#dean's ears have been pierced for a long time but he doesn't really wear earrings
pinknatural · 2 years
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mary’s pearl earrings
november 1, 1983. after an exhausting MOPs meeting that made mary feel itchy and like her skin was too small to contain her, john drives her home. the neighbor is watching dean sleep, and little sammy is curled up in his carseat, the gentle rumble of the impala soothing him to sleep. MOPs meetings were easier without a baby, she thinks. she hates the other MOPs with a passion, but when she was a kid she always wished her mom was in the PTA and this is kind of like the first step. her earrings feel too heavy for her head and she thinks they might help with the headache, so she takes them off, resting them gentle on her skirt. when the impala parks in their driveway, sammy awakes with a cry. john is already half-out of the car to go relieve the neighbor. mary doesn’t have anywhere to put her pearl earrings, so she tucks them into the glove compartment. she’ll get them later. 
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jawritter · 4 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
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Chapter 9
Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​​​​​​
Square Field: Sledding
Word Count: 1334
Warnings: Fluff, mild language, brief mention of John’s A+ parenting.
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol Chapter 10 will post tomorrow! I knew chapter will post every day until Christmas! I know I’m insane lol. This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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You stood at the top of the snow-covered hill, flat sled in hand, and watched as two teenagers boarded the sled next to you, sliding down without hesitation. 
The hill was higher than you expected. Normally heights didn't bother you. You'd flown plenty of times in your life. You'd even done a little rock climbing. This seemed very high. Maybe it was the sun glaring off of the snow that made it feel higher than what it actually was? 
Dean's hand came down heavily on your shoulder, and you turned to see his emerald green eyes staring down at you. His freckled face was slightly red from the cold.
"Ready Sweetheart?"
You gave him a short nod and dropped the sled to the ground. You were a hunter for fucks sake. You weren't about to let a little snowy hill be your demise. 
Once you had dropped yourself into place on the sled, Dean dropped down behind you; wrapping his arms securely around your waist.
A swarm of butterflies was set free in your stomach at the feel of his solid body behind your own, even threw the jackets and things you were wearing to stave off the cold. 
It didn't take much of a shove from either of you to get the sled moving. Dean's laugh pierced the air behind you, and you never wanted it to stop. It was the simple things about him that made you the happiest. Like the deep laugh, you rarely got to hear on a normal basis. 
"Come on, let's go again," he said, getting to his feet before helping you to your own before grabbing the sled. 
There was an almost childlike excitement on his face. There was no way you could have said no to him.
This was the first time Dean had ever been sledding, and as you prepared to go down again, you could see just how much Dean had been robbed as a child. 
John never bothered to take the kids sledding, or do any other fun activities with them. It was always his work, his obsession. It wasn't fair to them then, and it wasn't for now. It made Dean hard and turned him into the little grunt, the soldier, John's perfect little punching bag. 
You lost count of how many times the two of you had gone up and down that hill. When you were both finally so tired and cold you were both shivering, Dean decided to call it a day, but you had more fun than you could remember having in a very long time.
"I know it's late afternoon," Dean said as he climbed into Baby's warm interior. "But I could really go for some breakfast for supper." 
"Oh man, that sounds amazing," you agree, smiling at him as he pulled onto the main road and headed towards the little Waffle House that was just about three miles from the cabin the two of you were staying at.
Once you were both inside the warm restaurant, a cup of steaming coffee in hand, and your orders placed, you looked over at Dean who was looking through his text messages as he waited on his food. 
He looked ten years younger than he did when the two of you got here a few days ago. He was more relaxed, almost like a huge weight had been pulled off of his shoulders. It was the first time you could ever remember Dean being this at ease. You didn't want to go back to life once Christmas was over. You wanted him to have this all of the time, not just for a few days out of the year. 
"Sammy and Eileen are going to take a few days to get her moved into the bunker before we get back," he said, putting his phone away into his pocket, and reaching for your hand across the small table. "So when we get back we will have more people living with us again. It's been too quiet around there lately, it will be a nice change."
"So you're okay with a couple of newlyweds hanging around after they tie the knot, being disgustingly cute all over the place?"
Dean laughed in spite of himself, his thumb making little random patterns on the back of your hand. 
"Well, we will just have to be as annoyingly cute. Give ‘em a run for their money,” he said with a wink. 
A deep blush crept its way up your neck and all the way to the tips of your ears. So there was hope of him still being this close to you after you got home to the bunker? 
"I love it when you do that ya know?" 
"When I do what?" you asked him.
"Blush, it's adorable." 
Well damn if that didn't make it worse, and you hid your face in the bend of your arm. Dean reached across the table pulling your arm away from your face. 
"Don't hide from me pretty girl." 
