texasrcttlesnake · 4 years
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d i s c l a i m e r !
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darlinrogue · 4 years
Starter for @deadmenanddemons​ w/ Adora 
 Adora awoke in the dark, an hour before first light. She shifted, stretching her stiff back and popping her neck. The straw she slept on clung to her clothes and hair. Rain pattered against the sunken-in roof of the old stable. Her skin and clothes were damp, settling with a deep chill. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Adora gathered her few things and ate breakfast: the last of the bread from Bright moon, foraged berries, and a piece of cheese. She’d be improvising her next few meals. She slung her bag over her shoulder and set on her way.
The ocean rushed and surged against the shore. The storm gathered on the horizon, dark and foreboding. Decades ago this fishing village had thrived under the protections of the high, white chalk cliffs towering above it.  Living at the edge of the sea Adora imagined they were fishers. The dilapidated, rotten boats, stuck and abandoned in the sand at the edge of the water spoke to that story. Scorch marks, the lingering scent of soot, and the destroyed homes, told the violent end. In that regard, Adora didn’t need to imagine anything.
Adora left the stable and walked through the ruins of the village. She paused on the path leading to the main square. She ducked into an alley between an old inn and a home. Her back pressed against the wall, breath stilling so she could listen. Thunder roared and lightning flashed, brightening the dismal morning. The paths were soft sand but a heavy foot left an impression. Adora ducked around the opposite side of the building. She turned and corner, then waited in a crouch behind a stack of crates. The man passed her hiding spot and she bolted after him. She rushed him and caught him mid-pivot, one foot off the ground. Her full weight collided with his chest. She buried both her knees in his stomach and they crashed to the ground. 
She wedged the edge of her sword beneath his jaw, but then her eyes widened, “Adam?!”
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wildpawed-moved · 4 years
          @deadmenanddemons​, continued from x
She had to be thankful that he was sitting down with their child, her more often than not having to stand on her toes to love on Isaiah if he happened to be in Kane’s arms.
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“Its just a one off thing. We get our normal teeth, then when we start to shift, at around twelve or so, our teeth elongate to fangs and then go back to how they are now when we don’t need our fur.” She bit at the air for effect, then planted a kiss on the side of Kane’s face. “How’s he going?”
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ghostlyanon · 4 years
SMOLS & TOLS / accepting
@deadmenanddemons​ sent: Marina I am so sorry to do this, but Kane's 7'0
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blackasteriia · 4 years
i'm breaking the rules whats ur favourite thing about me. also, fuck the police
|| @deadmenanddemons ||
By my count, about eight months ago I wandered onto Jay’s blog and asked them to explain the Undertaker to me. Three hours later, they had summarized thirty odd years of WWE storytelling. Very rarely do muns do that. Just, sit down and talk about their muse for an extended period of time. Most of the time attempts to start talking or plotting requires me to prompt, dig, and ask questions, to drag details out of muns. More like pulling teeth than having a conversation. Not with Jay though, incredibly refreshing to have everything explained, laid-out, and discussed in tantalizing detail with me. I left our first interaction with a solid and firm grasp of their characters, and ideas about plots they could have with Xion. It was fantastic. 
 Of all the things that drew me into Jay’s writing, it was their attention to detail. A sense of where their characters began and where they are now. So many blogs give snippets of story, who a muse is in this month or this year. Instead, Jay shows the Undertaker and Kane over a scope of five decades. They supplement their storytelling through headcanons, analysis, or elaboration on the world they exist in. I know who lives in Death Valley, it’ climate, how the home is run, and what the boys schedule is, what motivates them, both where they come from, and where they are going. Believe me when I say, thatthis level of information is rare. Very few muns understand that an RP blog is supposed to tell a story, a character in a vacuum is uninteresting, after all.
Jay is also very supportive and funny, I’ve enjoyed getting to know them OOC-- mostly talking about wrestling, but also our shared passion in martial arts. I mean, Jay got me into professional wrestling. What else do you need to know about them? 
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sylencias · 4 years
Starter for @deadmenanddemons​
Cars flew by on the roadway, headed South or nowhere at all. The pedestrians ignored Celia as they filtered by behind her where she perched on the curb edge. They offered her the shaded glares of insular, small town people when someone new wandered in. That or Ripley, sitting at her left elbow freaked them. Celia took a long drag from her cigarette and peered at a road map in her lap. New Mexico was but a few short strides with her finger tips away. If only the world was that compressed. The trucker that drove her here from San Antonio promised she had ‘till the end of the day for a ride back. As loathe as she was to backtrack the proposition was tempting. The longer she spent in this dust bowl the more it lived up to the name spray painted across the town sign: Death Valley. Get out now, or she might never. 
