#death row undertow chapter one
merakiui · 7 months
i missed my murder eel, so dru may just get its next chapter soon. be prepared for terrible things and one (1) major plot point. ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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candyshua · 5 years
It’s a Long Way Home | Chapter 3
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Pairing: Joshua x Minghao x Reader
Synopsis: It was dark, and then it was light. You’re finally lucid. After 15 years of not being conscious, you wake up in a desolate and post-apocalyptic earth where infected flesh-eating beings roam the streets. Soon enveloped into a mysterious group of survivors, you consistently wonder who they are. But most importantly, who are you?
Genre: Heavy angst, some fluff here and there
Warnings: Gore, bad language, physical & verbal abuse
Word Count: 2.1k
"Y/N," Minghao started anxiously, "remember what I taught you."
"No," You argued, "fight your hardest. But you look out for yourself. If they get me, then let them. Worry about yourself, Minghao." The desperate look in his eyes showed you that he didn't want to comply, but you got out of the car before he could respond. You walked over to the men with a deep pit in your stomach, but you made sure you weren't readable. Minghao followed after, walking up to you and shielding you protectively.
"Can we help you?" Minghao shouted, a permanent scowl etched in his features. While Minghao covered your body, you tried to reach for a gun that was tucked in his waistband.
"You can make this easy. Give us your shit and nobody will have to die." A husky man growled, any you could physically feel Minghao's muscles tense up. While trying to reach for the gun, the same man purred at you. "Oh, why hello there, sweetheart. I know what you're doing, and don't fucking do it; or I'll blow your brains out." He ordered, cocking his gun and pointing it at you. You didn't exactly know what to do in this situation, but Minghao put his hands above his head so you did that too. "Drop the gun." The bearded, gruff man demanded and you did.
Other men went to your car, and gaped at the massive duality of weaponry stacked in it. "Boss," One of the men said, "they're decked. There's no way in hell that they're surviving on their own, come look at this."
The man whom you assumed to be their boss jogged over, as you sucked in a wispy but annoyed breath. You glanced at Minghao, and you could see the worried look on his face. They were going to find out that you two weren't exactly struggling, and they were going to force you to take them back to camp. You were not going to let that happen.
"Minghao, when I say run I mean you fucking run. Get out of sight as fast as possible, and get back to your people." You hissed, and before he could argue you screamed "RUN!" and picked up the gun from off the ground. You shot one of the 10 men in the leg, and he went down immediately. You begged to the gods that you doubted that Minghao ran, and you smiled when he was no where in sight. You shot one of the men reaching through a door in your car somewhere in the stomach, and he dropped like a fly.
You knew you weren't going to win against all of the men, but you took down as many as you could. But then your mind traveled to the gas tank of the car, and you smiled quite mischievously. You would burn all of the supplies and kill some of them, but that means that they would never get a hold of your things. So, with one final shot, a bullet whipped through the air and into the gas tank.
With a deafening roar, the car exploded into orange fiery bits. Raspy screams from the men in the car were heard over the collision and ash. You tried to make a run for it, but their leader pounced on top of you, and your head plummeted straight onto the tar of the road. Within seconds, you were out.
The first thing you noticed when you woke up was the pounding ache in your head. Then, you felt burns on your wrists and ankles. You opened your eyes to nothing but black, and it took you a while until you realized you had a blindfold on. You could only see when you looked down, so you tilted your head up and peaked through to see nothing but a cold, dank basement. The walls were gray, and a musty odor captivated your nostrils. You wanted to scream, but at the same time you didn't want to let the people know you were awake. You assumed you were tied up, and that the remainder of the men got you after you took them down.
You struggled a bit, but the ropes withholding you were indestructible. You soon heard a muffle gargle, and your covered eyes widened when your ears distinctly remembered the noise. It was one of the infected.
Soon, you started screaming for help, not caring that you showed you were awake. You heard footsteps walk down the stairs, and soon your blindfold was taken off. You were face to face with their gruff leader, a man whom you did not want to reckon with. "So you've met our little friend, huh?" He taunted, referring to the walker being contained by very feeble ropes. Those ropes could snap any minute, and the teeth of the rotting fleshed monster would sink into your skin, ending your very brief life.
"What do you want?" You asked darkly, anger spilling from your tongue. Your eyes met his brown ones, and he merely smiled.
"You see, I may seem like the bad guy. But you killed six of my men, you fucking bitch!" He maniacally screamed, and then he threw his fist toward your face. It collided with your jaw painfully, and you let out a disgruntled moan, the ache instantly kicking in. "Ah, I shouldn't have messed up your pretty face, darling. Let's get on a first name basis, shall we? I'm Seungcheol, what about you darling?" You spat in his face.
You were then greeted with a kick right to the stomach, leaving you breathless and dazed. The pain was overwhelming, consuming you like a sheer meal. You knew you were done for, but you weren't going down without a fight. "Let me ask that again. What. Is. Your. Name." Seungcheol spat through gritted teeth. You only smirked, and spat weakly, some blood in your spit this time.
Each time he asked you a question, you refused to answer. That resulted in you bathing in horrendous pain, as various gashes and bruises coated your body. Collisions upon collisions overpowered you, each one of his fire punches or kicks not powerful enough to break your spirit. You were on the verge of passing out, until you heard an unfamiliar voice shout upstairs. "Boss! HELP!" It croaked, and both of you knew exactly why he was shouting. He only smirked deviously, and cut the ropes holding the straggler behind within seconds, and zipped upstairs while muttering,
"Have fun!"
The infected monster immediately started walking towards you, its slow limping only dragging on your inevitable death. Each step it took led you to more colorfully anticipate your gruesome, slow death. You were too weak to fight it, and you were tied up. Various throaty gargles were erupting from the creature's rotting mouth, as tears of pain and fear rolled down your face.
But then you remembered why Seungcheol left in the first place. They were here, to save you.
So you screamed at the top of your fucking lungs. Within seconds, Joshua came sprinting down the stairs. His eyes widened when he saw you, and Minghao came tumbling after who didn't even flinch at the sight of you. Joshua was on top of the walker within seconds, sticking a knife through its fragile head and finally putting its life to an end. "Go help them upstairs, I got her." Joshua ordered, and Minghao just nodded and looked at you, his eyes screaming so many apologies, and your warm eyes forgave him. Without any words traded, he smiled sadly and ran back upstairs. Joshua began untying your legs, then your arms. "I was worried sick. When we saw the ruckus, where the fire was, we thought you were in that." Joshua confided, while looking you in the eyes powerfully. His words held so much weight, and you tried to ignore the horrible pain so you could respond.
"That...was my doing," You grumbled, flinching each time your jaw had to move, and Joshua merely smiled.
"I know." He said, and then he picked you up bridal style, and you were close enough to view his very angelic features. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, his honey glistened skin shiny with perspiration. His eyes chocolate brown eyes were rough, but they had a certain clarity to them. You examined his rounded nose, which you would've found endearing in another moment.
He ran up the stairs, sprinting through the fighting crowds expertly. You recognized Junhui and Hansol fighting against two unfamiliar men, and you took into account that you were in a warehouse. You saw Seungcheol and a few other men escaping, locking eyes with him from far away. He merely glared, and now it was your turn to smile menacingly. And while in Joshua's arms, everything turned black.
Pain. That's the only thing you could feel, it canceled out every other feeling of guilt, sadness, fear, or angst. It swallowed you hole, it was an undertow that pulled you out to an ocean of relentless fucking pain. You felt it everywhere, in your feet, your legs, stomach, head, face, arms, hell - even your ears. You forced your eyes open, the blackness of the windows outside signalling that evening was upon the world. You looked around, and you were in a large van with Junhui, Minghao, Hansol, Seungkwan, Cleo, Margo, and Joshua. Minghao was driving, and you were in the middle row sprawled across the entirety of seats. Margo and Cleo were in the fourth row, Seungkwan and Junhui in the last, and Joshua in the front with Minghao. "I'm awake." You croaked, your voice raw and raspy.