Before you could respond the waitress appeared with your food, and Dean's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning as his pile of food that appeared in front of him. 
"So, day 6, what did you think?" he asks, mouth stuffed full of waffles, looking more adorable than a grown man ever had a right to.
"I loved it, it's been years since I'd been sledding."
Dean smiled into his coffee as his eyes stayed trained on yours. 
"Good, cause I was a little afraid by now you would be ready to get rid of me," Dean said, eyes still locked on yours. 
"What! Hell no! In fact, I don't want to leave!"
The confession slipped out before you could stop yourself. To your surprise, Dean looked relieved. 
"You know," Dean said, shifting nervously in his seat. "This doesn't have to end when we go home. I mean, we can still, ya know, spend time together."
The shock must have shown on your face, because Dean scrambled for his words as he reached around the food that was still sitting in front of the two of you, grabbing your hand in his. 
"I mean, that's only if you still want to spend time with me. If you haven't noticed, I really, really like you Y/N."
Your mind was reeling. Sure, Dean had kissed you, a lot by now, but you had refused to look too far into it because Dean Winchester, "doesn't do relationships." You were inadvertently trying to protect yourself from impending heartbreak, and you hadn't even realized that until now. 
"Dean, I thought you said...I thought l…" 
Words failed you, but Dean seemed to catch on to where you were going. 
"I know, I said I don't do relationships, but baby things have changed. Chucks gone, Jacks in charge, things are as they should be. I don't have a big target hanging over my head anymore. Being with me isn't a death sentence anymore." 
You swallowed hard, your heart was hammering against your rib cage like a jackhammer. 
You had always dreamed Dean would notice you, would want to be with you, but you would never let yourself hope it would ever happen. 
"Baby, say something, please."
You blinked hard and nodded your head. "I would love that Dean, but only if you're sure you want this."
Dean smiled widely, leaning across the small table and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss that had your toes curling in your boots. 
You could almost feel the shift in things between you and Dean, like a promise, or a bond that was formed. It was something you could cling to, almost tangible. As real as Dean's hand that was laced in yours as he made his way back to your little side of Heaven for the night. 
He had always had your heart, but knowing you had his? That was the best Christmas present you could ever get and by far the most precious.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Series Tag List: 
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Two Weeks
Part 2
Summary - You don't know the value of someone until you lose them. Dean didn't understand the importance of you in his life until he was too late.
Pairing - Dean x Reader(?)
Warnings- Angst, Fluff-ish, Swearing, self doubt, Dean being a dick (sorry)
Word Count - 1.5k
Square filled - Slow Burn ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N - I had thought of leaving “Two Weeks” as a one shot but since y’all had shown the first part so much love, I thought about writing a second part and it turned into a series.
This is also written as an entry for @jensengirl83 ’s 200 follower challenge. My prompt was “I don’t want to fix this again!”
Spn divider by @talesmaniac89💕
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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“One more,” you ordered the bartender.
“I think you should take it easy now, hun,” she raised an eyebrow at you.
“I can handle my alcohol,” you slurred.
“It doesn't seem like that. Come on, no more drinks for you. Go home, get some sleep,” she said and passed you a glass of water. You rolled your eyes, gulping down the glass of water and stood up from your seat. You swayed a little, maybe she was right about you being drunk.
The cool air hit you in the face as soon as you managed to stumble out of the bar. You were looking around yourself, unsure of what to do next when you heard a deep rumble and a car pulled up beside you.
You knew it wasn't a creep - you knew exactly who it was. You could recognise that purring of the engine anywhere. You didn't bother to take a look at who was in the car not wanting to see him, not after so long. You were done with him for good.
You heard the door of the car open and slammed shut after a few seconds. You heard footsteps approaching towards you.
“Y/N,” he said in a gruff voice, “I read your letter.”
You turned towards the man you once loved.
“And?” You said in a cold voice. You saw him staring at you with those piercing green eyes.
“Why can't you let me be happy Y/N? You and I - we never had a future. It was only sex for us. I love her- the woman you saw kissing. I want her. She is my future. You can't mess that up for me just because you didn't get what you wanted,” Dean said, his eyes hard.
“Wha-” you felt your throat closing up, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. It all meant nothing to him. You felt your lungs give up. You tried to breathe but it felt like you were drowning. You heard a sound - was that your phone ringing?--
You woke up with a start. You were back in your motel room, your phone ringing on the nightstand. Ignoring your phone, you got out of the bed to get yourself some water. Beads of sweat were still lining your forehead. It was still dark outside. You drank an entire glass of water and came back to the bed.
