking about him. The love of his life, his best friend.
In two decades, John had never managed to say those three words. He had never gotten to tell Freddie how he really felt about him. And now he would never know...
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deaky-disco-queen · 5 years
Illness - Deacury Week Day 5
A/N: I didn’t plan on writing anything for today but the idea wouldn’t leave me alone so. Written for the Illness prompt. 
John was barely awake and already felt awful. He frowned and squeezed his eyes shut, burying his face in the pillow. Blindly, he reached for Freddie, found his naked chest and tried to pull him closer but failed spectacularly. 
    “Oh, you’re awfully warm, love. Are you sick?”
John grumbled something unintelligible, not sure what he was trying to say himself. Freddie laughed softly and gently nudged him to the side to put a hand on his forehead. 
    “You are burning up!”
    “I’m feeling like shit.” 
He slowly opened his eyes, blinking up at his boyfriend. Freddie’s hair was still messy so he hadn’t been awake for very long. He usually woke up a at least an hour or so before John- who wasn’t one to sleep in a lot- and used the time to get his hair and mustache styled at the very least before joining John back in bed and wait for him to wake up. 
John sighed softly and let him brush his hair out of his face. 
    “You’re sick, dear.” 
He nodded. That made sense. Freddie’s hand was cool against his skin and he leaned into the touch. 
    “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Stay here.” 
Freddie kissed his cheek before climbing off the bed. John could hear him cross the room, softly closing the door behind him. 
    “Phoebe! Cancel everything planned for today! John’s sick and I need to take care of him!” 
John smiled and curled up further into the blanket, grabbing Freddie’s pillow and pressed his nose into it. It smelled faintly like his shampoo. He pulled the blanket tighter around him, shivering violently. 
It didn’t take very long for someone to come back but it wasn’t Freddie but Phoebe with a tray. John didn’t even bother to try and sit up. The tray was filled with a glass of juice and a plate with a sandwich on it. 
    “Freddie is making you some soup for later.” Phoebe said. “I brought you a pain killer if you need it.” 
    “Thank you, Phoebe, you’re the best.” 
He put the tray on the nightstand and only then John noticed he had brought another blanket and it was the warm and fluffy one they usually kept in the living room for when he and Freddie watched movies together. John let Phoebe spread it across him and tugged it tightly around him. 
    “Promise me you eat the sandwich before the pain killer.” 
John nodded again and reached for the sandwich to nibble at it. Phoebe looked satisfied and passed him a thermometer. John took his temperature, passing it back to him as soon as it beeped loudly because the sound was way too loud and shrill for him right now. 
    “It’s not too bad, just a slightly raised temperature. I’ll bring you a cool cloth for your head.” 
    “Thank you.” 
Phoebe smiled at him before leaving again, reminding him to finish his sandwich before taking the painkiller. John did so slowly, not really feeling like eating but understanding he should. He was halfway through it when Phoebe came back with the promised cloth. 
    “I hope Freddie’s not wreaking havoc in the kitchen.” John rasped. 
    “Joe has it under control, don’t worry.” 
After he finally finished the sandwich, he took the painkiller, put the cloth on his forehead and sunk back into the pillows. 
He must have fallen asleep because the next time he opened his eyes, there were cats on the bed, Freddie was back and something smelled amazing. It was way darker in the room than before, somebody had closed the curtains as it looked like. He must have made some kind of sound because Freddie turned to him, his notepad quickly forgotten. 
    “You’re awake!” 
    “Is the soup ready?” John rasped. 
He was feeling strangely hungry and was delighted when Freddie nodded. He sat up slowly, cloth falling useless into his lap. Freddie put a bed tray over his legs, gently pushing Tiffany to the side when the cat got really interested in the set-up. The soup was amazing- he suspected that Joe probably did most of the cooking instead of Freddie- and he eagerly ate it eagerly. 
    “How are you feeling?” Freddie asked quietly. 
    “A little bit better, I think. Thank you.”
Freddie took the empty bowl and the tray from him and kissed his temple. He cuddled up to him despite John’s protests, claiming he didn’t get sick- which is something John could definitely disprove but he won’t complain about snuggling with his boyfriend. 
John rested his head on Freddie’s chest, letting him card his fingers through his hair, fingers gently scratching over his scalp and he hummed happily, melting against him. At some point, Freddie started humming, quietly singing a song John hadn’t heard before. He laced their fingers together and let it lull him to sleep.
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johndeaconstoothgap · 5 years
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Guys! I wrote my first (and maybe only) fic for deacury week. It was inspired by this picture of my adorable Deacy. Please give it a shot and let me know what you think. https://archiveofourown.org/works/21653563?view_adult=true
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Holiday Decorations
“Higher, put it higher.”
“If I try to put it any higher, I’m going to fall of the bloody step stool, Fred.”