Seungkwan crawled over the various rows clumsily, making you smile at his dorkiness. You needed the comic relief right about now. He checked your wounds, asked you basic questions, and your answers clearly scared him.
Your mind traveled back to the "alone time" with Seungcheol, and a familiar pain coated your brain.
"Y/N!" The Doctor shouted, punching you relentlessly. You cried, broken down and beaten to the point of hopelessness. You would never try to escape again, you promised that about a thousand times. "You're lucky we're not killing you, Zero." The Doctor muttered sickly, and you cried more. You were 15, stuck in that place your entire damn life.
"I'm so sorry!" You sobbed, as he neared you with a knife. He smiled mercilessly, sadistically, and then he slit your wrist. It bled uncontrollably, and the hot stinging pain was all you could focus on. The blood squirted out of the punctured wound, the cut deep and red. The skin was raw, and the feeling of the metal gliding across your skin drove you close to insanity. It was amazing how you weren't insane yet, but it was your determined spirit that kept you alive. It certainly dwindled throughout the years of you being here, but it survived nonetheless; along with you. "Please stop, I'll never leave ever! PLEASE!" You begged, as he continued to punch you and give you little cuts with the knife.
You gasped, the reckoning force of reality sucking you back into the real world. "What happened?" Seungkwan asked worriedly, his eyebrows furrowed sadly while he struggled to breathe properly.
"Memory." Is all you could manage to say. You then rolled the sleeve up on your right wrist, and a very large and clear scar was distinguishable from the rest of the wounds you received in that day. That scar was from The Doctor. You couldn't remember who he was, but all you knew is that you were terrified of him.
"Are you okay? We're almost back." Joshua asked, concern thick in his sad yet worried tone.
"There was a doctor," You hissed, trying to move into a more comfortable position (until you realized that there were no comfortable positions) "and he told me to never try to leave again."
"What?" Minghao sputtered, his eyes glancing to yours through the mirror. You could see the sadness in his eyes, his chocolate orbs reverberating with guilt.
"I can't explain it- I'm too fuzzy. The pain is too much." You cried, your heaved breathing rugged and inconsistent.
"We have painkillers back at Fort Lockwood. Don't worry." Junhui reassured, his tone soft and grateful.
"Y/N, you're fucking amazing." Cleo praised, and you weakly smiled. You saw the familiar forest the fort was hidden in, and you let people carry you inside and into their little "hospital".
You were injected with god knows what, but it made your body and mind numb, and then you fell into the world of nothingness,
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merakiui · 7 months
What happened to Death Row Undertow might I ask? I've been reading your fanfictions for quite a time now but I've just recently started this one...a shame it seems to be remain unfinished since 2023.
Hi hiii!! Nothing happened! I am still writing it. I didn't realize the last chapter was in April!!! Σ(°ロ°) it has been so long without the murder eel... orz I hope to write more of the next chapter. It's a heavy one, but the chapter that follows involves Reader trying to desperately rizz Jade. Reader's priorities are to stay alive. Jade just wants to eat. T_T
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merakiui · 6 months
I finally managed to read the newest 'death row undertow' Chapter! Although I'm a bit late, i wanted to share my thoughts with you on that chapter.
It was so bitter-sweet ;-; I knew that Marisa would die eventually, but reading Marisa and the reader bonding together and talking about how great of friends they would be and even visiting different places together in city only for Marisa to die in the end AND the reader having to WATCH her die. I was like "Nooooooooo", poor poor reader-chan ;-;
I was also wondering how Jade managed to capture Marisa in the first place? She said that Jade would take her to the doctor? What exactly happened between these two?
Oh, and the scene where Jade was choking/suffocating Marisa showed Jade’s unhinged and predatory side bouncing on his "prey." I really liked seeing this side of him. Honestly, it makes sense for him (and other Merfolk) not to have the same morals as we humans do. It's either "kill or be killed" world kind of thing. At the end of the day, even if you take away his claws or sharp teeth, he's still a underwater vicious predator.
I wanted to say more, but i don't want to make it longer as it already is, so I'll stop for now.
🌸 anon, thank you so much for reading the latest chapter!!!! :D it was a sad, bittersweet one indeed. T^T I thought it would be even more painful if Reader was forced to watch Marisa, who is just out of reach, as she's killed by Jade. At least she tried to save her even if it was futile. >_<
I can't say much due to spoilers, but Jade choosing Marisa (a pregnant woman) as his next victim was fully intentional. It's meant to be a very petty dig at Reader, as if to say: "This was going to be you." It's very childish. ;;; but more than that it's Jade's silent expression of anger. He hides it well, but he was LIVID when he couldn't kill and eat Reader right away after kidnapping her. A furious Jade is not to be messed with. ;;;;;;;;; however, what happened between Marisa and Jade will be revealed at one point!!
I'm happy you could enjoy seeing Jade's unhinged side. He's just so,,,,, monstrous. I wanted to write him to be as cutthroat as possible in this chapter because his views (from Reader's pov) are so incredibly wrong and warped and in human society that is criminal. But in Jade's mind this is just the food chain at play. A natural order of the world: kill or be killed. Also, if he couldn't fill his fridge with more meat soon, he was on the verge of snapping (like when he almost takes a chomp out of Reader's leg). His hunger is debilitating.
It's a cruel reminder to Reader that there's really no reasoning with him and that there's nothing stopping him from doing these things to other people or even her if he finds out about her lie.
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merakiui · 10 months
Go off Queen ❤️
>:D why, thank you, my liege. Go off, I shall!!!
(ask game)
I think I'll take this opportunity to discuss Death Row Undertow's chapter seven: Kismet Kiss! Specifically the latter half involving Cater. I've put my thoughts under the cut!
I loved writing this scene (the tonal shift from Riddle's anxious meticulousness to Cater's friendly and feigned positivity is very yummy to me)! The karaoke bar that the pop music club frequents actually has a name: Siren's Heartache. Reader and Cater visit it often! That aside, this chapter shows a much more meaner side to Cater. >_< not only that, but it also illustrates his inner thoughts and feelings. For example, this section here:
Cater makes it a mission to familiarize himself with his favorite karaoke bar’s menu, but despite every food and drink combination he’s come across (some photographed and strung up on his social media and others admired from afar) he cannot stomach the sweetness. So for tonight—like most nights—he chooses something that is, as his sisters would often say, “so not cute.” Beer is his go-to, even if his carefully curated Magicam feed is adorned with photos of pastries and sugary drinks galore. Peel back the pretty wallpaper and you'll find the dollhouse is not what it seems. But festering in rot is so not cute, and so for this reason he plasters the bitter with beauty.
Cater likes to curate a certain image for himself, especially when that image is being posted to his Magicam. He does something similar in Cicada City when he takes Riddle out for boba and orders a very sugary drink (which he only photographs and doesn't drink once). In canon, it's noted that Cater is more partial to spicy flavors than sweet flavors and that his aversion to the latter is due to always having to force himself to eat the sweets his sisters would make to avoid disheartening them. Also, his sisters have a tendency to judge things based on how cute they are. I imagine this habit is engrained quite deeply in Cater, hence why in this chapter (and other chapters) you will see him referring to things as "cute" or "not cute."
Though he seems rather cruel and detached from the main issue (Reader's disappearance), there are little things to suggest otherwise. The most glaring one would be his song and its lyrics. When I wrote it, I wanted every line to hold an underlying meaning for plenty of analytical dissection. Lilia's able to read between the lines, which leads to this exchange:
Cater curls his fingers into a tight, self-assuring fist, nails pricking his palms. “Sure did. Penned by yours truly and everything! It’s still not finished, though. I’m always going back to edit, but so far that’s the most coherent draft I have. So whatcha think? It’s totally cute, yeah?” “It’s very telling,” Lilia praises with a cryptic grin. Cater doesn’t like the wisdom discreetly woven into his next words. “You can learn a lot from the speaker in the song. Some truths are best expressed in writing, after all. When we put pen to paper, left alone with but our wrist and brain, we’re usually very honest with the page.” As always, you’re a mystery, Cater thinks with a thin smile. Maybe I shouldn’t have shared it so confidently.
