Fear is felt differently by omnics. Within humans, it is a sensation, a prickling cold feeling which starts in the mind and spiderwebs itself down the body. For an omnic, fear presented itself completely differently but, in essence, entirely the same. It was quantifiable, finite and terrifyingly visceral. 
In this way, Zenyatta was overwhelmingly aware that he only had a 33% control over his body, and his health lingered just above below 42%. He was aware the the joints of his arm were no longer functioning, and by the feel of it, his omnic orbs were no longer reacting to his magnetic call. That function within his cranial unit had been disabled. Two pistons on his neck were snapped off from their hinges and the rest hissed under the strain of holding up his metal head. There was moderate damage done to his legs and the functionality of his ankles had been compromised. His eyes flickered dangerously, causing his vision to blur every now and then. Even if he had wanted to escape, it was virtually impossible. 
Clear your mind. The fear cannot overtake you unless you allow it to do so.
Zenyatta trained himself into a meditative state. He willed the knowledge of impending doom away. He forced himself not to dwell on the sudden ambush attack. How one moment, he was hovering along, healing his allies, and the next he had blacked out completely. He tried his best not to think of his dwindling ‘chance of survival’ percentage, or the slow shutting down of his metal form. 
The most important question of all seemed to be, why capture him? What could they possibly want from him. And, what was the true purpose of him being here in the first place? 
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chronal-anomaly · 8 years
Texts! || accepting
24. A final text
[Text: Children’s nightmares] You can’t come back, 
[Text: Children’s nightmares] We gave you chance after chance to come back
[Text: Children’s nightmares] You wasted them. 
[Text: Children’s nightmares] I never want to see you again, Gabriel Reyes. 
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singsong-hana-blog · 8 years
☔💄 ( Just kill me already, blame the date )
Hana’s wild imagination - @deathblcsscm - Selectively Accepting
Reaper asks, Hana gets pissed and slaps him with fermented cabbage.
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warcaptained-a-blog · 8 years
"Just go quietly" his voice is uncharacteristically calm. Anna was cradled upright in one arm, shotgun, the tool that put her here rested over both their laps. Reaper had come to sit beside the dying sniper. His words are followed by a faint chuckle. " Fareeha Never did get the chance to follow in your footsteps... That makes you the last one off my list, Anna... your fight is over, and it is time to go home". His form turned to smoke, consuming them both. Anna and Reaper's bodies were no more.
meme. “ ana's dying in your muse's arms. ” | accepting.@deathblcsscm !!
      the want to fight everything is there, but the willpower is absent –– perhaps it's lost in the red leaking from every hole in her back. of course he wouldn't face her when pulling the trigger. she wonders if he even kept his eyes open. ana loathes this helplessness, caught between the urge to drag herself from the reaper's hold and the growing ease in her body as everything slowly loses feeling. her heart is racing alongside her mind, thinking of her daughter as he mentions her by name –– fareeha. she wants to spit back at him that her fight is and never will be over, even after the first time she “died”. but he's right. the softness in his tone touches upon memories of a kinder man, one she called her friend. her breathing slows and she thinks again of her baby girl, briefly of her friends long since dead and those who lived on to keep peace and protect the innocent. a hand grasps weakly at the collar of the reaper's armour, forcing herself up slightly to take in the stark white of the mask one last time. behind it, death wore a familiar face and she tries to remember it as it once was. now, she thinks that maybe it's time to rest and go quietly as he tells her to. a small smile on her face, wrinkles creasing at the corner of her mouth and eye, the old sniper feels peaceful. maybe it is time to go home, to rest. her last thought is of her daughter and how proud she is of the girl she raised to protect; a legacy she chose for herself. black smoke curls around her, swarming her darkening vision until there's nothing left to see.
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jxsticiero · 8 years
@deathblcsscm liked THIS for a starter!
Inspiration : Mrs. Potato Head by Melanie Martinez
Jesse was the number one honeypot in Blackwatch. It was his job to become the fantasy of these outrageous people and earn their trust only to use it to destroy it.  Yet when he began this part of his job, it had been easy. The people were into Jesse’s type and he could be charming and get his way. But his face was becoming known, and his charm wasn’t good enough every time. 
Which is what led to this idea. He was taught make up, taught how to temporarily change who he was. Meaning a different nose, contacts, wigs or even just dying his hair. When Jesse looked into the mirror, he was barely himself anymore.
And these men or women lived for it. It made his stomach turn every time. Returning home, being fixed back to Jesse and not this honey pot. It starts to wear on a man. But it was nothing compared to this round.
It ended bad.
The target figured out the face wasn’t Jesse’s own. Realized who he was. Too close. Too many like minded targets. He scratched into the layers of posthetic and makeup. The man said a lot of cruel words. When they got him handled, Jesse remained in the bathroom. Shaking.
He didn’t know when his Boss walked in.
Jesse did know how disgusting he looked in the mirror, he assumed to Gabe he would look even worse. He wouldn’t look at Gabe.
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vortexnomad · 8 years
Sidon jumps into the air before straightening herself out, giving Reaper a look of annoyance.
“Jeez, dude, what was that about!?”
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deathblcsscm replied to your post: @savedgirl I’m going to protect you.
I kinda wanna stalk just to see a protective Fury vs Reaps.
fury will focken battle reaper if he puts a finger on girlfriend
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chronal-anomaly · 8 years
"You're incapable of saving anyone. You needed a stupid Monkey to rescue you from your time conundrum. You needed a child to save you in the museum. Just how long do you intend to believe this delusion that you are anything more than a nuisance in need of saving?". (( Really aiming low here, what a great first impression I make ))
[Crumble a wall, build another || accepting ](http://chronal-anomaly.tumblr.com/post/157038330428/try-to-break-my-muses-heart-and-theyll-rate-on-a)“ ‘ same monkey that managed t’ kick your ass, love.” A grin lurked behind her words. Sure, Lena had faults, but she had saved plenty and had been saved plenty. It’s a two way street. “Sure, we needed a child. But the world could always use more heroes. And that’s exactly what he was. ‘ also kicked your ass, Reaps. Hardly think that this is the worst thing that could happen to me.” 3/10
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singsong-hana-blog · 8 years
"Your fifteens seconds of fame are over, Hanna"
She rolls her eyes. “Sure means a lot coming from some has been commander like you- oh wait, you didn’t get the promotion did you?”
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jxsticiero · 8 years
my URL, cause im vein.
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: Reaper/Gabe is such a character that I take personal love in. Like honestly, this edgy/hurt/ect guy deserves love and my Jesse just looks up to him and loves him and im hurt.how they play them: honestly, they definitely search through a side, I feel some people are nervous to go through. in the thread we currently have, we explore the idea that while gabe cares, he has to make his people strong so he can’t reach out a hand easily.the mun: sends me random comments sometimes which brightens up my day, and they seem nice enough though we haven’t spoken tooo much
do i;
follow them: yesrp with them: yeswant to rp with them: courseship their character with mine: yes and no, it varies in general both on time and the thread and chemistry and yeah. i like mc/reyes/reaper but it really depends on the player. for this specific reaper, we haven’t directly discussed so in our thread right now, no.
what is my;
overall opinion: lovely reaper, lovely mun, go check ‘em out
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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chronal-anomaly · 8 years
Pretend there’s a creative title for this one || not accepting
Lena believes that she can still save Gabe from Reaper. 
Reaper is still trying to kill her for the museum.
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sxmmetryiskey-blog · 8 years
@deathblcsscm the latter. Everyday use and all that
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