vortexnomad · 7 years
@demonicdiligence bad @ showin it but she loves u
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vortexnomad · 7 years
“Huh, well, you must’ve travelled more than I did then huh? I brought back a bunch of stuff from where I went. It’s apparently a custom to give travellers a bunch of things there. It’s kinda neat. They got a lot of fancy stuff.”
“Oooh…What are you making?” He stretched in his seat again, a few sore bones cracking. Wew.  “Yeah. 4 days. Walked while it was daylight and just slept through the night. I almost fell in a ravine. And plants. Oooh. Nice.” 
Jan took notice of the plants around. It was a nice touch to the otherwise plain looking room. He was glad the other kept coming back. 
“Ain’t that always how it goes?” She grinned and gave the pot a few stirs, before turning around and tilting her head at him. “Can I see? I’m real curious!”
Did he mean stuff like clothes? Ornaments? Weapons? Food, maybe? She had to know.
“Beef stew! I made a lot of it... Figured it would last me a few days so I wouldn’t have to go out in the cold again...” Despite having been born in winter, it was absolutely Sidon’s least favorite season. “What!? Dude, don’t fall when I’m not around! I’ll never know what happened to you...”
She chuckled and nodded, serving them up two bowls of the hot stew, rolling her sleeves up to do so.
“I’m real bad with animals, but I wanted somethin’ to keep me busy, too. Plants seem like a nice commitment.”
Closed RP with Vortexnomad
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vortexnomad · 7 years
Finally, he just covered the stuff for the night. There isn’t really any thieves in town but. Yeah. He was pretty tired. With that, he nearly dropped the key, jamming it into the door lock. Success.
Once inside, he was greeted by a pretty excited Sidon. He caught the other with a snicker, a bit cold to the touch. “Heey. Yeah I’m back. The west is a strange place….Hopefully you wern’t uh, too lonely while I was gone.” 
With that, he let go and undid his travel coat and then his boots, heading to his couch right after, sitting with a sigh of relief. “Whew. That was one hell of  a trip…Took 4 days by foot.” He smiled a bit and streeeeettccched. “How have you been?”
“I was! I was lonely.” She had no problem saying this, as it was absolutely the truth, but she didn’t look annoyed. She was just happy he’d returned. “But it’s ‘kay, cause I went around a few other universes in the meantime, y’know? Met some folk, but not a lot.”
She grinned and clasped her own hands, heading over to the kitchen as she maintained the conversation. “I’m makin’ food, and that’s another thing. I came back every night just to see if you might be there! You’ll also notice I got some plants...”
She turned off the fire beneath the pot and folded her arms. Chilly... She was glad the house’s main source of warmth was back.
“That long, huh? What’s even over there?” Chuckling, she pulled her hair up. “I’ve been okay. Y’know, keepin’ as busy as I could.”
Closed RP with Vortexnomad
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vortexnomad · 7 years
Sidon had kept busy those few months. She’d kept the house tidy, had actually bought and placed plants around to keep it lively, and to give her something to do while she was indoors. Hunting in the winter was her least favorite thing, but she figured a challenge wasn’t bad from time to time.
She had no idea when he’d be back, so all she could do was stare out the window in the afternoons and wait.
With a large pot of stew burning slowly, she almost nodded off before hearing the front door unlock. Could it be...?
Running to the entrance like a puppy, she dashed towards Jan, arms open.
“You’re back!!”
Closed RP with Vortexnomad
Here was Jan. After months of travel out of country, he was back. With a whole bunch of new things, he had left home with empty hands, only to come back with a cartful of things. It’s starting to get chilly. Light snow fell from the sky, which of course, the knight wasn’t too pleased about.
Soon, Jan was back in town, carting his newfound stuff towards home, fumbling with his key as he approached home.
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vortexnomad · 7 years
Bogdan & Lazar, the two guards who were carefully patrolling the elevators on the first floor weren’t expecting visitors to come any time soon. Things were getting a bit too boring for them, but they were very well-aware that there were some certain responsibilities that needed to be taken, which is why they tried their best not to complain much about not encountering too much action or excitement like the other members seemed to do. After all, those positions of theirs granted them the privilege to drink as much as they wanted when they were off duty, so it wasn’t all bad for the comrades in white & blue.
Things got a little interesting when a mysterious, hooded lady with spiky, metal legs entered the establishment completely unannounced, though. Bogdan and Lazar have never seen someone so unusual-looking in their lives before, which, of course, made them feel even more wary about her as they placed their fingers on the triggers of their assault rifles, ready to pull them in case things became worse.
Bogdan then spoke up with a serious tone in his voice, a tone that would usually intimidate the typical frail explorer who thinks it’s a good idea to enter private properties with guards armed to the teeth.
“Stop moving, lady! Do you have any business with Mr. Lebedev for you to be walking in here?”
Fuck! Guns! The men inside had guns! She should have expected something like this, especially in a city like Miami. Sidon panicked, looking around for a tear in the fabric of spacetime to be able to make a swift exit if needed, only to find she was stuck with only the doorway as an exit point. The men were threatening to shoot her if she moved, though, so she couldn’t just take a few steps back and disappear...