These lyrics are very vulnerable and personal to Cater, but he shares them anyway because he's seeking validation for the song itself (not the story told within), which Kalim gives him without touching upon the message. But Lilia's the one who sees beyond the song's cute façade, which is exactly what Cater didn't want. Of course he separates Cater and the speaker in the song when he refers to them, but both he and Cater know they are one and the same.
Cater mentions in Cicada City that, "I’m thinking it could be an energetic love song with dark undertones. Lots of people like creepy romances, and who said Halloween couldn’t start early?" but in this chapter he says it "sounds kinda pop idol." The contrast in these descriptions are unique to Cater because it suggests that previously he was content to recognize the darker aspects of the song and its story, but now he simply wants it to be "pop idol" instead. This erasure of the dark tones in the song is a parallel to how he feels currently: a stressful situation has arisen and he doesn't want to confront it head-on because it's much smoother when things are cute and sweet (or pop idol).
In other words, Cater's role in this chapter is frustrating because he's meant to be Reader's friend and yet here he is: not being a friend. But the truth is that Cater is so used to her pattern of coming and going that he doesn't see any need to worry, so he becomes a little tense when Kalim and Lilia are voicing his concerns (which he's tamped down) back to him rather than agreeing easily.
He's also quite defensive and protective of Reader, even more so when Lilia and Kalim press him on certain issues related to their relationship, often answering with, "I just know" or "I know her." Cater doesn't want to lose one of the few close friends he's ever had, so the idea that she isn't just taking leave for a few days and that it could be something far more serious is deeply unsettling to Cater. And if that's the case, it will confirm two things for him: (1) Cater doesn't know Reader as well as he thinks he does and (2) this isn't another case of crying wolf; it's something more.
It may seem like he's dismissive when he tries to get Kalim and Lilia to drop the subject entirely so they can focus on band discussions instead (and he is), but the reality is that Reader has been on Cater's mind the entire time. At the end of the chapter, he thinks, This is so not sweet. I completely forgot to take pictures for Magicam. Cater never forgets to take pictures. He actively searches for ways to snap photos at every opportunity; it's one of the things that's almost always at the forefront of his mind. He was so distracted with his own buried worries related to Reader that taking pictures genuinely slipped his mind.
So he is genuinely worried. He just doesn't want to show that side of himself because it's, in his own words, "so not cute."
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merakiui · 8 months
Happy 2024 Mera! (I know it's pretty late to say that but.. It shall prevail)
I must say, your fics are one of the best pieces of literature I have ever read! Your descriptions really come to life inside my head! It's as if I could see the scenes through my own eyes! The blood curdling feeling of being caught by Jade, the bittersweet pain of Azul getting cucked, I could feel it all. Every single piece that you have created deserves to be in a special place in my heart.
All your pieces are so incredibly addicting, like Death Row Undertow, I frequently read it on repeat, from the start to the newest chapter. I simply can't get enough.
Also, your newest fic, 100%. I loveeeed the concept, and am so glad that you fell for our beloved Fae Prince too, I simply knew you would succumb to his seduction and charms too! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
I would like to ask a question, if you don't mind. Did Tumblr wipe away my thirst about Silver? I don't mean to pressure at all ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠) I was just curiousᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ I'm slightly worried if I made him OOC though, I'm not the most familiar with silver, but I hope I done him justice (if the ask was sent properly Orz)
Ooh one final note!
Please take care of yourself, and don't push yourself too hard! Please always prioritise your health first before writing, I may be looking forward to your next work, but I will always want your health to be your first priority! Thank you for the meals you have graciously provided!
As always,
XOXO, Izuna.
Izunaaaa!!!! >w< HIIII HAPPY 2024!!!!!!
Aaaaa omg thank you for such kind words. T^T <3 I'm so honored my works can have special places in your heart and that you can enjoy them!!! 💖 especially DRU!!! I'm honored it's a story worth rereading. Jade is an addictive character,,, orz whether as a scary serial killer or a soft eel in love, I will always love him. ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
And Malleus........ it was fate foretold... truly only a matter of time before I inevitably fell. ^^;;; he's growing on me like moss!!!!! He's so cute but so powerful but so sweet but so AAAAAAAA. OTL book seven has allowed me to see the greatness that is Malleus. His potential as a yan is immaculate,,, so scrumptious!!!!!
I checked my inbox for your Silver thirst and it's there!!!! I can't believe I missed it omg,,, it's so yummy... (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) I will have to post my thoughts on it soon hehehe.
Thank you again for such a sweet message!!! Please also make sure to take care of yourself and prioritize your health!!!! Eat delicious meals, get lots of sleep, and live happy days always!!! <3 sending you lots of love and good vibes!!! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
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merakiui · 8 months
I neeeeed ⭐ for death row undertow please it's how I found you and I still stay up thinking about sk!jade
Omg thank you for asking!!! :D I've written a little about the series here and here, but I'll discuss more below! Specifically Reader and Jade's relationship! (please forgive me for rambling. orz)
(ask game)
Originally, their relationship was going to be complete strangers! The early concept for DRU was a story that followed serial killer Jade as he looks for his next victim at speed-dating events (like a charming wolf eel in sheep’s skin). At one particular event, he meets Reader and the two of them click. From there he decides he’ll make her his next meal.
This was a concept I quite liked and it almost became the foundation for the story. But the more I considered it, I realized it might feel like a hollow plot without much dimension if it focused solely on Reader and Jade. I kept thinking, someone out there has to care enough for (Name) to want to look for her, right? The world may be stagnant when she’s trapped in Jade’s home, but beyond that it will inevitably continue. So surely someone will notice she’s missing. I want to portray that side, too.
Additionally, I wanted to write a story where readers can care about and root for the MC’s successes while actively hoping for Jade’s failure. I thought it would hurt more if Reader was on friendly terms and knew Jade before the kidnapping. It is said that many kidnappings are often someone you know rather than a stranger, so I thought it would be interesting to explore Reader’s fear and betrayal as she realizes her “friend” was never a true friend to begin with! And with this I considered dynamics and relationships outside of the main pairing (Jade x Reader). In the early plot, Reader wasn’t acquainted with any of the Octavinelle trio, but I eventually changed this factor when I began to write the improved version of the plot (which would also include the slow burn elements).
The early plot looked something like this: serial killer Jade kidnaps (Name) after connecting at a speed-dating event -> (Name) is terrified and lies about being pregnant to survive -> many terrifying things happen -> death of (Name) -> Jade gets to feast. Initially, I was content with this plot because it was sickening and thrilling, but it felt like something was missing. ^^;;; I worked hard to rewrite many aspects of the plot until it became a completely different version from my original imagining of it. :O
I thought it would be fun if Azul had an involvement with Reader. At first I wondered if they should be in a genuinely romantic relationship, but I liked the tension of a fwb situation much more. I like that Reader’s able to use Azul as her scapegoat in this situation. His presence is as useful as it is burdensome in her life. >:) it’s a transactional relationship that will make you wonder if there’s actual love there or just lust in disguise! Also, how else could Azul pull off his fake proposal if it was a real relationship without any strings attached? I really wanted to write a scene like that, but it would be more tense if Reader was constantly walking the tightrope of love or not love! Their relationship feels like the deep sea to me. What you see in the story isn’t even part of it. So much has yet to be explored… :)
As for Cater and Riddle, they were added as an afterthought. When I sat down to write the first chapter in summer of 2022, my mind blanked and I had no idea how to begin. Prior to plotting DRU, I was working on a wip in which Reader works part-time at a diner with Cater and Riddle. That (now abandoned) wip is where The Devil’s Delight comes from (as well as the Cater/Riddle/Reader friendship)! I was so attached to the aesthetic and the dynamics between the trio that I couldn’t just let it wither away into oblivion. So I worked it into DRU’s plot. It fit wonderfully with my vision, and so I could write smoothly from there! As a result of that, I’m very fond of DRU’s first chapter. :D it sets the mood I was hoping to convey perfectly!