“Alright, alright, fine.”
“Why couldn’t you get a ladder and do it yourself again?”
“Because I’m not good at the lights, and I’m much better at looking and making sure it all looks good.”
“So you’re a supervisor.”
“Prick. You’re lucky I love you so much.”
He grinned at him. “That I am.”
“Are you happy now? Does the living room finally look festive enough for you, Mr. Mercury?”
He tapped his chin thoughtfully and peered around the room once more. “I think, Mr. Deacon, that our job is done here.”
“Thank god.” He climbed down off of the stool. “I think I did a pretty good job.”
He rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright, I think /we/ did a very good job.”
“I helped.”
“Sure, Fred.”
He poked his side. “I got them all down from the attic.”
“And I put them all up.”
“I made sure you didn’t fall.”
“Okay, fine, fine. We did do a good job, genuinely. Are you happy now?”
He grinned. “Yes, very.”
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queen-owns-me · 5 years
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Deacury Week Day 5: Lazy Cuddles Moodboard: movie night
(Note: This one got away from me a bit lol. I Hope y’all enjoy!)
There is nothing John loves more than a lazy day filled with cuddles. Okay he does love a night out dancing, oh and tinkering with his tech. He also loves making music, alright so he has a lot of love to go around, sue him! There is something, though, that he loves more than anything. A someone in fact, who’s smile warms him down to his very soul, better than any blanket ever could. Someone who can ease his insecurities with just a few words. Someone who’s touch can calm him instantly and keep him from saying words he’d soon regret. His love. His Freddie. His Freddie who is currently fussing over the television, trying to get the movie to start. John could get up and help him seeing as the problem would take him less than a minute to fix, but, Fred looked too cute huffing about. He kept cursing under his breath, trying not to trample the cats that wove between his legs every time he moved. “We could just skip the film you know, this is plenty entertaining,” John got out through giggles. Freddie huffed, “Oh shut it darling, I don’t see you helping!” He just giggled again. It was true he wasn’t helping however, he’d been given strict instructions not to move a muscle. They had gathered all the blankets and pillows on the couch for movie night. John immediately snuggled under the blankets because the apartment was freezing and he doesn’t handle the cold well at all. Freddie thought he looked so sweet and cozy he didn’t want him to have to get up from the warm shelter. Which brings them back to now, where Freddie must have fixed the problem because the screen comes to life and the picture starts playing. “Ha see!”, Freddie cries out, “Told you I had it under control!” He gives the cats a big bow before turning to John with a sly grin. “Whah.. Oh Don’t You Dare Freddie Mer- ”, he’s cut off by Fred landing right in top of him, pillows now thrown askew. He finds John’s waist under the blankets and starts tickling him to death. “N- No! St- stop! St-“ John wails. “What was that love? I can’t understand you,” Freddie sing songs while laughing himself. He eventually takes pity on John and stops his attack, they’re both winded from laughter, chests heaving and eyes bright. Freddie starts moving blankets and rearranging pillows, “I’m sorry darling, I couldn’t help myself,” Freddie says as he settles, pulling John into his side. They eventually get everything in place, the blankets, the food, and the cats who are cuddled up with them. As Freddie watches the movie with rapt attention, John only has eyes for him. He keeps peering up at Fred from his spot on his chest. He admires the beautiful features and soft eyes of his boyfriend. Freddie, who made him feel welcomed and accepted from the moment they met. From the first touch he knew. John knew nothing else would make him complete. He knew then what he knows now. That he could never dance again or pick up a tool or even never play his bass again, and he’d be fine, as long as he had Freddie. Moments like these, where he gets to be in Freddie’s arms, are all he’ll ever need. No, there is nothing more that John loves than Freddie. His home.
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painandpleasure86 · 5 years
I see you hungry, I give you meat (DeacuryWeek2019)
A/N: Hi people!! Always late to the party, but here I’m. If u has read the fic that i wrote for day one, the bois were interrupted... But now they can satiate their hungry...
Prompts taken for Day 2 and 3: Dreams and Moaning.
Word count: 1.7k words.
Warning: SMUT! (this isn’t minor zone!) It’s my very first time writing something if this kind completely alone, sorry for the mistakes. Plus, English it’s my 2nd language, so sorry for the typos.
Tag list: @nightoftheland​​ (thank u for hosting this ship week <3) @binkyisonline​​ (one of the strongest Deacury fans that I ever knew :3 something “spicy” to u ) @warriorteam1924​​
REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED! If u liked this fic, reblog this please.
In italic it’s a Fred’s flasback about his feelings before the successes of previous fic.
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These dreams were increasingly recurring. Dreams in which he was the owner of his moans, of his pleasure.  Dreams where I could feel all that passion overflowing.  Where both satiated that hunger.  It seemed to be something that would remain there, in his unconscious and that he could only be satisfied on the dream plane, until he noticed some reciprocity.  It was even tender for him to see how John tried to hide his feelings. There were gestures, looks that spoke for itselves.