Or could she? 
She very nearly began to shift backwards, eyes trained on the uniformed men in front of her- which, of course, would be hard to tell since she had no pupils- when she stopped entirely, focusing on their words. Mr. Lebedev.  Who was that? The owner of this place; their boss, surely.
And a possible opportunity to keep exploring this pristine place. She’d take what she could get, as always.
“Ye-yeah! Lebedev! I’m here to see him, we... Heh. We go way back.” Frozen in place with her hands in the air, it was sort of hard for her to smile, but she managed anyway, cheeks going pink as she did so. 
With her shirt tied around her waist, she felt so very naked in front of these armed men. 
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vortexnomad · 7 years
Doot doot!
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vortexnomad · 7 years
“Yeah, well, not when I’m tryin’ to smuggle stolen food into my bag... Gotta live off this place somehow when there’s shit all to hunt.”
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She placed a few apples into her bag and slung it over her shoulder. Had to survive somehow, she figured. She wasn’t like him- she needed food.
“Glad to see you missed me, though.”
Why else would he be here?
Sidon jumps into the air before straightening herself out, giving Reaper a look of annoyance.
“Jeez, dude, what was that about!?”
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vortexnomad · 7 years
Sidon jumps into the air before straightening herself out, giving Reaper a look of annoyance.
“Jeez, dude, what was that about!?”
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vortexnomad · 7 years
She’s landed herself in Miami again. After not visiting for a while, she’s decided she misses the warmth and neon glow of the strange city. This time, however, she’ll push her limits and find somewhere new to explore. 
She knows most people don’t take kindly to a girl with blades for legs, but who knows? Maybe they’ll think it’s some quirky fashion statement. It does seem to be the place for that kind of thing.
Walking up to a pristine white building with several fancy looking cars outside, she rubs her cheek for a moment before deciding to head inside. 
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vortexnomad · 8 years
Kant gives Sidon one of his best hugs and some yummy food that he cooked. "Happy Birthday, Sidon. Hopefully this will be better than that stew you always make out there." he said, with a sweet smile.
Leaping into his arms, Sidon squeezes into the hug before looking up at Kant with a playful brow raised. “What’s wrong with my stew?? But no, seriously! Thank you so much!” 
She’ll be enjoying the food... if she can make it last for more than thirty seconds. 
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vortexnomad · 8 years
Queue the demon bringing Sidon breakfast in bed. And by breakfast, he means cake of course! And a milkshake on the side. "Happy birthday, babe!"
Sidon’s hands fly to her cheeks. She hasn’t been awake five minutes and already there’s two of her favorite things in front of her!
“I am gonna have the sugar rush of the century! You shouldn’t have!” She leans up to kiss him before even attempting to eat, so that should tell you something.
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vortexnomad · 8 years
Junkrat wandered up to the woman and proceeded to poke one of her blades with the side of his pegleg, a heavy frown on his face while he set his hands on his hips.
“Hooly dooly. Those things are terrifyin’. Where can I get one??” He looked up to her face with a joking grin.
Although part of him was serious. He would fucking love a blade leg.
((I hope this works this time hahah xD))
((I’m so sorry I didn’t see this, darlin!!!))
Sidon jumped at the sudden contact, looking up in shock at the sight of a stranger who appeared to be on fire! Or, well, have been on fire at some point. Her first instinct, of course, is to pout and cross her arms, but she soon realizes the man means no real offense with his comment.
“Backalley clinic, I guess!” She shrugged, and although it’s a sensitive subject, she couldn’t help but smile. “Though they’re a bit of a trademark, so I’m not sure I can let you steal my look!”
Her smile widened as she realized the man was also missing a leg- and an arm!
“Your leg’s pretty snazzy too, though!”
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vortexnomad · 8 years
I’m sorry I’m never ever around- but it’s Sidon’s birthday so I had to just. Say how much I love her shkdkas
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vortexnomad · 8 years
She quickly retracted her hand, looking up at him with a shy smile, as if she knew she’d been caught doing something bad but didn’t quite care. The stranger had nice eyes to match his hair, too!
“Sorry, I just... wanted to know if it was real.”
brush c: (gr9 first meeting)
Dhon turned his head to glare visciously at the stranger who started running her fingers through his hair, vivid red eyes locking on her face and silently threatening to burn her hand off.
“… Don’t touch the mohawk, chica.” He warned darkly.
((Ahahah yooo xD))
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vortexnomad · 8 years
kemuriin replied to your post:i can’t stress how much it matters to me that...
jesus has someone been doing that? thats awful
plenty of times in the past, sure! but now it seems they don’t anymore and that makes me really happy ;v; especially since we interact with the same people
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vortexnomad · 8 years
i can’t stress how much it matters to me that people who don’t like me don’t try to get others to dislike me too ;_; <3
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vortexnomad · 8 years
elmorebacon replied to your post:okay well for one reason or another this account...
a gohst :o
oH m  y god he  llo
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