Here are some notes from the (abandoned) wip that made it into DRU (aside from that note about the Mostro Lounge hehe):
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I wanted Reader to have unique relationships with each of the side characters (not just Jade), as well as the characters themselves to have interactions with one another. I like portraying two sides of a thrilling crime story such as this one. There are plenty of exciting things planned, and a lot of relationship lore is set to be unveiled gradually. I hope you can look forward to it!!!! ( ´ ▽ ` )❤︎
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merakiui · 10 months
Do you perhaps have any more author insight on deathrow undertow 👀👀
Omg yes!!! I have plenty of author insight for DRU!!!! 👀
(ask game)
I'll share a few fun facts regarding the story and scrapped ideas!
✧ before DRU was known as DRU, I considered a few alternative titles, two of which were: moray's banquet and feast of the moray eel. But both of these didn't seem nearly as catchy or memorable, and I wanted the theme of being on (a serial killer's) death row to come across in the title. Hence the title now: Death Row Undertow!!! :D
✧ Idia was actually supposed to be part of the cast for the story, but I scrapped his role in the plot because it didn't seem nearly as vital as the other characters' roles. (I'm so sorry, Idia... >_<)
✧ Reader's dating app match "sea♡sluggi" was originally going to be known as "sea♡urchinchin" because of the double meaning, but I changed it because I thought "sea♡sluggi" sounded cuter.
✧ speaking of dating, the original plot consisted of Reader meeting Jade at a speed-dating event (which is where he'd often go to scout potential meals). I changed this because I felt it would be more of a betrayal to Reader if she was close to Jade and considered him a friend. Also, with the two of them being acquainted and having that sort of history as friends, it allows for more snarky banter to balance out the horror.
✧ the seaside conversation Riddle and Reader have at the end of chapter one was much different in the initial draft. Originally, Reader and Riddle were going to get into a huge argument over [redacted for spoilers] and they would both storm off to go their separate ways. That way, when Reader is later kidnapped by Jade and stops showing up to work, Riddle would begin to blame himself for her disappearance. Essentially, this route would have been Angst Central for our strawberry devil. T_T
✧ along with kidnappings, Jade was originally written to kidnap Reader either while she was walking back to her car after work or while she was on her way to drop off her application at the aquarium. I scrapped this because I felt it'd be more unsettling if he broke into her apartment instead.
✧ Floyd was supposed to appear in chapter two (morning dew blues), but I cut him out because I wanted to shine more light on Reader, Azul, and Jade trio. Floyd will have plenty of moments in later chapters. <3 I won't neglect him hehe.
✧ there was an idea in which Azul ran a rival café/dining establishment across the street from The Devil's Delight, but I liked the idea of Azul running his business that was more centered within the city instead of bordering the sea like DD.
✧ one of the initial names for Cater's band was going to be called Cicada Coffee, but this name,,,,,,,, hm. It didn't stick with me during the planning stage and even now it doesn't stick with me LOL.
✧ Azul and Reader were originally supposed to be in a romantic relationship, but I felt it would be more exciting and contain lots of drama if they were one another's contractual obligation in a sugar daddy-sugar baby dynamic. I also just like their chemistry bordering romance but not quite tipping into that zone, so both of them are left wondering if there will ever be anymore to this contractual relationship.
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merakiui · 1 year
Meraa!! This one is for that ask game :D
(1) Okay, it's hard choosing just one (You always write BANGERS, It's THAT hard okay?), but if I'm gonna pick, it's gonna be Death Row Undertow <3 I have been down bad for SK Jade from your ramblings and thoughts and then actually getting a serialized fic of him is just the best thing to have ever happened ever since.
I love everything about it! Reader's interaction and relationship with every character in the fic, the whole atmosphere and setting, the mystery and suspense build-up (Oh, the scene when Jade kidnapped the reader will forever send shivers down my spine--), and how the point of view not only was seen from the reader and the horror she is experiencing but also seeing Riddle's effort in solving the mystery. Hell, the chapter where Cater got together with Pop Music Club again was one of my favorites! It really gives more perspective and a sense of wholeness when you're writing about the story of the reader's disappearance from so many different angles. Also, the dream sequences are also my favorite for symbolic reasons. It's just fun reading and rereading them to figure out what they truly mean ✨✨
The runner-ups for my favorite fic of yours are gonna be Android Jade, Captive Azul, CEO Azul, and 11:11 Rook 💞💞
(3) I may be biased, but the way you write for the Octatrio is *Chef's kiss* ✨✨💞💞😌😌 Both the yandere ones and the fluffy wholesome ones, like OUGHHHH OTZ OTZ They are canon in my heart now shdskdhlsdjlks--
(8) The thing that I really love about your writings is that your description is so, so, so vivid that plenty of those scenes are permanently ingrained in my memory. Adding that with your characterization and writing conversation skills, boy! It's almost like I'm actually watching a movie instead of reading cause the way you write them makes them so easy to visualize in my head (and god Mera, if I had the skills, I would've permanently etched them on drawings plenty of times by now--).
(9) THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME ✨✨ (I'm a Jade Leech enjoyer, what else can I say?) Actually, I'm always excited whenever you post any fic or ramblings <33 Always a joy to read them over breakfast like the morning newspaper. Wait no, actually, your writings ARE the breakfast cause you be COOKIN and SERVIN a whole MEAL 👏👏👏
Okay, that's all my ramblings for now, I hope they make sense-- But words cannot describe how much I adore your creations and that big brain of yours <333 I would be happy to scream more about your writings in the future, and I definitely will ✨✨ Have a lovely day Meraa 💞💞
You have such good taste. (˘ ˘ ˘) sk!Jade is the most delectable and delicious Jade (pun very much intended). He's just in a hungry mood all the time hehe!! But I'm also very happy it is a full fic! To think I would ever draft an entire story for one silly eel... I'm very glad the idea was received well. I remember I wrote the very first and earliest sk!Jade concept while I was washing my clothes at the coin laundry LOL. I thought to myself, this idea is so morbid; I wonder if anyone would ever like it as much as I do. ^^;;; and now one year later here we are and my beloved murder eel has his fic!!! It's very exciting!
