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“You can’t fix grief” said Simon. “A rabbi told me that when my father died. The only thing that fixes grief is time, and the love of the people who care about you, and Tavvy has that.” He squeezed Mark’s shoulder briefly. “Take care of yourself,” he said. “Shelo ted’u od tza’ar, Mark Blackthorn.”
“What does that mean?” said Mark.
“It’s a blessing,” said Simon. “Something else the rabbi taught me. ‘Let it be that you should know no further sorrow.”
Mark inclined his head in gratitude; faeries knew the value of blessings freely given. But his chest felt heavy nonetheless. He could imagine the sorrows of his family would be ending soon.
|Queen of Air and Darkness, p. 16
E così ha inizio.
Di sicuro la maggior parte dei lettori condivide i sentimenti e il presentimento di Mark. Ora dobbiamo farci coraggio, dire addio alla piccola Livvy e sopportare insieme ad Emma e ai Blackthorn il dolore e le difficoltà che stanno per affrontare.
Simon Lewis era mancato a tutti, insieme alle parole di saggezza che porta, perché è proprio di una benedizione che abbiamo bisogno per procedere in questo cammino di sofferenza e perdita.
And so it begins.
Surely, the majority of you shares Mark’s feelings and foreboding. Now we have to be courageous, say goodbye to little Livvy and bear together with Emma and the Blackthorns the pain and grief and the hardships they are about to face.
Also, we all missed Simon Lewis and the words of wisdom he always carries for we surely need a blessing to keep going on this path of sorrow and loss.
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