It was then that Friday, Fred saw him more withdrawn than usual and was encouraged to speak to him after that concert. Because it is well known, off the stage he’s a shy person.
After the awkward moment they lived in the locker room, the four left the place, each by his side.  That includes the couple.
The bassist is driving to Fred's flat as he can and they arrive at the apartment. They were never in such a hurry to arrive and be at peace as at that time.
“Just in case, disconnect the phone. I don't want absolutely anyone to bother us" says John as they headed to the apartment. He wanted that moment to be just he and Fred, to be able to enjoy it as it deserves.
They arrived and when the singer had just finished closing the door that the youngest pounces on him, putting him against the door and his body.  He begins to kiss him passionately, putting his left hand on fred's waist and his right hand on the back of his friend's head, intertwining his long fingers in that dark hair.  The other, tried to get rid of his lover, but there was no case... Moments later, he succeeded and said "you said you wanted that I should to disconnect the phone... let me do it then."  He walks away and then goes to the phone to disconnect him from the line.  He leans toward the device, leaving his butt standing out.  When Fred disconnects it, still being in th he feels that two hands take his hips and also the touch of a bulge in the middle of his buttcheeks.  He laughs.
"Stand against the wall and quit your platforms" says the brunette between gasps. Meanwhile, he lets his right hand slide to the dark-haired's bulge and starts to caress it.
Between soft laughs, Fred says "Hehehehe, and think that to..." He's interrupted.
"Shhhhh," John said seriously.  "Do it". He loves being the dominant one, from his first time having sex. Today wasn't the exception.
His orders were obeyed.
Once this happened, he leans against the singer's back sliding his right hand back to that bulge and start to caress with more intensity. With his left hand aparted the hair and the shirt's neck and whispered in Fred's left ear "I can play to this too". He kissed that neck with passion, feeling the heartbeats increasing and the temperature raising. A deep sigh escaped.
He unzipped the pants with just one hands and just the underwear was between his hand and that. Left hand, unbuttoning slowly the shirt, caressing that chest and still kissing the neck, but now the right side. He ended to unbutton that shirt and start to quit it very slowly. Meanwhile, he gone from right shoulder, going to the right side of the neck, continuing his way to left side, alternating kisses with tiny licking and soft bites. When the shirt was off, he asked “how are you, my dear?”
“Please…” whispered Freddie.
“Please what?”
“Fuck me”
“Now say the complete phrase”
“It’s fun”
“Gosh, I woke a feral beast with just my kisses in your neck”
John smiled and he blushed a little. “Thank you…” That softness gone and he returned to speak in that seductive and playful way. “But. You shouldn’t say something?”
A deep sigh. “Darling, really, really i want that you fuck me please”.
He stopped to provoke him. 
With a naughty smile, he said in his right ear “Good boy” and spanked him softly in the left buttcheek with his left hand.  “Now we are going to the room… and dont quit nothing more! Lemme do it for you”.
Both were in the room. Wasn't too big but yeah so classy, and the bed seemed so comfy to lay.
When he locked the room, said to the another "lay upside down in the bed please." He lied in the middle of the bed, surrounded for some pillows. His head lies with the left side of his face over his two hands, with his brown eyes closed and smiling expecting what his lover will do. The brunette searched the bottle of lube in everyplace of that room… The dark haired laughed in a cute way and say "it's in the first drawer of that bedside table" pointing to the bedside of his left. "Howdy, it really seems like his first time with a guy… I just wanna to teach some things, but he don't…". His thoughts were interrupted for the presence of he, now without his shirt. He lied over his lover, feeling in his bare skin the sensation of the back of his lover. Both smiled in their inside. The brunette, having the bottle of lube in his left hand, said in the right ear of the another "I'll fuck u my dear… But not yet." A kiss in the neck. "I'll tease you a bit more".
"You really love foreplay", the another says smiling.
"Of course… I love see to my partner hungry for me, see their desesperation for pleasure, and see how they react when they finally have what they want" whispered in Fred's ear.
"I'm already hungry for you" confessed the another. "Please, I'm all yours. Do it."
"Hehe… not yet." said the bassist. "Relax and enjoy…"
Letting the bottle of lube near of his hand and now lying in his right side, very near to the singer,  he now it's slowly quitting the pants of the another. After this, the singer tried to reach the zipper of the pants of his partner with his right hand  "I wanna do it too". 
"No no", said smiling mischievously and spanking in the another's butt. 
Later, he start to quit that satin underwear. "Finally" he thought.
Sat in the border of the bed, with his body pointing to his partner, he open the bottle of lube and put some of the content in two of his fingers of the left hand. 
"Are you ready for me?" said looking to that dark eyes.