I'm so happy you like everything about DRU!!! It's a plot I hold close to my heart because it's so dark and yet so fun to write. I'm glad you can enjoy the multiple perspectives. I think it's a fun balance between the horrors Reader endures on her side while Riddle is so lawful and logical on his end. The kidnapping scene with Jade was one of my favorites to write, as was the Pop Music Club meet-up!!! Although any scene involving Jade being an absolute terror is a joy to write. Any time he appears in a scene it's a guarantee that the dread and tension will increase tenfold. He has such a sinister effect despite wearing a friendly face all the time. T_T and the dream sequences!!!! Omg I love writing the dreams in DRU! They're so fun, and I hope you can have fun deciphering what they mean hehehe. >:)
Thank you for loving the runner-ups you listed as well!! Android Jade is another favorite flavor of Jade. I love him when he's clinical and cold and detached towards everyone else but Reader. <3 and ceo!Azul my beloved!!!!! He makes me feel so infuriated! >:( but then that's the feeling I hoped he would evoke, so it's only natural to feel like I want to squish him (but also I want to sit under his desk and [redacted] LOL orz the grip he has on me is too strong; to be able to annoy me and fill me with shameless lust all in one... tako, you're the worst/best). AND 11:11 ROOK!!!! Oooooo he's horrible. Captive Azul is also so beloved. I'm gently holding him in my palms. T^T
WAAAA OMG THANK YOUUUU!!! It's so funny to me that my Octavinelle characterizations can be loved because when I first started writing them (for Sea Glass) I had no idea what I was doing and I worried that they would be ooc. But now I have written them so often that they're permanently imprinted in my mind. It's nearly second nature now... ;;;;;
"Like watching a movie" is such high praise for my writing omg!!!!ヾ⁠(˶⁠ ⁠’⁠O⁠’˶⁠ ⁠)⁠ノ゙‎thank you so so so so much!!!! I'm very pleased it has that feeling! I hope the sceneries and characters can seem tangible when I describe them. It's cliché, but I hope they come to life on the page teehee. <3 I am always so honored when you draw masterpieces (yes, they are masterpieces!!! Even the doodles you have made of the beloved sk eel!!!) based on my works. T_T I save all of the fanart I have received in a folder and I often look back at it because it brings me such joy!!!!! >w< so thank you for your skillful hands!!!! orz orz orz I am forever grateful to behold your lovely art. <3
Fellow Jade enjoyer!!!!!! I am the world's most insane Jade Leech enjoyer (self-granted delusion) and TMDG is just proof of how much brain rot Jade gives me. Thank you for looking forward to it! I'm so excited to post it!!! It's going to be a three-course meal plus more wrapped into one fic. >:) but omg thank you for eating the meals I cook each time!!! Chef Meraki is forever at your service!!! (`・ω・´)ゞ I will serve FEASTS and BANQUETS worth of yummy meals for everyone to enjoy. The seafood specials are especially delicious hehehe. I recommend them!
Aaaaaa thank you once more for sending such a sweet message!!! I am also always so ready and willing to ramble about writing and yandere and characters and three slimy mafia fish and everything else in between!!! Sending you much love!!!! xoxoxo have the loveliest day, Kheyy!!!! (∗˃̶ ᵕ ˂̶∗)♡
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merakiui · 2 years
Oh my, chapter 6 of Death Row Undertow is SOMETHING ✨✨
I don't think I'm gonna able to string many words today to show how much I love the new chapter, but I can't help but giggle at Jade and Darling's attempt at being civil with each other (as civil as they could get--).
Do not get me started on the biting attempt-- that scene SHOOK ME ∑(⊙Д⊙ )!!
The dream part has always been one of my favorites, and this one is no exception! Not me imagining how Azul would look in that beach get-up and with a glass of mojito sdjdldslffklk--
Anyway, i don't think much, but i do silly doodles.
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Omg thank you for reading and enjoying it!!! It’s an unsavory situation for both of them, so they’re trying to tolerate each other LOL. Their banter was so fun to write despite the harrowing situation. If Jade is going to be stuck looking but not touching, he’s going to make the best of it with all the spiteful remarks he wants. He has to stay entertained somehow!
Darling can’t catch a break. Jade almost let the intrusive thoughts win in that scene. One minute he’s being a kind murder eel who bandages the injured ankle, and the next he’s ready to feast… ;;;
I think that dream was my favorite dream sequence to write so far! I had too much fun writing Azul in a beach outfit with a mojito and a silly hat hehehe!! Tropical tako is my most beloved. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
ALSO THE LITTLE DOODLES??? SO CUTE!!! SO SILLY!!! AAAAAA \(//∇//)\ he does indeed think with his stomach!!!! ✨✨
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merakiui · 2 years
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[i.] ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵉᵛⁱˡ’ˢ ᵈᵉˡⁱᵍʰᵗ
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serial killer!jade leech x female!reader cw: descriptions of gore/death chapter i (you are here)│chapter ii
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Today’s Horoscope: On this day, just as the stars align, your intelligence shines brighter than the sun and your positive energy uplifts those who know you. There are surprises waiting at every corner; it’s important to be alert. You will soon be rewarded for your continuous efforts and hard work.
In the large, horizontal tank, weightless, transparent globs of gel carry sparkling enchantments. Trapped in the malicious maw of mesmerization, you place your hand upon the glass and peer in at them, admiring the serene way in which they drift aimlessly in undisturbed waters. The lights from above dye their tiny, wispy bodies in the faintest, most angelic blue you’ve ever seen; the hue even reaches your fingertips, bleeding into your nails like the purest paint borne from cherub tears.
Jellyfish have always managed to captivate you. They are small and slow creatures who lack bones and a brain. Composed mainly of water, they exist for the sole purpose of protection—a gummy shield in which fish encase themselves to evade the jaws of ravenous predators. Charming as they are, jellyfish sting. And it hurts. A lot. They’re the type of marine animal you’d only ever hope to view from afar, through the transparent lens of a glass wall, lest you encounter one and it wraps its dangerous tendrils around your ankle in an electrifying embrace. 
The intercom crackles to life just as you pull away from the tank, brows knitting in anticipation. “Today’s color is blue. As vast and wide as the sky and sea, as deep and dark as water’s soul, blue is the color of trust and sincerity. It is the color of bruises and sadness. It is the color of loneliness. It is the color of you.”
“I know that focused look.” 
You whirl around, staring with wide eyes at the person whose back is facing you. His palm leaves a dark imprint on the jellyfish tank as he surveys the creatures inside with an expression you can’t see. His reflection is distorted beyond recognition, but his voice strikes a chord of familiarity within you.
“You’re fishing again, aren’t ya?”
“Don’t fish too deep. You never know what you’ll reel in.”
You blink and he vanishes in a brilliant explosion of playing cards under the glow of the aquarium. When you gaze beyond the spot where he once stood, all of the jellyfish have gone still in the water. You realize, with a sinking unease, that they’re dead.
“Today’s color is blue,” the woman repeats, her monotonous tone shaking you from your stupor. “As vast and wide as the sky and sea…”
You sit up in bed with a gasp, mind reeling through images of blue jellyfish, blue lights, blue skies—and your hand moves in search of your mobile phone. You locate it seconds later, tucked under the duvet like a bloodless corpse in a shroud. It glares at you when you turn it on and swipe through the pop-ups that clutter the illuminated screen. Flopping back onto the mattress, you click on the app that houses your digital dream diary and begin to record everything that just transpired. 
“Blue. Jellyfish. Strange man. Cards. Intercom lady,” you mutter, voice thick with sleep. “Dead jellyfish. Blue… No, I already got that one. Um…” 
Your thumbs hover over the keypad as you ruminate what’s missing. Eventually it clicks and you type the words color of loneliness into the document. Before you make another note, you search to confirm whether or not her claims are true. 
“The color of loneliness…” Your eyes skim the first result and a smile claws through your drowsiness. With quick fingers, you consult today’s horoscope and scan it thrice before realization strikes. “She was wrong. That means today will go according to my horoscope. It won’t be the opposite!”  You hug your phone to your chest and squeal, rolling back and forth until the blankets have tangled around your legs in a heap of wrinkles and you’ve bumped into another body.
A pair of pastel blues open in the gloom and your whereabouts in the real world come crashing down, heavier than the exhaustion that comes complimentary with a pre-sunrise awakening. No longer confined to the dreamy aquarium, you find yourself in a bedroom, tucked snugly in a king-sized bed, with a familiar man. The lights from a dozen skyscrapers cast an otherworldly luminosity on him, shining in through the slits in the curtains, and for a moment it’s as if you’re lying amidst the clouds with a seraph. 
Azul yawns and reaches blindly through the shadows until he finds you. His arms wrap around your waist and you allow yourself to be tugged into his chest, where his heart beats out a steady rhythm that instantly soothes you. Combined with this comfortable embrace and the silkiness of the duvet, you breathe a satisfied sigh. When all else is swallowed by darkness—no matter what becomes of the people you once knew—Azul will remain as he always has: perfect and safe. 
“Who’re you talking to?” 
“No one,” you whisper. “I had a weird dream.”