You gently rubbed your temple, thinking back on the dream. This was a recurring nightmare. What if this was your mind subconsciously hinting at that truth? What if you really messed up everything in Dean's life just because you were pathetic? Maybe he left you because he wanted to get the hell away from you. You were not his girlfriend, then why were you expecting him to drop everything and run back to you? Maybe this was his only chance at a normal life he always wanted. Why did you have to fuck up everything?
Picking up your phone, you saw you had missed a call from Bobby. That old geezer was always worried about you. You decided to pay him a little visit the next day to let him know you were alive.
You sighed loudly. You needed to get on with your life. Four weeks had passed by, Dean didn't bother to contact you. It was not like you had cut him off entirely from your life. You still had the same number because you were hoping that he would realise his mistake and call you up. You waited but he never called. You realised that loving him was a mistake. Dean would never reciprocate those feelings.
You felt anger replacing your sadness. You were done being treated as his second option. You realised he would never put your name on the top of his list, you would never be his priority. You were going to get over him.
You started to pack your bags for the second time and prepared to leave the motel room which had been your home for the last two weeks.
Tomorrow would be a new day for you.
You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Numerous questions were haunting you - why did Dean have to break your heart like that? Was it really all a game for him? Were you really not worth his love?
Your train of thoughts were broken when you heard the main door open loudly. You checked yourself. You didn't have your gun on you and there was an intruder, probably a monster in your room. You looked around yourself searching for anything that could come handy.
When you didn't see anything useful, you tiptoed out of the bathroom. You managed to secure your gun from under your pillow and turned around to point it towards the intruder.
Your breathing hitched at the sight of him. The forest green eyes you once loved locked with yours. You dropped the gun in your hand.
“Y/N,” Dean spoke in a gruff voice, creating goosebumps all over your skin, “I read the letter.”
There was a sense of déjà vu in what was happening. You looked down, bracing yourself for the impending rejection.
“I have the answers,” Dean said, surprising you. You looked up and saw him waving the piece of writing you had left for him. You remained silent which Dean took as a sign to continue.
“Y/N, when I saw you that day hurrying out of the story, wiping your tears on your sleeves, I realised the grave mistake I had committed. During the entire drive back to the motel, I was going over all the ways I could ask you to forgive me but none of them seemed right because I knew you wouldn't forgive me,” you scoffed at his words, “I know you don't believe me but this is the truth. Lisa...she is not you. Y/N, I am ready to fight for us, because you are worth it.”
You hadn't noticed, but during Dean's speech, he had come closer to you. He put a finger under your chin, making you look up to him. Your eyes roamed around his face, taking in his features. He was there standing before you, wearing his best apology but you couldn't forgive him. You were too scared to let him in again. He tilted his head and leaned forward. He pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you gently.
He had expected you to kiss him back but what he didn't expect was you to push him back, your palm connecting with his left cheek. Dean stood there in front of you looking dumbfounded.
“I don't want this - us.” You said.
“Why?” He asked, his voice low. You didn't want to slap him, but you also knew that he deserved that slap because of all the heartbreak he had put you through.
“Don't act like you don't know Dean,” you said, your voice laced with venom.
“Y/N, I-” Dean squeezed his eyes shut. “Y/N, I am sorry for what I did.”
“Don't say that crap. Don't you dare apologise. Two weeks Dean! I waited for you for two long weeks. Holding onto that false promise of yours like my life depended on it. You never once looked back at me when you walked out of that motel room. What would have happened if you hadn't seen me in that store? Tell me, Dean,” you sniffled, wiping away the tears angrily that rolled down your cheek.
“I know what I did is unforgivable but Y/N, I'm here now and we can make this work. Come on sweetheart, we can fix this,” Dean pleaded.
“That's the thing Dean! I don't want to fix this again! I can't let you break my heart again. I am done being your second choice. I-I c-can't-” you broke down in front of the green-eyed hunter. This was the last you wanted to happen. Now he was going to think that you were weak and pathetic.
You felt Dean's arms around you. Even though you despised Dean for what he did to you, he was still your home, your safe place.
“I will never leave you again, sweetheart.” He rasped.
“How can I trust you again, De?” You said, your voice barely a whisper.
“I am ready to fight for us. It will take some time,” he whispered in your ears and cupped your face, "but I will do anything to make you mine again."
You looked up, your eyes meeting his.
"You better not fuck this up, Winchester," you warned.
"I won't sweetheart, I promise," Dean said, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in the series!
Feedback is appreciated!
Forever taglist - @miss-nerd95 @foxyjwls007 @donnaintx @devil-in-my-boots @amandamdiehl
Dean/Jensen Taglist - @akshi8278 @mrsjenniferwinchester @jensengirl83 @defenderrosetyler @idksupernatural
Two Weeks Taglist - @evemarie05 @fofisstilinski @harleygirl3089 @yeollidokai @woodworthti666 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @moron225
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