icemastercadet-blog · 9 years
Seven made her way to the apartment next door. She was a bit nervous at what she was about to do. She was sure Sice would get the wrong idea about what she would ask. Steeling her nerves she knocked.
Seven planned on asking Sice to the ball.
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7thwhipofagito · 9 years
The reaper’s birthday. @deathmaelstrom
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『七』 “Hey. Happy Birthday.” Grinned the silvertte. What she had, behind her back... ...Was a present for the birthday girl. A box that had a moogle plushie. Who oddly looked like a certain lancer. Nine, in fact. “Here.”
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ichthyoknight · 9 years
--- @deathmaelstrom liked for a starter;;
     She seemed to have misplaced something and caught sight of it underneath the bench. Not initially catching sight of the human girl sitting on the opposite end, Undyne lifts the bench’s closer half up so she can grab the item. 
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     “Found it! ... Oh-- WHOA, someone’s sitting on this?” 
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Send a Virtue!
Fortitude Strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage.
Lapis, despite being submissive to the likes of Yellow Diamond, has actually shown a good amount of fortitude! She stood up to Jasper and ended up trapping the much larger Gem with little more than a fusion and the ocean. Though she does stay away from many conflicts, her mind is always set and determined, and she has a strong will. Though her gem has been cracked, it would be hard to make her crack mentally.
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passafrisk-blog · 9 years
Frisk always thinks of a way to avoid a fight. Even if the enemy looks like a relentless killer, Frisk is capable of finding some way to get past them, even if it is just running when they get the chance.
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bonetrousled-blog · 9 years
What looked like a skeleton in the River Person’s robe stood out to the helpful and help-seeking Papyrus. That would have enough to bring him over on its own, but it was something they were doing that really caught his eye.
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「 HELLO! 」 A friendly smile and a cheer, the way to show that you are here! 「 WHY ARE YOU PULLING ON YOUR FACE? DO YOU NEED ANY HELP WITH THAT? 」
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passafrisk-blog · 9 years
♣ - a fading memory
♣ - a fading memory
They sat on a bench. They waited for hours before it becameapparent that she wasn’t coming back. Even when they knew, they had nowhere togo. They couldn’t remember the way home, they’d never needed to know before.Even if they got there, how could they get inside? It was an impossiblesituation.
Everyone once and a while, someone would ask them wheretheir parents were. It was bad, but they lied. They said their parents weregetting icecream, or in the bathroom. They were too young to be out here by themself,but some parents didn’t care. But lying only worked so long, and eventuallysomeone called the cops.
Frisk gave no resistance when they were picked up, but theywouldn’t tell. Even if their parents didn’t want them, they wouldn’t betraythem. They had to have a reason for leaving, right?
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reflectguard-blog · 9 years
Unlike many of the people who found themselves in a bookstore by mere chance, Queen had become a professional at shopping for books even before she'd come to Hive City. Her practice revealed itself in the way she balanced the stack of books in her arms - a heavy collection that included all manner of works. That was one good thing about coming to Hive City, at least. Being unable to fight left her free to persue all manner of activities. Above all, it gave Queen the ability to read more than she'd thought possible.
This particular afternoon had left Queen with a serenity that seemed unbreakable. She'd spent a good hour wandering between the shelves of books until she finally found what she wanted. It could be said that Queen was experiencing a peace of spirit that she'd never felt before. With an entire afternoon ahead of her that would no doubt stretch long into the evening, Queen planned on finishing a book or two. The entire prospect itself was exciting. Perhaps she would even be able to learn new tactics for when she eventually returned to her world.
The teen's newfound peace, however, would be shattered by a commotion near the checkout. With a deep sigh, Queen made her way to the front with the intention of purchasing her books and leaving before things got out of hand. To her surprise, though, she recognized the voice that was arguing. Yes, she knew that voice very well. Turning the corner of a bookshelf, Queen was left with the checkout counter in full view and, with it, the young woman she knew so well.
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Dropping her books onto the counter with a loud slam!, the female adjusted her glasses with a smile. "Please excuse her. She has no manners. Whatever it is that she has done, I will gladly help cover for it." And with that, Queen snapped her violet gaze to Sice. "Isn't that right, Sice?"
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