“Oh?” His voice is low and husky—a brittle intonation that you’re only ever graced with in the early hours of dawn. “You can tell me about it over breakfast. I’d love to peer inside that curious head of yours.” 
“Are you sure you won’t get bored?”
“Please.” A chuckle rumbles in his throat while he cradles your face with his hand, his thumb tracing circles into the softness of your cheek. “You could never bore me, my dear.”
Content with his response, you snuggle against him and slip into a dreamless slumber while listening to his heartbeat. Unfortunately, you’re not sure you can count the rest of the hours as ‘good sleep’ because your brain continues to buzz with faint recollections of your dream and the deeper meaning it holds. After lots of twisting and turning, you force yourself to wake at the crack of dawn despite your unwillingness to get out of bed. The promise of a good day is what eventually convinces you, so you throw the covers off and focus on welcoming a new morning. 
Azul, dazed and sleep-deprived, tugs your robe-clad body into bed when you’ve returned from your shower, insisting on five more precious minutes before he joins you in getting ready. And because you’re so certain the day will be prosperous, you fall into his embrace as always. 
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“I know that focused look. You’re fishing again, aren’t ya?” 
“So what if I am?” you mumble, weighing the current profile on your phone as if you’re a celestial judge and this person’s fate rests solely in your capable hands. “It’s hard to meet people nowadays. This helps me dodge so many bullets.” 
“I won’t disagree with those facts.” Cater rests his elbows on the countertop, feigning dejection as though it’s as simple as breathing. “But how could you possibly look at other faces when I’m right here?”
“We’re friends, Cay. There’s a difference.”
”And I thought you said I was your type!” 
“As friends you’re my type. That’s about it, though.” 
“Total bummer.” The corners of his lips twitch into the beginning of a frown before promptly quirking upwards. “Well, what’s the sitch? Did you get any bites?”
“Yeah. But I haven’t reeled in anyone yet.”
“Aren’t you a picky peach?” 
“I have standards,” you retort before turning your mobile his way so that he’s greeted to the sight of a shirtless man holding a fishing pole. Dangling precariously from the hook with large, glossy eyes is a sizable fish, its shimmering scales winking at whoever’s fortunate enough to stumble across his profile. “What’s your diagnosis?”  
Cater’s nose scrunches as if he can smell the cloying stench of brine and body odor wafting from the image. “The doctor says he’s trying too hard.” He snatches your phone for closer inspection. “And he’s hooked the fish in the gills. In other words, if he’s careless with his fish do you want him as your main dish, Miss Marine Biologist?” 
“Absolutely not.” You grin as he swipes the profile away. “Who’s up now?”
“A nature lover.” 
“I like nature.”
“Do you?” 
“Is it too much nature?” You sidle up to him in an attempt to get a clear view of the screen when a clipboard suddenly drops onto the counter. It clatters noisily, and you lift your gaze to meet a certain someone’s scowl. 
“Slacking off again? I ought to have your heads for this.” 
“My bad, Riddle. Cay and I already refilled everything and everyone’s been served. We had nothing better to do.”
Said man raises a brow before jutting his thumb in the direction of a table cluttered with dirty dishes and drying ice cream splatters. “‘Nothing better to do.’ Is that right?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” Cater is already reaching for a dishrag and a bucket of soapy water. “Cay Cay’s on the case!” 
“You should have been ‘on the case’ the moment the customers left!” he snaps, rubbing circles into his temples. “We aren’t running a pigsty, after all. So get back to work and don’t let me see you on your phones until the break.” 
“Yes, Riddle,” you and Cater murmur in unison, heads bowed submissively. Riddle studies your expressions for a moment longer before taking the clipboard and turning on his heel with a huff. He pushes past the striped saloon door and disappears into the storage room to begin the tedious task that is inventory. 
Cater leans closer to you, slides your phone into the depths of your apron pocket, and whispers, “Riddle’s always been, like, super loaded. His parents are magic doctors and I heard that makes good money. So why’s he working part-time?”
Like I’d know. We haven’t talked in years.
“The commoner’s lifestyle is exciting, or so they say. Even the rich want to experience it now. Maybe that’s why they look for partners who can hardly support themselves.”
“Yikes. Talk about a power trip.”
“Or a huge win for me. Student debt sucks.” You wave to the couple sliding out of the booth to your right. They return your gesture with broad smiles. “Wouldn’t you want to date someone rich? Then all of your problems would go poof!”
“Money can’t solve everything, lovely. What happened to personality?” Clicking his tongue, he drapes himself against the counter in an overdramatic feint of despair. “What has our world come to?”
“It must be ending if we’re letting that strawberry devil act like the king of the diner.”
“He fits the part nicely, though. You have to admit these uniforms are super cute.” Cater glances at the storage room before withdrawing his phone for a quick selfie. “And this place is a perfect backdrop for my Magicam feed! Pose with me!” 
“I never really cared for it, but I guess the aesthetic is appealing.” You tap at the plastic horns on your headband and force a grin for the camera. After Cater’s put his phone away, you add, “It’s just part of the gag, right?”
“It’s so much more than that! Don’t you understand what the ‘delight’ stands for in The Devil’s Delight? It’s devilishly delightful! Duh.” 
You reach into the bucket and pull a rag out. Wringing it free of excess water, you shrug at him. “People like old-fashioned, vintage things. Simpler times, simpler pleasures. Isn’t that why this place gets so much foot traffic during the high season?”
“You have much to learn,” he says with a disappointed tut. 
Rolling your eyes, you pass the rag to him and reach for the dirty dishes on the table. Cater flits over to a booth near the window, where a little girl has just knocked over her milkshake. The liquid drips from the table in fat droplets, landing on the clean tiles in patterns reminiscent of blood spatter. It’s a pastel crime scene, one that’s endearingly sweet and innocently pink. While Cater’s in the process of retrieving the glass and consoling the girl to the best of his ability, you carry the dishes over to the sink. He meets you halfway, passing the empty glass to you, and you take it from him and drop it into the basin. 
“I’ll make another one. Strawberry with whipped cream and a cherry, right?” You meet the girl’s teary-eyed stare. She manages a shy nod while her mother assists Cater in clearing the table so that he may wipe it down. “I’ll put extra whipped cream just for you, so don’t cry. Mistakes happen all the time. We can’t control them.” 
At the mention of a larger portion, she perks up. “Thank you, miss!” 
There’s never a dull moment at this diner, you muse while grabbing a stainless steel milkshake cup and an ice cream scooper. But that’s good. It means this day is going to be rewarding. 
By the time you’ve reached the end of your shift, the afternoon has melted away into an array of breathtaking colors. Pinks and purples streak the sky, and you’re reminded of sorbet as you admire the retreating sun. Cater joins you at the window just as the last customer exits, the bell above the door jingling out a cheerful farewell. 
“Another day in the books,” he announces proudly, hands on his hips.
“I wouldn’t make note of it just yet.” Riddle stands behind the both of you with his arms crossed. “We’re on closing shift, which means I’d like to be out of here within the next hour. Only then will this day be ‘in the books,’ as you’ve put it.”
“And we’re back to work!” you announce, turning away from the window. Before you can take another step, Cater’s arm snakes around your waist and pulls you against him for a selfie. He snaps a photo before you can look presentable, which graces your Magicam-obsessed friend with an unflattering view of you struggling to escape his grasp. Your expression is twisted in a mix of shock and vexation, and it certainly doesn’t appear photogenic despite the sun’s rays framing your head like a bright halo. “Hey! Delete that!”
“Too late. It’s going on Magicam! #Devil’sDelight. #SummerSunset. #nofilter. #besties4lyfe. #StaySeethingRiddle. And… Posted!”
“My dignity…”
“You have more to worry about than your dignity.” Riddle gestures to the room with a sweeping hand motion. “And you can start by wiping the tables. I’ll tally the register. Cater can finish the dishes and then he’ll mop.”
“No way. I did that last time.”
“Consider it a punishment for taking so many pictures during work.”