Claws tapping on the concrete signaled Ripley moving from her side. She glanced-up, between her and Ripley ran curiosity, but not concern. A wag at the tip of his tail, ears pricked forward, he had intercepted a man on the street. Ripley sniffed the man’s knuckles, investigative-- but definitely not dissuading scratches. Celia ground-out her cigarette beneath her boot heel. 
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“You find a friend there?” Celia questioned Ripley. In the mid-day heat he panted and looked self-satisfied. She addressed the man: “He won’t bite.”
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sailorvinusmoved · 4 years
🌙 ❝reminisce.❞ ✨ kane & vi.
✨ @deadmenanddemons​ wow i luv dem.
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❝I'm, like, super stoked about moving. Aren't you?❞ Sure, their current place was nice and comfortable. Virote wouldn't settle for less. He also wasn't one to settle for just nice, either. Occasionally, he'd muse to Kane about how he wanted a bigger garden and a bigger porch and a peaceful pond filled with koi. Space for herbs and flowers and blossoming Leonard Messel trees. Just a couple of neighbors, too. For all of the city life Virote has enjoyed his entire life, he felt the need for something more... Quiet. The hustle and bustle didn't suit his lifestyle. Not like he was going out and networking, these days. There were more important things to do. Like, for example, raising Mona.
He threw a few garments to the ground as he started clearing the absurdly large closet, coming upon a blue, crushed velvet jacket. There was a faint scent of grass wafting from it, causing Virote to smile, holding the jacket to his chest. ❝I wore this on the evening we went to go see the stars... Remember? You told me that you never got invited to watch the stars with someone else. In that moment, I felt sad and happy. All at once. I was glad that I was the first to bring you out stargazing, but sad that it took all these years for me to come along and give you that experience. We held hands, too. Funny how far we’ve come, huh? I dunno. Like, it’s just something to think about.❞
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localmagicalboi · 5 years
℘ ℘ rae can i... have both brothers.... as a treat?? (i'm sobbing this is fucking hilarious)
                    ✨ @deadmenanddemons for SEND ME A ℘ AND I’LL DESCRIBE YOUR CHARACTER IN THE STYLE OF MY IMMORTAL, IT’LL BE AWFUL! still accepting.
AN: LMFAO THIS ONE IS 4 JAY! Tha most Goffickest of THA GOFFS iev ever met laolmaojmdkljklfja.
Kane is a big and tall and sexy and broad and Goffik and Red and Sexy did i mention Tall man with long brown black hair that look like a stream of darkness coming from the void of darkness with metal musics not that preppy shit like Brintey Spears LMFAO. He has medium light golden but light but neutral skin toned skin and he has mixxmatched eyes like a true fuckin Anime character like the dude from Code Gess LOL (which makes him rly Fuckin sexy)
He wears a tight body suit that excentuates His sexy big spectacular glistening mussles and his bulge which is very sexy (I want some of that but im married to Gerard Way XD) with some of it being a windy flamey red and the other being a windy flamy hardcore like the night BLACK and metal details and a peek of a Tiddy window t hrough the flames. One sleeve is long and the other is short showing off big sexy meaty arm (YUMMY)
On his face is a mask which also matches the suit which is stoopid cuz he's a major fuckin Hottie underneath it and not a stupid fuckn prep like those MCMAHONS! He also wears boots and can summon Santa from the depthz of hell with his flames. I like his flames and not the flamez YOU PREPZ LEAVE IN MY COMMENTS you fuickn haters.
HIS BROTHR THA UNDERTAKA is a big tall sexxxiii Goff like him except he’s more biker Goff so that means he wears jeans and denim and vests and stuff. He’s got gingery red sexy red hair but not Manic Panic Red like minez (I dyed my hair while writing this LMAO XDDD isnt that hardcore????)  He's got hazel off brown off brown off grey eyes and facial hair that has magical powers that'll kill you because he's tha most hardcore Mutherfucker you've ever seen! 
He also has seductive sideburns that make him look like a rocker man but not the new vampire types like me but more like the old ones like my dad LOL and he rides a motorcycle that goes VROOM and he can kill people with it but chooses not to. He wears denim vest and a shirt made by a tailor that came from HELL and jeans and a pair of black boots that rise up but not too much so when Prepz get in his way he can kick them IN THA FUCKN FACE (Id let him kick me anyday too lol!)