"Yeah, do it".
Slowly, started to insert the index finger. Always watching to him. "Tell me if hurts"
"Don't hurts. Indeed… I want another finger."
"Not yet."
He introduced a lot of the index already. He starts to move the finger intensely. 
He could listen a deep moan of his partner. "This is just the beginning" thought the bassist , biting his lower lip. 
"Another... finger... please…" said sighing deeply.
After a seconds, the brunette introduced the another finger, the middle one. He start to move both fingers at the same rhythm.
His lover start to moaning with more intensity. 
His fingers goes faster.
More moans.
The satisfaction in the bassist face watching to the another one with a lot of desire for his cock made him precum. "No gosh, I don't want to misfire", he tried to calm himself a bit.
He stand up of the bed and said to the singer then "I'll do. But I don't with this" pointing to his pants and shoes. "You w-"
"Yeah" said the singer incorporating. He goes to the border of the bed. Sitting there, he start to strip to his partner. First the shoes. After unzipping the pants. Quitted. When was turn of the underwear, he grabbed with his right hand that bulge "God, it's so big and hard… can I suck it a bit? Lemme do that…" said watching to the eyes to the bassist.
"Yeah, but just a… AAAAAAAAAH". He just quitted partially the boxers and grabbed the cock with his right hand and introduced it in his mouth. While he was sucking, he continued to quitting the boxers. His partner helped raising one leg at a time. When was finally gone, he grabbed the ass of the bassist and suck that dick like he knows to do it. The younger reclined his head, moaning deeply. Never had a better blowjob.
"Stop. STOP. I'll cum in your mouth if you continue… you don't wanted that I fuck you?".
Fred stopped. 
"Sorry" said a bit shyly.
"Nothing to sorry… gosh that was so good. But that wasn't the plan. Next time, I'll let you carry on" said John.
His partner then posed with his knees on the border of the bed, with his ass up. 
The bassist grabbed again the bottle of lube to lubricate his cock a bit more. Let the bottle in the next bedside table, grabbed that hips with his bare hands and insert his dick slowly. 
The another sighed deeply.
"Perhaps will be short", warned John.
"No problem darling, do it please"
And he start to moving his dick with passion, always grabbing the hips of his lover.
Both moaned.
He goes even faster.
"Gosh I'm so close"
"Me too"
Moments later, both cum.
He stopped to move. 
Trying to recover his breathing, quitted his dick and hugged to the another one. "I love you… I think". 
"Why I think?"
"I don't know… this is so new to me… I just want to rest now with you. I'll think about that later, hehe". 
He left to hug him and now lies in the centre of the bed,and the singer rest his head in the bare chest of John. Tight hugs. He kissing in the forehead of Fred. 
"I loved this." said John.
"Me too.. but next time I want to be top, darling." said Freddie caressing John's chest with his hand.
"Heheh… we will see. For now, that will be just in your dreams".
Both giggled. 
And bit a bit they fell asleep. In the arms of the another.
At least, part of Fred's dreams come true. Will can be together, as a couple? Time will say that. For now, they had one of their best nights in years.
If u liked this shitty try of gay smut (& you’re over eighteen), please reblog :3 Thxs for the support... -Lily
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johndykeon · 5 years
now everything is easy (cause of you)
written for @nightoftheland's deacury week! sorry it's late!
pairing: john deacon/freddie mercury
rating: M
word count: 1598
summary: John hums, stretching out like a cat in the sun, before slowly relaxing again and staring up at Freddie. Freddie’s eyes are fixed on the television again, his hand still absentmindedly petting John’s hair. John loves him so much it’s overwhelming for a moment.
“Kiss, please,” he says softly.
Freddie blinks down at him before he sighs, playful, bending to kiss him with a smile on his lips.
Or, John is feeling happy and playful and in love. Freddie is always willing to indulge him.
read it on ao3
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rqsegarden · 5 years
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joyless-somebody · 5 years
Goodbye old friend - Deacury week day 2
Grab your tissues, I cried writing this. Sorry for how sad this is :(
Prompt: the hardest thing he’d ever done
John had been through a lot, with the death of his father at age eleven to losing his best friend.
It wasn’t the thought of Freddie dying that hurt John, it was seeing him suffer. Seeing him put on a happy face for the public yet be in agony as soon as the door were closed tore him apart and no matter how much he wanted to tell someone, get more help, get support, that wasn’t how things worked.
Freddie already had the best of the best working with him but it still wasn’t enough. Although he would always tell John he was okay, the youngest knew that it was all a lie, he wasn’t okay but he didn’t want to worry the man he loved. And as he got more and more sick, he stuck to telling his love that it was alright even though both of them knew it wasn’t.
John stuck with him, though. He took Freddie to every doctor’s appointment, calmed him when he had to have his injections, distracted him from blood transfusions, held him close when he could barely see and never once left his side. Not until the day he died.