Cater looks to you for defense, but you can only offer your most confident thumbs-up. “And you did it wonderfully, too. Not all of us are split cards, my dearest Cay Cay.”
“Both of you are heartless devils!”
“Stay seething,” Riddle replies, sharing a victorious smirk with you.
It’s times like this one where you really connect with your high-strung friend. He’s always been particular about order and rules, especially when it comes to important things like managing a business or completing academic tasks. Even when the two of you were children, he had his sights set on the future while you would stand outside his window, tossing pebbles without a single thought in your happy-go-lucky brain. But with his mature outlook on life, it’s no surprise he was granted the position of manager just two weeks after starting. And here you were competing with Cater for that role, foolishly bickering over who’d make a better diner manager. 
Deep in your soul, you’re certain Riddle could cut more of an impressive leader than you could. Your measly shadow only ever wavers at the mere insinuation of taking charge of things like your present and future. If you could, you’d drift through life on a zephyr and shed every fear that dares to tread upon your good mood. 
Your phone buzzes in your pocket while you’re wiping the surface of a nearby table, and you glance at Riddle to check if he’s still attentively counting money. Once you realize his focus isn’t going to stray anytime soon, you cease cleaning and pull your mobile out to read the notification. 
[You’ve matched with sea♡sluggi! Chat with them now!] 
Exhaling a weary breath, you unlock your phone to inspect the user’s profile. There’s nothing outstanding about their bio, which lists a standard greeting, an age, pronouns, and a few emoticons. A location isn’t noted so you can’t possibly determine if they’re nearby or not, and their profile picture displays a woman holding up a cat and flashing a peace sign at the camera. Enticed by her bright grin and the mirth crinkling her eyes, you swipe to the chat feature and type a short greeting. Once it’s sent you slip your phone inside your pocket and return to the task at hand.
It isn’t until you’re standing under the awning outside, bathed in the crimson illumination from the sign that flashes the diner’s name, when you finally withdraw your mobile. Riddle’s twisting the key in the lock while Cater hums a nonchalant tune and checks Magicam, and you scroll through the app to read and respond to the messages you missed while cleaning up. Of those missed messages, the user from before pops up.
[sea♡sluggi] heey, thanks for the reply! :D i’m not used to these sorts of apps, so i was worried i’d end up making a fool out of myself… my friends dared me to swipe on someone and u looked nice enough to reject me gently >_< 
[(Name)] That makes two of us lmao I haven’t used this account in a while
[sea♡sluggi] lol rip
[(Name)] But you seem nice! Are you an animal lover?
[sea♡sluggi] yep yep! i volunteer at the local shelter. hbu?
[(Name)] I work at a diner :/ nothing special or fulfilling about that. But I’m studying to be a marine biologist!!
[sea♡sluggi] impressive! maybe u can save our oceans with ur marine biology magic :D
[(Name)] I’ll do my best
[sea♡sluggi] i’m counting on u~ ♪♪
“That just about does it. Good work, both of you.”
You look up from the fluorescent, pocket-sized screen to return Riddle’s tender smile with one of your own. “Have a good night, Riddle.”
“Y-Yeah. You as well.” 
“See ya later, alligators!” Cater flashes a grin at you and Riddle before turning to address you specifically. “Call me if you get any bites. I want to know all the deets!”
“Roger that, Dr. Cay.”
He mocks a salute before turning the corner and disappearing from sight, his shadow stretching in the light. And then you hear the rumble of a car as it’s started up and he drives past the both of you, poking his head out to wave. Silence fills the void he’s left, and you and Riddle linger under the striped eave, eyeing the boardwalk in the distance. The wooden slats give way to the shallows beyond, where the horizon has become a tangle of blue and gray. A comfortable breeze rushes through the walkway, and you inhale the summery scents of sea salt and bonfire smoke. 
“See you later?” 
“Get home safely.” 
”Aw. You care. Should I be expecting a confession under the moonlight?” 
“Just don’t get into any trouble.” He scoffs and storms off, but you catch his whisper as it’s carried to you on the wind. “And I’ve always cared…” 
“Wait! Can… Can we take a walk together? It won’t be far. I promise.”
Riddle turns to face you and a tense beat passes between the two of you, filled with unspoken anecdotes of the past. Eventually, warmth bleeds into his sharp eyes and he nods. Smiling, you fall into step beside him. 
“Is everything okay?” 
If you had a single Madol for every time someone’s asked that cursed question, you’d be set for life. Probably. 
“I just wanted to catch up. Ask how the move went. When you messaged me saying you were moving, I didn’t think you’d actually do it. And then you got a job at DD! That’s the best coincidence in the world! But enough of my ramblings. How’s everything going?” 
You owe me that much after all this time, you’re tempted to add, but your lips clamp shut.
“Well, I was accepted into this internship program for magic doctors, but I won’t be starting it until next month. Since I’ll be pursuing another degree in autumn, I’d like to get accustomed to life by the sea if I’m going to be attending university and interning here. Moving hasn’t been too difficult either. The flat layout has been a pain, though. It has to be absolutely perfect or else there’s just no point.” He frowns disapprovingly at the ground, as if it’s to blame for the complications. “Other than that, I’d say things are going well.” Pride soon replaces his discontent, and it’s a clear portrait of a level of self-satisfaction you wish to achieve. 
“For real? Seriously? That’s amazing!” 
“It would be even more amazing if you submitted your application. Cater told me you’ve been stalling.”
“I… Yeah. Well.” You stuff your hands into your apron pocket and kick at a nonexistent stone on the path. “It’s complicated.”
“How so?”
“I want to do it. I really do and I’ve filled everything out. But…” A soft breath tumbles from your mouth. “I guess I’m having doubts now that I’ve come this far.” You peer down the empty street as you cross it, feeling Riddle’s eyes crawl up your face. Your feet slow to a halt and you stand there with your gaze locked firmly on your sneakers. “To be honest, I don’t know what I want to do with my life right now.”
It’s a heavy admission—one you entrust with Riddle because he’s mature and responsible—and you surmise he can handle the weight of this gut-churning honesty. Though perhaps you shouldn’t have dumped it on him so suddenly because his response has your walls upgrading to wood and then stone and then steel, until you're no longer a fractured fortress.  
“Sorry, sorry! I don’t know why I said that. Forget I said anything.” The strained chuckle you force out of the confines of your throat is unimpressive and hollow. Riddle doesn’t seem to buy it, nor does he laugh with you. “For now I’m happy working with you and Cater.”
“Part-time employment will only get you so far. It’s not smart to rely on dead-end jobs with minimum wage as a stable source of income. If you intend to own a house or start a family one day, you’ll need stability and a well-paying, full-time job.” 
“I know. That’s why I want to be a marine biologist. I want to talk to dolphins and study merfolk and do all of that fun, aquatic stuff.”
“Do you?” His brow raises, challenging you to spill the raw, unfiltered truth. “You’re nearly finished with your degree. You’d benefit from a position at a zoo or a rehabilitation center. Even a marine lab would be happy to have you. I can look for available internships and job listings if you’re not—”
“I’m going to be a marine biologist!” This time the bold declaration sounds convincing—to your ears, at least. “I promise I’ll submit the application tomorrow. I’ll head right over after lunch…or dinner. Or whenever I get the chance.”
“I’ll come with you.”
“You don’t have to. I don’t want to distract you from whatever it is you need to do.” You wave your hand through the air. “I’ll be fine on my own.” 
“I don’t mind setting time aside for you.” He turns the other way and clears his throat. “So… So don’t feel like you’re alone in this, all right? I’ll be here to support you. And even if you aren’t accepted, it’s not the end of the world. They’ll be missing out on your ‘big brain,’ as Cater often says.”
“Hah! With all of this hype talk, I’d better see you at my graduation,” you say with a grin. Before Riddle can get another word in, you seize his arm and tug him towards you. He stumbles, face contorting through mixed emotions. “My horoscope said something good would happen today! What do you think that could be?”