In his other Form when he goes Super Sayan but Goff, he wears all black with a long coat that dusts the floor and made of sexy leather like the kind my favorite band boys wear and a hat that shields the pain that the world puts on him (cuz hes GOFFICK so he feels a lot of hurt it's how we live our lives./ When he is angry he can roll his eyeballs into the back of his nostrils and give you a Suplex City because that’s what wrestlers do. I dont know Im not a jock lmao I’m Goff.
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straiightfiire · 5 years
becky could feel the air in her chest tighten as soon as she got on ‘takers property. that didn’t stop her from throwing the car into park and getting out, though. she’d been told where to find him, but that didn’t mean that she felt okay just walking into a man’s graveyard. her toes hadn’t even crossed the threshold of the gate when an icy chill struck her spine.
a dark figure moved inside of an abandoned? church in the middle of the yard. of course there was an abandoned church, and of course she’d have to go inside. every horror movie she’d ever watched had told her it was a bad idea. it was this, or possibly lose to asuka at the rumble - the latter of these options didn’t weigh in her favor.
“ hello? “ she asked, gently pushing open the door and trying to ignore how unforgiving the tightness in her chest had become during the ascend towards it. “ is anyone here? “
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texasrcttlesnake · 4 years
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i’ve only had baby chaos husbands for two hours but if anything happened to them i would kill everyone in this room and then myself @deadmenanddemons​
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silimalosi · 5 years
          // @deadmenanddemons liked this starter call.
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          He wasn’t nervous. He wasn’t. Well, if anyone asked, he wasn’t. But if you knew him, you could tell he was. But could anyone really blame him? The last time he had stepped into the ring with Taker, the older man hadn’t been at his best. He was great, good, but not his best. And yeah, it’s been years, and Taker’s wrestled since then but in this moment, with the two of them teaming up together shortly, Roman found himself, no matter how unwilling, doubting his tag partner. Which is why he found himself just... outside the man’s room, pacing, unable to knock but wanting to knock. It’s a life time opportunity, he knows, to be wrestling against the man. And even more so, with the man. Which is why he wants to clear this up now, before they go out there.
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wildpawed-moved · 4 years
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@deadmenanddemons​ said: 🍓 :D
          @mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
Okay Jay, so you and I have been friends since like 2014-2015 and I really can’t imagine my life without you? Like as dramatic as it sounds, I would absolutely sprint into Silent Hill for you if needed me to, not that you’d need to bc you could make Pyramid Head cry and then some.
I say it at least daily but I adore you and you’re literally one of the biggest highlights of my life and one of the best friends i’ve ever had and i love you xx
and i also will also love that this gif
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is basically us
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invertxgo · 5 years
Yappy Little Dog
@deadmenanddemons [ Taker n Xigbar ] 
There is, for a moment, a rapid clicking as Xigbar drags the ball of his tongue piercing back and forth over his teeth, before his tongue is back in his mouth where it belongs. Talking with people was easy. Being an annoying bastard was easy. Opening himself up to any degree was significantly more difficult. And delivering anything more than uninvited one liners to Taker was only about four pegs down from antagonizing Lexaeus on a particularly moody day.
"Look," He seems to say this just to get Taker's attention, "I know I've been annoyin' as hell since the first time I popped up, and I'm not gonna say that I'm not, y'know, an 'Inherently Annoying Person', or whatever... But we've all got ways of protectin' people that we love, right?”
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“You’re,” He gestures, up and down, at the whole of Undertaker, “Big. And intimidatin’ to most everyone you meet, I’m sure. God knows my perception of that is kinda skewed, but the whole, big bad biker image is one that suits you, an’ your reputation as a total badass–” Which was certainly hard not to find out about if you did much digging, “–It keeps people from fuckin’ with you, ‘n your loved ones. I can respect that.”
“But I ain’t got that. I’m 5′4″ and weigh like, half what you do soakin’ wet with rocks in my pockets. So, y’know, like any yappy little dog, I gotta improvise. I crank up the annoyin’ behaviors to a fuckin’ 12. If people can’t handle me at my most annoyin’, my considerably bigger, considerably more tolerable friends ‘re gonna see that. An’ since we’ve got all of one collective braincell between us when we’re together, that’s gonna throw up some red flags. Which is the whole point.”
He shrugs, “Aeleus is important to me. I've been friends with him for more than a decade. I’ve seen him through ups ‘n downs. I’ve seen him bein’ the only one of us with any damn sense, ‘n I’ve seen him at a level of gremlin most people who’ve met him wouldn’t imagine him capable of. He’s my best friend. I love ‘im. Which means I’ve gotta, y’know, get a feel for you."