It wasn’t Freddie’s death that hurt him the most, it was seeing the only person who he loved slowly fade away into just a shell of a man.
That was the hardest thing he’d ever done.
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authorlaurelsimon · 5 years
Days: Participating in Deacury Week 2019
Hey I wanna say I’m participating in Deacury Week 2019 but only a handful of days.
Day 1- Dec 1st
Day 3- Dec 3rd
Day 5- Dec 5th
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nightoftheland · 5 years
Thank you, thanks you, thank you everyone who participated in Deacury week! Every fic and drawing and mood board warmed my heart. I appreciate every single one of you. I’m working my way through all the wonderful works and am blown away by everyone’s talent! While I’m sad this week didn’t get the participation the previous weeks had, I’m happy it got any participation at all! So thank you all again! It’s been so much fun! I will have my contributions posted soon (I got the flu on Tuesday and my brain was trying to cook itself with a fever until about Thursday). The AO3 collection will stay open until the end of the month! ❤️❤️❤️
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warriorteam1924 · 5 years
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Welcome to my masterlist, I hope you enjoy your stay
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Music is my savior  (Complete) (Borhaps cast x female reader)
As far as the eye can see (Ongoing) (Queen band + OFC)
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Just because (John Deacon x FemReader - Smut) inspired by my Nico
Deaky’s Father’s Day (John Deacon X FemReader - alt end1 fluff & alt end 2 smut)
Deaky and his belt (John Deacon x FemReader - Smut) inspired by Lily
I suck your mind, you blow my head  (John Deacon x FemReader - Smut)
The cake icing (John Deacon x Veronica Tetzlaff - Fluff)
Oooh it’s bliss (John Deacon on his 69th birthday - fluff)
On such a breathless night as this (John Deacon & Freddie Mercury AU - Binky challenge - Unicorn Boy - Drawitinyourstyle -  what genre it is....?)
Better than a lifetime alone…. (Featuring John Deacon & his true love - AU - Fluff)
Deaky’s 70th birthday event masterlist 2021 (mostly fluff)
Shooting Star (John x Veronica - contains smut, angst, fluff) Parts : 1 - 2 - 3 
Deaky’s 71th birthday event masterpost 2022 (mostly fluff)
My body’s aching (Deaky’s 72th birthday - John x Veronica - Fluff)
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Sin Sunday here we come (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Smut)
La chandeleur (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Fluff)
Be your Valentino, just for you (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Smut)
Snooze mode  (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Fluff)
The fire within you  (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Fluff)
Oh how you want it  (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Smut)
Today (A little something for Joe Mazzello’s Birthday - Angst/Fluff)
The fighter (Joe Mazzello x Reader - Request - angst and fluff)
You take my body, I give you heat  (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Request - Smut)
Psithurism  (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Request - Fluff)
This is what dreams are made of  (Joe Mazzello x FemReader - Request - Fluff)
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Happy Birthday, Jones !!! (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Fluff)
Xin Nian Kuai le, my Ben (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Fluff)
Get up, get out spring is everywhere! (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Fluff)
Le bouquet (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Fluff)
Never too old to love you forever and beyond (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Fluff)
That's because I'm a good old-fashioned loverboy (Ben Hardy x Reader - Fluff)
Write your letters in the sand  (Ben Hardy x Reader - Fluff)
Paperback Reader (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Request - Fluff) 
J’ai deux amours (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Request - Fluff) 
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Action this night (Ben Hardy x Joe Mazzello - Smut Collab)
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All you do is live, all I do is die (May x Deacon - Angst - Breakyweek2k19)
A prisoner of love inside you (Deacon x May - Smut - BreakyWeek2k19)
Too much love could kill you  (Deacon x  Mercury - Angst  & Smut) (Deacury Week 2019)  Part 1 & Part 2  
Can it be Christmas ? ( Mercury & Deacon - Fluff - DeacuryWeek2019 )
Hear what I say (May x Taylor - Smut - MaylorWeek2019)
Let me hear the words of love (Mazzello x Hardy - Fluff&Angst - Hardzzello2019) Part 1 & Part 2
Doing alright  (Mazzello x Hardy - Smut - Hardzzello2019)
The laundry (Mazzello x Lee - Angst & Fluff - MazzleeWeek2020)
Dare me (Mazzello x Lee - Fluff - MazzleeWeek2020)
Take a little bit of my life (Mazzello x Lee - Angst - MazzleeWeek2020)
Let me take your hand, let me be your guide (JohnicaWeek2020 - fluff)
Mama said be careful of that girl (JohnicaWeek2020 - Angst)
Keep them on (Jimercury Week 2020 - Mercury x Hutton - Smut)
Lover Boy (Jimercury Week 2020 - Mercury x Hutton - Fluff)
Johnica Week 2021 Masterlist (Fics for Johnicaweek2021 - mostly fluff)
Waiting for something to fall from the skies….  (Jimercury Week 2021 - Mercury x Hutton - Fluff)
Remember, love walks through walls  (Jimercury Week 2021 - Mercury x Hutton - Fluff)
Made in Heaven (Jimercury Week 2021 - Mercury x Hutton - Fluff)
My sweeter half instead (Freddie Mercury week end 2021 - Mercury x Hutton - Fluff)
Challenging the doors of time (50years of queen - Featuring Queen band & Miami - 1920′s prompt)
When love must die (Breaky Week 2021 - John & Brian - Angst/Fluff)
The daffodils look lovely today (Freddie Mercury Weekend 2022 - Mercury x Hutton - Fluff) 
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When the heart cries (Deacon x Mazzello - fluff & Angst)
Step by step (Deacon & Mazzello - Platonic fluff)
Once upon a time  (Deacon & Mazzello - Platonic fluff)
Let the music be you (Deacon & Mazzello - Platonic fluff)
No gift, Deal?!  (Deacon x Mazzello - fluff)
Something to remember me by (Deacon & Mazzello - Platonic fluff)
Dear Diary (Deacon x Mazzello - Angst?)