“What does that have to do with—ugh, seriously! Don’t just drag me into the street! We could get hit.” 
Your laugh permeates the air, silencing the rest of Riddle’s irritated tirade. His arm slackens in your grasp and a loud sigh slips from his pursed lips. 
“She said today’s color is blue. The only blue things around here are the ocean and the sky.” You glance at the sunless waters in the distance and inhale a determined breath. “Let’s go right now.”
“Now?!” Riddle shakes his wrist free, but your hand darts out to interlace with his. He gapes at the contact for a few seconds before promptly shaking his head and fixing his posture. “(Name), it’s late. What's gotten into you?”
“We haven’t hung out like this in a while.” When your eyes lock with his, Riddle swallows anxiously and glances between you and the path you’re meant to take. “Live a little.”
“I’d prefer to live during the day when there’s enough light,” he grumbles, but he allows you to pull him in the direction of the boardwalk. The street lamps, their bulbs crowded with insects, cast speckles of amber on his face, highlighting the wine-colored hue that stains his cheeks. “What’s so special about the color blue anyway?”
“I don’t know, but she said it was the color of bruises and sadness. Uh, there was something else as well. I can’t remember it, though.”
“I’m not following. Who said all of that?” 
“It’s not important right now. Look!” You gesture towards the brightly lit boardwalk. Energy pours from the people gathered on the wooden platform. Some are stumbling out of a bar and some are lingering under the glowing Ferris wheel. There are couples and friend groups populating the area, all caught up in the alluring nature of the seaside nightlife. A full moon casts a circular spotlight on the lively scene and you can feel the energy digging its fangs into you, tempting you with its candy-coated escapism. “Should we take a detour?”
“You’re more than welcome to, but I can’t indulge in this foolishness.” He huffs. “I have a lot that needs to be ready for tomorrow and I can’t afford to fit any useless interruptions into my already tight schedule.” 
“I know you’re busy. I just thought it’d be nice to hang out like old times.” You toe the ground, tracing a circle into the concrete. “At least come down to the shore with me. Please?”
After what feels like an eternity of crushing silence, Riddle groans in defeat. “Ten minutes. That’s all I’m willing to give you.”
“That’s all I need.”
With your friend trudging behind, you lead him away from the main road towards the beach. The wind picks up with every step, clawing at the fabric of your work uniform with restless gusts—as if warning you to turn back while you still can. A low hum rises in your throat, spilling past your lips like a waterfall of made-up melodies, and it isn’t long until you’re skipping towards the ocean. Riddle can just barely keep up with your pace and he stumbles down the slope, a string of complaints following his sluggish movements. 
With your hands situated on your hips, you inhale the briny air and watch the waves that crawl towards the shoreline. Through a thin veil of wispy clouds in the velvety sky the moon reflects in your awestruck eyes, a pale pearl withholding seductive secrets. Riddle’s feet shuffle through the grit and he stands stiffly at your side like an attentive soldier ready to throw himself into the frontlines of an intense battle. 
“Why’d you come here?”
“No reason in particular.”
“Really? I’d have thought you’d have a reason perfectly outlined and annotated.”
He chuckles. “How about this? Living in a coastal city is a valuable change of pace with new avenues for opportunity.”
“It’s far from lame.”
“Says the lame one.”
“I’ll have your head for that.” 
Now it’s your turn to laugh. The distinct sound pierces the air and Riddle glances at you as you grip your sides. “It’s good to have you back, Riddle!” you exclaim, wiping at an invisible tear.
I missed you.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, frowning at the waves that curl and fold in the distance. “Thank you…”
Something scuttles past his shoes in the sand and he flinches away, tripping over his feet in an effort to regain his stability. His hand latches onto your arm on instinct and, caught by surprise with the additional weight you’re now forced to bear, you’re unable to support the both of you. With a yelp, you’re tugged down alongside Riddle as he falls and you land in a heap on the ground. Whatever creature startled Riddle to begin with has buried itself in a protective layer of sand, hidden from both sight and mind. Another gust of wind rakes cold fingers through your scalp. 
With a grimace, you suck in a breath through clenched teeth. “I think I sprained my ankle! Damn. That really hurts…”
Riddle’s eyes grow impossibly large and he reaches for you, hands grasping air as he moves to touch you and then draws back, conflicted. “Ah, um… M-My apologies! I’ll help you to a hospital. If there’s anything else I can do to—” His distress is soon silenced by your poorly concealed snort.
“Just kidding!” You sit up and spread your arms, unflinching when Riddle sends you his meanest glare. “I’m okay. Can’t say the same for your pride, though.” Your fingertips rifle through the sand until you feel the cool, rough exterior of the crustacean that caused this entire mishap. Lifting it by its body, you dangle it in front of Riddle, who jerks away the minute its foreboding pincers snap at him. “Ta-da!”
“P-Put that thing down!”
“But it’s cute.” 
“It’s dangerous,” he snaps. “Get rid of it before it hurts you.” 
Rolling your eyes, you rise from the sand and brush the particles from your apron before meandering towards the shoreline. As you bend down to release the crab, your eyes catch sight of something in the distance. A shadowy outline loiters underneath the boardwalk, swaying in time with the flow of the surf like a buoy at sea or a stationary boat riding a current. The crab scurries towards the reaching waves, swept away the moment you blink. You stare at the mass for a few drawn-out seconds before turning to Riddle.
“Hey, there’s something under the boardwalk. I think it’s stuck to one of the posts.”
“What is it?” He dusts himself off and covers the distance to get to you.
“I’m not sure, but it looks like a float. Sort of.” 
“Well, don’t get closer. We don’t know what it is.”
“But what if it’s something mysterious? Like hidden treasure! Ooh, that would be so cool. We’d be rich, wouldn’t we?”
“If it really was hidden treasure, we wouldn’t be seeing it right now.” Riddle shakes his head. “It’s probably litter or driftwood. The ocean carries all sorts of trash.”
“You’re being too critical. It’s not as bad as you make it out to be, Mr. Grumpypants.”
“I am not a ‘Mr. Grumpypants.’ I’m being realistic.”
“And I’m being unrealistic, so let’s go get ourselves some treasure!”
With a whoop, you drag an unwilling Riddle towards the strange buoy. He protests the entire way, but you don’t miss the way his hand squeezes yours. Once you’re within close proximity, the figure begins to take a clearer form and you approach it with slow, determined steps. From the light provided by the street lamps lining the boardwalk, the shadowy mass finally shapes into a human silhouette, their head bowed and body half-submerged in the water. 
“Hello? Are you okay?” You take a step towards them, but Riddle’s grip tightens. You gaze at him. “They might need help.”
“They’re not responsive…” 
“They’re probably drunk. Hold on.” You shake your arm free, ignoring Riddle as his hand chases desperately after yours, and glance at the person. “Hey, wake up! Now’s not the time to be…sleeping…” 
And then you notice it. Under the moon’s silver glow, the water is stained a foggy vermillion. The person, who you’ve determined to be a male from closer analysis, has a gaping hole carved into his chest cavity, where his innards are currently oozing out in thick, waterlogged trails. Your jaw drops in muted horror when you realize he’s been tied to the post with nylon rope, the twine digging into his skin like a tightened noose. Drying blood streaks down his cheeks in twin rivers. You don’t want to assume the worst, but when you catch sight of his hollowed eye sockets you know right away that something about this corpse isn’t natural. 
The water continues to rock him to and fro, simulating a mother’s loving cradle.
Riddle pushes past you, pupils blown wide. “Don’t get too close! Honestly, how careless can you be? You can’t just walk up to a—” He chokes on his words once his gray hues fall upon the grisly sight and he staggers away so quickly that he loses his footing and lands in the sand with a muffled thump. “G-Great Seven, this is—”
“A crime scene,” you finish, bile rising in your throat. “And we’re standing in the middle of it.”
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