“So. Y’know. Congrats. You passed. You didn’t kick my ass. Even when I’d said shit that was practically beggin’ for it. And I’ve become regrettably endeared to your grumpy ass for it.“
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blackasteriia · 4 years
It's a good night for the yard. Chores are done, gates are locked, everything is settled. With weather so nice, they might as well spend the time outside. "Hold the handle like this. Keep it over the fire, but don't let it touch." Kane says, re-positioning Xion's hand with the JiffyPop. "And just watch it." Then he stands, looking over to where 'Taker is setting up a projector screen for Fast and Furious (it was his turn to pick). "How's it going, big brother?"
The fire crackled and the flames licked high, stirred by the desert wind. Xion sat crossed legged in an unstable, plastic lawn chair. In her hands was a small thin metal, pan like object constructed out of aluminum foil, cheap materials, and bright bold letters espousing: Jiffy Pop. When Xion shook it, she heard something rattling around inside. Xion poked at the top and began to attempt to pry off the foil. Kane, who sat in a lawn chair he was too big for, brushed her hand away. Xion eyed him and then lifted the strange pot over the fire. On the other side of the lawn ‘Taker was cussing-up a storm. As the little old ladies who occupied the cafe in town for bridge said. The strange contraption that he fiddled and fought with collapsed in a heap of bits. The look ‘Taker threw it could wither grass. Little, quick but loud banging noise diverted her attention.
 Xion looked back to the pot. Her brow furrowed, head tilting to the side as the aluminum foil began to expand. It was like fireworks contained in her hands, or little explosions. Kane ordered her to shake and wiggle the pot. As she did so she heard the contents jostle around inside. Then, it began to still, like the calm after an erupted volcano. A pop here, a pop there, and then Kane ordered her to take it away from the heat. Xion drew the pot back, analyzing it with a quizzical stare. Kane took it from her and peeled open the aluminum. He reached inside and showed her off a strange, puffed thing. It was an-off white, uneven in shape and when Kane popped it in his mouth, it crunched. So it was a food and it was edible. It smelled of butter and salt, and some kinda neutral, grain flavor. Also, with a hint of burn. 
“Popcorn,” Kane stated. 
Xion took a piece of the ‘popcorn’ and nibbled off a bit. The flavor was bland and unremarkable. However, the nuttiness of hot butter and salt, made-up for it. Most satisfying was the crunch as her teeth broke into it. Xion hummed her approval, nodding with satisfaction as Kane continued to snack. There was an entire stack of the ‘jiffy pops’ and she retrieved another one. Xion used her knife to pop open the foil. However, instead of the ‘popcorn’ she found tiny, small yellow kernels of some sort’ve grain. Her eyebrows furrowed, head tilting to the side with a quizzical expression. Kane reached over and scooped a single kernel from the jiffy pop pan. He pinched the seed between his fore-finger and thumb. Xion felt the fluctuation of his fire magic, exerting heat on it-- then it popped. From hard yellow seed to white, fluffy popcorn, her mouth dropped open, eyes wide.
“It’s caused by water trapped in the kernel of corn,” Kane explained. “When it’s heated, it turns into steam and escapes, causing it to pop.”
 She picked-up her own kernel. Summoned her fire magic, and sure enough, between her fingers the, seed exploded. It was so quick her eyes couldn’t capture the movement. Xion stared at the piece of popcorn between her fingers. She paused for a second, mind churning over this new information. Then she turned over her shoulder and shouted:
“‘Taker?! Did you know about this?!”
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queenofgone · 5 years
🖤┊ ❝ @deadmenanddemons ❞┊ [ continued from HERE ]
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     Her body was sore, aching all over. Nothing the seasoned veteran wasn’t used               to before. She did some pain in her neck so instead of ignoring it like a          careless fool, Nattie went to the trainers room to get it checked out, put her                            mind at ease and make sure it was nothing serious.
          “.......?” She watched the Brothers of Destruction exchange looks, neither           saying a word; there had to be some telepathy between them, apparently       oblivious and exclusive to Neidhart. Both wordless, Taker moved, then Kane.
               “...Thank you. I hope I wasn’t intruding or rushing you or anything?”
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mainevcnt · 4 years
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cellphone headcanons // accepting!
contact name + your muse’s ringtone a song that reminds my muse of yours + my muse’s last text to yours + a photo of your muse mine has saved // @deadmenanddemons pressed # for kane!
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