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John’s little Ghost (John Deacon & his family - Halloween Fluff) (2019)
Don’t lose your head (John Deacon x reader - Fluff and Angst)  (2019)
Happy Halloween Mister Mazzello (Joe Mazzello x Reader - Smut) (2019)
Cara mia, mio caro (Ben Hardy x Reader - Halloween Fluff) (2020)
The night comes down (Roger Taylor and Brian May - Halloween thrill) (2020)
You put a spell on me (John Deacon & his family - Halloween Fluff) (2020)
Somebody’s watching me (Joe Mazzello x Reader - Angst and Fluff) (2020)
In the quiet of the night (Ben Hardy x Reader - Fluff) (2021)
The Crowded Masquerade (Joe Mazzello x Reader - kinda fluff ?) (2021)
Your presence is wanted at this ghostly ball (John Deacon feat Miss T. - fluff-angst) (2022)
The little things (Feat John - Fluff - 2023)
Somebody’s watching me (Halloween Special - Joe Mazzello & Swan - Thrill)
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Santa and Paws (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Fluff) (2019)
Christmas surprise (Roger Taylor x FemReader - Fluff) (2019)
The Christmas Party (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Fluff) (2019)
Christmas Presents (Ben Hardy x FemReader - Fluff) (2019)
Believe in Christmas (Joe Mazzello x FemReader (&Laura) - Fluff) (2019)
Christmas Presents 2019 From Warriorteam1924 as Foxy Santa
December challenge : 24 fictions featuring Queen and Borhaps cast (2020)
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I suck your mind, you blow my head with @painandpleasure86​​
A prisoner of love inside you with @painandpleasure86​​  
Happy Halloween Mister Mazzello with @painandpleasure86​​
Lazing in a Sunday morning & News of our world  sequels by @painandpleasure86​​
Action this night with @thosequeenboys​ 
Challenging the doors of time (50years of queen - Featuring Queen band & Miami - 1920′s prompt) -- collab with Rachel and her amazing drawing (X)
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​​Five more minutes (a little personal one shot)
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deaky-disco-queen · 5 years
Girls Gotta Stick Together - Deacury Week Day 7
A/N: Is this platonic? Is this pre-relationship? I do not know but of course I had to take the gender bent prompt when I saw it. 
Johanna first met the enigma that was Freddie Mercury when she attended the audition Brian had invited her to and she had been hesitant to go because she was kind of busy with school but in the end she did go and she couldn’t be more glad for it. 
She had met Brian a couple of times and even Roger once fleetingly but never their lead singer. With a name like Freddie, Johanna had honestly expected a guy and so she was surprised when she walked into the audition room and came face to face with a beautiful woman with long, dark hair framing her face, emphasizing her sharp cheekbones and dark eyes. 
    “You have to be Johanna! Brian told me about you, very pleased to meet you.” 
Johanna took her hand, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks when she lifted it to her mouth and pressed a feather-light kiss to her knuckles.
    “So you’re here to try out for the band?” 
She nodded mutely. 
    “I don’t think anything of this is going to fit me.” Johanna said. 
She picked up one of Freddie’s shirt. It was very low-cut and tight. She had never worn something like that before and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. Freddie didn’t seem to think so as she only tutted and passed her a similar cut shirt. 
    “Don’t be ridiculous, you’ll look great!” 
    “Freddie… I… Uhm…” Johanna looked down at her chest and then back to Freddie. 
She didn’t want to say it but Freddie was way better endowed than her and it would probably look weird if she put one of her shirts on. Also, all of them seemed to have a big cleavage. 
    “Put it on, love, you’ll look good.” 
Johanna hadn’t known Freddie for very long but she knew arguing with her was pointless and she had agreed to look for stage outfits. She sighed and took the shirt Freddie was holding out for her, along with the very tight pants. They were way too short since Johanna was a couple of inches taller than her but they still looked better than expected. 
    “Oh! You look great, I love it! Wait, I have a shirt you’d look great in!” 
The next shirt had a even deeper cleavage and Johanna tugged her shirt further up. Or she tried at least but Freddie quickly pulled her hands away. 
    “Don’t hide what you have, darling! You’re looking good. Nothing’s wrong with showing off what you have.” 
Johanna chuckled softly, shifting uncomfortably. 
    “Well, you need something to be able to show off.” 
Freddie tutted softly and cupped her face, making her look into her eyes. 
    “You’re beautiful and, pardon my french, so are your tits. You have no need for this face. You’re going to look gorgeous and everyone will think so and want to take you home.” 
Johanna giggled, her heels making it hard to walk and she leaned on Freddie who was just as drunk as her, maybe even more so, but didn’t seem to be quite so unstable on her legs. Their gig had been very successful and they had celebrated it with a lot of shots. Thankfully, Freddie had offered her to sleep over at her place otherwise Johanna probably wouldn’t make it home as easily. 
Freddie wrapped an arm around her, pulling her flush against her side and Johanna laughed, not sure about what but she was drunk so she didn’t care. Freddie didn’t live too far from the bar they had played at and they reached it quickly, despite walking relatively slow due to Johanna’s inability to walk in her platform boots. She loved them but being drunk in them was a pain in the ass. 
They stumbled up the stairs, giggling about nothing and everything and Freddie needed a couple of tries until she managed to fit the key into the lock. Johanna fit herself against Freddie’s back, pressing her face against the fur of her coat. It was cold and she sighed happily. 
Johanna borrowed a shirt and some shorts to wear in bed. The shorts were a little bit too short but they were comfortable and Freddie had too many blankets in her bed so it was impossible for her to get cold anyway. 
    “D’you want some tea?” 
She nodded and they stood in the kitchen together, both wrapped into blankets as they waited for the kettle. Freddie gently knocked their shoulders together. 
    “I’m glad you joined the band.” She admitted softly. “Not that I don’t love Bri and Rog but it’s nice to not be the only girl, you know?” 
Johanna chuckled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder to pull her into a side hug. Under the smell of alcohol and smoke, she could smell the faint trace of Freddie’s floral shampoo. It was a nice smell. 
    “Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m also glad to have you.” 
    “We girls have to stick together, right.” 
Freddie kissed her cheek sloppily, probably leaving a smudge of dark lipstick on it but Johanna didn’t mind. 
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“You are my husband now.” John leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips.
He grinned at him. “We’re married now.”
It might not have been something official, it might not have been legal just yet. But that didn’t really bother to either of them. A ceremony with Bri, Rog, their parents, and their sister was enough for the two of them. They didn’t need some legal document to tell them if they were married or not. This was good enough for them.
John let out a little noise of surprise when there were arms wrapping around his waist, lifting him up into the air, and spinning him around in a circle. 
“Put me down!”
“Are you afraid I’ll drop you?”
“You have dropped me before, remember?”
His cheeks tinted pink. “That was one time, love.”
“One time too many.”
“Alright, alright.” He lowered him until his feet were touching the floor once more. 
He leaned forward to kiss him again, his arms looping around his neck while Freddie’s stayed in their place around his waist. 
“You know what people do on their wedding night, love?” He murmured against his lips, pulling back for just a moment to look up at him.
“Think I might have an idea.” He let out a little gasp when Freddie squeezed his bum. 
“Might I interest you in joining me in the bedroom, then?”
“I’m sure I could be persuaded.”
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painandpleasure86 · 5 years
Feelings, feelings (DeacuryWeek 2019)
A/N: Hi people!! My fave ship week came finally!! But that don’t mean that I have the fics ready since a lot of time. Usually when I have spare time, no inspo -_- But well, now i’m here!
Prompt taken for Day 1: First time
Word count: almost 1.1k words.
Warning:  A bit of fluff and a bit of smut (yeaaaah my first piece of gay smut! lol). Plus, English it’s my 2nd language, so sorry for the typos.
Tag list: @nightoftheland​​ (thank u for hosting this ship week <3) @binkyisonline​​ (one of the strongest Deacury fans that I ever knew :3 ) @warriorteam1924​​
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No one knows how that started. Was growing that feelings inside them, without notice it… or without accepting it.
They started a dynamic with the song Liar. He approached to Fred and sing together. They always had a blast. But he started to feel something rare in his chest everytime that they do that… Wanted to be close and closer to him, to his mouth. “I love to fuck girls… why this happens? Could be just the emotion for the moment? I recognize that its mesmerizing, but if it’s more of that?”
Immersed in those thoughts Fred finds John, backstage, half changing his outfit. He was sitting on the couch with his elbows on his thighs and his head down. He was shirtless, but he was already wearing his jeans and shoes. The used shirt lay to one side. On the other, his other shirt and coat, waiting to be worn.
Freddie close the door slowly, trying not to scare him. Approaching a little to the young one, he says:
"Darling, you've been much quieter lately than ever. You don't make jokes anymore. You keep thinking and drinking beer. We're all worried.
John raises his head. In fact, he lies on the back of the couch, leaving his hands on his thighs and his arms at his sides. He listens attentively. But he begins to feel that  again. "I must be very drunk... otherwise I can’t explain it...". He continues to deny what is happening to him. His friend keeps talking...
"I know you don't usually talk about your private life, but I'm really worried about you. I'm especially worried about you," he says, smiling shyly and looking slightly down at the floor. His cheeks are slightly flushed.
John also blushes, but intensely. His pale skin make that more noticeable.
"You're really worried, aren't you?" the brunette dares to ask. "God, what the fuck did I do?" he thinks repentantly. He let himself be won by the impulse. But he already said it. He is a prisoner of his words....
His friend blushes even more.
"Hehehehe, well yes..." said giggling.
He's approaching to the young man. Puts the used shirt and jacket in a nearby chair. "Can I?" and John only managed to move his head in approval.
Now both are side by side. The brunette turned in the direction of the dark-haired, resting its right arm on the top of the backrest.
Uncomfortable silence. The tension is visible.
"Fred, why did you sit next to me?" asked the boy at last, still blushing.
He turns in the direction of the bassist. Take a deep breath. His brown eyes get stuck in those gray eyes.
"Do it. I know you want to. It doesn't have to be a very..."
John lows the right arm from the backrest. With his two hands he takes the face of the singer. He closes his eyes and did it. It was just a small kiss in the lips of his friend.
Now his hands are on his head. He is nervous. Now his face is red, but because of the nerves. He begins to sweat.
Fred surrounds the young man's shoulders with his left arm.
"I don't know why you get this way for being honest with yourself." says caressing softly the chin of the bassist with his right hand.
"i-i-it's the first time that I kiss a man”, he says, looking at his knees and with his hands intertwined on his thighs. His thumbs move very fast. "N-n-n-never thought I would..." he laughs uncomfortably. He moves his legs. His nerves are very noticeable.
Then the singer starts kissing his neck gently. He feels the warmth and smoothness of that pale skin. He feels the beats accelerate little by little. Feel the heat.
The bassist’s head leans back, closing his eyes. He stops moving.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah" says in a sigh.
Fred goes to John’s ear, leaving kisses in the way. He bites the lobe a little. The beats continue to accelerate. And there is something who is more awake than ever...
He whispers in his ear, "I can feel your heart beating faster and faster... feeling my love heating you..." he smiles.
Now the right arm of Fred surrounds the brunette’s shoulders. Meanwhile, John bites his lower lip.
Fred kisses him intensely on his neck.
Another sigh that escapes from the bassist, but deeper. So, his left hand takes the right hand of the other and puts it over his bulge. He looks to Freddie to the eyes.
"This also is growing and it's warm..." he sighs. "You want to know for yourself?" and he looks at Freddie in that way. He doesn't hide it anymore. He wants to try. He wants to feel that warmth, one body against the other. He wants to feel those hands caressing him everywhere. He wants to feel those lips kissing him entirely. He wants to be the owner of his sighs, the one who makes those fantasies come true.
They kiss each other intensely, while that hand tries to unzip the pants. The young man's hand grabs the other man's face with intensity.
When his hand is finally about to feel that huge dick, the door opens.
They were his band mates. Both of them are shocked when they see the scene.
"I knew they liked each other! That tension was notorious," says the blond, lighting a cigarette.
The brunette stops doing what he was doing and puts on his shirt and jacket with nerves.
The dark haired, now with his left arm on the top of the couch, and his right hand on one of his thighs, is glaring at both of them.
"You could have knocked on the door, couldn't you?" he almost screams.
The curly-haired guitarist says to his friend, "I told you it wasn't a good idea to go through without knocking... now we ruin the night for both of you”.  Look at the singer.  "Excuse me Fred, we'll wait for both of you outside." They both leave the locker room and close the door behind them.
"To your house, because I live in an apartment with some roommates" says John. "I need to get this off me."
"I'll gladly take that and your clothes off," says Freddie, casting a mischievous glance at him.
Pure smiles. Pure expectation.
That night would be memorable for both of them, but they barely imagined it...
If you liked it (and youre over 18), please reblog! <3 -Lily
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